Surprising Sherlock

By I_O_U_a_Tardis

10.7K 491 318

~Newly revamped!~ A Johnlock Fanfic There is something between John and Sherlock, even if they won't accept i... More

Surprising Sherlock: Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twentyone

Chapter Seventeen

434 18 22
By I_O_U_a_Tardis

"Thank you John". Sherlock said once the fire was out.

"Your welcome Sherl." John laughed.

"John that's really not funny. You know I hate being called that."

"Sherl, Sherl, Sherl, Sh" John was cut of by Sherlock's lips pressing against his and John immediately kissed back.

The kiss was nothing like the one in John's dream. This kiss was hot and passionate. Both of them feeling their entire body react to the other man's lips. Both of them aching for more.

Sherlock pulled back before the kiss deepened. Sherlock starred at John like a deer in headlights for a moment, before resorting to his normal cocky self. "

"You want to act like my boyfriend, then I'll treat you like my boyfriend." And just liked that Sherlock turned and walked into his bedroom closing and locking the door. Leaving John standing in the burnt kitchen, absolutely stunned.

Sherlock POV
Shit! SHIT! What did I just do? Shit! Why did I do that? John is straight he has no feelings for me! It's not like he is actually jealous of Jake and I, he is just annoyed! Bloody hell! I have been in love with him for years, kept it to myself, kept the peace! And now I've just gone and fucked everything up! I've lost my best friend! I have lost John! He is going to kick me out of the flat!
No, that won't happen. I just have to calm down! Oh stupid sentiment! John knew how I felt and he was ok with it but then went and I kissed him. I think that may have definitely been crossing the line. Was it? I'm no bloody good at this!

But all I have been doing is kissing Jake and closing my eyes and thinking of John! I just wanted to be close to him! STUPID SENTIMENT! He has no feelings for me at all, how many times has he said that and then I went and did that! I bloody kissed him! That was a horrible idea, come on Sherlock! I'm supposed to be a bloody genius but that was so stupid!
There probably wasn't even a real single signal that he wanted to more then friends but I let sentiment get in the way, blur my deductions. Now I have just ruined everything and lost John forever.

I laid on my bed and tried to sleep, I could pack my things in the morning.

John POV
Ok. That's it. I'm done for! There is no more denying anything. I, John Watson. am in love with Sherlock bloody Holmes. I have been lying to myself a doing a bad job. I have always had some interest in being more then friends with him and after he admitted he had feelings for me, all I could do was try to hide my feelings out of fear. I do have feelings for Sherlock. I am insanely jealous of him and Jake. His purple shirt drives me crazy and every time he says my name I feel warm all over! One kiss! That's all it took was one kiss and I feel like my heart has exploded! There is absolutely no more denying it, I couldn't now even if I tried. What am I going to do? Should I play it cool and just go up to him tomorrow and say 'Hi Sherl' or should I just run into his room and tell him I love him!

I should definitely move though I haven't moved since he kissed me a few minutes ago. I can't believe I just kissed Sherlock Holmes.

Sherlock POV
Maybe I should try talking to him? Maybe he's not mad? If he was really that mad he would have stormed in here screaming by now. I guess its a good sign he's not. Or maybe he hasn't come in here screaming because he is upstairs packing because he is leaving. What have I done?

John POV
Maybe I could make him breakfast with a note that says 'If a kitchen fire makes you kiss me than you should use the kitchen more often!"
Or maybe I could just pretend like nothing happened and when he says my name I could kiss him and say 'Well you kissed me when I said your name, I'm just being fair.'
I like that! That's good. Wait....what day is it? How could I have forgotten! I spent so much time planning for this day and I almost let it slip by completely!
End of POV

Sherlock's phone buzzed next to him. We threw the box he was holding back under his bed. The message was from John. Sherlock sighed and looked at his phone prepared for the worst.

Happy Birthday Sherlock!

Thank you John. -SH

Have anything planned?

There was talk of a surprise party, but I don't think it's going happen, considering it's already 9 p.m. -SH

I don't think so either. I heard people don't think partying is the best thing for an accused drug addict.

Maybe not. -SH

I need you to answer me honestly Sherlock. Are you clean?

Yes. -SH

Am I the first person to wish you Happy Birthday?

Yes. -SH

I know it's your birthday but I was wondering if you could do me a favor?

Of course. What can I do? -SH

Kiss me again.

Sherlock dropped his phone after reading that text. He quickly picked it back up.

I don't understand. -SH

WOW that's a first.

You want me to kiss you? -SH

Yes, Sherlock.

Your not angry with me? -SH

No, Sherlock.

You said you didn't have any feelings for me. -SH

I lied.

Why? -SH

I was scared.

Why? -SH

Because I am unbelievably, unmeasurably in love with you.

Sherlock dropped his phone again.

Why? -SH

Am I the first person to tell you they love you?

Yes. -SH

Kiss me.

Sherlock put his phone down and opened his bedroom door. John was standing right outside of if.

"Hi John"

"Hi Sherl"

Sherlock laughed and pulled John into a kiss. It was a long, loving, passionate kiss. And like the kiss from John's dream it felt like coming home.

Sherlock pulled away.


"What's wrong Sherlock?"

"I love you too. I love you more than I ever knew was possible, unbelievably and unmeasurably."

That was it for John, he grabbed Sherlock's collar and pulled his lips down. This kiss was fast, and hungry, and French. It was all the tension that had been building between them. A moan slipped up from Sherlock's throat as John's fingers twisted in Sherlock's dark curls. Sherlock pulled John's jumper off of him, only breaking the kiss for a split second. The kiss became faster, hungrier and more passionate."Sherlock" John breathed before he pushed Sherlock down on to his bed and started kissing down the detective's already bare chest. Sherlock's fingers worked frantically at John's trouser button. John kissed up to Sherlock's collarbone and up to where the neck starts. Sherlock had finally gotten John's jeans unbuttoned and was sliding them down and off of his blogger.

John stopped kissing the detective rather abruptly.

"Sherlock, Sherlock stop."

"What's wrong?" He said running his hand there John's hair.

"You are covered in hickies."

"Oh those are just from Jake, he's really got a thing for me neck." said Sherlock nonchalantly as he reached up and began to kiss John again.

John broke the kiss "I can't do this."

"What?" Sherlock prayed he meant have sex, Sherlock was fine waiting, but if John didn't want a relationship with Sherlock, he couldn't handle that.

"I can't do this when you have someone else's kisses all over you."

"John they mean nothing it's just a case."

John rolled off of Sherlock. "

We can't start this when you have a boyfriend," John sighed.

Sherlock rolled over to face him, "He is not a real boyfriend, I have no feelings for him, I love you John."

"Sherlock, he is a real boyfriend even if you don't actually like him, you do have a relationship with him."

"John there is no relationship! I'm using him to get to Moriarty and Moriarty is using him to get to me."

"I can't Sherlock. I'm sorry".

"John please. You and I can have a relationship. I can dump Jake, please."

"No you have to stay with Jake, you have to find Moriarty."

John leaned over and kissed Sherlock's forehead before grabbing his clothes and going back to his own room.

Sherlock sat up, his hate level for Jake and Moriarty had skyrocketed in the last few minutes. Emotions had always made him exceedingly uncomfortable, but for some reason, no matter what emotions he felt, in regards to John, were ok.

John was the first person, who had ever made Sherlock feel accepted. John very rarely made the consulting detective feel weird or abnormal. John had been Sherlock's first real friend. John had been Sherlock's first real crush, first real love. Now after all of the yearning, Sherlock was finally going to be able to scream from the rooftops that John was his and he was John's, and Moriarty ruined it.


After their meeting Sherlock stayed locked in his room and John in his. John knew that he was the one who had told Sherlock to stay in pursuit of Moriarty, but it still hurt. Sherlock knew that John was right, but he hated that John was right. Both of them stayed in their own room for all of the next day, pouting and acting like teenagers.

The next day John had come down into the kitchen to make tea and breakfast, he figured this would be safe considering when Sherlock slept, he slept in. Unfortunately for John, Sherlock hadn't slept a wink in two nights. John had just sat down with his food when Sherlock walked out of his bedroom. Sherlock was already dressed and looked like he was heading out, but he stood paralyzed at the sight of John.

John had heard Sherlock's door open and looked up.

"Hello Sherlock." Much to John's dismay his words came out small and timid.

"Good Morning John" Sherlock looked at his feet as he quickly walked through the kitchen and started putting on his coat and scarf.

"Are you going somewhere?" there was more confidence in John's voice this time.

"Yes" Sherlock said, trying hard not to mock John's observational skills. John opened his mouth about to speak but Sherlock cut him off,

"You probably don't want to ask where."

"Oh ok then" John said as he frowned and looked down at his eggs. When he looked back up Sherlock was gone.

Sherlock had decided not to have Jake at the flat anymore, he couldn't keep doing that to John. Not after the other night. So Sherlock was headed to meet Jake for breakfast at a diner downtown. The breakfast itself was rather uneventful, but Sherlock did mange to get information off Jake. He now knew that Morarity's network was expanding daily with at least 40 new "employees" since the week before. Jake had asked Sherlock back to his flat, but Sherlock declined saying that he had work to do on a case, which he did. So Jake kissed Sherlock good-bye and they parted ways.

Sherlock looped around the block and started to follow Jake in hopes he was going to visit his boss. Sherlock kept a safe distance as not to blow his cover as the doting boyfriend. Jake headed to the tube and got on a carriage, Sherlock following on the one behind. He watched through the window so he could see when Jake would exit, but he never did. Sherlock rode the train all the way to the end and back twice before Jake got off,

'What the hell is he doing?' thought Sherlock, as Jake got off of the train in the same exact spot he boarded on. Then the consulting detective noticed something, he couldn't believe he hadn't noticed before now, Jake had acquired a briefcase somewhere on the ride!

How could he not have noticed that! Sherlock followed Jake to his flat, apparently he had no plans of dropping the case anywhere for at least an hour. Sherlock took this chance to race home and get some 'previsions'.

John was sitting in his chair glumly reading the newspaper when Sherlock burst in, "Hello John, how are you, no time to talk I just came to grab a few things and then I'm headed out again" Sherlock rattled off as he made his way toward his bedroom. He was in there for about 3 minutes before he came out with a small duffle bag. John saw the duffle and felt a lump in his throat,

'Is that an overnight bag?,' he thought.

"Where are you going?" John asked his flatmate.

"Best you not know, don't wait up." Sherlock said before racing down the stairs and out the door. John felt his stomach drop and his cheeks burn, 'How could it be an overnight bag?"'

Outside Sherlock reached inside his duffle bag, pulled out a burner phone and dialed.

"Hello?" Mycroft answered after the 3rd ring.

"I need a car." Sherlock sighed, obviously pained by asking for his brother's help.

"Can't you just take a taxi?"

"I need a car."

"Fine, where would you like to be picked up?"

"No driver, just the car."

"Sherlock what's going on?"

"Mycroft, the car, where can I get it."

"Sherlo..." Mycroft was cut off.

"I'm in a hurry!"

"I will send two to Baker St. one for you one for the driver your refusing."

Sherlock hung up the phone and threw it back into his bag. After 10 minutes the cars were there and Sherlock jumped in one and speed off. He parked across the street from a Jake's flat and emptied the duffle onto the passenger seat. Inside there was the burner phone, Sherlock's phone, binoculars, a lock picking set, nicotine patches and a gun. Sherlock put on two patches and sat back, hopefully Jake would leave soon and this wouldn't be a very long stakeout.

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