Runaway Runner{A Why Don't We...

By DiviaOfDiamonds

3.1K 93 31

"If you ain't scared, you ain't human." Being the first Glader did have its perks, yet she still insisted the... More

About the Character
Chapter One
Chapter Two
~Scenario~ How the Gladers Got Their Nicknames
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
~Scenario~ If the Gladers got Phones
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten

Chapter Nine

117 5 2
By DiviaOfDiamonds

"What just happened?"

"What happened is the Grievers came here, attacked us, and took one of us." A random Glader commented.

"They took one of us and just left?" (Y/N) clarified. The boy nodded. "And they aren't going to stop until everyone of us is gone." (Y/N) sighed. "Okay, Builders, I want you to collet as much wood and nails as you can." (Y/N) commanded.

"Teresa said she triggered something." Thomas thought aloud. "Did she trigger this?"

"Teresa?" Minho raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, she's the girl who recently showed up. She's been saying things in my head."

Newt looked at Minho and (Y/N) pretty confused.

"Guys, Alby just woke up." Clint delivered.

"Did he?" (Y/N) asked, shocked.

"And he requested to talk with Thomas." (Y/N) nodded.

"Thomas, let's go." Thomas nodded and followed (Y/N) back to the Med-hut.
"Alby." (Y/N) greeted, stepping inside his room.

"Can I speak to him alone?" Alby asked. (Y/N) looked hesitant, but still nodded.

"I'll be outside the room, scream if you need anything." Thomas nodded as (Y/N) stepped outside amd sHUT the door behind her.

"I know who you are." Alby started. "Don't try to act innocent."

"Who I am?" Thomas questioned. "I don't know what you mean."

"I know you created this Maze. And you're the one to save us."

"Listen, Alby, I came here with my memory swiped, as did everyone else. If I ever did something before, I have no memory of it and, I'm sorry if I hurt you in someway."

"Good to know."

Thomas looked up from his spot in the Deadheads. "Teresa?"

"Listen, I need to tell you something before I for-"

"There she is!" Newt shouted. "You can't just run off like that." He scolded.

"Thomas, you said she triggered something?" Minho clarified. Thomas nodded, not really understanding what he's getting at. "I say we lock 'er up."

"What?" Thomas asked. "She just got here."

"And she could be dangerous." Newt replied. "I'm sorry, but we're throwing her in the Slammer."

Teresa sighed, but didn't struggle.
"Alright, the windows are all covered." A random Glader informed.

"Thanks." (Y/N) smiled. "Okay, everyone please eat now, don't want anybody hungry while we're in the Homestead."

The group of boys nodded and went to go get their dinner from Jonah and Frypan.

"I've never had to do THIS much as a leader." (Y/N) sighed.

"We're back." Newt made his presence know.

(Y/N) jumped. "Oh, hey. Welcome back."


(Y/N) saw someone in the distance. "I'll be back."

"Okay?" She jogged over to the someone and jumped on their back.

"Cornbyn!" (Y/N) laughed. "Haven't seen you in awhile."

"Yep." He held her up on his back.

"Wanna go eat?"


"Can you put me down?"

"Nope." He popped the 'p'. Corbyn began running with her on his back.

"Put me down!" She screeched. Corbyn only laughed and continued. "At least slow down!" She clung into him. Corbyn passed their group of friends. "Help me!"

Everyone laughed at the two.

"This isn't a laughing matter! Corbyn, be careful!" She seethed. "I don't want this to be the way I die!"

"Okay Corbyn, I think that's enough." Newt butted in. Corbyn frowned but put (Y/N)- who looked terrified- back on the ground.

"Thank you, Newt." (Y/N) sighed. She shot a glare at Corbyn. "Remind me to stay away from Corbyn." (Y/N) mumbled. 

"Will do." Zach joked. "Let's hurry up and eat, I'm not trying to die tonight."

"That's not a bad idea."
"Okay everyone's here." (Y/N) whispered. Newt and Minho nodded. "Now we play the waiting game." The room remained silent, the only noises being the Grievers roaming outside.


(Y/N) heard something crawling up the building and felt her breath hitch. She saw he Griever stop right outside their window through the cracks of the wood. The Griever looked right into the window. Gally- who (Y/N) forgot was here- leapt foward and started ripping the wood boards off, allowing the Griever access to their safe haven.

(Y/N) screamed and scooted closer to the wall. "We're all done for here!" Gally shouted. "And I'm NOT allowing myself to die at his hands." Gally angrily gestured to Thomas. Newt and Minho quickly pulled Gally away from the window.

"Stop it, you shank! You're putting all of us in danger for your own selfish reasons!" Newt shouted. He noticed black veins on Gally's body. "Gally, you aren't well in the head, calm down!"

Gally shook out of Newt and Minho's grip before jumping at the Griever, who briefly exited. Not even seconds later, the Map-room caught on fire. Thomas immediately got up  and exited the room. "Thomas!" (Y/N) shrieked, getting up and chasing after him. "What the shuck are you doing?!" She shouted as soon as she reached outside. She saw Thomas pause and look at the Map-room.

"I'm doing what I have to." He said before dashing to catch up with the retreating Grievers.

"Thomas!" Thomas dived into the center of the group of Grievers, receiving multiple stings before the Grievers dashed away. "Shuck." She cursed before dashing over to Thomas, who was passed out.

"There you ar- what happened?!" Newt questioned the moment he caught up to (Y/N) and Thomas.

"He threw himself at the Grievers." (Y/N) sighed. "Most likely to go through the changing."

"That idiot." Minho seethed. "Help me get him to the Med-hut." Newt nodded and helped lifted Thomas up. The four entered the Med-but and (Y/N) went to get the serum.

"How many you think he'll need?"

"Just one should do it." (Y/N) nodded and injected the serum into Thomas.
Thomas groaned as he woke up. "You're a real idiot." (Y/N) greeted. "I mean, come on, throwing yourself at the Grievers? Do you have a death wish?"

"I'm sorry, but everyone is calling me a monster and I had to see why."

"Well, you see anything?"

"Two things actually. One was I am in fact a monster. Two was that I saw the end of the maze."


"There's this area you need to enter a code." (Y/N) cocked and eyebrow. "And I don't know what it is."
"And that's what I saw." Thomas declared to Minho, Newt, and Teresa, who was still in the Slammer.

"You said you saw the Maze before seeing the code area, right? What if you guys use the replicas of the maps to spell something." Teresa asked.

"The Map-Room was burnt down." Thomas sighed.

"Not the maps." Newt butted in. "After your warning, Minho and I moved the maps."

"You did?" (Y/N) asked. "And I wasn't informed?!"

"So it could work." Minho confirmed, ignoring (Y/N). "But we'll need more people."

"Five people isn't enough?" Newt asked.

"No, three isn't enough. Thomas and I got to run."

"Oh, right. I can find some extra hands, go off you two."

"I'm still not dropping this!" (Y/N) shouted at Minho. Newt let Teresa out of the Slammer. "What about Zach and Corbyn?"

"I guess they do work." Newt ran a hand through his hair. "Zach! Corbyn! Daniel!" The three said boys jogged over.

"Yeah?" Corbyn asked.

"We need some help."

"Okay?" Zach questioned, confused. "Why us?"

"Jonah would be busy with cooking and jack's got running."


"Follow me." Newt said as he lead the group to the place he hid the maps. "Okay, now we need to rearrange the maps someway." Newt tried several methods, with nothing working. "It's pointless"

"Wait can I try something?" (Y/N) asked.

"Knock yourself out." (Y/N) took all the maps from day one of a month and placed them on top of each other. With section one being on top and section eight being on bottom.

"Is it just me or does that look like an 'F'?" Everyone looked over her shoulder.

"That's definitely an 'F'." Teresa confirmed.

"Zach will you go get parchment paper from Frypan?" Newt asked. "As much as you can?" Zach nodded and went to get parchment paper.

"I'm back." He returned with his arms full of parchment paper.

"Okay, roll it out. Teresa, (Y/N), start placing the paper in the pattern you did." The girls nodded and started their task. "Boys, we're going to trace the pattern on parchment paper.
"Guess we don't need to mark our section today, huh?" Jack confirmed as the three entered the Glade again.

"Yep." Minho confirmed. "We've gotta go check something." Minho said, jogging over to where he helped hide the maps. Thomas and Jack followed.

"Welcome back." (Y/N) greeted, tracing a design.

"So the plan worked?" Thomas asked.


"Plan?" Jack questioned.

"We're on the brink of actually escaping!" (Y/N) cheered as she watched Daniel trace the final design. "Okay, we got the code 'FLOAT, CATCH, BLEED, DEATH, STIFF, PUSH'." (Y/N) read the pattern on the ground. "All in uppercase." She looked at Thomas.

"Why're you telling me this?"

"We all agreed that you Teresa, and Chuck should be the ones entering the code."

"Oh, okay." He shrugged. "Any clue when we're leaving?"

"Not really." Newt sighed.

"That's great." Minho replied sarcastically.

"We're working on it! We just need to tell Alby." Everyone nodded. "Now, let's go eat."

"Sounds like a plan to me." (Y/N) pat her stomach.
"And that's basically our plan." Newt concluded to Alby.

"Did you guys even think of weapons?" Alby asked, unamused. (Y/N) and Newt didn't reply. "Great plan, but everyone will need something to defend themselves."

"But we don't have enough weapons." Newt objected.

"Exactly why we should just stay here." Alby crosses his arms and looked away. "That's why I tried burning the maps." (Y/N)'s eyes widened.


"I saw the outside world while I was asleep. It's not at all how we imagined." Alby sobbed. "We should just stay here, with our new family."

"Alby, if we stay here, the Grievers are going to start killing off our family." (Y/N) said sympathetically.

"I know." He sighed.
"What if we have a diversion?" Thomas butted into the argument. "I'm willing to sacrifice myself."

"We need you alive." (Y/N) rejected.

"I'm willing to die."

"No, we seriously need you alive. But the diversion is still a good idea. Which is why-"

"No!" Everyone in the Glade shouted together.

(Y/N) pouted. "I'm serious, I really want to sacrifice myself for this." Thomas deadpanned.

"Stop trying to be a hero." Alby sighed. "I'll do it."


"No, I really don't want to see the outside world. So, carry on without me."

Newt sighed, "if you're sure about this."

"I am."

"Alright, looks like we have an escape plan."
"Quiet down!" (Y/N) whisper shouted. "Are you trying to get us caught?"

A scream was heard from upstairs before she saw the Griever retreat past the window. "Cost is clear." Minho confirmed. Everyone nodded and exited the room to exit the Homestead.

"Three down." (Y/N) stated. "How many more deaths before our freedom?"

"Everyone, pack up you clothes in you backpacks." Alby commanded. "Once you're done with that, find anything that can be used as a weapon. What I'm getting at is basically pack up all supplies. Zach and (Y/N) collect the remaining water in jugs." Everyone nodded.
The group all met up again. "Got your clothes and weapons." Answers along the lines of 'yes' were heard throughout the Glade. "Alright, start packing remaining food and supplies." Alby stated, at the front of the group.

(Y/N) and Zach headed towards the remaining stream of water left with a bunch of jugs. Zach suddenly splashed (Y/N) with a small amount of water. "Zach, stop! You're wasting water!" She laughed as she did the same as him.

"No one will know." He shrugged. (Y/N) and Zach finished with the jugs and slowly started collecting them by a group.

"Alright everyone, we leave at sunrise."

"Good that."

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