Endless Seduction G!P | JENLI...

By Limarious_Oppa

2.6M 52.7K 25.3K

Warning: Not suitable for young readers or sensitive minds. Contains graphic sex scenes, adult language, and... More

Endless Seduction
Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Author's Note
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight (M)
Chapter Nine (M)
Chapter Ten (M)
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen (M)
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen (M)
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen (M)
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty (M)
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three (M)
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven (M)
Chapter Twenty-eight
Filler Chapter (M)
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine (M)
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two (M)
Chapter Fourty-Three (M)
Chapter Fourty-Four (M)
Chapter Fourty-Five
Chapter Fourty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Fourty-Eight
Chapter Fourty-Nine

Chapter Thirty-Four

22.9K 699 111
By Limarious_Oppa

Lisa's POV

I urgently slammed the door to my condo unit open, hoping to see Jennie there. The house was still and quiet, the silence was almost deafening. I slowly walked towards the door to my room and pushed the door handle down to open it. There wasn't much difference. It was still quiet, empty... no Jennie in sight. I walked in to find some of her clothes scattered on the floor and on the bed, trailing from the closet door. It was as if she had left in a hurry. I let out a a curse, I sat down on the edge of the bed to catch my breath. I could feel my body limp. My chest felt heavy.

It slowly sank into me as I sat there feeling like a fucking failure. I lost her. I lost the best thing that has ever happened to me. I fucked up again. I always do. This time she gave up to me. The woman who loved me unconditionally for everything I was and everything I wasn't gave up on me. The only woman that actually understand me left me. I thought it was the right thing to do. Keep it from her. I fucked up real bad.

Jennie's POV

"Are you okay?" Nayeon asked with a hint of worry on her voice as she stroke my hair. "You were stucked up in your room for five hours."

I didn't realize I'd been crying for five hours. I went back to my friends' house. It was the only place I thought to run to. I wasn't ready to go back to the hacienda. My friends were the only people I knew I could run and cry to. I told them about Lisa and our relationship. I told them we had been living together and I told them about what I just found out today. They listened and comforted me while I cried my eyes out.

Just a good cry, that was all I need and then I would go on with my life. I wasn't going going to let this get the best of me I would forget about her and move on.

"Yeah, I'm just tired." My voice squeaked as I swallowed my sob.

" It's just a woman, you know." She sighed. "You'll get yourself another. A better one."

I sat up, my back against the headboard. I surprised myself when a chuckle rose from my throat. She made it sound as easy as buying a brand new bag. It was the first time I had ever laughed today and it felt so good to. She looked at me as if I was crazy but it hen she laughed along with and shooked her head.

"You'll be fine." She gently said. "She's the one who got lost, not you. You're the only one here, you know! The ever beautiful Jenny Ruby Jane Kim. And she's not that yummy tho. " I glanced at her and snickered like a little girl. Oh, we both know how she was in bed. She smiled, rolling her eyes at me. "Okay, fine, Maybe she is... Just a little."

We both burst into laughter. I laughed so hard that tears started pouring it my eyes. I couldn't stop it even if I wanted to. Soon enough, my laughter turned into a quiet tears. She pulled my head to her shoulder and I leaned on it. Nayeon stroked my hair as I cried again.

The door opened and Jisoo stood there with a grim expression on her face. "She's outside." She said.

"Who's outside?" Nayeon asked.

" Lisa. She's looking for Jennie. " Jisoo answered. " She's talking with Rosé. "

They both turned their attention to me. I leaned our of the bed and ran out of the room. Rosé was standing in front of the door, blocking it, and I could hear her talking to someone. I quietly walked to the window to the right of the door peeked out of the curtain. I saw Lisa standing outside with her hands tucked into her pockets. Her face was dark and tensed.

"For the third time, Lisa. Jennie is not here! She hasn't yet go here or passed by here." I could hear Rosé shouting in frustration.

" Don't hide her from me. I know she's there." She said in a calm but stern voice." I just need to talk to her. Please, Rosé, I'm begging to you. "

Rosé subtly glanced at me when she noticed I was there. I shook my head at her as if telling her that I don't want to talk to Lisa. I wasn't ready. I am not ready to face her and hear what she is going to say. No matter what she would tell me, it wouldn't change the fact that she was a married woman. She deceived me.

"How many times do I have to tell you that she's not here? " Rosé said, irritatedly. " We hadn't seen her. Even if you roamed around inside here, you will never see her because she is not here! "

Lisa took in a deep breath. Her shoulders dropped in resignation. Her face turned darker, more weary. She looked like she had age a couple of years in just one minute. She turned and started walking away. My heart squeezed as I watched her walking away. I wanted to run after her but I stopped myself from doing so. Letting her go was the right thing to do. And it was the hardest too.

I placed my palm on the window. It was one of the hardest things I had ever done. It was hard to admit that the person I wanted most wasn't any good for me. It was hard watching her walk away.

Lisa's POV

I called to the hacienda. I called Joy and Sungjae. Even the fucking HR guy. Anyone I could think of. Jennie's wasn't with them. I was worried and frustrated and I felt helpless. I thought of every possibility of her being okay because if something bad happens to her I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. I was sitting in my car after going to Joy, Sungjae and Kang's house to check if she was there. I wasn't contented with words, I needed to see it for myself. She's not inside in any of their houses. I parked my car on the side of the road and called her phone for the nth time but it was switched off. I angrily threw my phone on the passenger's seat and hit the steering wheel with my fisted hand.

I speed off to a place that I could go to clear off my head. I didn't want to go home. I was too fuckin scared of going home to an empty house. I was scared of being left alone with my own thoughts. Jennie was all I could ever think about and the thought of her was killing me. I parked my car in front of the club and went inside. I made my way through the crowd and headed towards the bar to get myself a glass of whiskey. A glass would at least help calm my nerves. I gulped it straight down and asked for another one. I kept drinking, glass after glass, just so I could numb myself.

My mind was already fogged up by alcohol when I thought of one person she could possibly go. Goddammit! Why haven't I thought of Hanbin? I paid for my drinks and hurriedly left the bar. I drove off to Hanbin's condominium without hesitation. Alcohol had already degraded my ability to think clearly. I walked ocasionally stumbling, to Hanbin's unit and repeatedly pressed the doorbell.

It opened and Hanbin stood there with a dazed and annoyed expression. His hair was messy and he looked like he just woke up from sleep. I leaned my arm against the door frame and smiled.

"What the hell are you doing here? It's two in the morning. I still have work tommorow." He said in a raspy voice.

"Where's Jennie? " I blurted out.

" Jennie?" His brows furrowed. "She's not here. Why are you searching for her?"

"Hanbin, don't hide her from me. I know she's in there? " I said, losing my cool. I looked behind him to his house and shouted her name. " Jennie!"

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" He gave me a good shove, making me tumble back a few steps. "Why are you searching for my sister?"

"Tell her we're going home. I am not going home without her. " My voice slurred with drunkness.

" What the hell? " He looked at me with disbelief for a few moment before giving me a piercing glare. Without any warning, he landed a punch on my face and i fell to the ground. He grabbed me by my shirt and lifted me up. "Are you fucking my sister?"

"Whatever were doing, it's none of your business! " I roared. " I just want Jennie back. "

" You son of a bitch! " He drove his knuckles into my cheek and my face was knocked to the floor. I struggled to stand up, holding myself up with an arm. I winced when I felt pain on my face from his punches. It was enough to sober me up and bring me back to my senses.

"I fucking love your sister!" I shouted to him as I forced myself up. "Please, just let me talk to her. I am already arranging my divorce papers with Irene. Tell Jennie she's the only one I love, Irene doesn't mean anything to me anymore."

" Bastard! " I felt a shooting pain when his fist flew over to my face again, sending me cold to the ground. "That's for my sister."

I lifted my head up and before I could even have the chance to sit up, he sent me back to the ground with his fist. Drunk and injured, I didn't even bother to move anymore. "And that's for ruining our friendship."

That was the last thing I heard before I passed out.

Jennie's POV

"Hanbin..." I gasped when I saw him sitting on the living room it was in the middle of the night. I was sleeping exhausted from crying, when Jisoo woke me up and told me someone wanted to talk to me. He turned his head to me with a stelly expression. I slowly walked towards him and sat on the single couch to his left. "What are you doing here?"

"Is it true that you have a relationship with Lisa? " He asked, his voice low but piercing.

I didn't answer. I blinked in surprise.

"Jennie!" He pressed. This time his voice was clearer, louder, firmer. He's fucking mad.

"To anything Lisa and I had, it's already done." I answered, doing my best to hide the shakiness of my voice. It startled me a bit when I heard him cuss. "I am in the right age. You don't have to be so overprotective of me. You and dad doesn't have to treat me like a little kid. "

" Lisa has a wife! She is married!" He snarled.

" I know. " My voice was soft as my eyes fell to the ground. I could feel my heart clenching into a tight ball and I tried so hard not to let another tear fall from my eyes.

"You know it but still you chose to hit on her. " He brushed his fingers through his hair frustratedly. "And you expect us to trust you with you with your decisions?" He laughed mockingly. "Is this what you want, Jennie? To be someone's mistress? Do you understand how hard that situation you got in? You don't have any idea how hard it is to love someone who's already married. "

" Now I do... " I swallowed a sob.

He quietly looked at me, this time his eyes were soft, his gaze warm. There was pity and sympathy in his eyes. I roughly wiped away my tears with my hands. He stood up and walk to me, giving me a warm hug.

"I only found out about it this morning. Her wife talked to me. She fooled me, Hanbin." I sniffed. I heard Hanbin let out a couple of sighs. He brushed my hair with his hands, comforting me.

"Come on, I'm going to take you home." He said in a gentle voice.

After getting my things and saying goodbye to my friends. I hopped into Hanbin's car. There was no point in staying here anymore. I missed my daddy and I wanted to go home. It will be better if I will stay in hacienda. I wanted to try to save even just a little of myself. I almost gave all of myself to her. There's nothing left in me. Nothing was left for me but to walk away, to give it up. I could live without ever seeing her smile again, never hearing her say my name again, never smelling her cologne or feeling the heat of her body against mine.

I fell asleep during the drive home and Hanbin only woke me up when we were finally at the hacienda. It was in the peak of the sunrise when we got there. The sky was clear blue. I took in a deep breath once I got out of the car. The smell of the fresh morning air mixer with woodsy smell of the trees were lovely. The only noises were birds and trees rustling together to the relaxing rhythm of the wind. I was home.

I excitedly ran inside the house and found dad sitting at his favorite spot, at the veranda having breakfast. I jumped on him like a little girl and gave him a tight hug.

"Daddy, I missed you." I said, trying to hold back my tears.

" Princess... " He brushed his fingers through my hair. "I missed you, too."

"Dad." We both turned our heads when we heard Hanbin's voice. His face was grim as he stood there. I looked at him with pleading eyes, silently asking him not to tell Dad. He just gave me a quick glance before averting his eyes to dad.

"Hanbin, my son." Dad walked towards him, giving him a hug and pat on the head. "Do you drove your sister here?"

"Yes, dad." He answered.

" What did she do this time? " Dad asked, looking at me.

" Can we talk in private?" Hanbin said seriously. I knew he would be as heart broken as I was when he finds out. They went inside and I anxiously waited for them at the veranda. After what felt like eternity, they came back. Dad's face was uncharacteristically blank, void of any expression. I wanted to cry again when I saw him. He just stared at me for a few moment. I felt like a disappointment and a failure.

"Dad, I'm sorry." I said, when I couldn't take the silence anymore. The tears I had been holding back fell.

I ran  to him and hugged him. I burried my face on his chest and began crying and sobbing like a little girl who skinned her knees.

"It's okay. You didn't know. You did the right thing, leaving her and I couldn't be more proud. " he said in a calm, soothing voice but there was also a hint of sadness in his voice.

N/A : I'm back! After 123456789 years hiatus

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