Lost in Stereo (Larry Stylins...

By PierceWithKellic

244K 7.3K 2.7K

Louis is a member of the World famous band Lost in Stereo, and he has Everything he ever wanted... or that is... More

Call it whatever you want!!!
I'm a mess
Pretty Boy!
in the shadows
Break me!


9.7K 376 118
By PierceWithKellic

Louis Tomlinson:

After I got yelled on for about an hour I finally could walk back in to the now empty arena. I can´t believe he was here and I didn´t even talk to him. It´s like everything is against me.

I walk around the empty arena when my eyes notice something on the floor, sure it´s a lot of things on the floor, but not every little thing has the light pink color. I walk over to it and see the flower crown Mr. Flowers had on his head, he most have dropped it. It´s ruined but I can´t just leave it, that feels wrong. I look at it and try to remember what color he had on his eyes. I know that I locked eyes with him, but it´s hard to remember the color when everyone else is around. It was just for a few seconds.

“Louis can we talk, what you did tonight wasn´t right” I try not to listen to her voice but she is always there when I DON´T fucking need her. I just wish she would leave me alone… I think the only reason I haven´t left her is because I am scared of being alone, I´m scared that if she leaves I have no one.

I know it probably isn´t like that, but I can´t stop thinking about it, what if she leaves and I am alone, alone in my darkness?

“I don´t want to talk right now Love” I am surprised how the nickname roll off my lips like nothing has change, but honestly has everything change. We aren´t the same people we were when we first met. I know she knows that too. Maybe we just holding on to something that can´t be fixed.

Maybe we hope that someday we will wake up and things will be different, but in reality both of us knows that that day will never come. Nothing will ever be like before, so why do we keep pretending that it will!

“Louis? What happen to us?” I try not to cry at that question I know she wants answers but I can´t give her them, because I don´t have them.  I will never have the answer because I don´t know where and when things started to go wrong.

“I don´t know, I have tried so hard to figure it out but I can´t!” I say and I hear on my own voice how mad I am at myself for not figure it out.

I loved Eleanor… I just don´t know when I stopped loving her like I did before. I don´t know when I lost my feelings for her.

I look in to her eyes and I don´t feel anything.

“Is this the end of us?” She asks and I laugh a little at how weird it is that we are talking without screaming at each other.

“I think so.” I say and can feel a weird feeling in my stomach like those words really didn´t fit. I know that this is what we need to do, but I think I never really thought it would actually happen. It´s like I´m still trying to figure out how to save this.

“Can´t we try to work things out one more time?” She asks and I let out one more laugh.

“Do you really think it will end anything better?” I ask her and I can see tears rolling down her face, I know that what I am saying is hurting her, it´s hurting me too, but we need to realize that we can´t go one and pretend that everything is magical going to work out.

Maybe in the future we will find back to each other but right now all we need to do is take a break, I need to focus on fixing myself and she, she deserves someone so much better than me. I know she will find someone.

She is beautiful, but looks isn´t everything in a relationship, you can´t always push your problems aside, I think we has been doing this for too long now.

“So I guess this is goodbye” She says and her brown hair with pink, purple and blue in it falls over her face.

I remember when I met her and she was so innocent, she was a good school student. I can´t believe I ruined her.

“Don´t say goodbye” I say and try not to feel cold, the flower crown on the floor beside me is forgotten a long time ago.

I never thought doing this would be so painful, sure me and Eleanor hasn´t have the best relationship but we did start out as friends. We were friends. This isn´t about us breaking up, it´s about that I know when she walks away from me it won´t be our relationship she is walking away from.

When she is leaving she isn´t coming back. I never thought we would let it go so far that we can´t even be friends. We could talk about everything before, what happened to us? Where did things go wrong?

I know that it didn´t start when I cheated on her the first time, it was already ruined by then. I know cheating made it worse, but already then everything was ruined.

“You know Louis, the said part isn´t losing us, it´s losing what we were before this happen.” She sounds so broken.

“You know when I walk out from here I won´t come back.” I look at her and give her a smile.

“You are going to make someone really happy.” I say and she walks over to me. She gives me on last kiss before she smiles and leave me alone in the empty arena.

I stand alone not really realizing what is happening, but I know that whatever just happened probably was for the best.

I look around and my eyes land on the crown beside me, I pick it up and smile. I walk out of the arena and let the cold night air fill my lungs. It´s so dark that no one of the fans 50 meters away will see me. It feels great.

Instead of walking back to the bus I surprise myself with walking the other way, I don´t even have to think because I already know where I am heading.

Harry Styles:

The water is moving so slowly that you almost wouldn´t notice. The moonlight makes the water look like some kind of magic stuff from some bad movie.

I don´t know why I am here, but I just felt like I needed to get away, and this is a great place to just sit and look out over the water. No one really goes to the park in the middle of the night so it feels great to be alone.

“Do you mind if I sit down?” I almost think I imagine things until I look up and see no one else than the Louis Tomlinson who I met yesterday, I don´t know why he is here but really I don´t care.

I probably would freak out but I´m not. I feel safe and clam like he is just a normal person, and that is the moment I realize that Louis really is just a normal dude like me.

Just more punk.

“I think I fucked up big time” He suddenly says and I look over at him, he looks so sad and I don´t like it. He shouldn´t be sad he is too perfect to be sad.

“Sometimes we need to fuck up to find the right way” I answer just hope he will understand that I am really trying to make him feel better, I don´t like seeing people sad.

“I guess you´re right”

I look at him and smile how his green hair is everywhere. You can see the brown that are growing back out.

We just sit there and look out over the water, we don´t really talk that much we just sit.

“Are you going to tell me your name? I´m Louis but I am guessing you already know that” He says and smiles a beautiful smile at me, he is so perfect.

“I´m Harry” I answer and he smile a big smile.

“Nice to meet you Harry.” He says and looks up at the stars.

“Do you want to dance with me?” He asks and I look surprised.

“There is no music” I answer and he just smiles and stands up, he takes up his phone and just play a song. I try not to smile when I hear what song it is. Oh my god I love with song.

He takes my hand and we are slowly dancing around, I don´t really think my song know what you did in the dark is the right song to dance like this too, but I don´t care. Louis is laughing when he make me spin around, it doesn´t really work so we both are falling to the ground.

“We are really bad dancers” He says and I laugh. He is right we really suck at dancing.

“I should probably go my mom wanted me home hours ago.” I say and he looks sad when I say it. I don´t want to leave, but I know my mother probably hates me for not being home by now.

“Can I see you again?”  He asks and takes out his phone, he hands me it and tells me to put my number in it. I do as I am told and smiles at him before I walk away.

From: Unknown

You´re pretty when you have flowers in your hair. –Louis xx

I smile and turn around and see Louis standing there just where I left him.

“YOU ARE ALWAYS PRETTY!” I scream to him and I can almost hear him laugh, that man is driving me crazy and I love it.


Here you go people!

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