Reincarnation - Story Of A He...

By Cyclone499

56.1K 1.8K 563

Wakaba Yuuki, a girl who had a painful and empty childhood, had her heart broken by the betrayal of her best... More

Chapter 1 - A New World
Chapter 3 - Alchemy? Chemistry? Biology? Medicine?
Chapter 4 - Are Monsters Friendly?
Chapter 5 - I've Got Many 'Neighbours'!
Chapter 6 - A Goddess Visited Me!
Chapter 7 - Two Divine Beings Visit!
Chapter 8 - An Evil God And Wisdom's Determination
Chapter 9 - This Dense Guy....
Chapter 10 - A Certain Village And A Blindfolded, Silent Woman
Chapter 11 - Home
Chapter 12 - The True Leader Of The Beasts
Chapter 13 - Prelude To A Battle
Chapter 14 - Sleep Peacefully, My Strongest Familiar...
Chapter 15 - Revival And Reunion
Chapter 16 - Blessings Of The God Of Life And Death
Chapter 16.5 - A Day With The God Of Life And Death
Chapter 17 - Visiting The Village Again!
Chapter 18 - A Farewell
Chapter 19 - The Past
Chapter 20 - Alone
Chapter 21 - An Elder Sister
Chapter 22 - Divines Visit
Chapter 23 - Listen
Chapter 24 - Her
Chapter 25 - Us

Chapter 2 - Imagination Magic And A New Familiar?

3.7K 114 66
By Cyclone499

Chapter 2 is here. Thank you for staying and please enjoy yourself.
House Of Yuuki

Hmm...I wonder what kind of power my magic has.

I thought about my magic after I ate. As soon as I woke up, my stomach grumble angrily. Therefore, I filled it with the meals that were prepared in the magic fridge that stored a stock of lifetime foods. Although I had some inquiries about why was it there, I guessed it was because of the effect of the letter Shin sent to me. The effect was to create a house of my wish.

My deduction is that it created the house along with the content I wished for. That's why the foods were created.

By the way, I wore the blindfold and mask again after that. Although I just got it recently, I had gotten quite attached to these two things.

I walked out of my house and strolled around a few meters around my house. I was just checking out the surrounding of my house, which at the same time finding out how beautiful my house is.

My lips curved upward as I gazed upon the pretty house that I have. Beside my house was a crystal clear river which was full of aquatic lives. It was deep enough for my knee to drown and the current was not fast and very calming and cold.

The landscape of my house was grassy and green. I could see that this continued for approximately 40m². Above all, my shelter was very safe and comfortable.

Today, I was planning to explore the forest around my house and check out my magic.

Then, let the second day of my second life begin! I am very excited for what I will see.


I am going to check out my magic first before I went to the forest.

Shin said that my magic was called imagination magic. It allows me to create anything with any effect. Blah blah blah..... Anyway, it only relied on my imagination. I just need to think what I wanted to do I guess?

Then, let's try something.

A little fire....

The basic of fantasy magic. A fire. I imagined a little fire that was caused by a little oxygen and some fuel.

Then, suddenly a fire was created in front of me. Its size was only like a lighter's fire. But it's enough for me to know that I have magic.

I was excited to see that fire.

Then, I tried out other things.

A water ball, sparks, darkness, ball of light, earth , metal drill, vines, little whirlwind, mist, ice, magma....

I was too excited to know that I just created too much....of a trouble.

What would you do when you suddenly saw some magics were flying around you. And those magics were out of control....


You panicked.


I guessed I was too excited to see that I could use magic. All of the things I imagined turned into reality.

Water ball, a mist around me with sparks, vines wildly moving around from earth. Drills of metal digging around and many others....

How do I stop them? Answers?

I don't know......

Let's just think that those were unreal. Maybe it will disappear?

As I thought of that, they truly disappeared. Magic sure was convenient.

Well, enough joking around.

Reflection moment.

What do I have to improve on?

One, my imagination. I need to have an even more keen and wild imagination to create what I wanted in the future.

Two, my magic control. Input and output. From what I saw, my magic relied heavily on the control and imagination I had. Therefore, if I wanted to avoid anything getting destructed, I needed to control how much Mana I put in the magic and sped up the image of dispersing the magic.

Three, how to apply magic to daily life. I supposed magic could help me in my daily life. I needed to learn how I can use magic for protection just in case anything happen, to hunt animals, and for experiment in case I get sick.

That was all I guess. Now, enough about magic.

I wanted to explore the forest next. But, before that, I needed to change my clothes. I'm afraid to see the dress I had from my previous world to be torn.

But I didn't have any other suitable clothes for exploring. The clothes in the wardrobe weren't suitable either...

Hmmm.... What to do?

Suddenly, Wisdom, the knowledge of the world gave me an idea.

Imagination magic. I wonder if it allows me to create clothing?

Let's give it a try.

Wait, how to create clothes from imagination and making sure it suit my body?

«Imagine the clothes you wish for. If can't, said the name in your mind. Leave the other process to me.»


«Question. What is wrong?»

Wait, what is this voice? Who are you?

All of sudden, a robotic voice could be heard in my head. I couldn't determine whether it was a male or female.

«I am the one whom you have gave the name Wisdom. I was granted upon you by the God Of Life And Death. I decided to evolve myself for your convenience. Is it a bother?»

Ahh, I understand now. The Wisdom that I thought was lifeless knowledge was actually a living being which has the knowledge of the world. He? She? Decided to evolve to help me. What a good.....guy? Girl? Whatever.

No, you are not a bother. I'm just surprised.

«Then, I am sorry to surprise you. Thank you for your kind words.»

Aaannnd, what were you saying earlier?

«About your clothes, you just have to say the name of the clothes and the words to describe them. It is better if you can imagine a little. After that, just leave the rest to me.»

Wow, that's helpful.

«I am grateful for your kind words»

Then, I guessed I have to imagine it.

A hiking clothes....

Loose tracksuit down to my ankle... Long sleeved shirt... A hat to cover the sunlight...

That's enough?

«Affirmative. Then, I will begin.»

Suddenly, a white light flashed around me. It was gentle and didn't hurt my eyes at all.

When the light went out, I noticed that my clothing had changed. My previously otherworldly wear had switched with an easy to move outfit.

W-wisdom, where are my previous clothes?

«It have been stored in your Storage Magic, Master.»

Is that so? I'm relieved.

I was afraid that my former clothes would be gone forever. Those were the last memento that I have of my previous life.

Now that I am ready to explore the forest, I walked into the forest with a light-hearted mood.

«Master, I advice you to be careful when you walk. The forest always has unexpected danger.»

Oh? Thank you for the advice. You're such a caring....guy? Girl? Which one are you?

«I am genderless. However, if master wish for it, I could become either of them.»

Hmm ... Okay then.

I decided not to change his gender. I will refer Wisdom as he from now on.

Well then, let the exploration begin!

Forest Of Nowhere

Wisdom, does this forest has a name?

«Affirmative. This forest is called the Forest Of Nowhere. This is because if one enter this forest, they may never come back. It's not only because of the high percentage of danger, but also the fact that the high quantity and quality of Mana and magical power in here cause people's sense of direction and time to become worthless. Those who entered this forest have been counted and around 3.142 percent of them managed to return.»

Isn't that pi? Whatever.

Wisdom sure has the unbounded knowledge. He is just like an encyclopedia of the world. Any question? He can answer it like a piece of cake.

«Master, I advice you look on the ground before you continue.»


As Wisdom said, I looked in front of me and saw a small blue slime that was jiggling around near my feet. It looked just like an anime I watched in my past life. What is it called?


It touched me with its.....body? I don't know what the slime hand would be called. Tentacles? Hand?

«It is called tentacles by the people. But the truth is that it is the slime's body. They only manipulate their body content to reach out to something. The reason they can manipulate their body is because of some specific molecules that doesn't exist on Earth..........»

???????????? What is he saying? I completely lost him when he said something about molecules. Then it's like I was watching an open book without words.

Wisdom. Sorry but I lost you there.

«....I apologise for not having the ability to make it simpler for you master.»

No, it's okay. No problem.

Then, I crouched and tried to see what was this cute little creature trying to say to me.

"Hey little one. How are you?"


It jiggled enthusiastically. Its colour also changed from blue to yellow. I guessed it tried to say that it was fine.

I chuckled from its cute response.

"Fufu, little one, why do you come to me?"

As I asked, it moved wildly like it was telling me a story. Unfortunately, I couldn't make any words out of it. After a few minutes of bouncing, it slumped down like it was disappointed that its word didn't connect one bit to me.

I smiled bitterly at it.

Wisdom, why can't I communicate with the slime?

«Master, you have been given the ability to understand any kind of language. However, slime did not has any language. They are not able to make any sound because of their very peculiar bodily function. While a very rare minority of them are able to speak in common language, they need to have the human form which is extremely difficult to have.»

I see, thank you Wisdom.

Slime didn't have any language. That's why I can't understand it.

"I'm sorry little one. I'm afraid I can't understand you."

I said regretfully to it. The slime trembled slightly as it was like saying it's fine.

«Master, I might have a solution for you to understand it.»

Hmm, what is it?

I was surprised but  a little happy to know that there is a way for me to communicate with it.

«If you officially made it as your familiar, you may communicate with it.»

How to make it my familiar?

«You just need to have its agreement and send a very little bit of your Mana to it. I will settle the rest.»


«Yes, what is it Master?»

You are so reliable.

«.......I am very happy to be praised by you, Master.»

Back to the slime, I reached out to it and brought it up to my chest. It was really soft and cool like my past pillow. If I use it as my pillow in the summer, I'm sure I could laze around without end.

"Hey, little one. Will you be my familiar?"

The slime almost look like it was shining. It nodded vigorously on my chest. It seemed like it agreed.

So I just have to send my Mana to it?

«Yes Master. Just a little bit. Very little. Like 0.5 percent of your Mana. Please be careful master.»

Wisdom? Why are you emphasizing the little too much? Is it bad I give it too much?

Well, a little bit of my Mana huh? I wonder how much is a little bit. How much is 0.5 percent?

Let's just try it.

Closing my already closed eyes under the blindfold, I tried to imagine a force inside my body. It was swirling in my body. Came from my heart, it flowed through my blood vein around my body and it was like blood. Moving around my body without stopping.

Just a little right?

I tried to make a connection between my Mana and the body of the slime.

The force inside my body become as thin as a string and it went to the slime without any hesitation. Then, when it touched it, only around three centimeters of the string went in and it I cut off the string. I wonder if this is enough since I thought this is too little.

Then, Wisdom's voice ran through my head.

«... Master, I advice you not to underestimate the quantity and quality of your Mana. Maybe you did not understand the meaning of only a little bit?»

Eh, why? I only send around three centimeters of my whole Mana that I can imagine in my body.

«....Master, I am sorry for not explaining about your Mana. Your Mana is very different from a normal being in this world.  Your Mana is very dense and monstrous. As an example, you could say that your Mana is like concentrated and  heated syrup. A drop of it can cause a whole pot of water to change colour.»

Wow..... Then, what is the problem?

«Inspect the changes of the slime.»

As he said that, I checked out the slime.

To my surprise, it became a little bigger and trembled, vibrated in high speed. The inside of the body could be seen like a bundle of wild lights trying to get out.

But, the slime desperately tried to contain it.

Wh-what is happening, Wisdom?

«It is the result of your 'little' mana.»

H-hey, that's mean.

«Do not worry. It is up to it whether it could handle it or not.»

As Wisdom said, what left is only to see whether it will accept it or not.

Then, after a few minutes, the lights inside its body disappeared and its body somehow changed a bit.

It became bigger and almost as big as a bear. The colour of its body became more clear and dense I guess.

"Are you alright, little one?"

[Yes, thank you Master!]

The voice surely went in my head. It was like a little kid around the age of seven. It's really cute and androgynous.

"I'm happy that you're fine, little one. Sorry for making you suffer before."

[Don't worry. The light you gave to me was gentle and it didn't hurt me one bit! It felt good too!]

"Is that so?"

The voice of it sound very energetic. Maybe this slime is a hyperactive one.

Whatever. I'm happy that nothing went wrong.

"Do you have a name little one?"

[None. I want Master to give me one!]

Wisdom, is it okay if I give it a name? Nothing will happen right?

«Affirmative. Naming is not a problem. There will be some changes but it is nothing to worry for.»

Then, it's fine. Thank you for your service.

What kind of name suit it, I wonder? Slime? That's too simple. Jinggly? Nope.....

Let's just go with Rimuru since it reminded me so much of a certain blue slime in an anime of my past life.

"Then, your name is Rimuru. Rimuru, the slime."

[Yey! My name is Rimuru! Thank you so much Master!]

Then, once again, light flashed around Rimuru. It revolved around it for almost a minute and disappeared afterward.

The previously big blue slime now became small blue slime back. But it seemed that its aura had changed. Its aura became bigger I guess.

[Master, Master! I can change my size now! Big and small!]

"I see. That's good."

I was happy to see Rimuru bounced up and down, slowly becoming closer to me. Rimuru was like a kid to me. Its behavior and speaking also didn't differ from any child.

Thus, I gained a new familiar on my second day of new life.
Second chapter completed. Thanks for your support.

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