watchdog ➼ zackray 《Yankee...

By simonexviii

6.5K 172 98

based from the drama CD Yankee Gakkuen AU . Isaac Foster is a student at Satsuten High. A delinquent. He do... More

❝her watchdog.❞
❝study with me.❞
❝Persistent Brat.❞

❝Blue Like Your Eyes.❞

1K 35 23
By simonexviii

"Isaac Foster...Rachel Gardner..."

The principal's voice was stern as he mouthed,

"Detention. Now. Both of you!"

Part 6 - Blue Like Your Eyes.

Zack clicked his teeth, "Whatever gramps, We'll get goin'" He grabbed Rachel's wrist as they followed Principal Gray.

"Here you will explain yourselves. She'll determine the best punishment for a disastrous duo as yourselves."

Gray greeted them inside and clicked the door shut. Rachel and Zack spotted a woman at the front desk. "Go on, take a seat." She informed them, "What are we supposed to be explaining exactly?" The petite blonde girl whispered over to him, "hell if I know..yer the one who wanted to be in the storage closet in the first place."

They sat down in the front row seats of the class. "Storage closet?" The woman overheard, "Good heavens! I'd encourage you two calm your hormones. If you are so eager to do that sort of thing please keep it off school grounds." She slammed her palms on the desk as she stood up to scold them, "Honestly, Do you not care where you do such things at? How shameless."

". . ."

Rachel and Zack sat at the desks as they hid their faces while she scolded them. Seriously what's up with these teachers... the nurse gives me a fucking condom and now I'm accused of doing it in the closet? He grumbled in frustration. "I think I have more decency than to do that miss." Rachel shunned at the very thought then glared at the woman, "Are you done falsely accusing us of something that vulgar because this is very tiring. " She plainly said.

"Young lady, I don't think I tolerate that type of tone." The woman was expecting her to adjust this but all Rachel did was rolled her eyes at her,

"That isn't my problem, you shouldn't make odd assumptions." Rachel didn't like that one bit. There was no way this woman was getting respect out of her. Not after saying something like that.

"Why I- Thats it, Miss Gardner," The woman banged the tip of her pen on the desk, "You'll be serving twice the time I originally planned for the both of you. Foster, you are free to go... I have business to attend to." She glared as she was referring to Rachel.


"Dammit Ray, why did you have't be so damn stubborn.."

Isaac yawned as now he was leaning on the walls of the hallways alone. It was actually pretty boring without Ray around. Even though she wasn't the liveliest of people , He couldn't deny they did have some chemistry. Things were never dull with her.

He stared at the clock, "Hurry up and get out here..." He crossed his arms as his fingers fidgeted and his foot tapped with impatience.

So boring..


"What the fuck!?" Zack glared as he turned his head to see who hit him, "Fucking brat I'll-!"

It was the ginger headed boy, Eddie. "Wait a second! I know I just provoked you but hear me out.." Zack raised a brow as he lowered his bat that was ready to swing. "What?"

"I hurt Rachel eariler, I admit it... I accept defeat. Even if a dumb, lowlife brute like you doesn't deserve her.."

Hey... Zack's eye twitched in irritation from Eddie's remarks.

"I can't have her..I thought I was better but how could she accept my love now?"

Eddie sulked as he was finally admitting Zack had won her over. Zack laughed, "Aha.."
"You finally accept you were rejected by Ray? Good. Not such a smug little bastard are ya now?." He scoffed. "Just because I said that doesn't mean I still can't pick a fight with you asshole." Eddie glared at him.

"Oh yeah? I was really itching to beat yer ass again!" He raised his bat then they both halted.

About time her ass gets out here..

"Hello Eddie," The petite blonde greeted, "Hello Zack," She walked down the halls getting ready to pass them. Fighting again? Don't they ever get tired?

"Ah ♡! Hi Rachel!" The ginger haired boy bubbly jumped over to stop her. He planned on starting a conversation as usual. Maybe he could persuade her into forgiving him for the mishap?

I thought that persistent brat said he was done..Why'd he get all chipper once she showed up?

Isaac could feel this boiling sensation inside of him as Eddie sweetly talk back and forth with her. Tch.

He came over to interrupt them, "E-Eddie I have to get going.."

"Ray, is this little shit giving you trouble?"

"Zackkk," she let out exasperated, "Stop it." "It's really not all that serious." Huh?!? He blinked at her dumbfounded. "Yeah Zack, you should listen to her. It wasn't very nice of you to interrupt us." Eddie scorned. "Shut up brat, now yer askin' for it-!"

"Zack. If you need me I'll be in the library...unless you want to come with?" She tilted her head silently egging him on. "You know I can't read for shit," he spat. " Well I did try..." She sighed as she began to walk. Eddie shouted out to her, "Wait Rachel, I'll come with you! I can actually read! Im not as dumb as a rock like him-" Zack grabbed the back of Eddie's uniform,

"That nurse is gonna have one hell of a patient..."

Their brawl out had just begun.



Rachel propped open the doors to the library. It was very silent and she ususally thought this was the best time to come, complete peace and quiet. Not even the librarian was here at this time. As much as she's around Zack she had forgotten how it was like for things to be so stationary. It was possible to hear a pin drop.

Since I did skip class today the best thing to do would find a book to help with my studies... Rachel seemed to have a habit of going to the library during the week, she needed to find a book in particular though. Rachel wandered the aisles filled to the brim with novels. One of these have to be good enough. She spotted what she may have been looking for and reached out for it. She slid the book out..


That's very weird... She had saw something unsettlingly in the open spot of where this book had been placed. Out of all things, an artificial eye? She felt a bit teased but opened the book as normal and continued her studies. But she couldn't help but think why out of all places, of all things... would be here?

"Ah Rachel, I didn't expect you to be here at such a time. Do you come here often alone?"

She felt a faint touch on her shoulder as she jerked back.

"What's gotten you so startled? I didn't mean to frighten you." Danny lightly chuckled. She nervously stared at him, How did Sensei get in here? I didn't hear the door open...unless, he was already in here?

"I just I didn't know it was you, Sensei."

She could feel her palms getting a bit sweaty. She was a smart girl, she tried to put this puzzle together... this was not just a coincidence. Danny must have planned this? Or possibly she was being paraniod. But the eye...

"Oh Rachel I see you found the book I was looking for as well. It was over the lesson we did today..." His eyes narrowed as he stood beside her. She tried to ignore him as much as possible as she was attempting to concentrate. But she felt herself tremble slightly. He turned over to her and glared through his glasses, "If I recall correctly, I don't remember you being..

"..Present to my class?"

Her fingers pressed deeper into the pages of the textbook, she nervously gulped then looked up to him ,

"That's right."

"So I take it you were skipping class with that degenerate again?" He gently put his hand over hers to close the book, "You shouldn't hang around foolish boys like that. They'll only get you into trouble. You know that right?"

"Yes?" She tried to scoot her hands away but her sensei tightened his grip. He wanted to capture a glimpse of her ocean blue eyes but she refused to indulge in having any sort of eye contact with him. Not good at all... Danny couldn't clearly see those peepers he adored so much. "If you know that then you must want to serve afterschool detention,

"with me?"

Even if it was supposed to be a threat, Her sensei did like the sound of that, those rebellious eyes of hers...

"No sir." She said meekly. "Well now that I think about it , the least you can do is help me with something, would you be willing to?" He asked but either way she couldn't do anything to get around it.


"Would you look at the's already the evening. But I can't allow you to go home yet, Rachel." Maybe it was understandable, after all she did skip class altogether. I just hope Sensei doesn't get creepy..


Isaac flung the library doors open. "Ray?" He peeked around the many shelves to find out she wasn't in this library anymore,

"What the fuck!? She said she'd be here dammit!"

He stormed out the library, Can't she ever stay put somewhere? He groaned but he was too late. The girl was already helping out her sensei, Daniel Dickens, somewhere. That somewhere was the parking lot.

"Excuse me, Sensei, if you don't mind me asking..why'd you take me all the way out here?" She asked curiously. "I have quite a few boxes here that I need help with taking out. They're awfully heavy."

"Well I'm not that strong-" She was cut off by him,

"Be careful. They're fragile."

What's with that change in tone all the sudden.. ?

"Are you paying attention, Rachel dear?"
He caught her while she was deep in thought, "Y-Yes." She got ahold of one of the boxes, it rattled in her hands as it was almost too much for her to be able stand still. She wobbled a bit, What's in this thing? A bunch of glass? Its so heavy...

"You got it?" He held the other side to assist her. Then placed it down.

"What are these boxes for, Sensei?"
"Ah, they're for my classroom you see."
"Oh." She responded in a nonchalant tone.

Even though she was more curious to know what it was, she didn't see the point if it was all going to be in the classroom anyway. I wonder..

They grabbed hold of another box, this one however was not taped all the way. Should I take a peek? Sensei wouldn't mind right? She brought it upon herself to manuever her fingers to the flap of the box as it shook and rattled from her constant trembling. Her curiousity took the best of her...

"You mustn't look."

Danny firmly said as he placed his hand over her delicate ones to stop them from going any further. "I'm sorry, Sensei." She apologized in advance to opening the box. "I was just wondering what was in there is all..."

"Well I could possibly show you...if you come to my classroom and drop these off with me I'll allow you." He smiled at her. Maybe add something to my collection ... "I'm not sure, Sensei, I should be looking for someone, he might get impatient if I take too long." Danny's glasses reflected the light as he glared.

Damn that Zack...Anything I'd do to get my hands on those peepers alone. Danny knew at the moment she was in fact unprotected but trying anything that would cause her discomfort would make her run away again. He couldn't stand having his favorite student be afraid of him. "Is that so?"

"If that's all I'll be going now, Sensei." Rachel was very eager to get going. She knew she told Zack she'd be in the library but obiviously that couldn't be futher from the truth. "Wait Rachel." Danny placed his hand on her shoulder to stop her. "The least I can do is reward you for helping me," The girl raised a brow but stood still as he held somthing in his palm.

This is... Her eyes widened a bit baffled at this.

"I picked it out just for you, it thought it'd match perfectly,

"Its a gorgeous blue just like your eyes."

He gazed into that deep blue sea that was her eyes. "May I?" He grinned at her once again. Rachel continued to keep still as he pulled back some strands of her golden locks and clipped the bow in place.

Oh how lovely...He felt himself go again but adjusted it this time. He didn't want to ruin the moment. Rachel walked towards the car to see her reflection from it, it's actually..very pretty... She looked rather cute, it made her feel a bit more coy than usual. Her cheeks lightly blushed a rosy hue.

"Rachel , what do you think?"
"It's...nice.." "Thank you, Sensei." Even if he was quite weird sometimes, this look of felt so fresh and new. She actually liked it. The girl never cared to style her hair any other way.

"Oh Rachel..You have such mesmerizing peepers."

He felt overwhelmed by how great that hair piece complimented her eyes,

"You know Rachel, I'd be so happy if you were to wear that bow to my class,"
"It captures the very essence of your wonderful eyes."

It would fill him with absolute glee.

She nodded as she began to pace away, she had a lot on her mind. What should she think? Should she actually wear her hair like this more often? She twiddled her fingers through her hair, Oh wait...

Zack must be looking for me-!

The teacher sighed as he totted the boxes with him to the classroom. He carefully unboxed them revealing many glass jars...all filled with eyes. Many artificial and ones he'd put in for himself- he was missing an eye. He was embarrassed to admit this to anyone.

He stashed many of the containers underneath his front desk and the rest of the boxes behind it. This collection was incomplete to him. It would always be incomplete. Imperfect. What was Danny missing?

Her peepers...

Oh how I wish I had Rachel's beautiful eyes on display, they are truly the most ideal peepers I've ever bestowed my eyes upon... He felt dismayed to the thought of not having them in his life. He needed them in his grasp. He couldn't allow those peepers to be with anyone else. As selfish as it may have been, he planned on having her blue eyes. He wanted the pleasure of having such amazing eyes. But alas... that girl had a protector. Her watchdog. There was no way Danny could lure Rachel if Isaac Foster was around. It would be a challenge.

A challenge he'd take.

There was no possible way he could let her go- those eyes of her go. He lusted so much for them, this lust grew stronger by the day. He just couldn't help but let himself go again thinking about...

Those lovely peepers..

He was truly amazed by them. I'll always be in love with such fetching eyes... How I wish I could cherish them..

He pondered as he watched the artificial pair of eyes float around in it's glass container.

A/N: way too much talk about eyes in this chapter.

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