Spiders Mark [discontinued]

By luna_renn

4.7K 93 116

Jade Rose lived a peaceful life with his family. There was only one danger and that was they lived on the out... More

bank robbery
The beginning
Beacon pt.2
Dying star
Unusual snow
Snow fall
Speacial surprise
On the other side
A talk before the trip
forever fall
Following the trail
Even more complicated
The day (volume 1 end)
Best friends
Another escape
defeated by cookie
The dance
Golden Rose
field trip
the first day
All aboard
ice cream problem
A Grimm situation
An Experience (volume 2 end)
a new gem
start of the Festival
Winter is coming
a bird came to visit
crime decrease
the return
A single choice
beginning of the end
A slow destruction
A blinding white end
Without a doubt in the world! (Volume 3 end)
A big reunion
Back in action
Moving on
A hard encounter
What're you doing here?
Taking things apart
Oniyuri Pt.1
Oniyuri Pt.2
The Rose curse (Volume 4 end)
Back in the saddle again
A very random set of events


64 1 2
By luna_renn

A speedy return with Yang and Lily gets everyone moving again. As the day continues she pulled aside everyone except for Jade and Ruby.

But as of right now they were simply walking down a street.

Lily: someone find a-

Jade: building we can camp in?

Lily turns to him with a confused look but realized he's wearing his suit.

Jade: already found one. It's a a row house but has a giant hole in a room that you can see everything from.

He squints and catches an arrow inches away from his head.

Jade: what the hell!

Everyone looks surprised as he looks at the arrow.

Jade: who is out here? And why try to kill me with an arrow?

He stabs himself with the arrow and it breaks under the pressure.

Jade: it wouldn't even get through my armor. It wouldn't have gotten through my aura either.

Yang: the real question is how did you catch that?

Lily: it's a sense. Well, he tried to name it a tingle but I called it stupid and named it spider-sense. As he described it, it's a feeling in his head that tells him of danger around him and incoming danger. Paired with his amazing reflexes he can dodge just about anything. It also tells him of bad moves so it's kinda hard to beat him in games. Especially board games and gambling.

Jade: that's how I always win at rock, paper, scissors.

Ruby: no fair! The number of times we bet on that game!

Jade: it's not cheating if you don't get caught.

Yang puts her hand up to her chin.

Jade: sometimes my body moves on its own. Like the arrow, for example, my arm moved on its own. I wonder if I can do something like this on a bigger scale.

Ruby: oh wait! So like back at the beginning of school I seen you fall but you did something and landed fine!

Jade: another time where I wish it didn't do that. But let's get a move on, I'm hungry right now. Good thing she's here!

He grabbed Lily and threw his arm over her shoulders.

Lily: get off me!

Jade: she's a great cook!

Lily: I said get off!


The interior of the building was completely clear of anything and was a perfect spot for them.

They find a fine room with good space and sat down on the ground. They all make a relaxing sigh.

Ruby: we've been walking all day!

Lily: and your about to walk even more! Come on Ruby me and you are gonna secure the perimeter!

Ruby huffed and got up grabbing her weapon.

Jade: I'll go and look out the lookout. Wow, that sounds weird.

He goes over to a door and pulled it straight off hinges by accident.

He holds it up like it's nothing and turned to everyone else.

Jade: I forgot to take how old this place was into account.

Yang: just....don't hit anything. Okay?

He gave a thumbs up and placed the door down and walked onto the lookout.

Jade: I can really see everything from here.

His mask receded into the neckline.

Jade: ah! It's good to actually see without my lenses. Some type of menu in my face all the time.

He created a hammock from webs and lays down in it.

Jade: I wonder if it's possible to hack into my suit.

He puts his mask back on.

Jade: hey Mina, is it possible to hack into my suit?

Mina: yes, but they would have to somehow get through all the suits countermeasures. Then they would somehow disable me which is basically impossible.

Jade: why's that?

Mina: because I'm everywhere. I have multiple servers built-in every kingdom and a few on the outskirts underground. It's impossible to hack me because I'm literally a human-computer.

Jade: what's stopping you from turning on us?

Mina: absolutely nothing! Your sister has given me too much power and I could make this suit fry you into a piece of toast if I wanted too!

Jade: what a comforting thought.

He tries to sound confident as he was scared out of his skin right now.

Mina: don't worry! I would never turn on you!

Jade: thanks...

He tries to relax as he imagines Mina creating a giant robot army and taking over all the kingdoms.

Jade: I hate my extremely creative imagination!

Mina: why's that?

Jade: I imagined my sister naked!

he lied but said this with anger....and then he actually did imagine it making him want to shoot himself.

Mina: I mean....Lily does have a nice pair!

The thought crossed his mind again and he holds his head in shame.

Jade: I don't wanna be out here anymore.

Mina: this planet or this area?

Jade: both.

Mina: you know I could change that for you?

He sits up.

Jade: I'm good.

He jumped to the wall and peeked inside the room to see a fire and the girls around it. Ruby and Lily have yet to return.

Jade: they are talking about some deep stuff.

Yang: we know why we're here. Right?

He moved from their conversation to back inside his room. He shoots a web to the ceiling and hangs upside down from it using his feet.

Jade: yeah, I'm not really trying to be a part of that.

Mina: understandable.

He slowly spins around as he had no control.

Jade: this is boring.

Mina: yup.


Lily and Ruby walk into the room and she hopped over the campfire immediately.

Ruby: fire! Soo...warm!

Lily: this is great! Now we won't freeze to death! Not that we couldn't use body heat to stay warm.

Blake: I'd rather not.

Yang: Yeah, that'd be really weird...

They look to Weiss who just stands there.

Weiss: what? What are we talking about?

She had zoned out as they entered the room earlier.

Lily: it's nothing.

She pushed up her glasses.

Lily: I'll cook dinner and then everyone will head to bed. Well, everyone besides one person, that person will take watch for a few hours and then trade.

Blake: Jade went to the lookout and hasn't come out the whole twenty minutes you've been gone.

She points to the doorway and Lily peeks in the room. He was still upsides slowly spinning around with his arms crossed and his lenses closed.

Lily: I'm wondering if he passed out or he actually went to sleep?

Everyone else gathers to stare at him.

Blake: who should wake him?

Ruby walked over and stopped his spinning she squats and stares into his closed lenses. They open slightly and then they shot open and he shot the ceiling.

He crouched on the ceiling and looked at Ruby.

Ruby: shouldn't your spider-sense have told you I was here?

Jade: it should've! wait, I'm pretty sure that's not how it works!

He still sounds surprised.

Lily: hmm, hey Jade come here.

He jumped to the ground and stood in front of Lily. She suddenly threw a cookie right in his face it broke on impact.

His mask receded and he just stares at her blinking a few times.

Jade: did you really just throw a cookie at me?

He sounds completely surprised.

Lily: take this.

She whispered this to Blake as she behind the back handed her a cookie. She immediately knows what this means.

Lily: yes I did- hey what's that!

She points to the outside and he looked. Blake throws a cookie right at the back of his head and he quickly turned to them.

Jade: Why are you throwing cookies at me?!

Lily: it's as I thought. Your spider-sense doesn't work on friendly's.

Jade: well, I'm not thinking I'm going to be attacked!

Yang: earlier none of us were expecting an attack and you caught the arrow.

He looks like he wants to say something as he was in position and everything but couldn't think of anything.

Lily: so don't rely on your spider-sense too much of if you fight someone you know it'll go bad.

She left the room. In the other room, she says "oh, yeah! You'll be taking the first watch for everyone since you got some extra sleep!"

Jade: alright...

Yang: I'll take it if you really want-

He put his hand up.

Jade: it's fine. I'll do it.


After a quick meal, Jade heads to the lookout. After maybe about twenty minutes he starts to think about random things. He zoomed in using his lenses and spots a Beowolf next to a skeleton. A weird thought comes to his head as he retracted his mask.

Jade: is it possible for a human to become Grimm? There's no way something like that could happen actually....what a weird thought....

He puts his hand up to his chin as Lily walks over.

Lily: you okay? You look deep in thought?

Jade: hmm, oh, yeah. I have a question for you.

She hummed in response.

Jade: do you think it's possible for a human to become Grimm or something like it?

She jumped slightly at the question.

Lily: no, of course not. Just get some sleep soon, Okay?

Jade: okay.

She quickly walked away.

Jade: what a weird response. She knows something about this...but how did she find something like this out. There would only be a handful of people that would know of anything like that.

He gets back to keeping watch but was more focused on thinking.

Jade: a handful of people...they would be high ranking or have some extremely good connections. Someone like......Ozpin? If a person would to be infused with a Grimm would they develop traits that Grimm have? A love of destruction and would love to destroy everything and anything? It's a high possibility. I wonder if they would be able to control Grimm. High functioning Grimm that have been around for a very long time have been seen ordering around other Grimm and if a human got into the mix, only disaster would follow for humans.

Lily: you really are smart, huh? By my accidental response and your own brain you just found one of the biggest threats to Remnant.

Jade: I...I don't understand...what?

She motioned for him to follow and they both leave the area after waking Yang up for watch.

End of chapter 15 volume 2

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