𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐓𝐡�...


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◇COMPLETED◇ Legolas X Reader: "The tower of Cirith Ungol was but a faint memory far off in the east that loo... More

1: Bestowed Gifts
2: A long Expected Party
3: Strangers In The Night
4: Mushrooms!
5:Mind Intruders
6: Rivendale
7:Meetings and Watery Run In's
9: Monsters and Cabbage
10: Yellow Flowers
11: The Mines
12: Battles and Blushes
13: Secrets and Say What!
14: This Can't Be Happening!
15: Hell And Back Again
16: Fate Of Merry And Pippin
17: Smoulder
18: Thuringwethil and The Took
19: Rohan
20: Follow Your Heart
21: Out of The Gloom
22: The Case Of The Yellow Boots
23: Part Of This World
24: Battle Of Helms Deep
25: Golden Eyes
26: The Trials Of The Valar
27: Seven Stars Of Doom
28: The White Tree
29: The Grey Havens
30: New Story Now Available

8: Lead The Way

2.3K 101 72

You sunk down on your silk covered bed and closed your eyes taking in everything. Just a few hours ago you and Legolas almost got drowned by two crazy Hobbits and one suspicious Aragorn, but it seemed like an age ago. It was now probably near midnight by now and The darkness of the outside world and the lack of electric lighting caused the candle light to flicker strange orange shadows on the walls which caused you to feel a bit uneasy. Even though you were in the place of your dreams, you felt the loneliest you have ever felt in your life and that is saying something. Yes you made friends, yes you met your crush and yes you were in Lord of The Fricking Rings but you had a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen or already has. It made your stomach churn as it plummeted to the ground. You shook your head and sat up.

"Do they have toothpaste here?" You muttered to yourself as you swung you legs over the side of the bed and wandered over to the Middle Earth equivalent of a bathroom. The bathroom had was made of dove white marble with golden taps attached to the sink, in the corner a silver bathtub lay next to the shelf where you kept you medical supplies. Mabey you brought some? Nope. You didn't.

"What am I supposed to do now?" You groaned and shoved your medical bag back on the shelf and looked around. You opened drawers, rummaging through different things until you came across a small box that read 'To Permantly Leave Ones Teeth White And Clean.'

"Good enough." You swung open the lid to reveal a at least twenty small viles of glowing white liqued. You eyed it warily but decided to try it anyway. You grabbed a small vile and popped of the crystal lid. You you took one swig and swished it arounf in you mouth, also noting it tasted of strong mint. You swished it around your mouth a few more times before spitting it out into the sink You looked in the mirror to see if it turned you into some sort of slug but to your suprise your teeth were glowing a crystal white colour.

"Wow! They have great dentists here!" You laughed at your own joke before shaking your head. "I need to get some sleep before we leave...damn, I talk to myself alot." You quickly made your way back to your luxury bed and climbed in, pulling the sheets around yourslef. Rolling over you blew out the candle beside your bed. Almost as soon as your head it the pillow you fell asleep.


"What shall we do with the queen?" A sadistic voice called out in the shadowed corner of a room.

"Kill her." A deep yet familure voice repied as a tall male figure loomed over a half dead female one.

"My pleasure."


You gasped as your body flew upright. Your eyes franticly searched the room for an attacker, but no one was there. It was just a dream. Youn deflated slightly and wiped sweat from your forehead.

"I see your awake Lady Y/N, I was about to wake you." You looked up to see a beautifal elf made. She had long blond hair tied back in a bun and was dressed in a standard maid outfit.

"Yeah I am awake," You watched her wander towrads the curtans and pull them open causing the room to be flooded with golden morning sunlight. "What time is it?" You yawned and stretched, squinting you E/C eyes at the golden rays of light.

"It is eight in the morning Lady Y/N, you best get dressed as breakfast will be ready in ten minutes." With that the maid turned around and pointed to the side table with folded clothes on it. "I have left you some suitible clothes for your journy Lady Y/N. I now must depart and wake Master Took." With a bow the maid left you to get ready by yourself. You walked over to your new clothes and lifted them; A pair of tight black leather trousers accompanied with an equally dark jacket, it would go down to your mid thigh and had a large hood. The jacket was made of a soft yet sturdy material with leather arms adorned with metal slots to hold what you presumed were to hold small knifes.


You carefully placed the clothes you would were for that day on the bed and and you looked through the other clothes that awaited to be worn, but you decided that what be a later day and shoved a few shirts and trousers in your newest bag you were given to by Arwen. The young elf had given you a small Bag that had a weightless and shrinking charm so it would feel light as a feather and shrink down to something you could shove in your pocket.

After wandering into the bathroom you quickly came out to get dressed into your new attire, and to your surprise the clothes fitted perfectly! You shoved your old hoodie and jeans into your small bag along with all your other belongings. 'Time to go.' You grabbed your bag and headed out the door.

After a few minutes of basking in the warm sun you ended up at the breakfast room. It was a large balcony over looking the cascading waterfall and the mountains that surrounded it. You looked around and to your surprise only Gimli present.

"Mornin' Lassie," Gimli greeted you whilst he leaned back in his wooden seat.

"Morning Gimli." You said as you planted yourself on a chair opposite the dwarf.

"The others best 'urry up, I'm starving and all they feed you here is bloody leaves!" The ginger man grumbled at the hospitality of the dwarfs. You were about to say something when the doors swung open revealing a blond elf standing adjacent to an exiled King. Aragorn and Leggy.

"Morning Y/N, morning Gimli." Aragorn greeted as he sat down next to Gimli in the opposite side of the table to you.

"Morning Y/N...and Dwarf." Legolas followed suit and sat beside you but didn't lose the chance to insult poor Gimli Boy. 'He is sitting beside me.'

"Morning Aragorn and a Great morning to you, you Twirly Wirly!" Thankfully Before they could insult each other anymore, four little Hobbits rushed in followed by Gandalf The Gay- I mean Gray and Boromir. The Hobbits filled in more of the remaining spaces with Pippin on the other side of you.

"Now that we are all present, me must discuss the course of action." Gandalf stated as some elf's came and served the fellow ship breakfast and to Gimli's delight, there was food other than 'leaves'. The others plotted the journey but you couldn't be bothered laying attention so instead you decided to eat half the food on the table and soon got teased for eating more than a Hobbit. 'But this Middle Earth Nutella is so good!'

It came to ten in the Morning and the Fellowship were about to depart on the journey of a life time. Lord Almond-ahem, Elrond, had given you all his best wishes and set you all on the right track, or rather presumably the safest track to Mordor, which you knew would be a disaster. You were currently walking between Frodo and Legolas in what looked to be a dark and old forest. Apart of the abandoned side of Rivendale, where Orcs and darker creatures took as there own, a little over an age ago.

"Bàranàch Düil ęñuįr." You stopped on your tracks. It was that voice again, that dark and sadistic voice you dreaded. Your heart rate quickly became faster than sonic.

"Are you alright lady Y/N?" Legolas asked in a worried tone which caused Gandalf to turn around.

"Yeah I'm fi-" You we're cut off as your body fell into a dark pool of murky water, unconscious.


Last Updated 25 May 2019

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