In Love With The Teacher?? |...

By okkayykk

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Kim Taehyung lives in New York with his Aunt. His abusive Aunt and her multiple boyfriends. Its a tough life... More



6.4K 284 12
By okkayykk

(A/n: Can I just say... IM SHOOK ON HOW CLOSE SOME OF YOU PEEPS ARE!!! LIKE DID I MAKE IT TOO OBVIOUS???! <Also a pic of cutie jimin just because>)

"Can we get McDonalds??" Taehyung asked Jungkook with puppy eyes.


"Don't you remember when we first met? I wanna do it again!" He smiled with excitement. 

"Okay but after this..." Jungkook said turning right down the street.

"Where are we even going?"

"Somewhere..." Jungkook said clearly distracted.

"Is it a surprise?! I love surprises!!"

"I don't know if you'll like this one.."

"Why is it a horror movie or something??" Taehyung asked with his curiosity showing.


"Hmm what could it be?" Taehyung stuck his tongue out while thinking. "Well it doesn't matter, I only have 2 days left before I have to go back to school! So let's get drunk and party!!"

"You wont be getting drunk, that's bad for you"

"But you drink all the time!" Taehyung stated, making Jungkook blush in embarrassment. "You drink scotch without water!! That's crazy and bad by its self!"

"Taehyung you know it's hard for me to get drunk, and I dont drink all the time. Only when I'm stressed."

"You must be stressed all the time then" Taehyung smiled.

"Whatever, you know what I don't  think I told you I loved you today.."

"Huh? That's right you haven't!"

"Well then I love you!"

"Eww so cheesy, but I love it! What about yesterday?"

"Well I love you for yesterday too"

"The day before?"

"I think I told you that I love you then."

"No~, I dont think so~"Taehyung giggled. 

"Well then, I love you for that day too! What about me, do you love me?"

"Of course I love you!"

"Oh really? What's my favorite food?"

"Uh, Fries!"

"Wrong! That's your favorite food!"

"I dont have to know everything about you to love you! Do I?"

(Cute fluff for you guys 😊)


"What's this place?" Taehyung asked unbuckling his seatbelt.

"Well I know your not a child so I'm gonna tell you truthfully. The people inside this building are just gonna talk to you, find out what's wrong.." Jungkook said exiting the car.

"Uh. .. there's nothing wrong with me... so I'm not sure what your gonna on about..?" Taehyung said walking up to the front doors.

"Well taehyung it's just like a health check up but for you mentally.." Taehyung stopped abruptly.

"So you're saying I have a mental problem. I'm not crazy if that's what you think.. I dont do those things because I want to!" Taehyung shouted at him, his mood switching from curiosity and excitement to slight anger.

"Taehyung.." Jungkook went up to him and kneeled, looking him in the eyes and holding his hands. "That's why were here. So that you can understand why you do those things." Taehyung pushed him away.

"You have to be so dramatic! Did you get that scene from a k-drama?" He turned around entering the building. His fear barely hiding behind his fake smile.


Jungkook POV

There is something wrong with him. No matter how much I wanna deny it I just can't. Everyday I watch him, he seems different. Not only is the way he's acting is a problem, but I have still yet to figure out what wrong with him physically. 

I've crossed out many things on the list, Namjoon's helped a bit with the classification.  But I feel that I may as well just call up Chanyeol and ask him to do some blood tests and things. I'll be giving away the fact Taehyung's my mate and not my actual son. But in this case it might have to be this way.

"Mr. Kim?" Taehyung and I stood up when she called for us. "I'll be taking just Taehyung.." She looked at her clipboard. "Mr. Jeon... Mrs. Lee will be out here soon to talk with you as well"

"I won't be going with him?" I asked concerned. Taehyung looking at me.

"No, your presence may disrupt the truth of what he says. Please understand our concern. Mrs. Lee will be out to ask you questions. Mr. Kim? Please follow me" She smiled and Taehyung gave me one last concerning look. I could tell he was scared and nervous.

I would be as well. Not knowing what was wrong with me.. My life finally getting together but then starting to fall apart. I hope that the Teacher was right. That this will help him. I just want my mate to finally be happy, recieving all the love he truly deserves. I'd do anything so that he could maintain that happiness. I love you Taehyung.


(A/n: Ayyy I'm finally outta school!! So imma try to figure out a schedule, cant say how much I'll actually follow it but I'll try. Anyway I'm officially one year older today so happy bday to me!)

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