Supernatural Series Rewrite...

By queenofdeansbooty

168K 4.3K 721

Now that Dean is back from Hell, you and the brothers have to deal with the consequences. It doesn't help tha... More

Lazarus Rising- Part 1
Lazarus Rising- Part 2
Lazarus Rising- Part 3
Lazarus Rising- Part 4
Lazarus Rising- Part 5
Lazarus Rising- Part 6
Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester- Part 1
Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester- Part 2
Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester- Part 3
Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester- Part 4
In The Beginning- Part 1
In The Beginning- Part 2
In The Beginning- Part 3
In The Beginning- Part 4
In The Beginning- Part 5
Metamorphosis- Part 1
Metamorphosis- Part 2
Metamorphosis- Part 3
Metamorphosis- Part 4
Monster Movie- Part 1
Monster Movie- Part 2
Monster Movie- Part 3
Yellow Fever- Part 1
Yellow Fever- Part 2
Yellow Fever- Part 3
It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester- Part 1
It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester- Part 2
It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester- Part 3
It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester- Part 4
Wishful Thinking- Part 1
Wishful Thinking- Part 2
Wishful Thinking- Part 3
I Know What You Did Last Summer- Part 1
I Know What You Did Last Summer- Part 2
I Know What You Did Last Summer- Part 3
Heaven and Hell- Part 1
Heaven and Hell- Part 2
Heaven and Hell- Part 3
Family Remains- Part 1
Family Remains- Part 2
Family Remains- Part 3
Criss Angel Is a Douchebag- Part 1
Criss Angel Is a Douchebag- Part 2
Criss Angel Is a Douchebag- Part 3
After School Special- Part 1
After School Special- Part 2
After School Special- Part 3
After School Special- Part 4
Sex and Violence- Part 1
Sex and Violence- Part 2
Sex and Violence- Part 3
Sex and Violence- Part 4
Death Takes a Holiday- Part 1
Death Takes a Holiday- Part 2
Death Takes a Holiday- Part 3
Death Takes a Holiday- Part 4
On the Head of a Pin- Part 1
On the Head of a Pin- Part 2
It's A Terrible Life- Part 1
It's A Terrible Life- Part 2
It's A Terrible Life- Part 3
It's A Terrible Life- Part 4
The Monster at the End of This Book- Part 1
The Monster at the End of This Book- Part 2
The Monster at the End of This Book- Part 3
The Monster at the End of This Book- Part 4
Jump the Shark- Part 2
Jump the Shark- Part 3
Jump the Shark- Part 4
The Rapture- Part 1
The Rapture- Part 2
The Rapture- Part 3
When the Levee Breaks- Part 1
When the Levee Breaks- Part 2
Lucifer Rising- Part 1
Lucifer Rising- Part 2
Lucifer Rising- Part 3
author's note
author's note
author's note

Jump the Shark- Part 1

1.8K 47 9
By queenofdeansbooty

Moaning lightly, you turned your head in your sleep as you scrunched your eyes a bit. Since you three had been traveling the country endlessly, you didn't have a motel room to go to. Which is why you were parked on the side of the road while you slept on Dean's chest in the front seat. Sam was resting against the hood as he brushed his teeth.

Dean looked at you when he heard you moan before moving some hair out of your eyes. He knew you've been having nightmares, but he never knew what they were about. It was something you didn't discuss with him or his brother. Sam, hearing this, turned to look at you and Dean.

"Another nightmare?" Sam asked once he spit out the toothpaste in his mouth.

"Yeah, it looks like it," Dean sighed. "I just wish I knew what they were about."

"If she's going to tell anyone, then it would be you. Just give her some time."

"Yeah," he grunted before placing his hand on your shoulder. He pressed his lips to your temple as he lightly shook your shoulders. He let you sleep an hour after he woke up, and it was time to start heading somewhere because he was hungry. Opening your eyes, you let out a soft sigh before looking into Dean's concerned eyes.

"Nightmare again?" he asked softly, and the only response you gave was a light nod of your head. Amara has been getting into your dreams more often since it was the only way she could talk to you. If you told Sam and Dean that, they would try everything to get her out, but it couldn't be done. Even the angels don't think she is real.

"You know you can come to me for anything, right?"

"I know," you whispered. Gently moving off him, he opened the door before stumbling out. Giggling, you looked up to see Sam look at you which caused you to lose your smile. Oh yeah, you were still pissed at him for what he has been doing with Ruby. It's only been a few days, so he better tell Dean soon or else you would.

"Hey, how'd you sleep?" Sam asked you.

"Fine," you kept it curt.

"I'm starving. Let's get breakfast," Dean declared.

"Where? We're like two hours from anything."

"But I'm hungry now," he whined.

"There's probably still a sandwich in the back seat," Sam suggested.

"Ew, Dean, that's gross," you groaned as Dean walked to the back seat and produced a paper bag. He opened and sniffed it before rearing back in disgust.

"It's tuna." Before anyone else could comment, a phone started ringing. Frowning, all three of you started checking your pockets, but it wasn't coming from any of them. Leaning closer to the glove compartment, you heard it was coming from there which meant it was John's phone. Opening it, you grabbed the ringing one before flipping it open. There number you didn't recognize, but that usually didn't mean anything.

"Isn't that Dad's phone?" Sam asked as you put it to your ear.


"Uh, is John there?" a man on the other line asked.

"He can't come to the phone. Can I help you?" you looked at the brothers who stared at you while you were still in the car.

"No, no, no—I really—I need to talk to John. This is Adam Milligan. He knows me."

"Sorry to be the one to break this to you, but John died more than two years ago," you broke the news, hearing the man's shocked gasp. "Who is this?"

"I'm his son," he revealed, making you almost drop the phone. Looking at Sam and Dean, you swallowed a lump in your throat.

"His son?" Both brother's eyes went wide at this. John had another kid?


Dean approached the café that Adam said to meet at. Whoever this man claimed to be, it was a trap set for John. However, it was a trap for you three now. Getting out of the car, you could tell Dean was pissed, and not just regular pissed, it was royally. Of course, you were pissed too, but that was another problem for another day.

"Dean, look, best I can tell, Adam Milligan is real," Sam said as he read from a file he acquired on Adam. Dean walked to the trunk and opened it, going for the weapons box.

"Um, born September twenty-ninth, 1990 to Kate Milligan. No father listed on the birth certificate. He's an Eagle Scout," the younger brother continued. Dean, however, pulled out assorted weapons including Ruby's knife.

"Graduated from high school with honors and currently goes to the University of Wisconsin—biology major, pre-med." Once Dean got everything he needed, he closed the box and then the trunk. "Dean? You listening?"

"This is a trap," he spoke before walking into the café. Looking at Sam, you followed the older brother inside before choosing a table in the back by a corner. This place wasn't overly busy, but it didn't matter how many people were inside, this Adam guy wasn't leaving here alive.

Once you three sat down on one side of the booth, Sam thumped his dad's journal onto the table before opening it up.

"Dean, I'm telling you, the kid checks out."

"Great, so he's an actual person on the planet Earth. Sucks he's got a demon in him." A waitress, Denise, approached the table with three glasses of water before setting them down.

"Hi. Welcome to Cousin Oliver's. Can I—"

"We're actually waiting on somebody," Dean rudely interrupted her, but she misread the situation. If she knew what was going on, she would understand why Dean was acting like that. Annoyed, she slapped down three menus before walking away. Dean immediately grabbed his glass before pouring the water into the potted plant behind you.

"What are you—" Sam asked as Dean grabbed a flask of holy water from his jacket before pouring it into the empty glass. "Holy water?"

"I'm not understanding why you're not acting like this," you said, letting Dean do his own thing.

"One sip of Jesus juice, this evil bitch is gonna be in a world of hurt," Dean growled. Once he placed the glass on the other end of the table, he grabbed a felt-wrapped package from his jacket.

"And what if he's not possessed?" Sam asked.

"Then he is a shapeshifter," Dean unwrapped the package that contained silver cutlery which he replaced the original utensils with.

"Hence the silver," you added. Sam looked through John's journal as Dean did his thing.

"Look, either way, this thing is gonna bleed. I mean, using Dad as bait? That's the last mistake of its short, pitiful life."

"Dean... listen. There's an entry in Dad's journal," Sam flipped through it. "From January of 1990, saying he's headed to Minnesota to check out a case. That's, roughly, oh, about nine months before the kid was born."

"Coincidence," you and Dean said at the same time.

"Coincidence. Next two pages of the journal—torn out," he showed the torn edges of what used to be.

"You're not actually buying into this, are you?" you asked with a light scoff.

"Look, I don't want to believe it either, I'm just saying it's possible. I mean, Dad would be gone for weeks at a time, and he wasn't exactly a monk. A hunter rolls into town, kills a monster, saves the girl... sometimes the girl's grateful."

"Well, now I'm thinking about Dad sex. Stop talking," Dean groaned.

"Maybe he slipped one past the goalie," Sam smirked.

"Dude!" you and Dean said once more. The front door chiming is what broke you three apart. A young man walked inside and looked around as if he was searching for people that agreed to meet him here.

"Adam?" Sam asked, making the man look at you three.

"You Sam?" he asked once he walked over.

"Yeah. Uh, this is Dean and Y/N."

"Hey," he said as he set his backpack on the floor before taking the seat across from the three of you. "So, um... how did you know my dad?"

"Uh, we worked together," you answered slowly.

"How did he die?"

"On the job."

"He was a mechanic, right?" Adam asked with a confused look and tone.

"A car fell on him," Dean answered sternly, glaring at the man. Putting an arm on his shoulder, you hoped that would remind him that he wasn't alone in this café. Denise came up to the table with a much friendlier attitude as she addressed Adam.

"Hey, Adam. How you doing?" she asked as she set down a glass of water near him. As soon as she let go, Dean snatched it before letting out a forced chuckle.

"Oh, I'll take that. I am very thirsty."

"The usual Adam?" Denise asked after giving Dean a displeased look.

"Uh, yeah. Thanks, Denise," he said as she walked away. He grabbed the glass of holy water, and you were on the edge of your seat as he took a sip. However, nothing happened to him which meant he wasn't possessed.

"So, uh, when's the last time you saw John?" Sam broke the tension.

"I don't even know. It's... a couple years," he sighed. Dean slowly took out his gun from his jacket and pointed it at Adam from under the table. Carefully looking at it, you knew things would not go well if Adam's hand was burned when he touched the silverware.

"Why did you decide to call him now?" you asked.

"I didn't know who else to call. He's the only family I got. My mom's missing."

"Really? I'm sorry. Uh, for how long?"

"It's tragic, really. But if you're John's kid, how come we've never heard of you?" Dean asked, ignoring Sam's question.

"Because John and I didn't really know each other. Not until a few years ago, anyway."

"What do you mean?" you wondered.

"My mom never talked about him. I knew some stuff."

"What kind of stuff?" Dean's gaze was hard.

"My mom's a nurse, and Dad came into the ER, pretty torn up. Hunting accident or something, and I knew his name. John Winchester. That's about it. We're not exactly a nuclear family."

"Yeah, well, who is these days?" Sam chuckled nervously.

"So, when did you, uh, when did you finally meet him?" you asked.

"When I was twelve. My mom had one of his old numbers, and after I begged her—God, twenty-four-seven—she finally called him. When John heard he had a son, he raced to town. I mean, he dropped everything. He drove all night." Hearing Adam say this about John was pretty hard. It looked like John was happy that he had another son, as if the two he had weren't good enough. As if youweren't good enough.

"There you go," Denise smiled once she came back with the food. Adam smiled at her before she left, and he indicated to the food.

"You mind?"

"Please, dig in," Dean said, trying to hide his excitement. Adam carefully takes the napkin from underneath the utensils without actually touching them. He spread the napkin over his lap, and you could hear Dean cocking his gun.

"He would swing by once a year or so," Adam said as he picked up the fork. Nothing happened which meant he wasn't a shapeshifter or anything that reacted badly to silver. "You know, called when he could. But still..." He took a bite of his food which made Dean put away his gun once he uncocked it. "He taught me poker and pool and even bought me my first beer when I was fifteen. And, uh... he showed me how to drive. Dad, he had this beautiful 'sixty-seven Impala—"

"Oh, this is shit. You know what, you're lying," Dean snapped, making you sigh. This wasn't going to go well.

"No, I'm not."

"Uh, yeah, you are."

"I'm sorry, but who the hell are you to call me a liar?"

"We're John Winchester's sons and she is his daughter, that's who," Dean indicated to you and Sam. "We are his kids."

"I've got two brothers and a sister?" Adam said with a certain level of relief and happiness. Something didn't seem right.

"No, you don't have 2 brothers and a sister. Look, man, I don't know if you're a hunter or what kind of game you're playing here," Dean glared.

"I have never been hunting in my life."

"Whatever. I'm out of here. Come on, Sam, Y/N," Dean scoffed as he got up. Seeing no other choice, you got up to follow when Adam spoke.

"I can prove it."

"How?" you asked.

"Come to my house and I can prove it," he sighed. Looking at Dean he rolled his eyes but knew he would go anyway just to be sure. You knew how hard this was on him.

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