Merlin: The Secret

By MysteryOfWordsDK

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This is a Fan-Fiction based upon the BBC series 'Merlin': Merlin is busy as usual working as King Arthur's se... More

A New Day a New Problem
Do This, Do That...
A Strange Disappearance
An Army of Slaves
A Destiny of Greatness
The Mark of Emrys
Witch of Darkness
Let Me Burn
Long Live the King
We Need To Talk
A Secret Weapon
For the Love of Camelot
Destiny and Doom
Two Sides of a Coin
New times...

The Right Moment

8.5K 372 55
By MysteryOfWordsDK

"So..." Morgana's smile was filled with a very specific evil; pure and coldhearted hatred. "My old friends have all come to pay me a visit..." She emerged without hesitation and headed straight for Arthur. "We must celebrate."

"Indeed we must," Arthur said. "As soon as I've killed you like I should've done while I had the chance."

For a brief moment Morgana looked surprised. "Uh, what a pity you failed that task, then, dear brother," she replied and regained her coldness. She was circling the king, like a lion ready to attack. Her movements were elegant and smooth like a cat's and her snarling words reminded of a dangerous predator, surrounding its prey. The old Morgana was long lost. She would never return. That was now clear to anyone who still had hope. She used a simple spell to tie everyone up with strong magical chains. Merlin knew these chains perfectly well; so he knew that if he tried to fight against their hold, they would only tighten their grip even further. He tried to calm himself, not wanting the chains to strangle him – he had to think of a plan...

"I think we should remember our manners... Let's begin with the bottom of the household..." The smile grew into intensive determination. "Somehow you have managed to escape these chains and yet stay sane in spite of being tortured to the point of insanity. I really am impressed, Merlin. How does a simple little servant do all that - by himself?"

Merlin looked down, trying to avoid Morgana's burning gaze.

That made her laugh. "It is truly a mystery! Unless..." She forced Merlin's head up, by pushing him by the chin. "You were not alone... maybe you had help from someone? Someone who has magic? Someone, whose name is unknown to most, someone who you call your friend... Someone by the name of Emrys, perhaps?" Merlin saw how her eyes widened with excitement, expectation.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," he said, refusing to look her in the eye.

"Oh, come now, Merlin." She glared at him like he was nothing more than a rat. "You can't tell me you've never heard this name before?"

Merlin took a deep breath, straightening his neck, for he was tied up. Again. "Since you're so stubborn - my lady..." Merlin added ironically. "... I'll tell you what I know."

"No!" Gwen shouted desperately. "Merlin, don't!"

"None of this knowledge is going to be of much use to you, though," Merlin continued and ignored the warnings from his friends. "I can promise you that."

Morgana crossed her arms. "Is that so?" She didn't think she had time for a sweet little bedtime story – but she did need facts.

"I know of the name Emrys... I know that everyone in this room has seen him, meet him... they are even his friends..." He held a dramatic pause. "... but I also know that he is destined to be your doom, Morgana." He made eye contact with her, sending her a penetrating gaze.

Morgana's eyes struck as the lighting. "WHO HAS TOLD YOU THAT?!" she screamed on top of her lungs with words as thunder, but blind to the truth behind the words Merlin had just spoken. "WHO HAS CONFIDED IN YOU, A LOWLY SERVANT! ANSWER ME!!!"

"My position plays no role in this," Merlin said quietly. "But I am loyal to my friends no matter who they are."

Morgana was about to attack him again, but Caelan broke in. "No, dear," she said and put an arm on Morgana's left shoulder. "Let me." She drew out the Mortis plant once again. "Let's show his noble friends what happens when they choose to stand up against us."

Morgana's wrath disappeared slowly, while she thought of Caelan's words. The wrath was replaced with another smile. A smile that came from deep within her cold heart. She stepped back and let Caelan take the spotlight.

"NO!" Arthur shouted. "Don't you dare!!"

Caelan ignored him and made ready. She repeated the long, difficult spell that increased the Mortis' plant's terrible powers. She looked at the scared Merlin and felt somewhat invincible. It was the cat versus the mouse, the giant versus the dwarf.

Merlin could feel a cold shiver running down his spine. Mercy was long lost, he knew that, and the fear was consuming him completely. He took one last look at Elyan, Gwaine and Percival, then Gwen and finally, at Arthur. Merlin tried to tell him that he was more than willing to do this for him, for Camelot and for his friends only by a look.

"Please!" Gwen pleaded. "This is not Merlin's fault!"

"She's right, Morgana! Tell your friend over there to let him go! You can't gain control over Camelot by killing him! You'd merely be wasting your time!" The king took a deep breath, straightened his back, looking gravely serious. "I am king of Camelot and would rather see that you take my life and spare the lives of my people!"

Morgana laughed. "I'm afraid that offer cannot be accepted." Her scornful look was so intense that just the look of it could bring about the deadliest sting. "Caelan?"

"Everything is ready." The old witch raised the plant above her head, looking down on Merlin's frightened face. "Any last words?"

"Yes," said Merlin. "You won't get through with this."


Merlin yanked off the chains on his friends and then on himself, using magic. "RUN!" he shouted, taking advantage of the witches' disbelief. "RUN!" Merlin made sure everyone was keeping up, as he took a minute to look back at Morgana and Caelan. They were about to attack when Merlin overpowered them by screaming on top of his lungs: "TOSPRINGE!!!"

Another boom sounded.

The huge chandelier had been blown off its hinges and was now headed for the exact point were Caelan and Morgana stood. They had no choice but to jump for their lives, leaving them no time to stop their prisoners from escaping. They were already long gone.

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