Frostiron One Shots

By galaxy-stark

209K 4K 4.9K

A Frostiron one shot Book, containing: - Smut/Lemon These one shots will contain sinful fantasies, sexy happe... More

Fluff - Walk With Me
Smut - You Will Kneel Before Me
Fluff - Oh Fuck No (Part 1)
Angst - Until You're Gray and Old
Smut - Caught in the Act
Fluff - A Helping Hand
Fluff - A Trip To Asgard
Smut - Distraction
- Update -
Smut - College Lovers
Smut - Jealously
Fluff - Incubus (1/2)
Smut - Incubus (2/2)
Smut - Teach Me, Mr Laufeyson
Angst - A Battle Lost
Lime - Spideypool

Fluff - Oh Fuck No (Part 2)

5.5K 161 153
By galaxy-stark

You guys asked for here it is! Part 2! Hope you enjoy it!
Embarrassed and confused, Tony tries his best to forget the events that happened in that park, but it seems Loki doesn't want to forget anything.

"Is this some sick joke, Stark? Is it?!" I shook my head with a frown. "How would I even do this?! You're the one with all the magic and shit! I swear if you're doing this to distract us from your evil plan or something-" "-I'm not doing anything!" He raised his voice, quickly grabbing his septer and stumbling back, away from everyone.

"I'm not finished here!" He yelled, quickly disappearing before Thor could run and grab him. "LOKI!" He yelled, obviously not getting a response. I just stood there, eyes wide, staring at the ground in shock.

Out of all people...

LOKI was my soulmate?!


That was a few weeks ago, and I still hadn't gotten over my shock.

Loki was...a villain, a criminal, Thor's evil brother, the God of Mischief! How was he my soulmate? How?!

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair, sitting back in my chair as I let out a deep breath. Spending time alone in my office probably wasn't the best thing I could be doing right now.

As if right on cue, I heard two knocks on my door. "Yeah?" I called out, sitting forwards and facing the door, watching it open and Steve Rogers step in. "Hey Tony." He spoke softly, closing the door behind him and standing in front of my desk, his hands on his belt so he could strike his signature pose. "You've been hiding away in your office for's not going to help your situation, as awkward as it is to think about."

I rolled my eyes and looked off. "It's easy for you to say, Rogers. You've always liked Bucky, always been by his side, always-" "-not always, Tony." He told me with a stern stare on his face. I gave him an apologetic look before continuing. "You've known him for so long and you know him as a person, that's why it was so clear you were soulmates even before the heart glow happened..."

Looking off again, I let out another sigh, sitting back in my chair and closing my eyes. "...but I don't know Loki. I know that he tried to kill me and has hurt my friends multiple times, as well as coming across as the worst brother in existence by Thor, but I don't know him as a person. He's not my friend, he's someone I've had nightmares about for christ's sake."

"Tony." Steve spoke, his hand on my shoulder, making me open my eyes as he gently held on and looked into my eyes. "When Bucky...became The Winter Solider...I thought it was over. That it wasn't meant to be - that maybe - that's why the heart glow hadn't happened yet. But I waited, and I waited, and it did happen. Bucky tried to kill me, my friends, and...I know the bad he has done in the past...but that wasn't really him. My heart still glows for the man he was then, because he wasn't in control, you see?"

I nodded slowly. "You're saying that...Loki might not have been in control when the attack happened...? That wasn't really him? Then...why did he continue to attack us again-" "-fear, Tony. Who's going to believe him if that's the truth? No one. Hell, I don't really believe it, but I know a good heart like yours...falls for a heart like his...for a reason."

Damn, he got me with that line. "You should write poetry, Rogers." I chuckled to myself weakly, turning to my computer and beginning to open up some files on Loki. "Give me some tips so I can write a poem for Loki and begin to speak his Shakespearean language." Steve let out a low chuckle as well, returning his hand to his belt. "It's just the truth, Tony. I know this isn't as bad as it seems."

"Maybe." I replied, opening up more and more files, collecting any research I could find. "It seems pretty bad when you have Thor going on and on about how proud he is of his brother though." I earned a laugh from Steve. "He's still going on about that? I thought he would have given up by now...but I think it's kind of sweet he's so accepting of it." He glanced at the screen, then back to me. I shook my head with a frown. "It's annoying. It feels like he's Loki's dad, who's so proud of their child for marrying a rich man or something like that."

Steve walked to the door, opening it while chuckling. "I'll tell him to lay off, don't worry so much Tony." And with that, he walked out and closed the door, his voice becoming more enthusiastic as he started talking with Bucky, who must've been waiting outside for him. Must be nice to have someone so close to you...

..., stop it.

Don't be thinking like that just yet, Tony Stark. You don't need anyone, and you don't need Loki, that's for sure. I let out another heavy sigh, wondering where the horned magician might even be. I can't exactly find him, so it was pointless worrying. How the hell I would even have the conversation about our hearts glowing when he disappeared into thin air? use worrying over something I can't put into action.

I did stop worrying, up until I heard a loud noise and saw a bright light from the corner of my eye. I quickly turned the window, standing up and my heart racing. I peaked out and saw a figure, standing on the grass, the Asgardian portal symbol burned into the ground beneath their feet.

There, stood Loki. No weapons, no armour, no horns, nothing. Well, he was wearing something, thank god. A black 2 piece suit, at that...

Gulping, I stared. Unable to move, frozen in this position. I would have stood there all day if it wasn't for Rogers returning to my office, opening the door with a loud bang. "Tony! Put on the suit! Loki's arrived from the Asgardian portal, hes-" "I-I know, Steve, I can see him." As soon as those words left my mouth, Loki slowly turned his head, connecting his eyes with mine. He looked calm, content. But after a while of looking into those eyes of his...I could see fear and worry.

"He's looking at me." I told Steve, still unable to move. "We need to go, Tony!" He yelled, quickly grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of my shock. He yanked me towards him and I connected my eyes with his instead. "Put on the suit, now!"


With Steve and Bucky to my right, and Rhodes and Clint to my left, we were outside, slowly walking towards Loki, who was standing still and looking rather relaxed considering the situation he was in. "What's the endgame this time Loki?" Clint asked. "Come 'ere to make my eyes glow all blue again?" He gritted his teeth and went to take an arrow out from his quiver, but I put my hand up to signal to stop.

"I think I know why he's here, Clint, so don't start any playground fights just yet." He nodded and put back his arrow, still staying tense. "So, Lokes..." I began, my voice already starting to dry out. " I correct in thinking you're here about our...discovery from last time we met?" I asked, thankful that the voice changer in my suit would hide my fearful tone. Instead of using his words, he simply looked down at his chest, unbuttoning his suit blazer and moving his tie to the side.

His heart was glowing.

Everyone turned to me, realising that the only thing that was glowing from me was my arc reactor. "Step out of the suit, Stark. I have no weapons, no illusions or tricks to use on you, I won't harm your friends and I won't harm you." Loki spoke in a soft tone. Clint scoffed. "Yeah right, knowing you, you'll probably kill us then kill Tony, because you can't handle the truth that you're soulmates-" "Clint!" Rhodes snapped, getting Clint to shut up and stand down.

I looked around at everyone and turned back to Loki. "I sorta believe you." After I built up enough courage, I opened up my suit, slowly stepping out of it and letting it close back up. My heart was glowing bright. Mine and Loki's eyes met, and I could tell that we were both nervous and scared, but we wouldn't show it to each other, nor would be show the team. "I would...prefer if we were to talk somewhere else...privately." Loki quietly told me, starting to seem embarrassed now, his cheeks red.

"Tony, are you sure this is safe?" Cap spoke up, scanning the area for anyone who might be creeping up on us. "Nope." I replied. "But I've got to end this awkwardness soon or I'm gonna hide myself in my room for another couple of weeks." Steve sighed as a response, frowning when Bucky walked towards me. "Buck what are you-" "Go talk to him, Tony." Bucky told me, giving me a gentle smile. "I see good in him." Barnes was the last person I had complete trust in, but his words sunk through to me and I couldn't find it anywhere within me to disagree.

"Guys-" I began. "-go back inside, don't watch us from the windows, don't watch any camera footage, and Clint...?"
"Don't perch on the roof and watch us from above. Got it?"
" it."

They all returned back inside the building, leaving me and Loki awkwardly standing in close proximity to each other, in silence. "I doubt Clint will listen to your orders." Loki told me, a small chuckle at the end of his words. I gave one back, rubbing my neck. "Hah, probably...Cap'll keep him in check, though. He's far too familiar with giving orders after all." I smiled weakly, earning a smile back, before Loki turned away and it was silent. I couldn't keep my eyes off his glowing chest.

"Should we...walk?" He suggested, his eyes fixed on a small path through the woods. "That old trail? No idea where it leads...but I suppose it'll stop me from worrying about anyone watching." I started walking, realising how odd my response sounded. "Not that we'd be doing anything weird, I-I just meant, privacy reasons, keeping our personal lives to ourselves and all that." I tried to not sound too flustered, but I completely failed. "Don't worry, Stark, I wasn't thinking about anything like...that."

Hm, even he sounded a little steamed up.

We followed the dirt path, finding out that it led to a clearing, with a small cliff and flowers surrounding the area. "I really should get out more often..." I spoke to myself, admiring the scenery, my eyes scanning my surroundings and landing on Loki, stood on the cliff edge, facing the early sunset. If I was a photographer? I'd ask him to model for me right here and now. Wait- what was I thinking?!

"We can't avoid talking about the matter at hand forever, Tony." He started to speak softly, his voice quivering as his breathing became uneven. "I know full well what happened that day, in the park. I didn't mean to disappear like I did, I just...panicked. I never thought I would feel t-this way...I always believed that a heart like mine was too cold to glow such a beautiful red..."

I took a few steps forward, my heart glowing brighter and brighter. "To be honest...I never thought it would happen to me either." I began. "I kept seeing or hearing about it happening to others, I'd see people in the street, people I would save, hear about it happening to celebrities...even my own teammate." Loki turned to me, realising I had crept up to stand beside him. "If I may ask, which teammate?"

I let out a sigh. "Rogers. It was his ol' pal Bucky, to no surprise. I actually asked him about some insight to this whole thing, wondering if he'd know why I'd fall for a person like-" I stopped myself before it got worse. "-like me?" Loki continued, tilting his head. "Please don't feel bad, Tony. I understand. That's the same thing I was wondering...until I realised're not so bad after all."

I gave him an unsure smile before he spoke up again. "I wanted to inform you about what happened in New York. I...I wasn't myself. I...cannot speak of the exact reasons yet...but I was tortured, used, forced...I would have been killed if I didn't act out on orders." He looked off to the sunset again. "I've been fighting against you and your team ever since out of fear, I knew I couldn't tell you the exact reasons, and you wouldn't have believed me anyway...but in these circumstances...I suppose it's time to unseal these lips."

We stood in silence for a while, I processed his words and cursed to myself about the fact that Rogers was right, again.

"I...I'm sorry you went through that, Lokes. I'll make the rest of the team listen to what you have to say, since...they're gonna have to get to know you now...I guess..." I rubbed my neck and my cheeks became red. Me introducing Loki as my soulmate to everyone seemed so embarrassing in my head. "Why so flustered, Stark?" He asked, a small smirk creeping across his face. "Having a god as your soulmate is quite a privilege."

He both let out a laugh, big smiles on our faces and our faces flustered. "It feels nice to laugh about it...!" I told him, looking into his eyes. "Your face when you saw my heart glowing was hilarious, Now that I think about it..." I giggled. Loki rolled his eyes playfully. "I think you're forgetting that you used the phrase: 'Oh fuck no' when the realisation got to you!" He chuckled, his laugh sending the glow from my heart into overdrive.

Loki noticed, and gave me a warm smile, meeting my gaze. "I like you, Tony. I really do. I denied it for so long, I was denying everything in my body that was screaming at me that it was true...and now I realise I don't need to deny it anymore." He gently took my hands into his, his eyes starting to gloss over with tears. "I've never done this thing before, so I can't promise that I'll be good at it...I finally want to tell someone how I feel, and I want to tell someone about my past...I want to tell you everything about me, Tony. I want to open up to you."

One of his hands moved to my cheek, slowly followed by his other hand. "I want to know everything about you...I want to care for you. I can't stop or ignore this warm feeling I have in my heart. And I don't want to anymore." With his finishing words, I started to tear up as well. My hands found his hips, the red glow from our chests complimenting his skin tone. "I feel like I can trust you, Lokes. That might be the strangest thing I've ever said, but it's true. I can deny it all I want, but I've always been so curious about you. You fascinate me...and I know, deep down, that you'll look after'll give me the affection I've not had over the years, and I'll try my best to look after you."

We slowly started to lean in, our eyes closing. My lips met his, my hands holding onto his hips tightening. His lips were so warm, and I felt safe. We both gently pulled away, still staying close to each other. I smiled wide, feeling excited and peaceful.

"I'm very lucky to have a god as my soulmate."

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