Written In The Signs | DongCh...

By Driwed

914 36 9

based off of the oneus oneshot with different groups this time More

Brief Words
Not So Vibrant Leo
Meeting of The Signs
Introverted Libra
Another Encounter
Caring Leo. Changed Libra.
Outgoing Libra?
Cunning Virgo
A Little Secret
The Next Step
Slice of Sunshine

Strained Relationship

38 2 0
By Driwed

Minchan hovered over Chris who's face was coated in dried tears, fresh tears and snot. Minchan sucked his teeth then opted for kicking the wall.

"Do you know how serious something like that was? And you didn't want me getting involved just because I was on a date? Chris, you're like a little brother to me. Family comes before romance..." said Minchan in a hurt tone. "You always came to me for everything. What's changed? Because you have your destiny now?"

"It's not like that..." whimpered Chris as he dried his face.

"Then?" Minchan asked.

"You've already done so much for me these past years and the least I can do now is let you run around with your boyfriend and deal with things myself..." Chris said with his head low.

"You think I've been looking out for you because I saw it as a job? I did it because I want to. I want to look after you. I don't mind you going to Dongheon, but I do mind not being notified. Okay?" said Minchan with a bitter smile.

"I apologize... again. But, I'm going to go through with it. Dongheon helped me set up an appointment. Maybe doing this might change me for the better." said Chris as he fiddled with his shirt.

"Don't talk like that. Do you want me to go with you? I can take a week off." Minchan suggested.

"But I don't really want to disrupt anything." Chris said.

"You're not. I'm taking off and you can't stop me. When's the appointment?" asked Minchan as he took out his phone.

"Next week..." squeaked Chris.

Minchan input the info into his phone then left the room to call the school. Chris felt guilty for getting Minchan involved. He could leave before Minchan. It wasn't like he knew the hospital he had stayed at the sat before. Minchan came back into the room then sighed.

"And now I'm available all week to cater to your needs." Minchan said happily.

Chris gave him a weak smile before busying himself with his phone.


Jeongin curiously stared at Chris who stood in front of him. Should he ask? Would it make a difference?

"So, why did you want to come here...? The real reason..." Jeongin said as he noticed he was carrying a duffle bag.

"I can't stay at home. I lied to Minchan about when it was going to be. I don't want Minchan to worry over this. I can't stay with Dongheon. I'm sure you know why." Chris said quietly as he held the strap tighter.

"Well, I certainly can't let you stay here. I do have a roommate, but I do have a friend you can stay with. Though, are you sure you want to do this to Minchan? Won't he get upset?" Jeongin asked, hoping to change his mind.

"I'm not a kid anymore. I have to start acting my age... Plus Minchan won't always be around." said Chris as he placed his things down. "So, when can I meet your friend?"

"I'll take you after class. So sit tight in here, don't make a mess. Don't eat anything with green lids." said Jeongin as he packed his bag.

"What exactly do both you and Dongheon do...?" Chris asked.

"Ah, we're graduate students. We felt it would be a better idea since the fields we want to go into are hard." Jeongin explained as he stood by the door. "Dongheon wants to become a nurse. Me? Lawyer. Well, it's required in my case."

Chris nodded then watched as he left. The sound of the lock sounded in his ears. He was plenty nervous. In a few days he'd be lying in an operation room under anesthesia. What if things went wrong? What would happen to him? The thought of possibilities scared him. He couldn't help but wonder what Dongheon was up to despite agreeing not to interact with him unless absolutely necessary. He heard a knock then panicked on whether to answer or not.

He looked through the peephole and saw Dongheon on the other side.

"Jeongin, did you leave yet?" Dongheon asked loudly.

Chris opened the door and found himself hiding behind it. Dongheon looked around in confusion then walked further in. Chris quietly closed the door then wondered what he was looking for.

"What are you looking for?" Chris asked, startling Dongheon terribly.

"Notebook. I left a few papers in it." says Dongheon as he flipped through notebooks. It then dawned on him. "What the hell are you doing in Jeongin's room?"

"I'm... I thought you didn't want to interact with me." spat out Chris.

Dongheon frowned as Chris had a point. He wordlessly went back to searching. They sat in deafening silence in order to honor the agreement. Though, it didn't stop them from stealing glances at the other. Chris watched as Dongheon found what he was looking for and headed towards the door.

"I'm scared." Chris blurted out.

Dongheon paused then looked back at him. Should he respond? Comfort him? They were supposed to be growing apart, not closer. He turned the knob and left without another word. Chris lowered his head then wiped his eyes.


"Thank you for taking me in." Chris mumbled before settling into the bedroom.

"I owe Jeong a lot so don't think much of it." she said then left the room.

He silently observed the room and wondered if he had done the right thing. He figured Minchan would freak out at first, but he would get over it. He was just a burden anyway.


"So, Chris tells me you two ran into each other. Honestly, even fate wants you both together." Jeongin said happily.

"Fate can suck it. I'm not dating him. I'm not going to date a male." Dongheon said flatly.

"You really are stubborn... I'm going over to check on him, anything you want me to anonymously bring?" asked Jeongin.

"Since when have I sent him something anonymously?" Dongheon said with a huff.

"I saw you buying snacks you don't usually eat." Jeongin said. Dongheon countered with a so what. "The same amount you ordered ended up in Chris's possession."

Dongheon kept silent. There was no way he was going to expose himself to Jeongin of all people. Sure he sent a box of snacks but it didn't mean anything. Chris just seemed like he was hungry more often during those days.

"Coincidence." Dongheon replied.

"Then where did your snacks go? Certainly a few should be floating around." pressed Jeongin.

"Maybe I ate a lot one day." he countered before leaving his seat.

"I know you sent them to him! Admit it!" Jeongin shouted as he walked away. "Coward."


"What's this?" Chris asked before going through the bag. "Face masks and a... candle...?"

Jeongin shrugged as he looked at him. The bag had somehow ended up in his bag unknowingly. He had a good idea of who did it.

"I'll use them well. Dongheon..." Chris whispered then trailed off.

"He hasn't changed his mind... I don't think anything will." said Jeongin apologetically.

"That's fine... it's supposed to be this way. It's not like I considered us close enough to be friends..." Chris mumbled before hiding in his sheets.

Jeongin quietly watched Chris then wondered why he wanted Dongheon to stay away from him. Would he get an answer if he asked? It was worth a shot.

"If you don't mind me asking, how come you don't want to be with your destiny?" asked Jeongin curiously.

He watched as Chris shook before jumping out the bed and rushing out the room.

"Guess that's a no..." said Jeongin as he scratched his head.

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