My Love

By NataliaIsNautilus

68.4K 2.3K 577

Alec starts a relationship with Magnus Bane the High Warlock of Brooklyn after the unlikely but fateful night... More

The Party
The Drinking Game
The Healer
Story Time And The Date
Where Is Alexander?
Extreme Demons
Court of Demon Kings and Queens
What Magnus Didn't Say
A Late Night Visit
A Late Night Visit
The Apology
What's A Day Off?
Downworld Ball (pt. 1?)
Downworld Ball pt. 2
The After Party
Happy Holidays
That's Low
He Killed An Angel?
"We Don't Have To Fight"
His Past
The Rescue pt. 1
The Rescue pt. 2
I Like Jace More (teaser)
I Like Jace More (full)
Meeting Paris
The Meeting
Explaining What Oblivious Angels Say (teaser)
Explaining What Oblivious Angels Say
Some Things Are Better Not Heard
The Arrival
I Understand Completely
The Breaking
Beautiful Pain
Downworlder Meeting
The Waking of a Lover
Date Night
Don't Go Easy On Me, They Said. I Can Handle It, They Said.
I Can't Be Held Responsible (pt 1 of the Institute Gala scenes)
The Heir Of Hell Indeed (pt. 2 of the Institute Gala scenes)
Surprises All Around! Many Bad! Some Good!
Telling Friends and Family
The Brothers Grimm
Out Of Love
Sorta, Kinda, Homecoming
ALMOST Mundane
The Last Battle
Homecoming & Transfers
Bachelors For One More Night
The Honeymoon

The Wedding

959 33 20
By NataliaIsNautilus

3rd Person POV

Alec paced nervously as Isabelle tried fixing his hair, which he wasn't even aware of. The little paper in his hands was far more important, they held the vows to the love of his life.

"Alec!" Isabelle shouted as she slapped his shoulder, getting his attention.

"What Iz?" Alec asked, slightly confused.

"Stop moving. I'm trying to make you pretty for your fiance, soon-to-be husband. Your vows will be fine," Isabelle said.

"Magnus thinks I'm pretty no matter what" Alec mumbled, rolling his eyes at his sister.

"I'm doing the job of two people Alec, please help me out. Jace isn't here, Clary's off doing Angel knows what. Mom is organizing everything. We are people down, please help me out" Isabelle stressed.

"Sorry, I'm just nervous. And Jace isn't here, I really wanted him here. I didn't think he'd miss my wedding" Alec apologized.

"Neither did I. Next time I see him, I'm kicking his ass. I can't believe he did this to you, to us" Isabelle replied.

"Alexander you look so handsome!" Maryse exclaimed as she entered her son's dressing room.

Alexander was wearing a golden tux with a dark purple tie. He had a light sheen of purple glitter in his hair, at Magnus' request, and black shoes.

"Thanks Mom. Is everything going alright?" Alec replied to his mother.

"Everything's perfect, I just came from Magnus and he's getting ready right now. Paris is in town, waiting wiyh the other guests. We are still waiting on Clary and Simon however, along with Aline and a few others. Aline and Jia should be here soon. Clary and Simon were here earlier but I can't find them now. People are filling in the waiting room as we speak" Maryse replied, filling her two children in on the details.

"So everything is going according to plan?" Alec asked, messing with the hem of his jacket.

"From the color of the chandeliers to the rug on the floor" Maryse answered with a confident smile

"What about... Is he... Any signs of..?" Alex stumbled over his words, not wanting to ask the question but dying to know the answered.

"No Alec, I don't think Jace is coming" Maryse replied.

"Lightwood," Raphael called from the door.

"What do you want Raphael?" Isabelle asked, a non-amused expression on her face.

"I'm not here for you, Isa. I'm here for your brother. It was going to be Ragnor but Magnus was whining about his hair or something like that" Raphael replied.

"Why are you here? Is something wrong with the ceremony?" Maryse asked.

"Can I speak to the one I'm here to see? What's up with the two of you answering for him?" Raphael asked, rolling his eyes.

"What's up Raph?" Alec questioned.

"I'm just here to threaten you. You know "I'll kill you if you hurt Magnus", "you leave him I'll kill", "you make him cry, i kill you". Basically that stuff. I'm under strict orders from Ragnor to scare the shit out of you." Raphael replied, casually talking as if he was describing the weather.

"How nice of him, send Ragnor my best" Alec replied with a laugh.

Quicker than he could register Raphael was in front of him, the vampire's bared fangs inches ways from the main artery in his neck. The vampire straightened up, eye-to-eye with Alec, his cold gaze piercing Alec's soul.

"Don't get it twisted. If you do hurt him, in any way, shape or form, I will kill you. You hurt so much and scream so that your angel will hear you. But nothing will stop me. And once your screams have silenced and your heart no longer beats, I feast on your corpse and send your carcass off to King of Hell's house. You've been warned" Raphael replied, his unnerving gaze never breaking from Alec's.

"I don't want to do that, Magnus will probably get mad. Don't do anything stupid and I won't have to give you an awful death. It's that simple. This is the family you're signing up to be in" Raphael replied, walking back towards the door.

"I like your suit, matches the theme" Alec complimented.

"Thanks, its from Madrid" Raphael said.

"Wait, it is?" Alec asked, his blood running cold as all the possibilities ran through his head.

"I tried Alec, I really did. But I don't think he's coming. And if he doesn't want to be at the most important day of your life, then he doesn't deserve for you to think of him today. It's about you and Magnus. Just the two of you, the rest of us are just he to watch" Raphael replied.

"For the first time ever, I agree with Raph. Jace is my brother too, but it's your day and nothing can ruin it" Isabelle agreed.

"Thanks Isa. I'm going to go back to the insane warlocks. Magnus, Cat and Ragnor talking about their lives together is so weird. It's like at a family reunion and your parent and their siblings are talking about stuff you don't want to know about them. Yeah, that's what it's like in that room" Raphael replied, slightly shuddering.

"Good luck," Alec said, laughing as the vampire left


One the other side of the venue, Magnus was getting ready for the best day of his life. Catarina, Raphael and Ragnor were helping him get ready.

Raphael was helping Magnus with his suit, as he had raised the vampire to have impeccable taste and the other two were lost causes at style. Catarina was doing his makeup and giving him encouragement speeches. Ragnor was recalling stories of their many plights and making sure that Magnus knew that Ragnor was the reason that he was the man he was today.

And he wasn't that far off. Magnus wouldn't be the person he was without Ragnor. The guy might've been rough on the outside but he was one of the most important people when crafting Magnus' personality. Magnus wanted to make sure that he was nicer and much more exotic, if you can get more exotic than horns and green skin, than the old man.

It was funny truly, Magnus was eons old and he still thought of Ragnor as an old man. The Warlock was more of a father than his own had ever been.

And that's why Ragnor, along with his own mother, was walking him down the aisle.

"Magnus are you ready? It's almost time" Catarina asked.

"Yeah. I think so. He's so amazing Cat, I can't believe it. I'm actually getting married" Magnus said, his eyes lighting up at the thought. He was getting married!

"I'm surprised, you were never the tolerable type. And a Shadowhunter? The Head of the Institute and the Prince of Hell, that's a power couple. I'm happy for you Mags" Ragnor said, having trouble keeping up his tough persona.

"Damn. My old man's getting married. This'll be fun" Ragnor said, shaking his head slightly.

The moment was ruined when Raphael's phone went off, multiple bings sounding in the room. The sentimental feel in the room shattered and all eyes turned to Vampire.

"Have other plans?" Magnus joked.

"If these messages aren't what I want them to be, I might be killing someone after your wedding" Raphael replied.

"Oh no, will I be upset about your killing?" Magnus asked, swirling his margarita.

"Maybe. It depends" Raphael replied, scrolling through the texts he had just received.

"Oh dear, now I know how Ragnor felt when he was taking care of me" Magnus said.

"You could never. You are ten times worse than Raphael. And foe the record, I'm still talking care of you" Ragnor responded.

"I'll be back. I have to find this idiota" Raphael said. The vampire got up and left the room, stalking down the hallway.

"Well that was abrupt" Magnus said and the crew of warlocks bust out laughing.


Raphael rolled his eyes for the fiftith time as the blonde bimbo rattled off his insecurities. Raph sighed and in s second's time he opened Alec's dressing room door and shoved Jace inside.

"What the hell are you.... Jace?" Alec said, his face lighting up. Alec ran up and hugged his parabatai "I knew you wouldn't miss my wedding"

"Of course I wouldn't. What kind of bastard would I be to not show to the most important day of your life?" Jace said, feeling guilty.

He was slowly realizing that he was in fact a bastard. He almost didn't come see his best friend, his brother get married to the love of his life. He didn't deserve Alec. He didn't deserve for Alec to be happy to see him. He didn't deserve to be in Alec's life.

"How did you...? Why did you...? Nevermind, it doesn't matter. You are here and that's what matters. I'm so glad you came" Alec said, unknowingly adding to Jace's guilt.

"Raphael gave me the invite when he went to pick up his suits. You should be thanking him, not me" Jace said, wanting to deflect Alec's glee off of him and to someone else. .

"Raph, I didn't know you cared" Alec said, only half joking.

"Magnus has done so much for me. And if this idiot wasn't here, then you wouldn't be completely happy. And if you aren't completely happy, then Magnus won't be because he cares too much about you. And no one is ruining this for Magnus" Raphael said firmly.

"Well, thank you. You're not as mean as people make you seem" Alec replied.

"I am. But Magnus likes you and so that is a conflict of interest. So I decided to be decent to you, to prevent Magnus from getting upset" Raph responded.

For Jace, the conversation faded into muffled sound as he came to the realization that he almost ruined his best friend's wedding. Raphael was right, if he wasn't there Alec would've been upset. And if Alec was upset, then so would Magnus. And then if the grooms were upset, then everyone was upset. The wedding was ruined. Because he was being a bastard.

"It's not always about you" Jace's mind screamed at him. "It's about Alec and Magnus. Can you not be so narcasstic, for once?"

"I've got to get back to Magnus, if he's left alone with Ragnor much longer they'll both get drunk" Raphael said.

"He's not getting drunk on our wedding day" Alec stared firmly.

"Tell that to Ragnor, not me. Ragnor keeps making drinks, and Magnus keeps taking them. Maybe it's nerves, no one saw this coming" Raphael replied. He then bid the Lightwoods and Jace goodbye, as he left for Magnus.


The venue was full to the brim of warlocks, seelies, shadowhunters, werewolves and vampires. Magnus had created a potion to make the vampires into Daylighters temporarily so they could enjoy the occasion. Everyone was positioned perfectly. Everybody was getting along and everything was going according to plan.

Magnus' father was sitting beside Alec's mother and Max, a place beside them for Magnus' mother and Ragnor Fell. Simon and Clary were sitting beside them
Behind them was many of the friends that Magnus has accumulated over the years, and the small group of friends that Alec has outside of the main squad.

Purple and gold drenched the venue. The flowers, the napkins, the tablecloths. Even the floor had been changed to purple and gold marble. It was beautiful, elegant yet abstract. It described the relationship that the two men had.

Alec was standing at the alter, his heart beating out of his chest as he waited for Magnus. Behind him was Jace the best man, much to everyone's surprise. After Jace was Isabelle, the best woman, who was holding a bouquet of purple and yellow flowers.

Behind the alter was Brother Enoch. On the other side of him, was an empty space for Magnus. Behind the empty space was Paris and Catarina. Paris held the ring box tightly in his hand as he shook with excitement. Catarina benevolent smile shine bright with happiness for her friend as the wedding music started playing.

Everyone stood as Madzie, the flower girl, started throwing the flower petals down the purple carpet. A few steps behind her was Magnus, his mother and Ragnor on both arms.

Several gasps sounded throughout the room as Magnus entered. The Warlock was a bright purple tux, with golden glittery lapel and a tie. A matching veil trailing behind him. He looked perfect. With every step Magnus took towards him, Alec was more and more unable to breathe.

Magnus was walked up to the alter, then his mother branches off to sure beside his father. Ragnor however, walked him fully up, and handed him off to Alec, a symbolic gesture of giving his son away.

"Hurt him and I'll kill you" Ragnor said, looking seriously at Alec.

"So I've heard" Alec replied.

"Okay, just making sure" Ragnor then turned around and took his seat.

"You may all be seated," the Silent Brother said. "Before we begin the joining of the two, does anyone object to the marriage of the grooms? Speak now, or never". Magnus' father glared at the room, daring anyone to think about objecting to his son's marriage.

"Now let the marriage begin. Marriage is a special time in people's lives. It is the binding of people, and a promise of forever love, forever acceptance and forever perseverance with each other. Your must promise yourself to the other, be forever loyal, and forever open. " Brother Enoch started.

"In a true marriage, infidelity never crossed the mind. As infidelity breaks the promise of forever, it breaks the loyalty and the acceptance. For everything that every mattered; the trust, the love and the truth, are forever impaired. They may be fixed, but infidelity always heals wrong".

"Do not take this ceremony, these runes nor this spell, do not take any of this lightly. For this is a binding of heart and soul. For this is a momentous occasion, a chapter in your life has been closed and another one opened in it's entirety. They is no going back within this chapter, for the key will no longer work". Brother Enoch closed the martial binding book.

"Do you, Magnus Bane, take Alexander Lightwood as your husband? With all strings attached, knowing what you do about him and knowing the binding of marriage" Brother Enoch asked.

"Yes, I do" Magnus answered.

"Do you, Alexander Lightwood, take Magnus Bane as your husband? With all strings attached, knowing what you do about him and knowing the binding of marriage" the support brother asked.

"I do" Alec responded, his heart beating out of his chest.

"It is time for your vows. These vows are spoken word promises to the other. They are expected to be upheld throughout the entirety of the marriage" Brother Enoch said.

"Throughout all of years, I never expected to get married. No one that I know every expected me to get married. No one every understood me, I was either too much or not enough. And a hundred years ago I have up on love altogether. Then I met you. I knew from the beginning that your were the one. You have always been what I've been missing. I longer my entire life for you, even before I knew you existed. You've always been the perfect person for me. You've understood me when know else can, and the rest of forever is ours." Magnus said, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

"You were my first for everything. I had accepted the fact that is be forced to marry some woman that I want in love with and live my life in misery. And then my life exploded in color, quite literally, the night we meet you were wearing every color possible. I didn't expect to go on this insane adventure with you and to end up at the alter with someone I love so much more than I could ever fathom loviing someone" Alec finished his vows, a tear fell from his eye as the raw emotion consumed him.

"Now to exchange the three stages of symbolic martial promise. First is the Wedded Union run. It is a common practice between Shadowhunters, our tradition. Second, is rings. Mundanes and Downworlders alike exchange this as a promise of eternal love and loyalty. Third, the finale, is the Marriage Binding Spell. This is cast specifically in warlock weddings. All three will be performed to finalize the marriage of the two" Brother Enoch said.

Alec picked up the stele and placed it on Magnus' forearm. Most of the cried happen in horror, many of Magnus' friends were shocked as the rune didn't burn Magnus' skin and the Warlock didn't scream or in pain. Alec smiled at Magnus as the groom pressed the stele into his forearm. This was the best day of their lives, and they weren't even on their honeymoon yet.

Paris handed Magnus the ring for Alec. It was a gold band with Forever My Lover in fancy script on it. There was a blue diamond imbedded in the space between the 'F' in  Forever and the "r" in Lover. Alec then took the replica ring and placed it in the finer of his husband.

"And now for the final act. Dim the lights" Brother Enoch said. The lights were dimmed and everyone acted accordingly. The Shadowhunters held up their witchlights, the blue light mimicked the orbs of light that the Warlocks held. The vampires bared their fangs and the werewolves semimorphed, their human and wolf forms perfectly aligned. The Faerfolk  created bright, sun-like orbs that floated above their heads.

Magnus cast the spell, forever binding his soul to Alec's. A beautiful, fiery feeling engulfed Alec as his groom's magic filled him. He could hear Magnus chanting softly as he retired the spell.

Beautiful, bright, blinding colors filled Magnus' sight as he can the spell. He could feel his body aligning with Alec's. And that night, the spell would be complete.

"And now I say this, with absolute happiness, you may now kiss your husband. The marriage is complete" Brother Enoch said.

Alec pulled his husband in by his waist and firmly planned his lips on the other man's. The crowd erupted in cheers and howls. Bright colors filled the room as orbs and witchlights were thrown at the ceiling.

"I'M A BANE!!!!!" Alec screamed and pulled his husband in for another kiss

This was truly a moments day.


Everyone moved into the ballroom that was full of tables, buffet tables, a huge bar and a dancefloor. Magnus and Alec we sitting happily with their parents and friends. The guest miles around the place, many stopping by the bar multiple times, as was Ragnor. The old warlock tapped his champagne glass full of something that was definitely stronger than champagne.

"Can I have everyone's attention? I would like to make a toast to Magnus, his husband and their awful cat that I'm so glad isn't here" Ragnor said. Cheers sounded in the air.

"So I want to say it was about the uh 1700's where this took place, probably in... Dear God where was it? We were banned in Peru, well he was banned, in 1791 i believe it was. Somewhere in Italy, Italy definitely. So it was the early 1700's in Italy and surprise, surprise, Magnus had just signed himself out of another relationship. That was definitely not his year, -" Ragnor was cut off by Magnus talking.

"Ragnor is this going anywhere? You know, other than telling everyone about my worst year on record?" Magnus asked.

"Yes you little shit, if you let me finish. Now it was Catarina, Magnus and I in a bar drinking quite a lot. Magnus was on probably drink twenty and he still wasn't sufficiently drunk yet, so he was comparing about how awful that entire experience was. I mean the kid was nice, he wasn't all that amazing, definitely fit Magnus' type. Anyway after about, I dunno, five years give or take, the idiot was like "By the way, I've been married the entire time we've been together. My wife suspects I'm cheating, we're over". You know shit that assholes say and do"

Ragnor continued. "So by this point, his love life was hundred percent hopeless. This guy couldn't find a decent man or woman. It was awful. People get bored, and you can't exactly keep that loud man a secret. His heart was so entirely broken, for so long. And that night he had enough of everything and swore off relationships. Honestly Cat and I had ultimately given up on finding him someone decent. So the three of us made a bet that Magnus would be the last of us married. Obviously we thought we'd be right. Obviously we were wrong, and now we owe him quite the sum of money"

"What I'm getting at here, is that we didn't expect this to happen, we didn't expect for this amazing man to treat Magnus exactly how he deserves without being an asswipe. I could not be any happier that we were wrong and I'm so happy for you Magnus. You've always been my favorite person, even though you're a bitch sometimes and super troublesome and have a weird love for those threatening animals, commonly known as cats. I could ask for no one better. And even though Alexander is such an amazing person, I will still keep to if you hurt him. I'm not even joking. We're going to go full Downworld War on you. Keep that in mind. Thank you. Drink too the new husbands we must!" Ragnor exclaimed, finally reaching the end of his speech.

Cheers and screams filled the air as everyone doused themselves in drinks. Magnus and Alec lifted their glasses and smiled at the toast in their honor.

"Everyone, I have a toast to make" Clary shouted, getting everyone's attention.  "Thank you. When I first met Alec, he hated me. He hated everything about me. And was an asshole for the most part. Then slowly he began to tolerate me, and I now consider us good friends. Whether or not he'll admit it" Clary began.

"I actually don't know the first time I met Magnus. Probably about when I  was five. Maybe. Anyway, when I was actually thrown into this insane would by a demon dog and a demented father, I met Magnus again. He's insane and quirky and nice and weird, and amazing."

Clarissa continued on with her speech. "And when I was deciding on what to do for my gift to the lovely couple, I wanted to solve one of the problems that effects their current relationship. Also I wanted to give them something that not many other people could. It took forever to complete and then even longer to get approved but I finished it".

"Let's be honest. The elephant in the room out of everything strange with this unlikely couple is the fact that Magnus is immortal and Alec isn't. Obviously the only options were dark magic, which is illegal, turning him into a vampire which is unlikely. And do nothing and savor this time together. Well those aren't the most ideal options, so I created another. I, Clarissa Fairchild, present Alexander Gideon Bane with the immortality rune. Approved by basically everyone, in honor of your courageous acts in battle, wonderful leadership and new marriage" Clary completed. She walked over to Alec who had his hand covering his mouth in disbelief. Magnus was wiping stray tests from his eyes at the held his husband close.

"This isn't real" Alec said, in awe.

"I promise it's legit" Clary replied, laughing softly.

"If this isn't, I'll have Ramie kill you for hurting Magnus" Alec joked, chucking as he teared up.

"Do you want the rune?" Clary asked.

"Hell yeah! Put it on the opposite side of the deflect rune" Alec replied, so happy to be able to actually spend forever with his husband.

"Ooh fun" Magnus said, smirking at his husband.

"And now, the Banes are all immortal!" Clary screamed, the crowd erupted in applause.

After the cheering died down, and the newlyweds stopping making out, Jace stepped to the podium.

"Hey, it's going to be hard to top what just went down, but I'm not even going to try. A lot of you are surprised I'm here, some of you don't think I should be here, and some of you don't care. I agree with all of you. I want going to be here, I want going to come, you know, be the asshole I am. But Raphael went and picked up his suits in Madrid. He came to the Institute there and basically told me not be the shithead I am and do one thing good for Alec, I don't do that a lot anymore" Jace started, his confident aura nowhere to be seen. Just raw Jace. Alec looked so hurt when Jace said that he wasn't even going to come.

"And I know what everyone is thinking, "why the hell did Alec close such a shitty person to bind himself to? He literally could've had anyone". I've been asking myself that for some time now. Not only am I a complete asshole to basically everyone, I'm an asshole to the nicest for around. And the one person who doesn't deserve it."

"And now, I'm making about me again. My advice to everyone is to not be like me. This is his big day, and Alec deserves the best. The absolute best. I'd make some promise and say I'll do better, I'll be nicer. That I'll do everything, some redeeming statement. But it won't work, I'm a jerk and an asshole. I'm not proud of it but it is what it is. But Alec deserves everything and more. I wish you only the best Alec, I wish I could be better to you. I really wish I could" Jace finished, feeling weird and empty. He placed the microphone down and walked off the stage.

The crowd was interestingly silent, other than a few mutters that were exchanged between people. But a few minutes, and quite a few drinks later, the party was back to its loud and happy manner.

Alec and Magnus socialized with the guests at their wedding, taking with everyone about dinner by things.


At the seventh hour, and everyone was sufficiently drunk, the party started to wind down. People said their goodbyes and started leaving. Soon it was in only Magnus and Alec, not wanted to leave their big day yet.

"We're married" Alec said, breaking the silence.

"We are" Magnus agreed.

"What's next?" Alec asked.

"Our honeymoon" Magnus replied, kissing asked on the cheek.

"I mean with our life. Do you want kids? Or to move somewhere else? See the world again, with me? Stay here and work? What's next for us?" Alec asked, the questions seeing it of his mouth.

"That's a good question. I do want kids. I want to travel with you. But when? I don't know. I'm down for whenever. We have forever to do what we want and figure it out" Magnus replied.

"How many kids? Where will we travel to? How does all of this immortality shit work?" Alec questioned.

"Love, we have so much time to figure all of this out. And we'll do all of it together. But for now, what do you say to going to finish that spell?" Magnus asked.

"Take me to the nearest bed" Alec responded, his horny husband was licking at the base of his jaw and buying his ear.

"Mmm, good idea" Magnus replied, latching his lips onto Alec's. He picked the younger man up and feel back through a portal, he had created with a thought, to their honeymoon resort. It was a Downworld exclusive resort so the portal didn't cause much of a stir.

10 minutes later; after the wait for the room key, the elevator ride and the reality to their room, Magnus and Alec were finally able to make love. The two made out on the outside if their room for a few good minutes until Magnus found the doorknob and opened it.

The two spilled out into the room. And the door slammed door behind them, closet out the world and focusing on each other.

It was truly a lovestory to behold.

Hey Captain Nemos'! Is it done? I dunno. You've made it through 5k words of their wedding. And I hope you liked it. I know that I haven't posted a story part in forever but I wanted to hang out with my friends that are leaving, decide on my college, all of that stuff and it didn't leave me much time to write.

This is the end of the story maybe. If you want me to make another part of like the honeymoon, and close it more, I can do that too. Just tell me in the comments below.

So I've been in the Conversations a lot while I've been working, so I can keep in touch with you all lovely people. A lot of it had been about my new books, the ones that come after My Love. So I've, or more you've, chosen three books that I'll start with. They will be The Perfect Photo, The Killing Joke and Beautiful, Terrible Romance. If you haven't already voted for the story that you want, please do so. I also need covers for all of them so if you want to make them for me, which you don't have to, I'll just have crappy covers, then like let me know. I'd be so thankful.

Comment, vote and share. I really do enjoy conversing with you in The comments, so please start the conversation. This book had gone wild thanks to you all. I keep seeing the reads going up and up and up. It keeps getting added to people's reading lists. It's insane and I cannot thank you enough.

Also there might be typos in here, I'm too exhausted mentally from all of this work to actually check right now. Sorry if that sounds bad but it's true. I went to a stupid party last night, because, I actually don't even know the reason but I went. And it was tiring.

Be happy, stay strong and Love Yourself.

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