Healing [Still need Correctio...

By ShandiezBooks

362K 15.9K 734

Zanobia Palmer was born and raised in Atlanta Georgia.Coming from an abusive family she really didn't know mu... More

Main Characters
Chapter 1- Zanobia POV
Chapter 2- Zanobia POV
Chapter 3- Zanobia's POV
Author's Note
Chapter 4- Mike's POV
Chapter 5- Zanobia POV
Chapter 6- Zanobia's POV
Chapter 7- Mike's POV
Chapter 8- Mike's POV
Chapter 9- Zanobia's POV
Author's Note
Chapter 10 - Zanobia's POV
Chapter 11-Zanobia's POV
Chapter 12-Mike's POV
Author's Note
Chapter 13-Mike's POV
Chapter 14-Zanobia's POV
Chapter 15-Zanobia's POV Date pt.1
Chapter 16-Mike's POV Date pt.2
Chapter 17-Zanobia's POV
Chapter 18- Mike's POV
Chapter 19-Zanobia's POV
Chapter 20- Mike's POV
Chapter 21-Zanobia POV
Chapter 22- Mike's POV
Chapter 23- Zanobia's POV Mother's Day Pt. 1
Chapter 24-Mike's Pov Mother's Day Pt.2
Chapter 25-Mike's Pov
Chapter 26-Zanobia's Pov
Chapter 27-Zanobia's Pov
Chapter 28-Zanobia's Pov
Chapter 29-Zanobia's Pov
Chapter 30-Zanobia's Pov
Chapter 31-Zanobia's Pov
Chapter 32-Mike's Pov B-day Pt.1
Please Read!
Chapter 33- Zanobia's Pov B-day Pt.2
Chapter 34-Mike's Pov
Chapter 35-Zanobia's Pov
Chapter 36-Zanobia's Pov
Chapter 37 - Mike's Pov
Chapter 38- Alexander's POV
Chapter 39-Zanobia's Pov
Chapter 40-Zanobia's Pov
Author's Note
Chapter 41- Zanobia's Pov
Author's Note
Chapter 42- Zanobia's Pov

Authors Note

8.3K 287 8
By ShandiezBooks

I am sorry that I have not Updated in Weeks but I have been having a Writers Block I will try to get  another chapter up as soon as possile!!!

I usually try to have chapters up on Fridays or Saturdays. 


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