A Second Chance ( A Shawn Men...

By Cowgoesmoooo

10.7K 117 11

This story contains a sexual/smut scene, fluff, some self-harm, and strong language. Samantha was dating... More

Caught Him Cheating
Sick Day
Like A Date?
A/N plz read
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Family Dinners
A party? Really?
Da PARTY!!!!!
IS that All?
Would you want to go out with me?
What do we do now?
The End

My New Job

802 12 0
By Cowgoesmoooo


Samantha's P.O.V

After a while of being broken-hearted, eating ice cream and crying myself to sleep every night, I decided that I should find a new job. I gave up finding a job in less than 5 days because there are no jobs out there that I like and I'm too lazy to actually give a fuck about working. 

****** Present-day********

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. It was my stepdad. He never needs anything unless he need help to surprise my mother. I have talked to my mom a few time after the breakup and losing my job. I picked up my phone and answered it. 


" Hi, Samantha, your mother said something about you not having a job and some people quit at the music studio and I want to offer you a job. You will be helping celebrities like getting them food, water, and helping in whatever way they need. Would you like the job?" 

I was shocked. I didn't know what to say. "Um. Yeah, that would be great" I say still in complete shock.

 "Great. You'll start on Monday. Wear something professorial." he replied 

" Yeah, of course, thank you so much. This means a lot to me" 

"No problem. I'll see you on Monday. Be there at 6 am sharp." 

"I will bye" 


I got up from my warm bed. I was so excited that I took a shower and went straight to the mall to buy new clothes. As I was in the car on the way back home, I heard Shawn singing on the radio. I always knew he had an amazing voice. Though it still hurt what he did to me, I liked his music a lot. 

*****Skip to Monday******  

I got up before my alarm clock. I jumped in the shower and put on one of my outfits I got at the mall yesterday. 

                      (A/N: view of the outfit, not person)

I grabbed an apple on the way out the door along with my keys, water, jacket, and purse. I hopped in my 2009 Chevy Cobalt and turned on the radio. The song Praying by Ke$a came on. I sang every word of the song. The studio is about 25 minutes away from my cousin lives. It took me 35 minutes to get there because I had to stop at every single red light, but I wasn't late which was good. 

I walked into the building and went straight to the front desk. The lady was super nice and told me where to go to the 3rd Level, Room 373. I took the elevator and looked around for Room 373. When I got there my stepdad was already waiting for me. He told me what to do, I had to keep them happy and get them everything they needed. He listed some things off like water, food clothes. I laughed when he said clothes but he gave me a dead serious look when he told me that so I just decided to shut the hell up. 

After he explained everything to me, he left me for ten minutes to prepare myself. So I sat on the couch wondering which celebrity I would be working with today. I heard the door open and I bounced up. My stepdad walked up to me and introduce me to the celebrity manager. A couple of seconds later, he walked in with a smirk. God, why a smirk, of all things it had to be a smirk. UGH. I felt sick to my stomach and I couldn't breathe. My lungs were closing up. I tried to say something but nothing came out.

hehe, the second chapter is done. Shawn Mendes smirk tho.... like that is the hot daddy 


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