The Waynes(falling For A Hija...

By MaladaptiveDoc

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Falling for a hijabi sequel Jannah and James are married now, but it is only the beginning. Join them in thei... More

Chapter 1 Her Jealousy
Chapter 2 The Surgery
Chapter 3 Hormones
Chapter 4 Miscarriage
Chapter 5 New Family Ties P1
Chapter 6 New Family Ties P2
Chapter 8 The Scandal P1
Chapter 9 The Scandal P2
Chapter 10 Eyelashes
Chapter 11 The Wig Incident
Chapter 12 Another Loss P1
Chapter 13 Another Loss P2
Chapter 14 Another Loss P3
Chapter 15 Another Loss P4
Chapter 16 Where Is Jannah???
Chapter17 Losing A Patient

Chapter 7 New Family Ties P3

858 122 34
By MaladaptiveDoc

James pov

" Assalam alikum, mother " I said, as I walked into Jannah's family house.

" Oh, Walikum alsalam son.. I've missed you all " Jannah's mother said, hugging me.

" We have missed you too.." I said loudly, then I whispered" Congratulations by the way".

" I hope we live to say this son" she whispered back.

" Don't even try.. I'm still her favorite child" Jannah said pushing me away.

" How are you doing mum??" she said, hugging her mother.

" Alhamdulilah.. Jannah, Where is my favorite grandson??" she asked Jannah.

" We had to leave him back home with the babysitter.. He has a slight fever.. We are going back today" Jannah said.

" Oh, I missed him so much.. And I wished you could stay for few days" Jannah's mother said.

" Mum.. I've got errands.. Plus this invitation literally came out of nowhere.. Everything was rushed.. I didn't understand why everyone was in a hurry" Jannah said.

" Oh, you will find out why today!!!" I Mumbled.

" What, James?? You were saying something??" Jannah asked me.

" Oh, no, no.. I was... Hassan.. My man!!!" I said, trying to distract her.

" James.. My favorite brother in law.. My favorite because he is the only one " Hassan joked, hugging me.

I saw Jannah's grandmother moving her wheelchair towards me.

" Grandma...How are you doing?? " I said, as I leaned forward.

" Pretty boy.. You haven't even checked on me in ages??" she said, as she held my earlobe in her hand.

" Sorry.. I've been really busy lately.." I said, awkwardly.

" And this is not an excuse for not asking about me??? " She said, almost tearing off my earlobe.

" I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.. Ouch.. " I said, in pain.

" Okay.. You are forgiven" she said, letting go off of me.

" Weird woman!!!" I mumbled.

" Hi Everybody.. I'll be joining you today.. I guess" Matt said awkwardly.

" Of course.. Come in" Jannah's mother said.

" You two!!" I narrowed my eyes at them.

" So Where is shahd?? " Jannah asked.

" At school.. She will be back in an hour or two " Her mother answered.

" So that we are all here now.. Let's have some food.. I'm dying " Hassan said.

" Said my big brother who is married to his stomach!!" Jannah teased him.

" Said my younger sister who is married to the craziest guy ever!! " Hassan teased her back.

" Really Hassan!!! You tease her by bringing me into this!! I thought you were on my side!! I'm disappointed" I said to him.

" Sorry!!! Facts are Facts" Hassan teased me.

" And I think your pot belly looks fantastic too!!! You told me you were having a twin!!! Sorry Facts are facts too!!!" I teased him.

" You.." he said, wrapping his hand around my neck, trying to tackle me gently to the ground.

I freed myself from his grib easily.

" Okay.. Boys.. Lunch is ready" Jannah said, Placing the plates on the Table.

" What is wrong with this family??? Your sister tried to play boxing with me!! And you try to wrestle me" I said, as I went to sit to the Table.

" What can I say?!! We are an athletic family!!!" Hassan said, as he Sat on his chair.

" More like.. An exotic family!!!" I teased him.

" Keep on making fun of my family, and I won't go back with you" Jannah narrowed her eyes at me, as she took a seat herself.

" Please son.. I beg you.. Don't leave her here.. I have already enough troubles on my own.. I Thank Allah day and night that she is married!! Please son.. " Her grandma said.

" Yeah.. You are in peace.. But my life is a freaking hurricane" I said, taking a plate to put my food on it.

" Grandma.. I'm not even going to argue with you.. You are an old lady.. But James.. Give me that freaking plate.. You will have no food today.. Go to your room.. You are grounded" Jannah said trying to take the plat from my hand.

" No.. No.. I won't.. Give me this.. Give it to me.." I said, taking the plate from her. " I married into an arab family to enjoy some food in the first place" I continued.

" Really!!!" Jannah said pinching my thigh.

" Ouch.. Ouch.. Ouch..." I said, wincing.

" You deserve it!!!" Jannah said.

" See.. Mother.. My thighs are literally covered in brusies...I demand refunding.. Why didn't you tell me before I marry her that she has clamps instead of hands.." I said.

" See.. White people are so soft.. I grow up with her.. And I survived!!!" Hassan said.

" Oh.. You wanna see the brusises she gave me.. " I said, grabbing my belt, standing up.

" Sit down James Wayne.. What are you trying to do??? Strip down in front of my family!!! " Jannah grabbed my arm to sit down.

" Sorry.. I almost forgot.. There are ladies in the room.. Excluding her of course " I said, pointing at Jannah.

" My hands are really tired of pinching you every two seconds.. " Jannah said, bored.

" Alhamdulilah.. I got away this..Ouch.." Jannah's pinching cuts me off.

" And that was a trick!!! " Jannah wiggled her eyebrows at me.

" You two.. Have never grown up!! " Hassan said.

" Okay everybody.. Time to eat.. If we let these two go on we will never eat today.. " Jannah's mother said.

" Bismillah" I said as I started to dig in, and everybody started pouring rice, meat and chicken in front of me.

" Knives!!!" I whispered to Hassan next to me.

" We removed them in fear of Jannah!!! " Hassan whispered back.

" You know mum.. Jannah starves me.. I don't eat at home like I eat here!!" I said.

" That's why you are always welcome here son!!!" Jannah's mother said.

" Really mum!!! You believe him!!! I'm becoming Gordon Ramsy for his sake and all he has is to complain about it!!! " Jannah said.

" Jannah!! There is noway you are going near your mother's level of mastering arabian cuisine!!! " I teased her.

" Okay!!! You Brought it upon yourself!! Because I was trying to keep you fit and not make you fat!!! " Jannah said.

" Yeah.. Sure... As if you are not!!! " I teased her.

" James Wayne!!! You are calling me fat... You.... " Jannah said, getting up.

" What are you gonna do about it!??? " I shrugged.

" Shut up.. And you sit down..You never get tired!!! You never get bored of Fighting!!! You are like two children giving their parents a constant headache.. God.. What is wrong with you two!!! " Matt yelled at us.

We both looked at him, flabbergasted.

" Okay.. Sit down now Jannah.. We can resolve this issue at home!!! " I said to her.

The rest of the meal, we were all silent, mostly because we were terrified of Matt.

After Lunch, we Sat in the living room watching TV and drinking tea.
Shahd joined us.

" Jannah.. Turn off the TV.. We need to speak.. " Jannah's mother said.

" But.. My favourite TV show is on!!!" Jannah exclaimed.

" Yeah.. Batman the animated series is her favourite TV show.. She has watched it a millions times and still can't get bored of it!!! " I said.

" Yeah.. Bacause you are a superman guy.. Who likes an overpowered alien whose weakness is a green rock" Jannah teased me.

" And you like Batman whose archnemesis is a clown" I teased her.

" You don't get batman because you don't get that his main strength is being human" She said.

" Deep!!!" I wiggled my eyebrows.

" Yeah.. And you are not!!!" Jannah said.

" Are you doubting my taste!!!" I said.

" Yup!!!" She answered.

" Well.. Remember.. I chose you.. You are my taste.. So.." I said, rubbing my fingers against me chest.

" Ohhhh... The Burn" Hassan said.

" And you are rooting for him!!!" Jannah yelled at her brother.

Suddenly, Matt put his hands over my mouth preventing me from speaking.

" That's it.. If you don't speak.. She won't speak!!!" Matt said.

" Okay.. Matt.. What is seriously wrong with you today!!! " Jannah asked him.

" Jannah!!! Listen to me.. There is something you need to know!!!" Her mother intervened.

" You will need your Shahada now!!! " I whispered to Matt, after letting go of me.

" What mum?? You are worrying me!!! " Jannah said.

" I... I.. I.. " Jannah's mother tried to get the words out, but couldn't.

" What mum??! Are you okay?? Is everything okay??!! Is there anything wrong with you??!!"  Jannah asked her, as she went to sit down next to her.

" Alhamdulilah.. I'm fine Jannah don't worry.. I Just need to break some news for you.." Her mother said.

" Are you a russian spy??!! " Jannah said.

I faceplamed myself.

" No.. " Her mother answered.

" I'm not your biological daughter and you found me in front of a mosque in a basket covered with newspapers and A letter saying.. Take good care of her!!!" Jannah said.

" No.. " Her mother said.

" This is not the Real world and we are living in a simulation!!! " Jannah said.

" No.. No.. Jannah.. Stop making stupid assumptions " Her mother said.

" Then what!!!! " Jannah asked.

" She is getting married!!!" Matt yelled.

Everybody looked at him, flabbergasted.

" Shut up Matt.. How do you know??? " Jannah said.

" Because I.. I.. " Matt stuttered.

Jannah was silent for a minute then said.

" Oh God... You two!!!!" Jannah yelled.

" Yes.. " Her mother confirmed.

" Noooooooooo" Jannah said.

" Okay.. I'll leave now!!!" I said getting up, but matt grabbed my arm to sit down again.

" Really!!!" Shahd began to celebrate " Yes another wedding" She said.

" But how!!!" Jannah yelled.

" Jannah!!! Your mother and I are almost the same age.. What do we want in such age.. Stability.. Security.. Acceptance.. We need this and we think we will make it work!!!!" Matt said.

" But!!!!" Jannah said.

" I converted.. It was out of pure belief in God.. I just want to spend the rest of my life with a partner that understands what marriage is... I'm sick of dating.. I want to settle down with your mother.. She is an extraordinary woman.. And I.. Love her" Matt gathered his strength to say what was in his heart.

" Mum!!!" Jannah looked at her mother with teary eyes.

" I wholeheartedly agree with what he said" Jannah s mother said.

" Hassan!!!" Jannah looked at her brother.

" If it is the halal way.. Why not???" Hassan said.

" Okay.. If you want it.. I want it too.. I will never stand in the way of your happiness" Jannah said, crying.

" Oh baby.. Don't cry" Jannah's mother hugged her.

Jannah's grandma began to celebrate the egyptian way.

" Still one thing..." Jannah said, as she let go off of her mother.

" What!!??" Matt said.

" I have been inviting you to our family gatherings as a bigger brother and you were eyeing my mum" Jannah began to chase him around.

" And my Wife is back!!!!" I mumbled

" Lollipop!!!" Shahd offered.

" Yeah sure.. The strewberry one please.. I will need a snack to help me watch this one " I said.

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