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โ—‡COMPLETEDโ—‡ Legolas X Reader: "The tower of Cirith Ungol was but a faint memory far off in the east that loo... Altro

1: Bestowed Gifts
2: A long Expected Party
3: Strangers In The Night
4: Mushrooms!
5:Mind Intruders
6: Rivendale
7:Meetings and Watery Run In's
8: Lead The Way
9: Monsters and Cabbage
10: Yellow Flowers
12: Battles and Blushes
13: Secrets and Say What!
14: This Can't Be Happening!
15: Hell And Back Again
16: Fate Of Merry And Pippin
17: Smoulder
18: Thuringwethil and The Took
19: Rohan
20: Follow Your Heart
21: Out of The Gloom
22: The Case Of The Yellow Boots
23: Part Of This World
24: Battle Of Helms Deep
25: Golden Eyes
26: The Trials Of The Valar
27: Seven Stars Of Doom
28: The White Tree
29: The Grey Havens
30: New Story Now Available

11: The Mines

2K 94 38

Golden rays of morning sunlight pooled around the hollow in the mountain where the Fellowship decided to take refuge the previous night, though it did nothing in the way of heating them up.

The chilly air whipped down their backs as they started the assent up the snow engulfed mountain. It was silent for the most part as they struggled up the slope, apart from odd remarks of hunger pangs or an extra slippery patch in the ice, none of them had the energy nor the strength to withstand a conversation, especially after the stunt Boromir pulled by taking up the ring. The further they climbed, the harder it was to breathe as they pushed out billowing clouds of icy breathe infront of their faces, furthering the difficulty of seeing properly as the icy ghusts stung their eyes. It was all a vicious cycle really. You were lagged at the back with Frodo and Aragorn in tow, infront of you, Boromir was heaving Merry and Pippin up and out of the snow every so often. You thought your legs were about to stop working all togeather since your atire was only made up of Jeans, a shirt and a hoodie, which did not protect you from the sub zero temperatures. Your body trembled with the cold as you stuck your hands deeper into your pockets, being carefull not to squish poor Cabbage, whom was having a great time! He was curled up in your pocket, eating what you asumed was the equivalent to fairy food that Gandalf had given him. What did concern you though was the odd little chirpy laughter that would emit from your pockets every so often, but you did not question it. The fellowship were now treading through the deepest snow yet, with added fear of the looming cliff face to the left of them, and the plumeting drop to their right. The further you went up this part of the slope, the more you recognised from the films. At the front you spotted Legolas running ahead with such ease it made you jelouse of the elf. I could do that if I moved a bit quicker. Maybe if I- Splat. You landed face first, gaining a mouthful of natural slushy.

"There is a foul voice on the air!" Legolas yelled at the lagging group behind him as Gandalf started ploughing through the white build up. The Fellowship fell into another brief silence as they listened to the wind peircicing their eardrums, but under it there were notes of some sort of words, deep rumblings from far way.

"Saruman!" Gandalf cried out. As if on que, the whole mountin started to grumble and shake throwing sprinkles of snow over the edge. Oh shiz balls! You thought as the group quickly congragated to the cliff face, as far away from the edge as possible. You held your breath in fear, bracing yourself for the impact of the frozen avalanche. You stuck your hand in your pocket just in time to cover Cabbage.Then it hit. An enormus weight crushed you, pushing you down to the ground as the oxegen was shoved out of your lungs. Your heart rate picked up as you struggled trying to get out of the snow drift. Your limbs burned from the cold and your eyes teared up. Reaching one arm up, you felt freedom. You pushed your beaten body up through the snow, breaking through the surface. Your lungs filled with fresh air as you heaved your chest, or as much as you could due to the snow still around your midsection, restricting breathing. Great, I will totally look great with melted snow in my hair. With aid from Boromir (Who had Merry on his back, and Pip clinging onto his arm in fright) you managed to get freed from the frozen water. After a few bitter minutes of pulling everyone out of the snow, the Fellowship regrouped. You folded your arms over your body as you shuddered. Legolas seemed to have noticed as he gave you a weak smile causing your face to blotch up. Again. He seemed to have caught onto you blushing and pointed at his cheeks with a grin, mocking you. That darned elf! It's kinda cute though. You thought as your E/C eyes shot a playful glare his way.

"We must turn back, or it will be the death of the Hobbits. Take the Gap of Rohan!" Boromir struggled behind you with Merry and Pippin in his arms. This time Aragorn chimed in rather sharply.

"I would not take the ring of power within one hundred leagues of your city!" The ranger edged cloder to You and Frodo as Gandalf gave a glance at Gimli as he riled himself up, attempting to make elongate his height.

"Go Through The Mines Of Morrior! My cousin Ballin resides there, I am sure he will be welcoming, even Blondie over there." Gimli puffed and nodded his head towards Legolas.

"I would not go down the mines if it were my last choice, alas, we must let the Ring barer decide!" Gandalf said with a look of concern, aimed at the dark haired Hobbit who could barely stand on his own.

"It is decided, we will go through Morior." You closed your eyes and sighed. Very soon they were going to have to go through great pain and greif. You just hoped it wouldn't cause to much disruption as you were added to the mix. From now on you decided to not say anything to do with what they should do or where they should go. Fate would take it's on course.

The sun had started to set, covering the land in shadow and darkness. Not even the starlight could penetrate the thick cloud. You had been trying to spot the brightest star for the past few nights but it came to nothing. You guessed it was to do with the proximity Isengard and there fumes from building an army. You were now approaching the front gates of Morior, the snow had long gone and was replaced with overgrown paths and mounds that had a resembalince to great statues that went uncared for...or forgotten.

"Dwarf doors are magic, sometimes their masters cant find them." Gimli stated proudly, glancing at the elf beside him, scouring for any sign of envy.

"Why doesn't that suprise me?" You said sarcasticly, stealing Legolas's line which earned you a confused and suprised look from Lego boy and a glare from Gimli.

"I was just about to say that." Legolas looked at you whilst stumbling over a tuffet of dead grass. You bit your tounge to stop yourself from laughing at the embarresed elf, though Gimli was the polar opposite. The ginger dwarf was doubled over laughing, almost making poor Sam fall over him.

"I know." You said, pretending not to see him trip over. The group arrived at the gates . The stone doors were engraved with deep set runes with moss and other over grown plant life draping over the front.

"Speak friend and enter." Gandalf read out in a calm voice.

"What does that mean?" Frodo asked the old wizard, jumping at the splash behind him. He flung his head back to see Aragorn telling Merry and Pip not to stir the water.

"Simple, If you are a friend, speak the password."

Well that was going to take a while. You could of just told them but you didn't want to screw the timeline up. You were currently passing some red grain to Cabbage in your pocket. The poor guys house (your pocket) was all damp from the snow so he wasn't bright eyed or bushy tailed anymore.

"So what do you do back in your homeland for entertainment Y/N?" Pip asked you noticing your bored expression. You had to think for a Moment.

"We have T.V that we watch. It's basically a box that has people in it that move and talk and act out plays." You said as you scoured your brain for more forms of entertainment. "We read as well, and um...Our main source is our mobile phones." You stated, forgetting that they have no clue what any of that was.

"A mobile what!?" Merry asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"It's uh...never mind." You swung your legs over a dead stump to get a better seat.

"Friend...What's the Elvish word for friend?" Frodo asked with a spark in his eyes, stepping out of the darkness that covered him.

"Melon." Said Gandalf. Not a moment later, a massive crack sounded through the valley, causing birds nesting in nearby trees to flee. You flung yourself up in amazement as the stone doors creaked open revealing a vast room shrouded in darkness. On film it looked impressive, but now that you were here in person it seemed bewildering. You took one last look outside, especially at the eerie pool of misty water that seemed to ripple with no wind.

"Soon Mr Elf, you will be enjoying Malt beer and red meat of the bone. They call it a mine! A mine!" Gimli swooned, obviously not noticing the dead silence or the decaying body's underfoot.

"This is no Mine, it's a tomb!" Yelled Aragorn as he bent over Legolas who was inspecting the arrows protruding out of an old lacerated wound.

"Get out!" Gandalf cried out, but was too late. The next thing you new, Frodo was beside you, then he wasn't. A long slimy tentacle had wrapped its suckers around the poor Hobbits ankle and yanked him backwards.

"Frodo!" You yelled and rushed forwards trying to grab him. Your hands rapped around his upper arms as you used all your strength to heave him back, but there was a greater force tugging him away.

Your feet dragged across the ruble towards the pool, but you were determined not to let go of him. You felt arrows whiz passed your head, sometimes only a couple of centimeters away.

"Kill Squidward, not me!" You yelled at the blond archer who only gave a short apology. You were holding onto Frodo so tight you thought it would hurt him, but better that than being eaten by the under paid Crusty Crab cashier. You were edging closer and closer to the water now, so close that Frodo was half in submerged it and your shoes were sodden.

"Ahhh!" You heard Merry and Pip scream as they jumped in, swords in hand. A high pitch screech resonated from the creature as it dropped its grip on Frodo and splashed back into the water. You heaved the Hobbit up from the pool of decay, only to see the creature rise back up again.

"Into the mine." Gandalf roared, dragging Frodo with him. You felt a hand grab your arm and haul you into the great mine, just in time for you to see the creature crash into the doors, sending boulders crashing down, barricading you all in. Darkness. It's all you could see. Ragged breath, it's all you could hear apart from your thudding heart rate. Decay and dust, it's all you could smell. You were in a dark place, even the Hobbits could sense it. A blue orb lit up in front of your face, illuminating the area where you stood. At first you thought it was Gandalf but no, he hadn't lit his staff yet. The orb floated forward until you noticed its familiar red wings.

"Cabbage!?" You breathed as quietly as you could, noticing Gandalf only just lit up his staff.

"Pixies do that when they sense fear." Legolas said from behind you, making you jump slightly, indicating at Cabbages glowing body. You looked down to see Legolas's hand still wrapped securely around your arm as he scoured the room for any sign of danger.

"Only one way to go." With that, Gandalf and the Fellowship began their trek through the ancient hallways, and crumbled rooms with little to no light.

Hours of silence had passed, the pace everyone was walking at had slowed considerably as they tumbled and tripped in the looming hallways. Strange and creepy shadows cast themselves on the crumbling walls causing you to jump every so often, to the delight of the mischievous elf behind you. You really hadn't noticed how sassy he was until now, and if your honest, you didn't hate it. He was still caring though as he did help your clumsy being up a few times after slipping. When your lying in bed watching these scenes, you don't really appreciate how tiresome all this walking is until you actually have to experience it, which you were indefinitely.

"Look!" Gimli pointed at a room with a slight glow in the darkness. Oh no.

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