The Assassin and the King...

By Sakura_D

385K 22.9K 4.7K

Imagine with me if you will, a land long ago, filled with kings, assassins and men of power. With palaces in... More

The assassin
The King
The ambassador
The Queens
The Bandit
The Guard
The Advisor
The Healer
The Tainted Scrolls
The Fool
The Package
The Dark Nights
The Theif
The Disagreement
The Teacher's Counsel
The Sister
The Questions have Questions
The Return
The Things Hidden
The Changing Me
The Exiled Children
The Messages
The Pirate Captain
The Third Queen
The Old Seal
The Elders Meet
The Ones Who Asked
The Clans Come
The Rumours
The First Queen
The Sands Stir
The Dangerous Night
The King's Prerogative
The soldiers return
The Enemy Within
The Oath is Taken
The Clans - Extra
The Shimmering Sands
The Sun Rises
The Moves Made
The Words Only For You.
The Moments In-between (1)
The Moments In-between (2)
The Keys
The Puzzle Pieces
The Voices in the Shadows
The Unexpected Arrivals
The Promises Made
The Night of the Dinner
The Time to Speak
The Law of Things
The One Who Falls
The Ones Who Watch
The Sleeping King
The Power Games
The Ringing Bells
The People Need To See
The Truth In Their Eyes
The Puzzle Has More Pieces
The Council Meets
The Time Apart.
The Dreags
The Last Night Alone
The King's Consort
The Scales
The Lull Before the Storm
The Sides Chosen
The Call to Arms
The Wolves at my Door
The People of the Sands
The Ones Who Betrayed
The Counterattack
The Cracks to Fill
The Secrets We Hold
The Last Call
The Mysteries Revealed
The Liers Come
The Truth and Lies
The Men in Power
The King and his Consort
The Outing - Extra.

The Countdown

3.2K 211 103
By Sakura_D

Arthit POV

"I'm tired." Bright sighs, sitting on a comfortable cushion.

I ignore him, wincing when another pin dugs into this arm. That was two, if the man pricked me one more time, I would show him how a needle was really meant to be used.

I can't believe I fell asleep; two days I didn't get a chance to go see him, during the day or at night. They doubled the guard and the Master herself was keeping a watch. I sigh when the tailor finishes, waiting until he leaves before heading for the window. He should be with Tee, he was healing well from the care the Head Healer was providing. I want to see him.

"Where are you going?"

"Healer Wing."

"No." Bright stands in front of the window. "No and I mean it, NO."

"Don't you want to see Tee?"

"I want to have a long healthy life so I can see him often." Bring watches me. "You have lunch with the queens and then meetings, if missed; I will be made to walk into the desert. Your mother in law made sure to tell me my fate, if you missed even one thing, while she sipped tea."

That was the master's favourite line. I look out the window to see a figure hidden in the shadow, even assassins were watching me?

"The son wants to hang me, the mother wants to roast me." Bright shakes his head. "What kind of family are you becoming a consort to?"



"Water Pears from the island beds are rare." I tell Deer showing him the reports. "Every one of them can literally be accounted for."

Deer wanted evidence, after everything we had learned Yacht decided he wanted to have the Kimli family removed from the council but that wouldn't sit well unless he could back his accusations. Even with the arrangement for the upcoming ceremony, work didn't stop.

"They could have been sold on the black market." Deer looks at the papers. "Kimli had to have sold them somehow; his family and island are richest because of the oysters that only come from there."

"My people have been keeping an eye on black-market trading." I tell him. "Nothing as valuable as water pearls have passed hands for many years."

Deer looks through the reports, small shipments managed to get past but that was becoming less nowadays. We arranged a separate department, under security to tackle this matter a few years ago. It became necessary after Kong took the throne, many of the "Special Delicacies" his uncle and his followers were accustomed to, he banned their use.

"Maybe to the East?"

"You can speak with the Prince." I advise him. "Talk to Tee, he knows the boy and may be able to help."

Deer offers a thanks leaving, I head towards the training grounds, I needed to have a word with the Generals and Captains.

Pridi moves aside seeing me approach, he had been addressing the guard before they went on duty. We changed the rotations and shifts for the ceremony and again for the three days of celebration that would follow.

"I will make this brief." I tell the assembled. "Stick to your duties and stay alert. We are responsible for the safety of the heads of state, nothing, and I mean nothing can go wrong. Make no mistakes, we will not let the King down this time."

The answer echoes around the grounds as they agree and move, heading to their assigned duties. The Generals and Captains stay.

"Three battalions arrived before dawn." I tell the remaining officers. "Use them as you see fit."

"They would be fools to try anything at this time." General White looks around the group.

"They don't know what we know." Pridi answers.

"Let's not be too arrogant and keep our heads clear. The most influential people in the kingdom are in the capital, they will not let this opportunity pass."

"Lord Em." Captain Kongtanin greets me arriving. "Two caravans have arrived this morning, with goods for sale."

"Many have arrived for the celebrations." Pridi ask. "What of it?"

"One of them came from the eastern region." He shows me their papers. "It is on your list to be watched."

I read the information they filled for their stay and what they would be selling, the names were indeed interesting. It's the one our watcher had made contact with before he disappeared. As we thought, they wouldn't let this opportunity pass.

I notice the sudden whispering turning to see what was causing the commotion. Everyone running to greet him as he passed, he smiled accepting their greeting as he headed for us. Why in heavens was he here?

"Em, I want a word." He nods as the group bow.

"Kong, shouldn't you be resting?"

"This is important." He looks serious, what now?

"I need you to distract my mother so I can see Arthit."


Namten POV

She held the baby close as they passed the bustling streets, laughter, and celebrations filling the air. Wish lanterns being sold on every corner, after the official ceremony the people would float lanterns, wishing the King and his consort well. She would buy one too.

Jay pointed at entertainers and colorful wares as they passed but she looked for the name, The Spice Shop. Arthit had not written in the last few months and she couldn't help but worry. Her father's caravan was coming this way for business; she decided to come with them.

He was a dear friend, and he had helped her when she thought all lost. She asked, but he never told her how he managed to help bring Jay home. She wanted to see with her own eyes he was well, she wanted to show him the baby.

"It's probably doesn't exist." Her father looked around. "He's probably a simple errand runner, who would hire him as a bookkeeper."

Namten ignored her father, hoping he would go see to his caravan soon. She didn't realise until recently how much he disliked Arthit but it wouldn't change who he was. A good friend, who she missed, and wanted to see.

"We don't even know it was him who helped Jay..."

"It was." Jay interrupted my father. "Namten isn't alone we both wanted to come to see and thank him."

I stop when I see the name, The Spice Shop, this is where Arthit worked. It was large compared to the others in the lane; crowed with customers as we went inside. I waited to a side watching, until I saw the counter where someone was weighing and wrapping the orders.

"No one in a place like this would hire him." My father looks around. "He lied, let's leave..."

"I sent letters here, ones he answered." I tell my father. "Why don't you go check your carven?"

I wanted to meet Arthit in peace, normally all he did was work, why did he insist on coming today?

"Excuse me." I ask walking to the counter when the line finishes. "I'm looking for Arthit, he works here."

The man turns to look at us before asking. "You are?"

He was handsome, his outfit was simple but expensive and the way he moved around, I think he might be the owner.

"His friends, from back home, we came to visit."

"Namten? Jay?"

"Yes." I smile, so Arthit talked about us. "Is he busy?"

"Arthit is out making purchases."

"You allow that boy such privilege." The three of us glaring at my father stops him saying more.

"He does a lot more and is very good at it." The owner smiles. "Unfortunately, he will not be back for a few days."

I should have written to him first, of course he was busy. The owner, Prem he introduced himself as, was polite, even offering to help us find a place to stay but we had made arrangements. My eyes fall on a figure as we leave the shop, didn't I see him as we came into the city? It was so busy, I'm sure it was my imagination.


Kings Parents.

"I'm trying to make sure Arthit has a good foothold." She takes a seat. "They should know, he has our blessing for the union."

The officials, the old families, and the elders held a good deal of sway, she wanted to make sure they acknowledged Arthit. When he took his place they would be less bothersome, knowing he could turn to so many if need be.

"I understand dearest." He tells her. "But maybe let them meet a little."

He sees his wife smile before she hides it. She was used to watching Arthit from afar for so many years and was enjoying being this close to him.

"Did Kong come speak with you?"

"He did."

"He kept Arthit all night, I had to re-arrange fittings and a meeting."

"Arthit fell asleep." I tell her. "You know the boy didn't sleep that night in the queen's room."

He paced the garden all night, stopping only to watch the moon.

"Arthit has never gone against my words." She watches me. "It eases my worries, knowing, to see Kong he can even disobey me."

"I didn't want to say this, dearest." He sighs. "But you are acting like your mother."

"Now I understand why she did it." My wife smiles. "I am enjoying my mother in law privileges."

I sigh watching her leave, I tried son but it seemed you had to be patient a little longer. At least once the ceremony was done, your mother would interfere less. Until it was time for Arthit to take her place. You have a good few years, enjoy them well.


Kong POV

"They have special orders to make sure you are not allowed inside, Captain Pern told me." Em tells me as we walk.

"Mother..." I sigh.

"Tell me honestly, what did you do to anger her?" Em asks.

I stayed silent; he didn't need to know what was said. Another night without Arthit, why did it get dark so soon?

"Why are you following me?"

"I want to make sure you don't do anything to make her angrier." Em sighs. "Behave, please."

Two more nights, I sigh, just two more and then even my mother couldn't stop us. I could ask Maprang to take a message to Arthit for me, she would enjoy doing it too much but at least it would get to him.

Em stops to speak to my head assistant as I enter my office, I still needed to sign a few documents. Tomorrow, the day before, would be full of traditional events and greeting elders. I hated so much formality but it would make him mine, so I would do what was needed.

The gently blowing wind moves the curtains, setting me on edge as I take a step inside. The sands were rising; everyone knew to keep them closed for the night. I unsheathe my dagger when I hear the soft groan, my head turning to see Arthit lying on the cushions. He's too pale, too still.

The shadow near him moves, my blood runs cold when I look up and see his face, the professor. That man should not be here, he should not be anywhere near my Arthit.

I look hearing a creek, never letting Arthit put off my sight, a figure is sitting in my chair behind my desk. He sits as though he belongs there, half his face is covered but I can see his eyes, a wild look I knew well. He was dangerous. He motions for me to stay silent before telling me to lower my dagger.

I watch Arthit's chest move softly, lowering my dagger to the small table. He was alive, that was all that mattered. How did they manage to get to Arthit? How did they manage to capture him? The door opens.

"Kong did you..."

I grab Em's arm before he can unsheathe his sword. The man stands, the folded cloak over his shoulder as he waited, falls from around his shoulder revealing the seal on his pin.

"Dreag..." Em whispers.

I stop him moving in front of me, so they had finally come for me after all these months. They could have me, I wasn't important but nothing should happen to Arthit.

"I've waited a long time for this, Majesty." I hear the smile in his voice.

We watch as he removes the scarf covering his face. I didn't think the night could hold more surprises but I was wrong. I feel numb, I knew this face too, a face that couldn't, shouldn't, be here. The word tumbling from my lips.


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