Who you used to be - [p.jm]

By Yoonginyaan

31.4K 1.4K 924

"I'll do anything it takes to bring him back to his old self again. I know he's still in there, even if he's... More

1. "I missed you so much"
2. "Crying won't help"
3. "I'm Park Jimin"
4. "Welcome to the family"
5. "Say what you have to say and die"
6. "I want to meet him"
7. "I was too weak"
8. "Do you really still love me?"
9. "I don't think we can get him back"
10. "Fire"
11. "Jagiya"
12. "You killed them"
13. "I don't want to leave him"
14. "I'll save you"
15. Begin
16. "I hate you."
17. "Leave Jimin behind?"
18. "I love you"
19. Stigma
20. "I want you" [r15]
22. "We have to kill him"
23. "Teamwork makes the dream work"
24. "Our contract is over"
25. "I can't do this anymore"
26. "They're running"
27. "Promise you won't ever leave me"
28. "I'm sorry"
29. "I hope they make it"
30. "We'll figure this out together"
31. Lie
32. "Let your mistakes remain in the past"
33 - "It's not the right time yet."
34 - "Hyung"
35 - "Because I love them"
36. - "Why him of all people?"
37. - "You left me with no other choice."
38. - "I want him dead"
39. - "How can I believe you?"
40. - "We're leaving"
41. "Kill me"
42. Reflection
43. "We'll avenge him"
44. "Rest well"
46. "You'll just have to trust me"
47. "He'll catch up"
48. "You chose your fate, boy."
49. "Such cold eyes"

45. "This feels like a family reunion"

268 9 7
By Yoonginyaan

All you could do was sit in the dark corridor of the dorm. You couldn't rest, neither could you eat or drink.

Everything that had happened was just too much to handle. At one point everything had seemed fine while you and Jimin were abroad... but then all hell broke loose. How could you have been so dumb and let yourself be tracked down so easily?

The fight, the kidnapping, Hongbin, Namjoon's death, Jungkook waking up and Taehyung talking about his feelings to you... It was too much to think about. The silence in the dorm was depressing and the air was sticky. Everyone else seemed to have been resting or just somehow coping with the situation.

You were brought back to reality by a buzzing sound from the room next to you. It must have been the computer.

You walked over and saw there was an anonymous caller. That could either be the boss or maybe... Jimin?

"Hello, Bangtan base here." You gad decided to pick up, since everyone else was busy.


You felt your heart skip several beats. Mostly excitement over hearing his gentle voice again, but also relief overcame you. After all this stress, you could never stop worrying about everyone's safety.
How had he found out which number to call though? He probably had his ways. He always did.

"Jimin", you smiled.

"Did you get back safely? Is everything alright?"

You were forced to recall the bitter tears that were shed over Namjoon's death. It was the first time seeing Jin like that and it had scarred you. But, he was only human too, after all.

"Hey, are you okay?", he asked once more, worried over the sudden silence and the soft sob errupting from your throat.

"I just... it was horrible to see everyone suffering", you explained.
"It was like the day we thought you died all over again."

Jimin was silent for a bit. Faint voices were in the background and you wondered where he was hiding now. Maybe with those guys from Hongbin's hideout, Kai and Sehun?

"I don't know what to say", Jimin muttered.

It was one of those rare moments where he didn't know how to express his feelings anymore. He knew what he felt but he couldn't- or didn't want to say it. It had been obvious that Namjoon's death had changed him, even if he hadn't fully grasped it yet. Some kind of switch had been turned, which nothing else could have triggered, probably not even you, even while trying so hard to bring him back to his senses. Namjoon had done it.

"Say what's on your mind", you told him in a soft voice.

"I don't know it myself just now. We'll talk when we meet, though", he stated, giving you hope.

"And when will we meet?", you questioned.

"As soon as possible to discuss the plan, which is why you guys need to decide if you want to take part in this assassination mission", he said.

"Of course we want-"

"I know you want it, Y/N, but maybe Bangtan has no interest in getting revenge and murdering this man", he clarified.

"I'm definitely coming", you assured him. It would have seemed like Jimin to try and stop you, but he knew well how stubborn you were when it came to things like this.

He avoided the statement by continuing.
"Have a meeting, talk about it and contact me with the number I'll send you shortly. I don't want anyone to listen in."

You nodded first, but then remembered that he couldn't see you. After being together for so long, the kidnapping and whole situation now seemed like a neverending nightmare to you.

"Alright, I'll pass it on", you assured him.

"Thank you, my love."

You smiled.
"I miss you."

"And I can't even express how much I miss you", he replied with a desperate sigh.
"How do you think it makes me feel to be with these idiots, Sehun and Kai, instead of spending time with you?"

The irritation in his voice was straigt up hilarious and you wished you could tell the guys to molest him more, just for fun. You were sure it was good for Jimin to be around some other people.

The realization that you hadn't told him the big news yet struck you suddenly.
"I forgot to tell you straight away, but Jungkook woke up."

There was silence and you tried to imagine the feelings Jimin was experiencing at that very moment or the facial expression he was making. He sighed loudly in relief and you imagined how he was smiling at the news.

"That's amazing... Tell him-"
He stopped in his tracks, recalling that he of all people should have nothing to say to Jungkook...
"Nevermind. I hope he recovers fully."

"I hope so too", you agreed.
"And I hope the same for you."

"My wounds aren't that severe", he muttered.

"Still, take time to rest Jimin", you warned, actually making him smile solely over the fact that someone cared.

"Sure I will", he chuckled.
"We should hang up now. Don't want to be tracked down with this number."

"Okay. We'll talk soon."


Everyone was sitting around the table, even Jungkook who had persuaded Jin that he would attend the meeting as well. However, Jin refused to sit on Namjoon's spot at the head of the table.
The door was closed and the meeting began.

"I, uh... I don't feel comfortable being the one to speak like this in front of all of you", Jin admitted.

"Oh, don't feel like that. It's only obvious that you're our leader now", Hoseok encouraged, to which everyone nodded.

"Thanks, you guys... we have to be strong in times like these."

Everyone hummed in agreement, also in sadness. The air was overtaken by a heavy depressive atmosphere. Yet, everyone tried to keep themselves composed.

"First off, we need to know where we stand now. Who is our enemy? Do we fight? What is Jimin to us now?", Jin explained.
"Y/N... I think you could give us an insight on that."

Everyone's heads turned to look at you, expecting at least some good news.

"Our enemy is Korea's mafia boss number 1, Ki Hongbin. He is responsible for many of the missions we failed in the past and was the one to end Namjoon's life."
You felt your voice getting thinner while speaking about it.
"He is also the one who turned Jimin against us in the past and is now out to kill him-me probably as well, since I've been to his hideout and made it out alive."

"What about Jimin-hyung?", Jungkook dared to ask.
"Is he on our side?"

You hesitated a little. Was he really on your side now? Or was this only temporary until Hongbin was eliminated?
"He is. Jimin wants to free himself from his contract with Hongbin and fight", you replied.

"Can we be sure about that?", Jin asked with an eyebrow raise.
He was probably the one with the most mistrust in Jimin after all the things that had happened.

"Yes. He knows what he wants now."
You hadn't head him say it, but you were sure he wouldn't try to kill any of the members yet.

"We met him and he didn't try to kill us", Taehyung commented.

"True. He didn't even spare us a look", Hoseok added, to which Yoongi gave a nod.

"So, what do we do?", Taehyung spoke up.

"I say we go with him and fight Hongbin", you sneered.

"You have no right to decide that", Jin interrupted you all of a sudden.
"This man is at the top of all wanted lists and still hasn't been caught for years, even by top assassins. He kidnapped you, killed Joon and could do even more if we go and face him."

You felt your teeth clashing in rage. Was he not going to fight against this vile man?

"You're suggesting we don't fight? What about Jimin??", you argued.

By the looks of it, the other members were on your side and threw Jin pleading and protesting gazes.

"If Hongbin is out to get Jimin, then it's not our place to interfere. They're both criminals and getting involved would only bring danger to us and our company. Not to mention that we probably wouldn't even get the permission from the boss anyway."

You slammed your fist against the table.
"This man killed Namjoon! He's the one who has been keeping Jimin from us for years! Don't you want to fight?"

"Revenge isn't everything Y/N, you should know best", Jin muttered bitterly, confirming your worries.

You stayed silent. It was true that the company would oppose of this plan, but who cared? If the result was getting Jimin back alive and finally killing Hongbin, you were ready to pay the price.

"But...", Hoseok mumbled, taking the attention.
"Jimin looks as if he's ready to fight on our side. His eyes changed since the last time we saw him."

"It's true", Taehyung agreed.
It was natural that he was ready to fight for any cost if he could bring Jimin back.
"He's a comrade with the same goal as us. We should take that chance and join forces."

"This is a one time chance we have a group of skilled assassins together to fight this guy", you clarified.
"The company might even support us and send more men to help."

"Enough", Jin sneered, making everyone's excitement vanish instantly.
"What makes you think our top assassins can't beat this guy and we can? Do you honestly think we could pull this off?"

You didn't hesitate on this one. It was something you were sure of. When you imagined your own future, it was definitely with Jimin. There was a reason he survived that day and you were able to meet again. You could feel that there was a purpose of his survival and it certainly wasn't to die again, not like this.

"Yes, we could and we're not alone", you spoke.
"Jimin knows the way this guy works, he's trained under him. We have two of Hongbin's men who turned against him, they used to work with Namjoon as well."

"I could call in the guys from my old gang", Yoongi suggested.
"They have gear and are always up for a fight."

"See? We can do thi-"

"I don't want to risk your lives anymore. It's just...enough fighting", Jin muttered and slammed his fists against the table.

You understood how he felt, but just couldn't agree. The fight would only be over after Hongbin was killed. Jin was still emotionally unstable after the loss of his best friend and it was only natural that he went all protective mode on the members.

"Namjoon died protecting Jimin that day", you muttered.
"Do you really think he did that because he wants us to forget about Jimin and let him die while fighting Hongbin? Besides, he isn't the only target. Hongbin might go after us just as well as Jimin."

"Please hyung, this is the last fight we have to take part in", Taehyung pleaded.
"It's our chance to get Jimin back."

Jin placed his fingers on the bridge of his nose to think deeply.
"You are aware that we'll be going against our company by doing this."

"We know", Hoseok smiled.

"But we've never exactly followed the protocol until now, so who cares?", Yoongi added.

Jin threw you a weak smile across the room and nodded. It was his approval of all this.
You could call Jimin and tell him Bangtan was participating in the assassination mission.

"But one thing", Jin added.
"We're not meeting up with Jimin here. He still can't be fully trusted to know the location of our base."

You laughed on the inside. Jimin probably knew and had known for a long time, just like he had known which number to call in order to reach you. However, you just nodded and went over to the computer room to tell him the results.


The next day was eagerly awaited by everyone participating in the Hongbin-assassination mission, shortly - H.A.M. You had spoken to Jimin and had received the coordinates for the meeting place to discuss the plan there.

Jin drove the van with everyone inside, Taehyung now sitting up front with him, on Namjoon's usual spot. The drive was silent apart from Jungkook playing rock-paper-scissors with Yoongi, who could never say no to the game requests of the younger one during a long car ride.

Your guess was that everyone was nervous over seeing the man that had brought so much sadness and pain to everyone on the team again. Yet, they all still cared about him like a brother, one way or another.

You kept cracking your knuckles in anticipation to see Jimin again and finally come up with a plan to kill Hongbin. The hate you felt every time you thought of that man was inexplicable. You felt as if you could suddenly lift heavy boulders and smash through walls in rage.

When you looked out of the window where you were pulling up, you saw an old house in the countryside. You assumed it was one of Jimin's many belongings he had kept hidden for situations like these.

The moment you opened your car doors, the door of the house opened and Jimin stepped out with Kai and Sehun in the back. You embraced him tightly after walking up to him.
After watching Namjoon die together, you only felt more need for each other's love and comfort.

He gave you a polite kiss on the cheek, probably not wanting to make the others feel uncomfortable. It was an important reunion that took place here, so the two of you weren't as important at that moment.

Jin and the others approached carefully and you could tell that it took your newly appointed leader a lot of effort to not carry a gun behind his back, just in case. It truly was weird, to be exposed to an old enemy like this.

The first person to speak up was Jungkook, who hopped from the back.

He rushed and ran into Jimin's arms with such a force, that the older almost fell back. It had taken everyone by surprise, Jimin most of all. With the maknae suffocating him, he didn't know how to react at first. Did he even have the right to be nice to Jungkook at this point?

Jimin nervously raised up his hands and patted the boy's back awkwardly. He didn't feel comfortable after what he had done and he knew the other Bangtan members probably felt similar. You only gave him a comforting look to tell him that Jungkook didn't blame him at all.

To break the silence after the hug, Hoseok seemed like the one to do things like this.

"Waah this really feels like a family reunion, doesn't it?", he exclaimed, somewhat very loudly to lower the tension, but felt embarrassed afterwards.

To everyone's surprise, Jimin genuinely chuckled. He nodded.
"It kind of does."

"I hope you aren't fooling around, because this is the last chance you'll get from us", Jin warned with a stern tone.

Jimin's smile stayed, but it changed into a sad one.
"Don't worry."

His eyes met with Taehyung's, causing his lips to purse. The younger of the two felt huge shame while standing before you and Jimin like this, but felt a little comforted through the look Jimin was giving him.

"Come in. Just take your shoes off", he said and let you enter the house.

Jimin held onto your hand tightly and strolled far to the front, leaving a space behind you two and the Bangtan members so he could talk to you.
"Was that okay? I didn't know what to say or how to act", he whispered.

You couldn't help but laugh at the sudden insecurity.
"You're fine. Just be yourself."

"But I don't know how to act in front of them. I feel so... ashamed everytime I see them."

You bit your lower lip.
"You don't have to interact much with them. It will take some time, but it will become normal."

Jimin nodded. Although he wished he wouldn't have much to do with Bangtan.
He led you and the others to a conference room in the basement where Sehun and Kai were already seated, along with a few other masked people you hadn't ever seen before.

You all sat around the table and the meeting commenced.

Jimin was the leader of the operation and advised everyone on how they should move and act. A very well-thought-through assassination plan had been established by him and the others, including everyone in their positions.

"Hongbin lets others fight for him, so it would be wise to have a group fight against those men as a diversion and others sneak around to search for him", he explained.

We'll need snipers, as well as offensive fighters for this one. The men mostly use short range guns and knives."

"Still, they might surprise us", Kai commented.

"True, which is why we need to be ready for anything", Jimin noted.
He then layed out a visual plan of the posts.

Kai (+taking care of injuries)
Masked Gang

Jin (+ taking care of injuries)


"Sounds good", Hoseok agreed. He was one of the top hand-to-hand fighters on your team.

Jin held his fingertips over his lips the whole time, going through the plan again and again to look for holes, but couldn't find any. The plan was seemingly perfect, depending on whether they could really find Hongbin and corner him.

Everyone seemed to agree, except for a flash of black hair that jumped up in surprise.
"What about me??", Jungkook called out.
"I can snipe too."

You bit your lip and looked towards Jin questioningly. It would be amazing to have Jungkook on the team, but you didn't know how physically fit he was. Besides, after his injuries, you didn't know how good of an assassin he would be now.

"I didn't know whether you would be participating", Jimin explained and looked over to Jin.

"Definitely not", Jin argued, as the two had already fought over it the day before.

"I'm not a kid anymore. I have to go with you and fight with Jimin-hyung!", the youngest shouted.

"Only if you stay at your post", Jin said.
"You're a sniper and nothing more, you'll listen to the orders and will not move from there."

"Yes sir!", Jungkook cheered.

Snipers were usually safe as long as they weren't spotted. This was why they usually had to swich positions during missions like these. Jungkook never had problems with that, he was as silent as a cat when he moved across the field.

The assasination should happen as soon as possible, before Hongbin had the chance to gather more people and prepare. He knew everyone would be after him by now.

The plan was perfected and the meeting finished sometime around 2 in the morning. Jungkook and Hoseok had already fallen asleep in their chairs while the others were silently talking about the plan.

"You guys can stay the night", Jimin said as he approached Jin. You watched the two talk from the other side of the room.

"That's fine. We'll go back home and meet you in 3 days, to carry out the mission", the oldest replied.
"Y/N can stay if she wants to, though."

Jimin nodded bitterly, wanting to say something more so desperately. He couldn't find the words to speak.
"I...I know anything I say could never make up for what I did. But thank you for doing this."

"I'm not doing anything for you", Jin clarified.
"The other members might be, but I'm doing it for Namjoon."

Jimin felt a huge wave of sorrow overwhelm him seeing Jin as serious as this. He bit his inner cheek.
"I don't know how much Y/N told you, but he-"

"He protected you", Jin finished.
"I can't understand why, but he chose to sacrifice himself for someone like you. If Namjoon hadn't been so smart, I would've thought it was pure stupidity."

Jimin nodded. He couldn't help but see it the same way. The one who should have died that day was him and yet here he was, alive as ever. His fate was changed by this man, or had it always meant to end up like this? Was there a reason for his sorry self surviving all this time?

"If Namjoon chose to protect and trust you, then I will too", Jin admitted.
"Even though you've hurt all of Bangtan more than you can imagine, they've chosen to forgive you. I hope you appreciate that."

Jimin then got to his knees and gave a deep bow to Jin. He didn't say he was sorry, because the words themselves were meaningess at this point. Only actions could attone for what he had done, meaning he would have to give it his best in that fight if he wanted to recompensate for his deeds.

"Aish, don't bow in front of me", Jin suddenly laughed and have him a slight pat on the back.
"Get up and go. You have a plan to finish."

Jimin nodded and left with his head still down. At least he felt a little better now.

"Come on, let's go", he said to you and pulled you out of the room with him.

"I don't have anything with me", you clarified, since you knew he wanted you to stay overnight.

"I bought some things for you, so you'll be fine."

Of course, he was ready for everything. You let him lead you upstairs, passing through a wooden hallway to a room at the end of it.

It was pitch black when you entered the room, so you searched for the light switch first. However, your hands were instantly caught and pinned to the wall fiercly, letting a squeal escape your lips in surprise.

"Jimin?", you questioned.

"Yes?", he hummed, letting his breath tickle your lips. So that was how close he was.

You instantly felt the need to kiss him, after all the things that had happened to the both of you.

Your lips melted together aggressively, violently and almost painfully. But it was pure passion going on between the both of you. He let go of your wrists and his hands were in your hair, on your cheeks, caressing your neck, all while his smell and his touch made you go crazy.
He let his own hands roam down your body, caressing and memorizing every inch of it. He felt as if he could see you clearly, every part of your body even though it was too dark for that to be possible.

Your hands were in his hair, clutching onto him as if you were going to lose him if you let go. You only then realized how dangerous the Hongbin mission was. You could both easily die in 3 days.

Your breath wavered when his hands wandered down to your bottom, lifting you to swing your legs around his body. A sigh escaped your lips when he pressed you to the wall like this, your bodies so close it would have been impossible to fit a thin sheet of paper between the both of you.

The kiss was full of temptation, passion and hot breathing onto each other's lips.

Jimin carried you across the dark room, probably knowing exactly where to go. You kissed him along the way, tugging him closer by his hair.

He threw you on the bed, instantly finding his place on top of you to continue kissing and undressing you. You both kept breathing heavily when you didn't kiss and were busy throwing your clothes off.

"I missed you so much", he huffed.

"You're talking as if we hadn't seen each other in forever", you chuckled inbetween your breath and the hot kisses he was giving you on your neck.

"That's what it feels like", he mumbled.

Jimin's actions were rash and lustful, but you could tell he was very careful and affectionate at the same time. Did he know how dangerous this mission really was and didn't want to tell you?

The more you thought about it, one - or both of you could end up dying.
Were these 3 days maybe the last you would be sharing?

In any case, you would definitely use the time wisely. It was always meant to come down to that final fight and it was something that had to happen.

When it did, you would be ready for it.


A/N: *sigh* The book is going to end soon... this will be the final fight you guys and I'm not ready for it.


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