Real(ity) Feelings

By Rzar123

27.9K 727 32

Oasis Island is the UK's hit reality show - bringing hot and sexy singles together to find love in a mansion... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - EPILOGUE

Chapter 18

1.1K 31 0
By Rzar123

Sorry in advance for the continuing drama in this chapter and yet another cliffhanger...but it is necessary for the plot, I promise!! I'm so glad you seem to be enjoying this story. Just a  few more chapters to go...


"Let me out of this fucking house," Joe heard himself snarl at his producer, who was stood in front of him in the foyer of the house, an apprehensive look on his face.

"Joe, you know we can't - " Ben started, before Joe interrupted.

"Yes you can, and you will."

Ben took in a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose between his two fingers. Slowing exhaling, he finally spoke again. "No, I actually can't. You signed a contract."

"Then I'll break the contract," Joe responded in a low voice. "I'll do whatever I need to."

"You can't Joe, there's serious money tied into these contracts to ensure things like this DON'T happen. If you bail before the end of the show, you will be out millions. Do you understand? Millions."

Joe felt his heart begin to slow down as the realization of his situation sank in. He knew he had signed a contract, but his manager was the one who dealt with the details. Plus, he remembered thinking while signing it, who would ever need to leave the Oasis Island house early?

"Someone who just told a girl he loved her, only to turn around and realize she loves someone else,"Joe thought to himself bitterly.

Joe felt Ben place a comforting hand on his shoulder, "Look mate. I know you just went through some heavy shit back there...but you need to go confront Marco."

Feeling his head snapping up, Joe stared at Ben with a confused look on his face. "Why would I confront Marco? He's probably just as taken aback as I am."

"Why wouldn't you confront him? He just came in and stole your girl!" Ben exclaimed, squeezing Joe's shoulder slightly.

Joe stared at the ground, his producer's words grating on him more than he thought they would. "I'm not about to go make a fool of myself in front of the entire house...scratch that, the entire country."

"No, don't you see?" Ben started excitedly. "This is your chance!"

He continued on as Joe stared at him blankly. "This is your chance to get out there and create some on-camera excitement! Honestly, I was about to give up on you...the last three weeks you and Dianne have been...sweet, I guess. But this new twist has come out of left field and I can't believe how amazing this opportunity is!"

Joe felt the anger course through his veins, once again. "I'm not your dancing monkey, Ben! I'm not here to put on a show just to make you happy!"

Ben rolled his eyes, and Joe felt himself clench his fists. It was all becoming clearer to him.

"Dianne's producer did her best to get some drama to heat up between you two...thrown competitions, binge drinking in the afternoon...but I must say, this last twist has put you guys on another level," Ben continued, unfazed by the redness spreading from Joe's neck up to his face.

Suddenly, it all clicked. Turning on his heel, he spun away from his producer, but not before spitting out, "I can't believe I trusted you. I can't believe I trusted anyone here."


"Dianne, take a breath," Marisol sighed in a bored tone. "I can't understand you when you talk and cry at the same time."

Dianne took in a trembling breath, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in her head that had appeared after the second hour of crying in a row. After Joe had stormed inside, she didn't know where to go so she had retreated to the side of the mansion, collapsing in the shade behind the trunk full of pool accessories. It had taken her producer over an hour to locate her, and somewhere beyond her feelings of hurt and anger, she was proud of her ability to hide in a place where the walls felt like they were closing in. 

"I need to get out of here," she finally got out between gasping for air.

Marisol shook her head slowly. "Absolutely not."

"You don't understand, Marisol! I just ruined everything. I can't stay here a second longer, please..."

"Listen buttercup," Marisol started, her voice significantly softer. "I know you're tougher than this."

Dianne shook her head, sniffling. "I'm not. I just broke Joe's heart. And I didn't even get to explain myself. He's probably halfway back to London by now."

"He's not going anywhere," Marisol responded with a smirk. "He signed the same contract everyone else did. He's stuck here until the end."

Dianne felt herself perk up slightly. "Really?"

"Yes, Dianne," Marisol responded, rolling her eyes quickly. "And if I were you, I'd take advantage of this amazing situation that just happened to...fall in your lap."

Dianne narrowed her eyes. "Nothing about this situation is amazing, Marisol."

"If you took a second to take a breath, you'd realize that you and Joe were never end game," Marisol explained gently. "I told you that weeks ago. At first I thought you were being strategic - he is 'famous' outside the mansion, I'll give you that. But his producer let it slip that the reason he's here is because his fame is slipping. YouTube isn't bringing in the same money it used to. But...Marco is from your world. He's known out there in the dance world. He is your ticket to more on the outside. Plus, who can resist a good old-fashioned love triangle? Boy meets girl...girl leaves boy for ex-boyfriend..."

Dianne felt anger flare up inside of her, but she remained silent as Marisol continued.

"If I were you, I'd go back out there and actually talk to Marco. He's truly sorry about nationals, Dianne."

Dianne's eyes narrowed even further. "How would you know he's sorry?" she asked suspiciously. "Wait, how did you even know about nationals?"

Marisol shrugged. "He happened to apply, and we happened to pick him. It all came out after the fact."

Dianne stood up quickly, feeling that flare of anger turn into a tidal wave, threatening to crash. "Nothing 'happens' in this house by chance, Marisol. I've learned that from you - you're the one who told me to throw the first competition. You're the one who encouraged me to create sparks and get absolutely black out wasted on national TV - "

"Hey," Marisol interrupted her, her voice sharp. "I didn't tell you to get drunk."

"You might as well have!" Dianne continued, her voice getting stronger, and louder. "You certainly didn't stop me! And now here I am, stuck in a house with my cheating ex-boyfriend and the man who I've fallen in love with...who won't even look me in the face."

Marisol smirked again, and as she began to speak, Dianne recoiled at her harsh tone, "You should be thanking me, Dianne. You want the truth? Okay, Marco didn't apply. I found your old competition photos, tracked him down in a little dive bar in Spain, convinced him he'd be perfect for the show, and waited to put him in at this point in the game in order to optimize the damage he could do to you and Joe. Your break up with Joe can go down in Oasis Island history - and with Marco by your side...after a massive apology from him of've got it made - a public romance and a connection to the dance world. Remember, this is what you wanted. I'm only doing what you wanted."

Losing the last shred of control she was hanging onto, Dianne let out a sob before turning and running away from the one woman she thought she could trust.


Not knowing where to go, Joe paced up and down the hallway that led into the bedroom. His mind was racing. Ben had just alluded to the fact that Marco was part of a calculated plan. Did that mean Dianne was in on it? She had looked surprised at his arrival, and she certainly didn't seem pleased when he touched her.

"It could all be acting," Joe thought to himself, pausing in the hall to run his hands nervously through his hair. "But she doesn't seem like the type of person who would do that."

He knew Dianne was hiding something - she had very clearly been withholding information about her personal life this entire time. Part of him knew he should run for the hills. Yet despite his better judgment, Joe felt in his heart that her feelings toward him had been real.

Stopping his movements, he felt his shoulders drop in defeat. He wasn't going to achieve anything by sulking inside. The only person who could answer his questions was the girl he didn't know if he could face. But he had to try.


Choking back her tears, Dianne could see Marco to the right, making his way toward her. She stood frozen on the pool deck, before she saw another flash of movement out of the corner of her left eye.

She was having trouble processing everything Marisol had just told her. She had gone into the house knowing it was a game - she just hadn't realized to what extent the game play had extended. It had gone way beyond the surface, and she realized she was no longer a player...she - and Joe - had become pawns. Dianne knew there was only one person she could talk to - to make her world tip right side up again.

"Joe!" she heard herself shout, as the figure to her left came into view. She watched as his head snapped up in surprise. His eyes dropped to the ground, noticing Marco stood next to her.

"I need to talk to you," she pleaded, moving toward him slowly.

"But Dianne," she heard Marco call out behind her, his voice sounding distant as she heard her pulse roaring in her ears.

"Please." Dianne murmured, ignoring Marco's voice and fixating on Joe's eyes that had risen again to meet hers. "Please...just talk to me."

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