Attack on Titan The New Outco...

By fund8579

7K 274 81

A story of a man that changes the outcome of the war against the Titans. A wanderer with no memory of his pas... More

The wanderer
The Start of the Path
The Start of Heroes
The Battle and The Tears
The Development of Warriors
Time to Grow
The Training
The Night before the Test
The New friend
The Second Tragedy
The War and The Promise
Broken Spirits
The Death of Two Heroes
Wonders of The World.
The Comeback
The battle and The New Discovery
Confrontation and the New Family
Connecting New Strings
The Stand!!!
The Stand!!! Part 2
The Stand!!! Part 3
Before the Court
After The Court Martial
Before the battle Part. 1
Before the battle Part.2
Before the battle, Final part
The Female Titan Pt.1

New places, New roads

126 8 9
By fund8579

So now Eren belonged to the Scout Regiment and he would be their key to recovering Wall Maria.

Eren, at present, was being taken to the Old Scout Regiment Headquarters. Here, is where they all would be living at. Together they would assist Eren in honing his titan ability while also learning anything else that they could use against the other Titan. 

As the group was getting closer Eren could finally see the building surrounded by trees.

One of the scouts beside Eren then spoke, "An architectural marvel don't you agree? A proper royal residence once upon a time and more recently, our former headquarters. Fancy, yes, but absurdly practical once the scouts got down to business, much, much too far from a river or Wall. This was the early days for us, do you understand, hope soar high. Now opulent bobble is nothing more than a holding cell, the place where we store our newest toy."

Eren, while still listening, turned around just to look around the area, was then met with a serious stare from Captain Levi. Eren was still a little scared of him, he turned around quickly making a note not to stare at him.

The scout who was talking to Eren before was still rambling on. The scout then got up to Eren face, "Do not be deceived, greenhorn." 

Eren was wondering what he meant, "Excuse me?

"Don't be expecting any royal treatment. Whether you're Titan or human, don't imagine for a second that we all show the captains goo-", suddenly the horse he was mounted on slipped off a rock, making the scout bite his tongue. Blood was squirting out from the wound while then man was still yelping.

In The Old Scout Regiment HQ......................... 

The scout who bit his tongue had received medical attention, he was lucky he didn't bite his whole tongue off. 

A female soldier suddenly approached the man and handed him a small towel. "That's what you get for flapping your jowls on horseback", she said with a hint of happiness.

"The rookie needed to know his place, first impressions are important", the man said while holding the towel to his mouth.

She smiled "Well, you certainly made an impression on him no question there."

"Indeed so, our exchange went exactly as planned", the man said in a slight more mum.

The lady was confused about her college's form of speech, "What- hum? What happened to you? You never used to talk like this. I mean...its really none of my business, but if you are trying to act like the captain its kind of embarrassing. You and Levi couldn't be less alike if you were born different species."

"Heh, if you intend to howl me like a wife, Petra dear, there's rather more of me you need to be acquainted with before laying claim to the privilege", the man joked.

"Huh, you wish. I'd tell you to bite your tongue but it seems you got that covered, next time I hope you bleed out", the woman replied.

"Hohoho, methinks the lady got protest too much", the man replied with a laugh.

Eren was tying the horse's rope to a stake on the ground, once he was done he stood up and looked at the two scouts. [So here they are the scout's special operation squad. Levi's squad.], Eren thought to himself.

Eren noticed that the woman was still yelling at her comrade, "You disgusting swineherd."

Petra Ral: 10 Titan kills to her credit, 48 kill assists                                 Oluo Bozado: 39 kills, 9 assists

[Elite as they come], Eren then saw more of Levi's squad members appear from the building.

Eld Jinn: 13 kill, 32 assists                                                                                  Gunther Schultz:  7 kills, 40 assists                                                             

Every one of these scouts was handpicked by Captain Levi for accomplishments on the field that and, they're my executioners. The ones who will end me if I lose it. The real question is, why isn't Lucas here with them he is above everyone, he even surpassed Levi himself.

Levi Ackerman: more than 89 kills less than 100, 89 assists                 Lucas: 132 kills, 94 assists

Both Eld and Gunther stopped in the center of the open court of the HQ. 

Eld looked down at the floor and saw the concrete, there were cracks filled with grass in them, "Look at these weeds" 

Gunther looked at the building behind them, "This place has been abandoned for years. I bet the insides are shambles"

"In which case, we have a problem, don't we?", Levi stated bluntly. He then had a hard expression, "Best grab a broom and get to work."

They all immediately started cleaning, Oulo, Petra, Eren, and Levi were in the insides. Gunther, Eld cleaned the outsides, they all had their roles here.

Eren was coming down the stairs, "I'm done with the upstairs sir." Levi was in the room the Eren had just entered, "If I may ask, captain, where will I be expected to sleep?"

Levi turned around, "Your sleeping quarters are in the cellar."

Eren was sort of put back by his response, "The cellar? But sir, again?"

"That's our safest option, your abilities are far being under control, you might go Titan in your sleep. One of the conditions of mine to have you in my custody at all is that I keep you in strict security, Morning, noon, and night. While we are in dreamland you are in restraints, that's the rule" he said bluntly.

Eren remained silent, he wasn't going to discuss the situation any further, mostly due to fear over Levi.

"I'll check your work, take over here, I want it spotless", Levi stated, he then walked past Eren back up the stairs.

"Yes, sir", Eren then looked down at the land outside the window.

"Oh, Eren. Try not to look so discouraged", Eren suddenly jumped, Petra just smiled. "Sorry. I hope you don't mind me calling you Eren, I noticed the captain does so, well he pretty much sets the tone for all of us", Petra replied.

"Whatever, it's just that I...huh, well, did I really look discouraged or were you just saying that?", Eren asked.

"Everyone reacts that way. Up close in personal, Captain Levi doesn't seem like the hero he's cracked up to be. For one thing, he's a lot shorter, a bit on the temperamental side too. Not exactly embued with what you say a social grace", Petra said with a smile.

"It's not that, I'm more put off by the seriousness. He's so dead earnest about following the higherup's rules", Eren said in a nervous tone.

"Let me guess, you think strength means living by your own rules, floating everyone else's", she stated.

"Well....he didn't strike me as the one to follow orders", Eren responded.

Petra knew what he meant, "Time-wise, he would have lived up to your expectations, that's what I understand anyway, I don't have all the details."

Eren was caught off guard, "Hmm?"

"The story goes, he was quite the rogue before he joining the scouts, he was a high roller in the capitals black market", Petra stated.

Eren was shocked at what she said, "Hmm, how the hell did he..., I mean..."

"No clue, folks talk but who knows what really brought him here, right? The most popular version involves Erwin, they say he dragged him into the scouts kicking and screaming", she said.

Eren was shocked about the news he had just received, "Huh? The commander?"

"Yup, but, I bet you have bigger stories, I mean you are friends with the Titan Ripper, like oh my god that's incredible", Petra said with a glitter in her eyes.

"I didn't know that you were a fan of him", Eren said.

"Are you kidding, he is awesome! He single-handedly took down all the Titans he had ever faced and he took command over the remaining troops when the mission to recover Wall Maria lost their leaders. He is a living legend, tell me, is it really true that The Ripper has his own custom made maneuver gear and that he has specially made swords!?", Petra sounded more like a child. Her expression was showing eagerness and excitement.

"Y-yeah it's true...", Eren said in a nervous tone.

Petra jumped up in excitement, "Have you seen them personally!"

Eren was getting more nervous and with a hint of embarrassment, "Y-yeah..."

Petra got closer to Eren's face, "How did they look?"

"What's going on here?", Levi asked as he was coming down the stairs.

"Eep, sir?", Eren made a squeal like a mouse.

Levi stepped forward close to Eren, "Your cleaning is lamentable, back upstairs now!"

With Lucas and his family and friends................................

Lucas, Armin, Carla, and Mikasa were all sitting beside each other in the dining room. Lucas was carrying Abraham, his son, on his lap as they ate. Amelia was beside her mom, Annie had left earlier, she told everyone that she was recalled by the commanders. 

Everyone was enjoying their meals, everyone except Mikasa.

Carla noticed Mikasa's sadness and looked at her, "Hey Mikasa, sweetie, you need to eat or else you will get sick."

Mikasa was responded by slowly eating, still, this caught Lucas's attention.

"What's up with Mikasa?", Lucas asked Armin in a silent whisper.

"She's been like that ever since Eren left, she been very sad", Armin responded.

"Hmm, I guess true lovers miss each other even after just a few hours", Lucas said with a smile.

"Hey, both of you instead of just blabbering help me out!", Carla yelled nobody could tell how she looked due to her mask, but Lucas knew that she was pissed.

"Yes, ma'am!", both Armin and Lucas stated.

"Daddy is afraid of mommy!", Amelia said while laughing.

"Does mommy scare you more than the monsters?", Abraham asked in a whisper.

"Y-yeah", Lucas whispered back in a nervous tone. 

"I heard that!", Carla yelled. 

Both Abraham and Lucas went dead silent.

Carla returned her attention to Mikasa, "Mikasa sweetie, don't worry I bet Eren misses you too".

Mikasa lifted her head up a little bit, "Really?"

"I do. Be happy, both of you are officially a couple and don't worry, he'll be back soon", Carla reassured.

"If you think that, maybe your right", Mikasa sighed still missing her boyfriend.

"As a woman, I know how love works and as a mother, I know how kids are", Carla stated with a smile.

Mikasa lifted an eyebrow at her statement, "But you just recently adopted Amelia and Abraham, right?"

Carla forgot, she remembered that she was faking to be someone else, she quickly thought of something. 

"O-oh um, I mean Abraham and Amelia. They are really attached and if they are separated they feel scared and sad so...", she said with sweat on her face.

Mikasa believed her, "Oh, I guess I understand... It must be wonderful to be a mother. Right? I wonder how it would feel like..."

"Whack!", Carla out of nowhere smacked the back of Mikasa's head.

"Ow!", Mikasa was in tears while rubbing the back of her head.

"Now, listen young lady, you are way too young to think about things like that", Mikasa said in a stern tone. 

"It was just a thought. You didn't need to hit me", Mikasa said rubbing her head.

"I'm sorry. Remember you are still young, you have a long time to live. You should enjoy life now while you still can and enjoy it with the people you love", Carla said.

"Seems like someone is doing some love counseling", Lucas teased.

"Oh shut up you big baboon, it's more than I can say what you're doing", Carla said slamming her hand against the table.

"huh... um... I'll be quiet now", Lucas said.

Lucas was actually scared of her at the moment, especially when she is this determined. Armin, Mikasa, and the children were all laughing at the scene in front of them.

Lucas was wondering what Annie was doing. [Is it true that she killed those two Titans from the military, and if so, why?]. Lucas was thinking hard about what reason would Annie have to betray them, but he didn't know. Annie rarely talked about her past and if she did, she would only mention small things like previous battles and training, maybe things about her home, but no family, no friends, and no previous romances. 

She was alone, and her past was a mystery to him. He still hadn't told Annie about his past or his amnesia, mostly because he had a plan ready for that time, for now, he needed Annie to do the things that his vision said she would do. Soon he'd be able to save her and her friends as well as reveal his abilities.

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