𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐓𝐡�...


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◇COMPLETED◇ Legolas X Reader: "The tower of Cirith Ungol was but a faint memory far off in the east that loo... More

2: A long Expected Party
3: Strangers In The Night
4: Mushrooms!
5:Mind Intruders
6: Rivendale
7:Meetings and Watery Run In's
8: Lead The Way
9: Monsters and Cabbage
10: Yellow Flowers
11: The Mines
12: Battles and Blushes
13: Secrets and Say What!
14: This Can't Be Happening!
15: Hell And Back Again
16: Fate Of Merry And Pippin
17: Smoulder
18: Thuringwethil and The Took
19: Rohan
20: Follow Your Heart
21: Out of The Gloom
22: The Case Of The Yellow Boots
23: Part Of This World
24: Battle Of Helms Deep
25: Golden Eyes
26: The Trials Of The Valar
27: Seven Stars Of Doom
28: The White Tree
29: The Grey Havens
30: New Story Now Available

1: Bestowed Gifts

7.7K 129 103

2021 A/N: I wrote this in 2016 and it was my first fanfic, so please don't judge my writing skills by this piece of work. Looking back, I really don't like this fic at all. It is cringy, melodramatic, packed with grammatical errors and weak plot points.

But fear not, I have good news!

I have posted a new fic based during the Hobbit and it's called 'Wonderland' which was published in September 2021, and it is at a WAY better standard of writing because I have been practising on Ao3 and Tumblr for the past five years.

So, proceed with caution or go and read my new story, which won't make you want to gauge your eyes out.


"If you spot the brightest star in the sky for a whole week, a wish will come true. The starlight holds great and unquestionable power, never forget that dear. Within the stars is the power for me to Be with you always..."

"Happy Birthday!" Your (E/C) eyes peeled open, blurry at first, but slowly cleared to reveal Miranda you foster mother.

"Morning!" You smiled as you Looked around, You noticed a small pile of presents on the bottom of your green single bed. They were all wrapped in a silver wrapping paper but there was one that looked different to the rest. It was a small black box with a note attached to it.

" I hope you like your gifts!" Maranda smiled happily as You stumbled down your bed towards the mysterious gifts, awaiting to be opened.

"Your such a child!" Maranda chuckled as you stuck your tongue out at her.

After a few minutes of unwrapping, or rather taring open wrapping paper like a maniac, You had opened all but the small box. You had received a few books, a new sketchbook and small first aid kit. You looked up with a smirk on your face, holding the medical kit.

"Really?" You asked. "I'm not that clumsy!" Who am I kidding!? I almost killed myself making salad! You thought.

"Yeah right! Now open the small Box!"

You shook your head and reached towards the box. You slid off the black lid, the contents was not what you were expecting, situated in navy velvet was a silver ring with a crimson red jewel in the center, along the silver band of the ring was little blue gems, in the gaps of intertwining golden leafs. Wow!.. You thought. You instantly reached out to trace your finger across it, suddenly You felt a small jolt go through your body as your finger connected with the cold ring. The type of jolt you get when you jump into a icy cold swimming pool. What in the name of Gimli's axe!? This is some Gollum type shit! Am I becoming

You looked up at the brunette lady, meeting her green eyes.

"It was your mother's." My mother's? You were shocked to say the least, when Maranda told you this, You always remembered your mother as someone who would not wear anything fancy, never wearing dresses, no makeup, no jewelry and worked at the Forest centre.

"It has been passed down in your family for the last few centuries." Your (E/c) eyes flung open. Centuries? Jeez! I wonder why or where it came from...

"Now, get dressed, I have a surprise for you downstairs." With that Maranda stood up, her slightly heavy form left your small room. You looked back down at the old ring, reaching your fingers out again, and glided them across the surface of the ring. You didn't get a shock again, but there was another feeling. Danger. You Shook your head and slid on the ring. I read to much. You looked down at the now empty box, there was still a note attached to it. You picked it up, and looked at it, it was a piece of parchment that had slightly charred edges, and was the shape of a leaf and about the size of one too. You turned it over revealing a sketch of a key on it, with the words 'Use wisely.' Engraved on the sketch of the key. Use what wisely? The ring or the picture? Oh well!

You got dressed, throwing on dark skinny jeans, A plain black shirt and sneakers. Satisfied with the look, You walked to the door in your room, passing shelf's stuffed with books and walls clad in posters. I really need to redecorate...

You made it to the stairs, or what you call 'the death trap.'

"Ok, just take one step at a time." You muttered to yourself. You placed one foot on the first step, and...You tripped. Your feet slipped from under you and you stumbled down the stairs like a squealing orc on your butt.

"Ow! I swear to Legolas's fancy father! That hurt!" Groaning in pain you stood up and brushed yourself off. I bet you Gandalf didn't fall over when fighting the Balrog.... Snapping out of your thoughts, You followed the scent of what You supposed was a cake in the oven. 'Yay! I like cake, and I share my birthday with Bilbo, ha but I'm not as old as him!' You shook your head again,

"I need to stop thinking about lord of the rings." You muttered taking a few steps into the kitchen. Maranda was bending over the oven trying to get the cake out.

"Smells good." You said whilst hauling over a wooden chair out from the shiny oak table. The middle aged lady looked up,

"Thanks, could you pass me the oven gloves, honey?"

Half an hour later the both of you were munching on cake. It was a sponge cake with the words 'Happy 19th birthday!' In what you seemed to think was a green icing, but just looked like slimy cabbage.

"Thanks Maranda, this cake is really delicious." You lied. You love Maranda and all, but she's not the best of cooks.

"Thank you sweetie! Now for the surprise!" Maranda stood up and grabbed another box but this time it was at least a half meter long. 'What on this good earth is that! Oh god...I'm quoting Radagast!'

Maranda slid it towards you. You tore of the silver wrapping, revealing a long leather box. Suddenly You got extremely curious and unclipped the clips and lifted off the lid. Sitting on a silk bed, was a dagger. It looked about the length of your forearm from hilt to blade. It was made of silver and Incrusted down the blade was tiny little Ruby's, and the top of the hilt looked like a sapphire in the shape of an eye. ''This is beautiful!' Was the only thoughts that ran through your mind.

"How...where...why...huh?" You were at at a loss for words. Maranda's slightly smudged red lips curled up in a smug smile and said;

"Thought you would like it! I found it in an old charity shop last week." Maranda stated, puffing our her chest in pride. You couldn't stop smiling, it hurt you cheeks.

"Thanks!" You shot up and hugged her tightly.

You were busy reading a book about orcs, written by J.R.R Tolkien, it was a small book but still interesting until you heard the mighty roar of an engine. 'Ugghh! Roberts home from work early.' Robert was your terrible foster father, and an abusive drunk. His violence is the cause of you having to stay at the house and not move out. You really wanted to go to a university of art and writing but didn't want to leave Maranda alone with him. You heard the wooden front door slam shut with a big 'smash!' You assumed it was the vase full of flowers on the shelf next to the door. You could hear faint voices downstairs, one was female and the other was male. The male voice started to rise in volume, then the female one until it was full on screaming at each other. You could feel tears start to well up behind your (e/c) eyes. Angry tears. The screams got louder, until You could make out clearly what they were saying.

"Go fuck off you slut!" Was the last sentence before it went silent. You had heard your name multiple times in the argument, which made you both angry and scared. 'I wish he didn't live here.'

"That's it, I'm going for a walk."

With that You slammed the orc book shut, and stood up. You put on a hoodie, and slung your bag over your shoulder.
You marched to the front door when a large dirty hand slammed it shut again. You looked up to see Robert, glaring down on you with his little beady brown eyes. He then scratched his grimy moustache.

"Where do you think your going?" He asked you in a slur. 'Why the hell would he care? He never cared before!' Although You were tempted to speak your thoughts, You did not dare.

"For a walk." You replied, but he grabbed your hand.

"Let me go!" You cried as you tried to tug your hand away, but instead your body was flung to the ground, and your hand hit the shattered vase on the ground, slicing your palm open.

You winced in pain and tried to stand up. Your hand started to bleed...a lot.

"Serves you right-" He was cut off. You furrowed your brow. Standing behind Robert was Maranda, wielding a wooden spoon.

"Leave her alone you bastard!" Maranda hissed as Robert turned to her, clutching his head. He stomped towards her in a rage, dust flying up from the floor boards. His anger was almost at boiling point.

"RUN (Y/N), DON'T COME BA-" Before Maranda could finish, Roberts large fist came down on her face like lighting striking a tree. Your mind went blank as you scrambled to the door, and sprinted out into the fresh air as fast as your legs could carry you. Your mentally cursed because you had left your phone at home. No way to phone help now.

You had been running for what felt like hours. You stopped at a large oak tree that seemed to be home to at least one hundred bird nests. You doubled over panting. You looked at the sky, it was black, with billions of stars, shining away. You to grabbed your bag, pulling out a bandage. You started wrapping the white clothes around the palm of your hand, replaying what had happened. 'If I had stayed in my room, this would not have happened! Maranda could be dead and it's my fault!'

Your thoughts started to worry you. Sniffling you wiped your eyes, You knew crying wouldn't do you any good. You had to go home, to try and sneak in and find a phone. You slowly stood up, but something caught your eye. It was red and twinkling in the grass. 'What's that?' Curiosity got the better of you so you walked towards the mysterious red twinkly thing. You bent down to have a look. It was a necklace with a ruby in the shape of a key. ' What on this good earth is this?'

"How did you get here?" You asked no one in particular and reached your hand out to pick it up. As soon as your cold fingers touched it, the whole forest started spinning.

"Oh Gandalf's beard what have I done now?!" You said as the light faded from view.

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