Zero to Hero

By talkfast5sos

4K 183 6

Sequel to Super Zero More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 35

82 5 0
By talkfast5sos

Molly's POV

"The beach?" I ask as we walk over to a familiar sandy spot by some rocks. It's almost empty here, which I'm grateful for.

Calum squeezes my hand tightly, "Yeah. Remember our first date was here." We sit down on the beach by the rocks. I unclip Petunia's leash and watch as she runs into the ocean, her body wriggling with happiness. Duke takes off after her a few seconds later. The two splash in the shallow water, happily jumping around. I smile and lean my head on Calum's shoulder, watching them play. He rests his head on top of mine.

"So why the beach?" I inquire, "Just the memory or something else?"

He laughs softly, "It was on this beach, somewhere around this spot, on our first date that I first realized I was in love with you. I just remember being scared shitless when we first got here. I mean, you're my best friend's little sister, and the whole thing between us just kind of came from no where. One minute we were talking and watching a movie, next thing I knew, we were making out on your couch in your living room. I was terrified that it was only a heat of the moment thing and that it would ruin things between us or make them awkward. But then you took off running into the ocean with the biggest smile on your face, and I realized I never wanted that smile to ever leave your lips. I wanted to see that smile every second of every day, and I wanted to be the reason for that smile." Calum's staring at my face now, watching my reaction.

I choke on a small laugh as I wipe my eyes, "Fuck, I love you." I wrap my arms around his neck, hiding my face against his chest.

He laughs and kisses the top of my head, "I love you too, Molly. More than I can ever even begin to express. Duke! Get your ass back here, man!" I giggle and move so I can see his face. I kiss his lips, running my fingers through his soft hair. Calum holds my hips. I pull away and stare at his face for a moment until the dogs come running over and shake out all over us, sending water droplets everywhere. I shriek and fall off of Calum's lap, laughing loudly. He watches, giggling as I tumble into the sand. Petunia and Duke waste no time in rushing over to lick my face. I laugh harder, pushing them away so I can sit up.

"Hey, let's go swimming!" Calum suddenly exclaims, jumping to his feet. He pulls me up.

"I don't have a bathing suit, Calum," I remind him, watching as he pulls his shirt off and tosses it to the ground.

"Just go in that. You'll dry out."

"I will chaff in these jeans." He pauses, then pushes his own skinny jeans down, leaving him standing there in his black boxers. "You're fucking wild, Hood. There are people around."

He shakes his head no, "It's almost seven. Almost everyone has gone home by now. Come on, Molly." I give in and pull my crop top off, exposing my black bra with tiny white polka dots, Calum's favorite. I kick off my shoes and shimmy out of my skinny jeans. He grins and grabs my hand as we run into the ocean, laughing. Petunia and Duke rush around at our feet, barking happily and nipping at water droplets as they fly up around us. Calum and I move to deeper water, leaving Petunia and Duke in the shallow. Calum grabs my hips and pulls me closer to him. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

"Remember doing this almost seven months ago?" I whisper, still grinning wildly.

Calum nods, "Yeah. And if I remember right, about three seconds later, you had to hide under water until a couple fans left."

"I swear I almost drowned."

He giggles, "You were fine. It was like ten seconds underwater before you just turned invisible."

"I didn't have any air because you pushed me under before I could take a breath!"

"I was really scared that might also put a damper on our relationship."

"Yeah," I agree, "But luckily you're cute as fuck, Calum Hood." I lean down and kiss along his jaw before slowly sucking on a spot on his neck, about an inch or two below his left ear. Calum groans softly, tilting his head slightly to the right. I feel his grip tighten on my ass.

I laugh softly as I pull my lips off of him, "You're all mine, Hood."

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