Frostiron One Shots

By galaxy-stark

207K 4K 4.9K

A Frostiron one shot Book, containing: - Smut/Lemon These one shots will contain sinful fantasies, sexy happe... More

Fluff - Walk With Me
Smut - You Will Kneel Before Me
Fluff - Oh Fuck No (Part 1)
Angst - Until You're Gray and Old
Smut - Caught in the Act
Fluff - A Helping Hand
Fluff - A Trip To Asgard
Smut - Distraction
- Update -
Smut - College Lovers
Smut - Jealously
Smut - Incubus (2/2)
Fluff - Oh Fuck No (Part 2)
Smut - Teach Me, Mr Laufeyson
Angst - A Battle Lost
Lime - Spideypool

Fluff - Incubus (1/2)

6.8K 127 55
By galaxy-stark

-Notes and Summary-

This is based on the comic above, by the tumblr user 'hugo-and-vern' so credit to them for the idea!
So this is going to be the fluff version, like the comic, and for my sinful friends there will be a smut version with the same storyline, but with extra added bits to the story ^^

[Tony's POV]

Ever since I had been having conversations with Doctor Strange about demons and beings from other realms, there was a certain topic that caught my interest, and one that I hadn't been able to stop thinking about ever since I heard of it.

"Incubus, Stark."
"Do you really have to be so professional? Just call me Tony, loosen up a bit, magic man. And tell me more about incu-whatever's."

Stephen Strange sighed, turning a page in the large, dusty book he was holding. "Latin for 'nightmare', In medieval European folklore, the incubus is a male demon - or evil spirit - who visits women and men in their sleep to engage in sexual intercourse...some give the victim sensual dreams and seduce them while sleeping, and some, the more evil spirits, partake in sexual intercourse without consent." With a loud close of the book, he turned to me with a raised eyebrow. "Can't you research this sort of thing in the comfort of your own home, Tony?"

"No! You've got all the real information! None of that fake internet stuff...I'm guessing you'll have all the ways to summon them and such too, huh?"
"And why would you want to know that?"
"Research! Curiosity! Why would I want that sorta demon? You know I'm not into that sorta thing. Anyway, all this is real, right? I've gotta protect the Earth and do my job, correct? So, I need to know about other threats from all these different dimensions!"
"Threats from other dimensions and universes are my problem, not yours. Now will you please leave and let me get on with my training?"
"Training? What, training that cape of yours? That thing really freaks me out, mind you, he - or she - or they - or it rather, must be very helpful-"
"Got it, I'll leave."

As I stopped leaning against the bookshelf and started to walk away, I decided to stop, and spin around on my heel, facing Strange again.

"I'll leave, if you give me that book." When he heard my words and raised his eyebrows, ready to turn me down and educate me on some mystical arts bullshit, I opened my mouth again, quickly. "Just for one day! Not even a day, a few hours. Or minutes? Seconds? Look, can I just take a peek at it myself? Hate you having to read it out to me like I'm a child."

"You are a child." Strange said, rolling his eyes and holding the book out for me to take. "I know you won't take no as an answer, but you can look at that book for 5 minutes. No more than that."
"Got it!"
And with that, he walked out the room, leaving his cape behind to watch over me. Geez, he really thinks I'm that much of a child doesn't be? Well, not that it mattered, since I had already placed one of my gadgets on the books spine, which currently, was scanning every single page and letting me take all the information I needed. Now I just had to pretend to read it...aaand...done! Scanning was complete. I took off my neat little tech and placed the book back in its place, excited to actually read it when I got home.

That was a few days ago. Was it days? It might have been weeks...I couldn't remember. Things had been so hectic with me working on my suits, I hadn't even had a chance to look at the contents of that book yet. I hadn't gone out for drinks with any of the Avengers team either. I hadn't thrown a party...nothing...I felt lonely. I was too tired right now to go out or throw a party though, and everyone was probably busy or on missions anyway.

Hm...if I felt lonely and bored...surely testing out some spells in that book wouldn't hurt, right?

I opened up the file on my computer, instantly leaning back from the screen in shock. The language was...insane. How was I supposed to go about translating this? Damnit Strange, this plan was probably going to include a lot more work that I thought there was going to be. It wasn't like I had anything else I could be doing though...

I started translating anything I could, hours passing by and the sun getting lower and lower. It wasn't until it got dark that I had been able to complete one page. "Finally!" I yelled, throwing my hands up in the air. "Now...what did I even translate?" I spoke to myself, realising I hadn't even been paying attention to what words I had been able to make out. My eyes scanned the letters, my lips slowing moving to form words.

"How...t...o...summon..." I gulped. "A-An incu...incubus..."

This is what I had translated?! I didn't want this! I was interested but...I...I'm not into...*that* sort of thing...! I sighed, becoming too tired to translate anymore. I guess I might as well try it and see what happens, it's not like I wasn't prepared for the worst to come after all.

I began reading the translation further, my heart racing. "Zamunge the olo' of the txon to me, tutee neu him to take me sì nì'aw me, by my own consent fu by force, tutee neu to be taken by the darkness sì nì'aw the darkness. Hurt me, love me, punish me, caress me, tutee neu to feel hands on my sinful tokx, sì thoughts whispered into my sinful ronsem. Zamunge him to me, zamunge him sì tutee shall slu fko."

My monitor began to create a black smoke, it surrounding me and my computer, then moving to the floor and creating the outline of a human being. I wheeled back on my chair, my eyes widening and prepared to summon my suit towards me. Tensing up, I focused on the smoke until...until...

A man had appeared...well...some sort of 'man', it seems. He had blue skin, markings covering his body. He had a pair of blue horns, surrounded by long, black, flowing hair. Some strands of his hair were in neat, little braids. His eyes were red, staring right at me, with a smirk on his face. He wore nothing but a piece of cloth covering his lower body, his body on show for me to see.

"Human..." He spoke. "...what a naughty little thing you are, to summon me here to grant your darkest and deepest desires~" His smirk got wider, fangs appearing from under his soft lips. "Tell me what you crave, my dear..." He whispered, walking closer to me and putting his hands on the chair, leaning over me. "...tell me what you want...this body is yours, darling."

I gulped. "Uh...Ah...well...uh..." I blinked quickly, looking around the room before looking back to this...creature. "...I'm actually...kinda asexual...? I...I don't want any of that...stuff."

The incubus blinked. Silent. Processing all this information, perhaps. " mean to tell me that you summoned me, but do not want my services?" He tilted his head. "Yes...?" I replied. "I just...ended up translating the wrong page from this book I happened to be the incubus page..."

"So you like all that-that cuddling, stuff? And forehead kisses w-w-with feeding each other food and watching movies with blankets covering us?!" He sounded embarrassed, a purple blush spreading across his face, his eyes wide.

I nodded. "Yeah...if...if you can't do that sort of thing then it's fine! I mean...I have no idea what I said when I read out the words from that book, so...if you can't then you'll have to go back from...wherever you came from?" "No!" He butted in. "I mean, yes! No! I-I've never done anything like that before b-but...I don't want to go back...I-I just need to...relax..." He gulped and held his face in his hands, breathing in and out heavily. He was so flustered.

"We can just start off easily...yeah? Nice and slow? You can feed me some food...then forehead kisses...then we can watch a movie?" I suggested, finding it odd how he went from a Dom to a Sub so fast. Why was I finding that to be the most odd thing happening right now? Was I really doing this? Was this really happening?

"Y-Yes! T-That sounds good? I...I can do this! I'm still granting your wishes and desires yes?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "Yeah! That's a good way of thinking about it, it's just like that!" I told him with a smile. "Uh, my first wish would be to put some more clothes...on you...?" I told him with a chuckle.


Sat in my living room on a couch, I smiled at the incubus on the couch next to me. He sat, tense, wearing a big sweater that he looked quite cute in. There was a bowl of popcorn he was holding, gulping as he picked up a piece of it and held it to my lips very quickly. "Like this?" He asked me. "Like that, but slower!" I said, taking the piece of his fingers and making him blush.

"G-Got it..." He mumbled, slowly picking up another and gently holding it to my lips. My wet lips softly touched his fingers and he quickly took in a deep breath. "G-Good?" He asked me, his voice shaking. I smiled and nodded. "Should we try forehead kisses or cuddles? I want to take it slow for you..." Smiling and still blushing bright, he told me: "C-Cuddles...I-I can do that...!" and I smiled back.

I got up and sat between his legs, finding him quite comfortable as I laid back. I was glad I could give him some spare sweatpants I had laying around. "A-Ah...Are you okay?" He spoke.
"Nevermind me, what about you? You're very bright re-uh...purple."
"I-I'm v-very tense a-and nervous...I'm never like this, I haven't felt this before. I'm always so calm and collected b-but all this is-is-"
"Hey, it's okay! Just take deep breaths! You're still doing your job, it's just a little different is all."
"I-I guess..."
I looked at him and smiled softly. "I think you're doing a great job."

A big smile spread across his face. "Th-Thank you." His body relaxed and his blush calmed down. His eyes traveled to my forehead and he slowly leaned forward, giving me a soft kiss and remaining calm as possible. It felt so nice. He was actually really good at this...he just didn't know it.

"What's y-your name?" He asked, licking his lips. "Tony. Tony Stark. What about yours?" "Loki."
"That's a gorgeous name! I love it!"
"Your n-name is gorgeous too,'s a name I'd love to whisper every night...while I...h-hold you..."
Now it was my turn to blush. "Actually, call me Anthony. That's my full name. I don't often use it but...I want to hear you call me it."
"Anthony...Anthony...I like it." He smiles softly, leaning forward and kissing my forehead again.

I flinched and blushed deeper, moving back a bit. "A-Ah, I'm sorry! Too much? I j-just love kissing you but I know that it's-" I cut him off before he got too upset, gently holding his cheek with my hand. "No it's okay! I'm just...not used to such softness and sweetness...I don't have anyone're doing such a good job I'm afraid that when you go I'll...miss it."

Loki's eyebrows raised. " don't have anyone? With how handsome and gorgeous you are I would've thought-"
"Of course a lot of men and women are attracted to me...but they just want what is sexual. They don't want...this." I cut him off.
"Ah...I see...I am...sorry I brought it up."

I sighed, letting go of his face. "Can we cuddle now?" I asked shyly, afraid I had made the situation awkward. With a nod, he moved gently, laying down and holding me close to him. It was good I had a big couch, or I'd be falling off it by now. "You're so warm, Anthony. It is...nice." He kissed the back of my head ever so softly, moving a hand to play with my hair. "Is this...alright?" He asked, continuing to do it when I murmured a 'yes'.

"You know...I don't have to leave...forever." He began. "I can only come out at night after all, but there's nothing against me coming back every night. I'd have to leave in the morning...but if repeated...I can stay an entire day eventually." My eyes lit up and I shuffled and turned so I was facing him, a big smile on my face. "Really?! Y-You'd do that...for me?" He smiled back. "Yes. I like you, Anthony. I don't know what it is but...I like you. You're warm and comforting...I'm afraid of doing things so...intimate...but you help me. I want to learn more, I truly do. All I have ever known is lust...and I don't want to continue like that anymore."

I teared up listening to his words, my smile getting bigger. "I-I'd love to help you! I-I don't know a thing about you but it doesn't matter to me, you're an incubus for god's sake, but you're still being so sweet with me...and it means a lot, it really does..."

He chuckled and my heart lit up in flames. It sounded wonderful. "It would be my pleasure to be by your side, Anthony, continuing to do these...'soft'...acts with you." He gently brought his hand up to my cheek, staring into my eyes. His eyes were a lovely shade of red, probably the same shade as my blush right now. This situation felt so unreal, so fake, but he felt real. His cold to the touch skin, his breath, his voice, it felt so real.

"You're a very handsome man, Anthony. Your hair is so soft...your warm. It tastes sweet. I love your voice, too. So soothing." He made me chuckle and look away in embarrassment. "Oh stop!" I laughed, making him laugh with me before stopping and holding my face with both hands. "I mean it! I've never noticed all this detail in someone before...everyone else it was just...emotionless."

"Loki...I don't want you to focus on the previous people you...met. Just focus on now. Not because I'm slightly jealous-but-because I want you to be happy and learn about all this intimacy. Hell, maybe one day I what you're into...I already feel more confident with you..." I chuckled, my smile fading when I saw how serious he looked while staring into my eyes.

"I don't care if you're never confident enough to do that sort of thing with me. All that matters is heart...feels alive. I feel alive."

"I think I like you, Anthony."

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