The Nanny

By Selenegreyy

4.5M 166K 28.6K

Jessica Cullen is a simple girl who is a part time student who works at a restaurant to support herself. But... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Positive thoughts ❤
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 18

95.1K 3.4K 767
By Selenegreyy

"Wake up Jess", I hear Leo's voice. I open my eyes slowly when he gives me another shake. I blink several times and look around.

"Shit I'm late!", I gasp. It's already getting dark. I check the time and gasp loudly when I realize it's already past six.

"Why are you sleeping here bitch!?", Leo snaps. "Do you even know how dangerous it is?!"

I get up quickly ignoring him and start putting my stuff in my backpack.

"Leo I'm late", I say. "Stefan is going to be so angry with me again."

"Bitch he called me", he says.


"You were not picking your phone so he thought you're with me", he explains.

I remove my phone quickly form my back pocket and my eyes widen.

I have fifty miss calls from him and two from Ciara and three from Leo.

"I'm dead", I murmur and sit down again.

"Get up Jess", Leo says. "Let's go. It's already late."

I nod and adjusting my glasses on my face, I get up.

"Can you drop me at Stefan's place please? I'm already super late!"

"Yes", Leo says. "Let's go."

We get inside his car and Leo starts the car immediately.

"How did you know I was at the park?", I ask him.

"Bitch that's your favorite spot when you need time to think. So I just knew you were there when you were not picking up."

"Did something happened? Are you okay?", he questions after a while.

"Yes", I murmur. "Stefan was just angry with me this morning. He thinks I'm not doing my work properly. And now I'm late."

"Is that bitch blind or what?", Leo claims angrily. "Can't he see how you take great care of his son?! That ungrateful bastard! It's not too late Jess. You can still quit!

"Just drive quickly Leo", I say quickly. "Stefan is so going to have my head for dinner tonight."

"Jess we are still going to have this conversation later!", Leo presses and gives me a serious look.

I nod and sigh. Sometimes he really behaves like a too overprotective brother for me. I smile when I look at him.

We arrive at the Estate and I quickly get down. There's a strange red car. For all I know it does not belongs to Stefan.

Leo follows me inside the elevator and I press the button.

As soon as it opens, I walk hurriedly out and enter inside the house. The door is already open and I can hear a woman arguing inside. I hear Stefan arguing as well.

I walk slowly in the living with Leo trailing behind me. I look at the woman properly and Leo swears under his breath.

Annabelle Arden is back!

"You can't do this Stefan!", she cries. "You have to tell them to take me back. My whole career will be ruin forever if I don't get this chance!"

"I don't fucking care Ana!", Stefan snaps. He's holding a sleepy Liam in his arms.

"You have to talk to them, do you understand! My body is ruined because I gave birth to this thing in your arms! Can't you even do this for me?"

My mouth falls open. How can she talk like this about Liam! I take a step forward but Leo clasps hand.

"It's between them Jess", he says. "She's really a fucking bitch!"

"Watch your words about my son Ana", Stefan retorts. "Don't you have any shame? You're mentioning your own son as a thing?"

"He's not mine!", Ana shouts. "Because of him my entire body is ruined. No one wants to cast me anymore. They say I have changed. I don't have an attractive body anymore!"

"Get the fuck out of my house Ana", Stefan hisses. "And don't you dare come back here again. I swear I'll kill you!"

I watch Stefan's face as he threatens her. He looks dead serious.

"Get the hell out Ana!", Elliot says. I didn't even realize that he's already there too.

My eyes are only on Stefan and Ana.

"Stay out of this Eliot!", Ana sneers.

"I know it was you who told the people in the fashion industry to not cast me anymore", she adds vehemently and points a finger towards him.

"You're intelligent!", Elliot shrugs. "I didn't knew you had brains in the first place?!"

"What type of friends do you have Stefan?", she snaps.

"It was my idea", Stefan smirks. "I had already told you that if you hurt my child, I would destroyed you!"

"What do you mean? I didn't harm Liam!"

"But you did abort my first child!", Stefan says angrily.

"What the fuck!", Leo murmurs from besides me.

That means I was right. She was pregnant two years ago!

"I was not ready Stefan!", she explains. "My modeling career would have been destroyed before it even started!

"And now it's already destroyed", Elliot chuckles.

Ana snaps her eyes angrily on him.

"Your old sugar daddy got bored with you in Bora Bora so that's why you're back here", Eliot keeps saying.

"Stefan, Mr Fernandez is already dead", Eliot adds. "And Ana thought the old man would write his will in her name but poor thing didn't even get anything!"

"You're nothing but a gold digger Ana!", Stefan snarls. "Get out of here! And don't you even try to come back!

I watch as Ana snaps her angry eyes around.

"She looks like a mad pig looking around", Leo says.

Her eyes drops on the mug lying on the table. I can see steaming coming from it.

My sixth sense is already telling me what she's going to do. Her eyes return on Stefan again.

Shit! Liam is in his arms! I can already sense that she's going to do what I'm thinking!

I drop my bags on the floor and run quickly towards Stefan just as she picks the mug. She throws the hot drink towards Stefan and I'm just in time to stand as a shield before him and Liam.

I squeeze my eyes shut when I feel the splash of hot coffee on my chest, face and neck.

"What the fuck Ana!", Elliot says loudly.

Stefan comes to stand in front of me instantly separating me from Ana.

"Are you okay?!", he demands worriedly with his blue eyes wide.

"Are you fuckin mad Ana!", he growls. "Eliot get her out from here"

"You bitch!", Leo snaps and marches angrily towards her. "How dare you do this to her?!"

"Oh so she's the same bitch who was in the headline?!", she snaps and throws her menacing gaze towards me but Stefan blocks her from looking completely at me.

"Shut up bitch!", Leo snarls. He grabs a hold of hair and her hair extensions come off.

"Bitch I always wanted to do this!", he shouts. "Get the hell out now!"

I wince when I feel my neck burning. The hot liquid have splashed mostly on my neck, chin and chest.

Elliot drags her out along with Leo. Stefan takes my hand and leads me towards the stairs.

"Where are you taking me? What are you doing Mr Black?", I ask and wriggle my wrist from his hold. He opens his bedroom door and lays Liam on his bed.

He then leads me in his bathroom. He removes my glasses and places it on the counter. There's drops on coffee on both sides of the glass.

"It's okay Mr Black, I can do it", I say and look at him but he's avoiding meeting his eyes with me.

If I ask him if he's fine, he's just going to snap at me again and I don't want it. So it's better if I just stay quiet.

Stefan wipes my neck with a wet cloth quietly. I wince. My skin is burning too much. The cold compresses are not even helping. But still I bear the pain.

"I'm really sorry I was late Mr Black", I start saying. "I know you are thinking I'm slacking off but I'm not....."

"I'm really sorry Jess", he says suddenly. "I was angry in the morning and I vent it out on you."

He stares into my eyes, revealing icy blues that are framed with thick long lashes. It's as if his gaze is piercing right through me. I can see the remorse in his eyes.

"I understand", I murmur. "I knew you were angry about something and I shouldn't have asked because it's not my place.... "

"Don't", he sighs and adverts his eyes. "You're making me feel bad even more. I'm sorry."

"I didn't mean all those words Jess", he adds and looks back at me. "If only I could take them back...."

The grey flecks in his blue orbs makes me keep staring at him.

"It's okay", I say and give him a small smile. Turning around, I turn on the faucet and splash water on my face. My neck and chin are still burning. My chin is already getting a deep red.

I put some cold water on my neck as well. It's getting red too. Stefan is looking at me all the while through the mirror.

"Why did you do this?", he demands. "Why did you come to stand between us?"

"I just knew that I had to save Liam and yo....", I clear my voice and continue. "I mean she was going to hurt Liam and I couldn't let that happen."

Stefan suddenly pulls me in his arms and rests his forehead against mine. My heart gives a loud thud when he opens his eyes to look at me. It's as if there's a storm in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Jess", he apologizes again.

I nod a little. Suddenly he bends his head and presses his lips at the corner of my lips.

I freeze and stop breathing. If I move my head even an inch, our lips will touch. I stay still and close my eyes. Stefan doesn't move either. He wraps his arms completely around me and buries his head in the crook of my neck.

"Thank you", he murmurs. "If it weren't for you, Liam would have been hurt. I was to angry to even notice that Ana was going to pull a stunt like this."

"Jess are you there?!", I hear Leo voice.

"Yes", I call out. "I'm coming!"

Stefan unwraps his arms around me and I give him a smile.

"Leo is calling me. I'm going", I say and he nods. We return in his room and my eyes fall on Liam. He's still sleeping. I smile automatically when I see him smiling in his sleep.

Stefan turns me towards him and brush the tips of his fingers on my neck. My breath get caught in my throat at the sudden touch.

"You should take a cold shower", he says. "The skin is already turning red. I'll bring some antibiotics oitments."

I nod and leave his room when Leo keeps knocking on the door.

"What's going on?", he demands and glares at Stefan who is already standing behind me.

"You are burned badly Jess", Elliot points out concernedly.

"It's not that bad Eliot", I say and gives them a weak smile. "It'll get better by tomorrow."

"What's wrong with you Jess?!", Leo suddenly snaps. "You were upset because he told you that you're not doing your job properly. I found you sleeping under a tree, you took the hot blow that was supposed to be for him and now you're saying that you're fine! What is seriously wrong with you?!"

I feel Stefan's eyes on me and stiffen.

"Leo", I say quickly. "I'm fine. It's okay."

"It's still not too late to quit....", he starts saying and I drag him towards my room.

"What is wrong with you?!", I snap.

"Are you seriously asking me that?! Just take a look at yourself.", he says angrily. "You were not like this Jess. You remain always lost in your thoughts, you slept in a fucking park because Stefan's words upset you and now your are hurt because of him!"

"Leo, Liam was in his arms", I say slowly. "I couldn't let Ana hurt him."

"Jess", he says seriously. "Just quit this job. I'll search another one for you. And you can stay at my place. I always keep saying this to you. My home is always open for you. It's yours as well."

"I can't Leo", I murmur. "Liam, I feel like he needs me. They are going to leave forever after four months. I feel so happy with Liam. I just want to spend these last four months with him."

"I know it's about Stefan as well", Leo points out slowly and lets out a deep breath.

"Don't fall for him if he's leaving for good after four months", he says.

"I won't", I murmur.

Leo envelopes me in a bear hug and kisses my hair.

"I just hope you stick to your words Jess", he mutters. "Because if that bastard breaks your heart, I'll swear I'll fucking bury him alive. He's already in my bad list!"

"I love you Leo", I say and hug him tightly.

"I love you too."

He unwraps his arms from around me and looks at my neck.

"Put something on it. You look as if someone boiled you like a potato then skinned you!"

"Are you sure you don't want to quit?", he demands seriously after a while. "We can leave right now."

"No Leo", I admit. "I want to stay."

"Fine", he nods "Jess you're like my little sister and I can't see you get hurt."

"I know. I'll be fine, I promise."

Leo leaves after a while and I take a cold shower. I wrap a towel around my wet hair and then another one around myself when I'm done. When I return back in my room, I see Stefan sitting on the bed.

Oh my God! I should have taken my clothes with me!

Stefan turns his head towards me. His mouth parts open slightly as he runs his gaze on me from down to up.

"Hey!", I say awkwardly.

"Err...", he says and clears his throat. "I bought this for you."

I walk a few steps forward and take the ointment from his hand.

"Thank you", I say and wait for him to leave.

Stefan keeps staring at me intently. I watch as his Adam apple bobs up and down.

Is he okay?

Is he thirsty?

We stare at each other for the next half minutes. I can feel my heart beat quickening. I feel so hot suddenly even though I just had a shower. Stefan is looking at me as if I'm his prey.

He's looking at me as if the fire in his eyes have been doused with ice water, if anything it's making the blue more pale with flecks of grey around them.

I'm not used to this so it's unnerving.

He's staring me in a such a way as if I'm the most beautiful girl he have seen.

"Are you okay?", I ask hesitantly.

"Stefan!", I blurt.

"Yeah", he murmurs and gives his head a slight shake. "It's just that you look beautiful."

What?! I'm half naked right now with a towel wrap around my head and he finds me beautiful!

"Thanks I guess", I say, blushing suddenly.

Thank goodness my face is still red from the coffee.

"I'll wait for you downstairs", he says and giving me another look, he leaves and closes the door gently.

I turn instantly towards the mirror and look at myself.


I really look like a boiled potato and Stefan is saying I'm beautiful. What is wrong with his eyesight?

My lips turn into a wide smile when I think about his face. He really looked shook. Even with my red face and neck, he said I'm beautiful.

It must be true because they do say beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

Walking inside the walk in closet, I wear my comfortable clothes. A loose black shirt and a sweatpants.

I really want to wear the grey shorts which Leo bought for me but I can't.

Well nevermind. Maybe later.

I think about blow drying my hair but then looking at the skin on my face, I decide it's going to be a bad idea. I just dab some ointment on my skin.

"Where's Elliot?", I ask when I see Stefan sitting on the couch.

"He's gone.", he answers and scoots a little further so that I can sit beside him.

"Is it still burning?", he asks once I'm beside him.

"Not that much", I say. "Where's Liam?"

"Still sleeping"

"I'm sorry that I got late", I apologize again. "I just went at the park for some time and didn't realize when time flew by."

"Is it true you fell asleep under a tree?", he demands fixing me with a serious gaze.

If only Leo had kept his mouth shut!

"Yes", I drawl. "I was having some stomach pain so the pills I took made me sleepy."

"What? Are you still in pain? It's still from the allergy."

"I'm okay", I say and smile a little.

"I'm really sorry about this morning Jess", he says sincerely again.

"It's okay", I assure him. "I knew something must have been bothering you."

He sighs and brings in front another box of cookies.

"Are you bribing me Mr Black?!", I tease and laugh.

"Something like that", he says and gives me a toothy grin.

"Aww you're so cute", I say and stop myself instantly.

Stefan's cheeks suddenly becomes slightly pink. He looks away.

Oh my goodness! He's blushing!

"Oh my goodness", I cannot refrain myself from saying. "I just made the mighty arrogant Stefan Black blush!"

"I'm not a girl", he retorts lowly. "I don't blush."

"Don't lie", I press and laugh. "But still, whatever helps you sleep at night."

"You will definitely help me sleep at night Miss Cullen", he suddenly whispers near my ear.

My face becomes beetroot red and he smirks.

"Now that's a proper blush. You look cute with pink cheeks by the way", he smirks and touch the tip of my nose.

I swat his hand away.

"You're so mean! Can't you just accept something for once?!"

"Nope", he says with the 'p' popping.

"Don't you want to know what happen earlier?", Stefan asks after a while.

"If you want to tell me, of course", I say. "But either way it's okay. I understand it's your personal matter...."

"I dated Ana for almost three years", he says. "I thought we had something between us. I really thought maybe she's the one after she got pregnant."

My stomach churns uncomfortably suddenly. I don't like the way he's talking about her.

Regardless, I calm myself and try to listen to him.

"She didn't even tell me she was pregnant two years ago. She aborted my first baby."

"I'm sorry", I say give his arm a gentle touch.

"I was ready to give her everything but she just ran away with the money once Liam was born", he adds.


"I had to give her money so that she does not abort Liam", he admits. "I had to keep him safe."

"Oh my God!", I gasp. How can she this?

Liam is her own blood!

My heart hurts for my poor baby. As long as I'm with him, I won't let anyone hurt him. I will protect and keep his safe always.

"Do you still love her?", I question him slowly.

Stefan suddenly laughs humorlessly.

"To be honest, I really thought that I did", he starts and I feel my stomach dropping.

"But now when I think about it, it was only an attraction. She was perfect in my eyes. She had everything I wanted in a woman. We had almost everything in common. We used to modeled together, partied together. Both of us loved being wild."

My heart sink with every words.

"We even came from rich families so I thought we were the perfect couple for the world."

Ouch! Another low blow for my weak heart!

No Jess! Control your heart! Remember you don't feel anything for him. He just wants someone to listen to his ranting and you have to be a good listener!

"Now thinking about it the only thing that was great between us was the sex! Nothing else!", he says.

I remove my hand from his arm and almost gag.

"Heck even Eliot tried to tell me numerous times that Ana is only after my fame and money but I didn't believe him", he adds.

"Atleast he got sense!", I murmur.

"What?", Stefan asks, rolling his eyes towards me.

I shake my head quickly.

"So she's back now", I say after a few minutes.

"Something like that", he says angrily. "Her sugar daddy is gone now and maybe she have already spent all the money that I gave her."

"But she wants you to get her modeling career up again right?", I inquire.

"Yes. But I'll never do that! I'll make sure she never gets her place back in the fashion world", he states in a deadly tone.

"I remember both of you modeling together", I whisper with my mind drifting back.

"What?", he asks and I snap out of my reverie.

"Oh! Errr....I just said that I didn't knew that you were a model!", I blurt.

"Really?", Stefan smirks. "I thought you knew."

"I didn't, I promise", I try to say convincingly.

He grins suddenly and shakes his head.

"I had been somewhat a famous model but I stop modeling when I got Liam. My father had already retired so I'm just focusing on our family business now", he adds.

"But......", I drag the single word and stop in confusion. I know his name was Stefan White then why is it Black now?

"What is your father's name?"

"Richard Black."

"And your mom?"

"Esme Smith. Why?", he asks and gives me a knowing smile.

"I'm just confuse", I murmur.

"Actually I changed my last surname!", he admits.

"Right! That was why I was confused!", I blurt and cringe instantly.

"Does that mean you already knew my other surname?", he asks slowly and a small smile adorns his rosy lips.

"No!", I claim. "I mean that I just meant that your mother last name is Smith and your father last name is Black that means that the reason I'm confuse is because there's too many...."




I nod and decide to just shut my mouth at this point.

"My name was Stefan Black itself before. Actually my parents was already divorced when I was still a teenager. So due to some misunderstanding between my father and I, I decided to use my mother's maiden name. But now that everything's alright between us and I'm the CEO of Black Enterprise, I cannot keep walking around with my mother's name."

"So basically you never changed it?", I ask.


"You were always a Black?"


"Oh okay", I breathe out. "This surname game is really tiring. From White to Black."

Stefan laughs and rests his arms behind me. I stiffen and try to look calm.

"I was really worried when you were not picking up my calls earlier.",he claims after a while. "You didn't even let Peter dropped you off."

Right. That would explain the fifty miss calls.

"I just went at the park", I shrug.

"I had to call Leo to ask where were you and he started freaking out as well", he adds seriously. "He told me that if anything happens to you, he will cut off my balls and feed it to the sharks."

"Oh my god!", I laugh. "I didn't knew that he threatened you. But that's Leo for you."

"He's crazy", I hear him murmuring.

"I heard you", I say and smack him on his hand but instead of hitting his arm, my palm collides with his stomach. His arm is lying behind my head.

His stomach is so hard!

I poke mine. Mine is so squishy and soft compare to him.

"Did you really fall asleep because of the pills at the park?", Stefan questions.


"That's dangerous Jess!", he admonishes. "I know the reason you went mostly there was because of me even though you won't admit it. I behaved like an ass hole."

"That you are!", I admit.

Stefan laughs and pulls me in his arms. I freeze with my box of cookies still in my hands.

"Relax", he whispers and tries to take the box from my hands but I tighten my hold around them.

"Don't touch my cookies!"

"I am just going to place it on the table. Your greedy little ass can have them later", he smirks.

I let him take it then snuggle closer to him. Tomorrow I'll try behaving like an actual employee. Just for tonight, I'll give in to my heart's desire.

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