Cosplayer to Vigilante /Arrow...

By lokigodofaces

657 23 5

Liberty Davis is just a typical fangirl who loves superheroes. Despite the millions of comics, games, movies... More

A/N: Schedule


32 0 0
By lokigodofaces

A couple months later

Liberty's POV

"We really should go to Central City," Liberty said. She was sitting in Team Arrow's headquarters with everyone. "I mean, Harrison Wells was able to tell us something when we saw him last. And if he's helping Barry be the Flash now, it's kind of up his alley, right?"

"Something about him feels off though," Oliver said.

"What do you mean, something feels off?" Felicity asked.

"I don't know, I can't place it. But something feels wrong about him." Oliver stared forward pensively. "Makes me worry about Barry."

"Well, he's the only one that might be able to get Liberty to her world," Roy reasoned.

"He's right," Dig agreed.

Oliver sighed. "I know."

"So what are you going to do when you get to your world?" Roy asked Liberty.

"I'll see my parents, grab a few things from home, and come back. Should be pretty quick. It's not like I want to stick around with them."

Roy nodded. "I guess we should start heading to Central City."


Roy's POV

"Are you sure about this?" Roy asked Liberty.

"Yeah, yeah, and I'll be back soon," Liberty answered, giving him a hug.

Thawne, Cisco, and Caitlin are on top of a platform with a bunch of controls. Oliver, Dig, and Felicity are standing behind them. There's a large circular device in front of you, Roy, and Barry on the floor. When Liberty and Roy stopped hugging, she turned to Barry.

"This will turn on the portal for you when you come back," Barry said as he handed you a small disk. You put it in your pocket and thanked him. Roy and Barry went to the platform with everyone else. Cisco did something and the portal turned on. She took one last look before walking through into her universe.

The feeling of walking through the portal was weird. A little disorientating, but mostly felt like a hefty breeze pushing her somewhere. Suddenly, Liberty was back at her apartment in her home universe.

It was dusty, but other than that nothing had changed. Liberty grabbed a duffel bag and started packing everything she wanted to keep. Some clothes, her notebooks, her laptop, some other random things she particularly liked. She took the bag with her to her car and threw it in the back before turning on Google Maps to take her to her parents' house.


A couple hours later

Liberty's POV

Liberty nervously stood on the porch of her childhood home. Taking a deep breath, she rang the doorbell. She heard someone walking down the stairs. The door opened and there was Liberty's mother, Macy Smart.

Her mother looked shocked. "Liberty? Is it really you?"

"Yeah, hi, mom," Liberty said nervously. Before she could try to explain anything, her mom attacked her with a hug.

"I've been looking for you! I was terrified! I didn't know what had happened to you! I tried to get the police to help, but they said since you transferred to another school without telling me you probably just wanted to be left alone. I knew there was a convention nearby that was bombed, and I was terrified that you were there."

"I actually was...," Liberty said, seeing a way to lie. Liberty obviously couldn't tell her mom that she had lived in another universe or how she was kidnapped twice. She wouldn't believe that. But she could use the bombing to explain why she was there. "That's why I came back. I could've died if I was any closer. And, I, I wanted to see you and Dad at least once more. I still resent you both a lot, but something inside of me still loves you both. I don't say that to be mean or anything, but, well, take a look at my childhood. And you knew that I didn't want to see you much anyway."

Her mom tightened the hug. "I know. It, it doesn't excuse anything I've done, but a year ago I started going to therapy when my doctor recommended it. That helped me realize that your father and I had an awful marriage. I mean, I was too worried about pleasing him that I didn't do anything when he treated you awfully. My therapist helped me get the courage to file for divorce."

"Really? That's really good for you to move on past that," Liberty said. "I still want to see Dad at least one more time, where is he?"

"He lives across town in an apartment complex. Here, let me get you his address. Why don't you come on in?" Liberty nodded and awkwardly stepped inside, not really knowing what to do. Her mom hurriedly wrote an address on a sticky note and handed it to Liberty. "Keep in mind, your father's only changed for the worse. In fact, do you want me to come along? To stand up for you? I regret never doing that when you were younger, but now is a good time to start I guess."

"If you want to. He wasn't good towards you either, so I understand if you don't want to come," Liberty answered.

"Of course, I've got some words for that old man. Anyway, how long are you going to stay?"

Liberty looked down. "Not for long. I have to get back home. I have commitments there."

"That's too bad. Well, you're always welcome here."

"Maybe I'll visit then."

"Well, let's get on the road to your father, and you can tell me what you've been up to the past couple years."


Twenty minutes later

Liberty's POV

Liberty once again nervously rang the doorbell of one of her parents. In a few moments, her father opened the door. He looked surprised to see her. "I'm surprised you could survive this long on your own. Thought you were dead."

Why did I want to see him again? "No, but I was close one time. So I just wanted to see you one last time."

"Does it look like I want to see you?"

"Shut your mouth, George!" Liberty's mom shouted. "That's no way to speak to your daughter. I'm ashamed I ever thought you'd be a good father! You're gonna let your daughter talk to you now!"

"No, he doesn't have to. I only wanted to say hi. I really don't want to talk to him," Liberty inserted quickly. Her dad huffed and slammed the door. Liberty let out a breath. "Now that that's over with, I need to get going."

Her mom drove her back to her mom's house so that Liberty could get her car. Liberty gave her one last hug before driving off back to her apartment. Once inside her apartment, she took the disk from her pocket. Liberty checked she hadn't forgotten anything. After putting one more shirt in her arms, she grabbed her duffel bag and used the disk to open the portal. She walked through it and ended up back in S.T.A.R. Labs.

"That wasn't long," Cisco said. "Believe me, I get it, family can be rough. Oh, and nice shirt."

"Yeah, I couldn't talk to my dad for more than a minute," Liberty agreed. "Thank you, about the shirt." Liberty hid the symbol on the shirt subtly. It had a heart shaped lesbian flag on it, and she hadn't meant to come out to Cisco. Cisco seemed to get the message and dropped it.

"Don't mention it, welcome back to our lovely Earth-1."

Liberty folded the shirt and threw it in her duffel bag as Roy came over. "How was it?"

"'Bout what I expected with my dad. My mom surprised me though. The two divorced because a therapist convinced her that she was in a toxic relationship and that he had caused her to act poorly towards me."

"Well, good for her, I guess," Roy said. He smiled. "Glad to have you back."


Well, this is the end. Thanks for reading!

I always planned on Liberty being a demisexual lesbian, but struggled putting it in the story.


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