By CaptNAndrews

11.9K 853 73

Salem Rines keeps dying prematurally. Well, it's not like her life has ever been easy. With her parents murd... More

| Prologue|
| One |
| Two |
| Three |
| Four |
| Five |
| Six |
| Seven |
| Eight |
| Nine |
| Ten |
| Eleven |
| Twelve |
| Thirteen |
| Fourteen |
| Fifteen |
| Sixteen |
| Seventeen |
| Eighteen |
| Nineteen |
| Twenty One |
| Twenty Two | Special POV chapter!
| Twenty Three |
| Twenty Four |
| Twenty Five |
| Twenty Six |
*Shameless self-advertising >:)
| Twenty Seven |
| Epilogue |
My Blog!

| Twenty |

300 26 2
By CaptNAndrews

Short chapter sorry! However, it is important as the end is near! 

Less than ten chapters to go!

Remember to vote, comment and follow! Also check out my other books. 

| Twenty |


I had no idea what I was thinking, nor do I know these emotions were. I felt entirely lost. This infestation that had warmed its way under my skin and into my very heart. And so, somehow I found myself back in front of that rustic cottage.

In front of Lady Grey.

"Where is Lucifer?" I asked with a frown, folding my wings.

She smiled, pulling off her gardening gloves, "He ran to town. We're out of milk."

"Milk," I echoed astonished.

How was Lucifer happy pretending to be a human in this life? Is this truly what he is happy doing? I could not understand it. Lady Grey chuckled suddenly, drawing my attention back to her. I cocked my head, not understanding her humor.

"Would you like to come in and have some tea?"

With a sigh, I followed her to the porch were she already had tea set out. My eyebrows furrowed together as I wondered if the angel blood had knew I was coming? But surely that was impossible.

"Tea?" Grey asked, amusement swirling around her light grey eyes.

I frowned, taking the cup from her, "I shall not waste any more time. I need Lucifer's help to stop a fallen angel. Myserien has gone too far this time."

"Myserien?" the woman sounded surprised, "I thought she had deep feelings for you – what has she done?"

I scoffed, Myserien did not have such feelings. She was a parasite for warmth and that was all. Now that she knows Salem is of interest to me, she will stop at nothing to take that warmth from me. I could not allow that to happen. Salem must be protected.

"She is threatening a life that cannot die," I tell Grey honestly.

She looked at me in a way I did not understand, "And what would Myserien want with a life?"

Lucifer's woman was beginning to annoy me, "Does that matter? Myserien will not harm Salem! I will not allow it! I am not a fool like Cronas and I am not cleaver like Lucifer! I will not play around. Myserien will die. Eternally. Perhaps it was a mistake coming here. Excuse me."

Anger coiled around inside me as I realized I had wasted my time here. Lucifer could not help me at the moment and his woman was useless. I made my way off the wood and stretched my wings. However for an odd reason I could not find myself flying off. Behind me Grey chuckled.

"Even until the last minute you're asking for help to save the woman you love," she informed me.

I turned, a frown on my face, "I've done no such thing."

"This human, Salem you speak of – is she beautiful?" Grey asked, sipping her tea.

My mouth twitched into a smile, and I answered honestly, "Her eyes are the most beautiful and her hair is a gold beyond the almighty. Her tongue speaks such soft words that have me bewitched, and her laugh is like Erelim's bells at dawn. She is a fire I wish to devour me as long as I am allowed to bathe in her flames."

Grey's grin grew, "It sounds like love to me. And if it is so I know you will have the strength to protect her. That is one of the gifts your father gave to you and the other freed angels."

Her words made no sense, "We fell as a punishment."

"Or maybe you were released because you were always your father's favorites," she hummed.

My eyes widened.

W-What was she saying?


"Oh my, that's enough now Grey," Lucifer's voice giggled through the air as he appeared beside her, "Don't share our bedroom talk with others. Or I'll be jealous."

My cheeks burned at hearing such words, "G-Goodbye! Until next time brother Lucifer!"

With that final farewell, I took to the sky. Instead of asking Lucifer for help, I would find other means to protect Salem. Whatever it took, I would protect what I loved.



I would protect the woman I loved. 

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