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Por theclockworkghost

23.1K 949 201

โLook, I can't be any clearer than how crystal clear I am being. The car... it stood up and turned into a gia... Mรกs

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โŒˆ ๐™ฐ๐™ฒ๐šƒ ๐™พ๐™ฝ๐™ด โŒ‹
chapter one; pilot
chapter two; visions of death
chapter three; secrets unveiled
chapter four; confrontation
chapter five; the autobots
chapter six; partners
chapter seven; crown on the ground
chapter eight; weird science
chapter nine; bad habits
chapter ten; starbucks life
chapter eleven; the human factor
chapter twelve; home sweet home
chapter fourteen; bath time
chapter fifteen; bring it on bitch
chapter sixteen; snowy prime

chapter thirteen; real-life fruit ninja

938 54 19
Por theclockworkghost

   For the entire four days that her father was home, Torryn and Scott spent every waking moment together. From training to watching movies to working out, Torryn and Scott did it all. Torryn even went as far as to sleep on her dad's floor below his bed. It seemed that Torryn had been starved from parental attention in the past few weeks and now that her father was back, she intended to make the most of their short time together.

   Luckily, another conversation surrounding Kavemen Academy did not pop up. Torryn was not sure if she could handle another debate about that stupid school.

   Four days was simply not enough time for Scott to be back in Torryn's opinion, though she did need to admit she was beginning to miss the Autobots and her human friends. Torryn had skipped the last week of school in order to hang out with her dad and of course that caused for her friends to call her more than once, all of them wondering when she would be back.

   Because of this fact, once Scott had left that Sunday morning (after a very long goodbye), Torryn had taken it upon herself to call Miko. After having a fun relaxed four days with her father, Torryn was eager to hang with her friends.

   As soon as Torryn had called, Miko immediately invited her along with Jack and Raf over to the house claiming her host-parents were gone for the day. Something about them taking that Sunday to "try their luck in Vegas".

   And so, that was how the four currently ended up sitting within the confines of Miko's house; Miko and Torryn holding rather sharp knives with their hair pulled back in a bandana, Jack and Raf nervously setting up a series of different fruits in front of the girls, and Bulkhead unknowingly waiting outside for whenever the four were ready to head to the base.

   "This is such a bad idea." Jack groaned while placing the last Watermelon in front of Torryn.

   "Admit it, you want to watch this as much as Miko and I want to do it." Torryn grinned while holding the huge knife tightly in her grasp, her red hair held back by a bright yellow bandana.

   Raf sat ideally next to them at the counter, eating a bowl of pineapple while waiting for the entertainment that was about to happen within the next few seconds.

   Miko herself was taking practice swings with her knife, making small ninja noises under her breath. Jack, while he was nervous, had to admit that Torryn had a point. He did want to see how this apparent "real-life fruit ninja" idea that Miko came up with went.

   Yes, Miko Nakadai had come up with the ridiculous idea for them to play real-life fruit ninja. While Jack and Rafael quickly disagreed, knowing this would not end well, Torryn was ultimately down. She was on board the second the word "fruit" and "ninja" left the Japanese girl's mouth.

   Now, the two of them stood brandishing knives they very well should not have had, preparing to see who could chop up the most fruit thrown at them the quickest.

   "Whatever," Jack mumbled as he shook his head, his dark hair falling across his face. "Three," Jack started the countdown, holding up an orange mockingly. "Two... one!"

   Launching the orange at them, Jack wasted no time in hurling a multitude of different fruits their way. Raf watched wide-eyed, pausing in eating his pineapple to watch the girls chop up the fruits alike to psychopaths.

   "Hi-yah!" Miko cried as she and Torryn went crazy with swinging the knives and cutting fruit at scary rates.

   It was as if the girls were taking out all their frustrations on the fruit (which they were). Miko's host-parent's kitchen which was once pristine and spotless was now painted with different fruity colors and intestines. They would no doubt throw a fit once they came home to this mess.

   "How the hell can you guys even cut fruit this fast?" Jack asked, shaking his head in astonishment at the girls acting as if they truly were ninjas.

   "I was raised in Japan, you think I didn't study Kung-Fu?" Miko scoffed.

   "You studied Kung-Fu and didn't tell us?"

   "Yeah, I studied it for like... eleven years, I'm practically a ninja!" Miko boasted with a laugh, chopping fruit at the speed of light causing even Torryn to gape at her.

   "Holy shit--OW!" Torryn suddenly howled in pain, dropping the knife as she quickly brought her wrist to her lips.

   Torryn's eyes filled with tears of frustration, the girl mumbling extreme profanities while sucking on her wound which hurt like hell.

   "Oh my god!" Jack panicked stopping his fruit-throwing at once, racing to Torryn's side.

"Hey, I was winning!" Miko complained while begrudgingly placing her own knife on the counter.

"Miko!" Raf scolded, but did not dare to look at Torryn's profusely bleeding wound which was gushing red.

   He never was good with anything medical.

   Torryn turned away from Jack's prying hands and concerned face.

   "Fucking hell!" Torryn shrieked in such a loud tone that all three of her friends cringed.

   Holy hell did Torryn want to do nothing more than scream at the moment, but that would not be good for anyone.

   Bringing her wrist out of her mouth as the metallic bloody taste became too much, Torryn clutched her wrist as a string of curses fell from her lips. Pacing around, Jack and Miko attempted to get Torryn to calm down while the girl only ignored them.

   "Let me see it!" Jack finally managed to stop Torryn, forcefully grabbing her hurt arm and bringing it to his examining eyes.

   Jack was no doctor, but his mom was a nurse meaning he knew a thing or two about first aid.

   Whimpering in pain, Torryn bit her lip to stop herself from screaming. Jack's eyes widened along with Miko's who was standing on her tip-toes to peek around Jack's taller form. Thankfully, Raf still refused to look as if he did, he probably would have passed out.

   Torryn wanted to pass out at the sight of her profusely bleeding wrist, a deep gash located diagonally running from the length of her hand all the way to her mid-forearm.

   Oh yeah, that definitely was going to need stitches.

    "Oh my gosh!" Raf had barely caught sight of it and yet it was enough for him to be panicking. "You're going to die, Torryn. She needs to go to the hospital!"

   While Raf was a genius, he was still only a child.

   Torryn only groaned in panic and pain, Jack deciding that he needed to take the lead.

   "Miko, get a towel. We need to get to Ratchet as soon as possible." Jack ordered, Miko, wasting no time in scampering off at record speed to grab a towel for her friend.

   "Here," Miko threw the blue towel at Jack who was quick to wrap it around the wound, Torryn keeping her eyes level with Jack refusing to look at the bleeding cut. "C' mon, Bulkhead's right outside, he'll get us to the base quickly."

   Miko explained as Jack, Raf, and Torryn quickly made their way outside leaving the kitchen a huge mess for Miko's host-parents to find later on. Jack made sure to keep his own hand wrapped around Torryn's wrist, sensing that Torryn was partially in shock from the bad cut.

   Yeah, Ratchet and probably Optimus would throw a fit once they saw this. Hopefully, Smokescreen wasn't around when they got there, he would no doubt panic at the sight of his charge (whom he was seeing for the first time in almost a week) bleeding so much.

   "Bulkhead, we have a problem! We need to get Torryn to Doc-bot as fast as possible!" Miko all but screamed as she burst out of the house, Bulkhead's engine revving up as Torryn came out with a bloody towel around her wrist which Jack was holding.

   "By the Allspark!" Bulkhead did not even bother trying to hide his voice despite the fact that he was in a public neighborhood. "What happened?"

   Jack shoved Torryn in the back seat, himself going in after her and Rafael taking the very edge of Bulkhead's backseat. Miko sat in the passenger seat, the girl still wearing her bright bandana as she turned back to her friend in worry.

   Torryn breathed deeply, reminding herself to stay calm. How was it that she managed to get herself into these types of situations? She knew this mark would definitely leave a scar.

   Leaning her head against the back seat, she felt Bulkhead speed off, the monster truck not bothering to follow any road safety precautions whatsoever. All he knew was he had to get back to base as soon as possible, the last thing he wanted was for poor Torryn to bleed out on his interior. He could only imagine how heartbroken himself and all the others would be if she died, Torryn may have not known them long but she had already become a part of the family.

   Even Arcee was beginning to warm up to the girl.

   "How did this happen?" Bulkhead repeated the question, this time with a stern tone.

   Breathing out, Miko slowly pulled her bandana off her head. "Real-life fruit ninja."

   Bulkhead recognized the name as the little app that Miko would so often play when she was bored. He watched her one time and thought it looked like a relatively entertaining game, it was definitely not something that should be brought to reality though. What were they expecting to happen?

"Why would you do that!"

"It seemed like a good idea at the time!"

   Groaning, Bulkhead used his mirrors to check on Torryn while also focusing on driving. "Ratchet will definitely kill you, Optimus will no doubt give you a stern talking-to, and Smokescreen is going to cry when he sees this."

   "Uhh, I know!" Miko groaned flopping back in the seat.

   "Hey, you're not the one bleeding out here!" Torryn sassed from where she sat, the momentary shock wearing off. "My poor wrist." Torryn sobbed light-heartedly, and yet her eyes truly did look quite glassy as she gazed at her maimed wrist.

   It actually did hurt, she was stabbed by a knife after all!

   As Bulkhead left Jasper at speeds the green mech swore he would never go (unless he was in a con chase), he attempted to comm Ratchet. He was left empty-handed leading him to believe he and the others were currently busy. Well, wouldn't it be quite the surprise when he came lugging in the maimed human. Primus, Optimus was going to freak.

   "Torryn..." Jack started when he saw Torryn staring at her wrist with glossy eyes, the bright bandana still tied tightly to her forehead.

   Suddenly, as if something snapped within her, Torryn burst into tears causing everyone to jump. Sure, she was a rather strong human and held a high pain tolerance, but she was fucking slashed! Any sane person would be crying.

   "IT HURTS!" Torryn bellowed, her voice reaching unsafe sound-levels.

   That did it for Bulkhead, the green mech was now hauling-ass as if Megatron himself was on his tail. Desert flew by at horrifying speeds, the engine revving until it was heard for miles.

   Torryn still had the audacity to hold her true banshee screams back, but her voice was starting to reach levels that no normal person would ever be able to hit easily. Her shrill cries rang across the entirety of Bulkhead, and if the mech was parked, her sobs would no doubt be heard from outside the truck as well.

   Clutching her wrist to her, Torryn fell back against the seat in an almost dramatic manner, tears falling down her cheeks at a fast pace. And suddenly, Torryn was not only crying because it hurt, but she was also crying for everything.

   She was crying for the death of her mother, for her father never being able to be home, for the visions of the many deaths, for her true nature, for her friends and lying to them: she was simply crying. But then again, everyone needed a good cry now and then, didn't they?

   Jack and Raf did not know what to do, and frankly; despite being her best-friend, Miko did not either. Bulkhead now in full-blown panic-mode, any sane thought flying out the window as he sped into the tunnels of the base at the uncanny speeds, his tires squealing as he ran up the length of the roads into the main part of the base.

   "I'm sorry, this is all my fault! We'll never play real-life fruit ninja again, I promise!" Miko was now babbling, trying to console her friend in any way she could.

   Any other time, all of them would have reached over to give her a hug, but considering how heavy she was bleeding, that did not exactly seem like the best idea.


   As Bulkhead sped into the base, only Optimus and Ratchet were present. Smokescreen, Arcee, and Bumblebee were on an energon hunt; one which Bulkhead was supposed to be attending, but he was still waiting for Miko and the others.

   Ratchet had gotten Bulkhead's comm, but because he was busy configuring data, he figured that Bulkhead had only been calling to tell them he was on his way back and ignored him.

   Hearing the way Bulkhead's tires squealed in a manner that was foreign for him, both Optimus and Ratchet turned around to Bulkhead's alt mode which came to a firm stop just feet away from Ratchet's pedes.

   "What?" Ratchet deadpanned, his optics going wide when Raf and Miko rushed out talking out the speed of light.

   "I didn't mean to, it was only a little fun!"

   "Torryn's going to need to get her arm chopped off!"

   "I swear if I had known fruit ninja could go so badly we would not have done it!"

   "Mom always says to pray when something horrible goes wrong, so dear Jesus Christ please be with Torryn!"

   "Ratchet, you've got to help her!"

   "Torryn's going to die!"

   By now both Ratchet and Optimus were extremely confused and quite frankly, a little scared. That fear only intensified, when Jack hopped out of Bulkhead helping Torryn whose wrist was wrapped tightly with a bloody blue towel.

   Torryn was still sobbing, her cries becoming borderline screams. Miko and Raf's rambling had only frightened her all the more.

   "I'm sorry, don't chop my arm off, Ratchet! I don't want to die like this!"

   While Torryn may have acted bull-headed and did not often show weakness, at the end of the day she was a sixteen-year-old girl. She was technically still a child, still so very young.

   Bulkhead transformed from behind them, quickly pulling Torryn off the ground and placing her at the human medical center located just next to the recreational zone. The medical center was not much at all, the area simply featuring a large dresser full of human medical supplies and a small bed made for Ratchet to keep an eye on any of the humans if they were ever hurt badly enough.

   Shaking his helm, Ratchet let out a growl, falling into his ambulance alt form. As soon as he was in his alt mode, his holoform flickered to life a few feet away from where Bulkhead set Torryn down on the bed.

   The trio was quickly running up the stairs with the intention of being with their friend, Optimus watching quietly, his optics trained on Torryn with concern for her well-being. Apparently, Jack was truly not lying when he said Miko and Torryn stirred up a large sum of trouble. The Autobot leader had a hunch that this was both not the first time something like this happened nor the last.

   Ratchet in his holoform quickly shook himself, flicking his long orange and white braid behind his back. It was always odd using his holoform for the first few minutes, but it would even itself out.

   Still sobbing, Torryn clutched her wrist, rambling in a begging manner about Ratchet not cutting her arm off.

   "Hush femme!" Ratchet scolded in a gentle manner which was so unlike him, but then again, other than the one time with Raf, no human had come to him this severely injured.

   Torryn was barely able to listen, her screams dialing down to gentle sobs of both pain and fright as Ratchet came near her. "Quiet now, you're going to be fine." The doctor soothed in a warm tone, looking in Torryn's eyes to show her that he would not allow anything bad to happen to her.

   While the Autobot often acted grumpily, he did have a soft spot for the human children; as much as he hated to admit it. He also realized that despite how they all tried to hide it, each of them were much younger than any of the Autobots; quite literally by millions of years. They were mere infants in comparison to them, they lived and died in a blink of an eye.

   Whimpering in pain as Ratchet peeled the towel off her bloody wound, Torryn's breathing began accelerating at actually seeing the horrible cut.

   Oh yeah, that thing was long and deep and would most definitely need stitches.

   "There we go," Ratchet mumbled, setting the destroyed towel on top of the dresser holding the medical equipment. That bloody towel would need to be thrown away.

   Scanning it, Ratchet quickly decided the proper course of action, the Autobot turning to Jack. He trusted him the most considering his mom was a nurse. "Jack, I need a warm cloth, quickly."

   Jack merely nodded while rushing off to wet a cloth with warm water.

   "Bulkhead, join the others on the energon mission and do not mention this to anyone, especially Smokescreen. The last thing Torryn needs is Smokescreen rushing back fretting over her." Ratchet threw a sharp look at Bulkhead, the green mech nodding while powering up the ground bridge and running through.

   Optimus watched his team member go, the vortex powering down behind his huge form. "Miko, you and Raf go watch television or do something other than sitting here and freaking Torryn out all the more. It is not helping yourselves and it is most definitely not helping her."

   Nodding her head, Miko for the first time in a while did not argue. Throwing one last worried glance toward their friend, Miko and Raf scrambled off, the image of her wound still present in their minds.

   At that moment Jack came rushing back with the warm towel, handing it to Ratchet who nodded in thanks. "Thank you, now go with Miko and Raf, I will tell you three when I am finished."

   Jack meekly nodded as he scampered to Miko and Raf, all of them worried for the final piece to their quartet. Torryn herself sniffled as her cut continued bleeding, her arm now in Ratchet's grasp.

   "Optimus," Ratchet began lowly, the leader walking forward. "This is not going to feel pleasant and I'll need you to hold her down."

   Torryn began crying more at his words, Optimus nodding solemnly while collapsing his huge truck mode. Appearing next to Ratchet was a tall broad handsome man who could not have been a day over twenty-nine. What appeared to be a full head of black hair turned out to simply be a shade of extremely dark blue strands.

   The man wore a leather overcoat with the Autobot insignia, his eyes a familiar penetrating blue with a certain softness around the edges. A color which only Optimus Prime himself could have.

   Sobbing louder, Ratchet hushed her while Optimus gently but firmly held the unhurt hand against him. While the leader was offering as much comfort as he could, allowing the teenage girl to clutch onto his form, his hand intertwined with her unwounded one; Ratchet began using the warm towel to clean the wound.

   Torryn hissed knowing that this was not even the worst of it, if anything this was the easy part.

   Jack, Miko, and Raf cringed from their place at the couch, the trio trying to focus on the show and failing due to their friend's noises of pain.

   "Hey, it's not your fault, I shouldn't have let you guys do that." Jack sighed placing a hand on Miko's shoulder, both of them felt equally as guilty for what happened.

   "Okay," Ratchet mumbled as soon as all the blood was gone, the medic holding the towel tightly on to keep it from spewing any more blood. "This is the part that's going to hurt," Torryn's eyes went wide in a horrified manner as Ratchet brought out a huge needle from the drawers.

   "No," Torryn said, lurching away from Ratchet only to be stopped by Optimus's large hands.

   His grip on her was firm, and though the leader truly did sympathize with her, he knew Ratchet had to inject the numbing needle. Torryn attempted to wriggle out of Optimus's grasp, the leader not even faltering as Ratchet came closer with the needle.

   "Ratchet, no, please! No, Ratchet, no!" Torryn once again began sobbing helplessly as Ratchet closed in on her.

   Sighing Ratchet lowered the needle. "Torryn," The medic started firmly, he understood that she was stabbed and it probably hurt (a ton), but she had to be numbed or the pain of getting stitches would be far worse. "Would you rather suffer through the agony of getting stitches without lidocaine?" He waved the needle as if to make a point.

   Well, his point had been made because Torryn let out a sad breath, stopping her squirming. Optimus, ever the caretaker he is, simply held her closer to his large body (which was surprisingly warm).

   The kids all desperately tried not to look at their friend, Raf gulping while turning the television up. This was beginning to scare him.

   "Okay, deep breath," Ratchet murmured as he gently gripped her arm, stationing the needle in the first spot he intended to bury the sharp point in.

   With steady hands and no more words, Ratchet quickly dug the needle in the area just next to Torryn's wound. Letting out a long slew of whimpers, Torryn cried out everything, regretting the moment she decided real-life fruit ninja would be fun.

   The pain Torryn felt was extremely real. She was not overplaying it one bit. Getting slashed deeply in the arm hurt like hell and then having a needle poking around that very same area only added icing on the cake.

   "Almost done," Ratchet mumbled as he injected the needle in the third spot and final spot on Torryn's arm.

   Thankfully, the numbing agent worked fast as Torryn was beginning to feel the effects. No longer was the previous pain in her arm present; in fact, no feeling at all was present.

   Sighing as Ratchet took the needle away, Torryn was able to begin thinking clearly with the pain no longer clouding her consciousness. Loosing her tight grip on Optimus, Torryn took deep breaths, her tears slowly but surely drying.

   "Oh god, what a trip." The girl mumbled with a hint of a smile causing for everyone in the base to sigh in relief.

   Despite Torryn often having no regard for safety or authority, she was generally a happy person (or so it seemed). Seeing her so upset and in pain truly was something the five never wanted to see again.

   "Hey, at least we didn't need to call Jack's mom, imagine what her reaction would have been." Miko giggled, trying to lighten the mood despite her guilt.

   Torryn chuckled as well, Jack rolling his eyes while Raf simply sighed happily, glad everything was somewhat back to normal. Rolling his eyes, Ratchet poured peroxide on the large cut before quickly getting to work in stitching it up.

   Ratchet worked efficiently, the Autobot holoform glancing at Torryn when the situation suddenly occurred to him.

   "Hold on," Ratchet growled in an annoyed and frustrated tone. "How did you say this happened?"

   Torryn quickly zipped her lips, her wide caramel eyes moving to her other three friends who were glancing at each other just as nervously, Miko with a little more guilt in her eyes. The two Autobots noticed this, Ratchet narrowing his eyes while Optimus only raised an eyebrow while tilting his head. He did not like the looks the children were giving each other.

    "Woah, cool holoform Optimus. Way to make all the ladies go crazy." Torryn laughed nervously, the pain now gone and her normal persona back in full swing.

   As if to add onto her statement, the teenager tugged on his red and purple leather jacket in the arms. His arms (unsurprisingly) were rather muscular and the holoform himself was tall. Torryn had not been in the right state of mind before, but now that the pain was numbed she was able to take in Optimus's full human appearance.

   He; of course, was tall, probably just over 6'3. Oddly enough, the male did resemble Optimus to a certain degree with hair which was such a dark blue that it appeared black and crystal-like eyes which spoke of righteousness and leadership. Allowing her gaze to travel down his form, Torryn rose a brow at the large belt-buckle keeping up his dark wash jeans and the heavy-looking boots adorning his feet.

   "Miko," Optimus rumbled lowly, ripping his gaze away from Torryn who was unabashedly checking out the Prime.

   Now, Torryn was not necessarily attracted to Optimus in any way, but she did need to admit the Prime had a nice physique. Plus (not that she was staring), he had rather nice arms.

   "What happened?" The Prime was able to pick apart the guilt rolling off Miko in waves.

   With a breath, Miko looked up surprising everyone by the guilty tears in her eyes. Looking to her best female friend, Miko pouted sadly. "I'm so sorry, Torryn." She whimpered, Torryn's mouth nearly falling agape not expecting Miko of all people to apologize. "I just thought it was going to be fun, I didn't think you would get hurt!" She exclaimed, her words quick as whip dancing at the edge of Japanese as she rambled her apologies with sad puppy-dog eyes.

    Torryn winced at Miko's sad expression, the redhead unable to handle the usually upbeat girl's sadness. In fact, no one was, alike to Torryn seeing Miko cry was simply something so horrifically foreign that no one ever wished to see it again.

   "Bro, it's not your fault. Honestly, I should have been more careful with the knife." Torryn smiled causing Miko to giggle, her expression lightening up once she realized Torryn was not mad at her.

    "What do you mean; knife?" Ratchet questioned as he finished with the stitches, cutting the final piece of string.

   With a sigh, Raf was finally the one to break. "They were playing real-life fruit ninja with knives and fruit and Torryn slashed herself!" He said it in one breath, Ratchet nearly falling over from the stupidity of the actions he heard.

    "You two did what?"

   "Trust me, we learned our lesson big time," Torryn mumbled while looking to her stitched wrist, knowing it would leave a scar but happy it was not exactly in the most visible of places.

    It would be rather hard to notice.

   "Yeah, we will not be doing that again." Miko agreed as Torryn hopped off the medical table, Ratchet immediately fretting over her.

   "Hey, hey, the only reason you are not still in pain is because of the lidocaine, take it easy." Ratchet was grasping her shoulder, his form looming over her.

    Now, Torryn was not short by any means. In fact, she was a little taller than average standing at a sturdy height of 5'7 (unlike Miko who was a short 5'3); however, it seemed the two Autobot Holoforms she had seen had rather tall builds. It made sense considering their Cybertronian builds were over a story tall.

   "Okay," Torryn easily gave in which surprised the medic, leader, and other humans. "I'm just tired though, I want to go home." The girl stated, feeling drowsy from the crying and numbing agent.

    "Will you ground-bridge me home?"

   This was the comment that made all of them nearly gasp out loud. For the past two weeks she had known them, she had refused to give up her address to any of them. Even to Miko whom she was considered closest too. However, now it was obvious due to her apparent weariness, Torryn was finally giving up her address.

   For Torryn, she knew the risk she was taking. She knew that chances were by the time Smokescreen got back Ratchet and Optimus would tell him her address and explain what happened and that by tomorrow Smokescreen would be sitting outside her large home. Well, that was if he managed to get past her gate. Then again, if he transformed he could simply step over it. That's probably what would end up happening considering she lived in the middle of nowhere and Smokescreen would understand that the second he saw her home.

    Despite all the risks, the drowsiness had won over Torryn and she simply wanted to go home. She could get her car from the school tomorrow.

   Shaking his head, Ratchet forced himself to spit out an answer. "Of course," In a matter of moments his holoform disappeared and he transformed standing in front of the ground-bridge levers.

   Optimus did the same, his holoform sizzling away as he stood up from his truck mode. Sighing tiredly, Torryn waved goodbye to her starstruck friends, walking down the stairs until she was standing in front of where the ground-bridge would open.

    "What's your address?"

    And this was the moment that would change everything. The moment every single risk would be taken, but it would be worth it for Torryn to finally get some sleep, even if she did wake up to Smokey outside her house. Even then, would that outcome be so bad? She would truly no longer need to drive herself anywhere and 24-hour protection seemed nice enough. All she could hope was that Smokescreen would not notice the lack of family members living with her right away.

    Also for the matter, Torryn could only hope she would not wake up wailing anytime soon.

   "607 Desert Drive, Mineral County." Everyone was once again surprised as they all understood based on the very odd address, her home had to be located in the middle of the desert or A.K.A on the outskirts of Jasper.

   If Optimus was correct, he suspected that the particular area of which Torryn was referring to was not too far away from the base.

   With no comment, Ratchet quickly found the coordinates of said address and fired up the ground-bridge. No one bothered pushing Torryn to see if they were allowed to follow her through and look at what her home looked like as she had just barely allowed them to even know her address. Besides, considering Smokescreen was her guardian it was only right that he be the first one to go to her home. Something he would probably do the second he learned of everything that went down, he would no doubt be scared for Torryn once hearing about her stabbing incident anyway.

   "See you guys later," Torryn mumbled as she walked through the ground-bridge without looking back the swirling green mass soon turning into the familiar landscape of her front yard.

    As the ground-bridge closed behind her, Torryn sighed knowing her father was not home. However, surprisingly she felt better about knowing that the Autobots knew her address, something she never would have thought possible.

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