Slain Among Ice And Fire {Fai...

By EnergyMageFrea

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The truth behind what drives the SaberTooth Guild to be as ruthless and driven as they are has never been cle... More

Chapter 1- Helping Secrets
Chapter 2- I Wish....
Chapter 3- Help... Least Expected
Chapter 4- In You.... In Me
Chapter 5- I'm Not
Chapter 6- What Am I Gonna Do?
Chapter 7- Separated?!
Chapter 8- Beginning To Burn
Chapter 9- Can Fire Put Out Fire?
Chapter 10- Jeihel
Chapter 11- Caged
Chapter 12- Golden Azure
Chapter 13- Alone Again?
Chapter 14- An Icy Wind
Chapter 15- Devil Slayer
Chapter 16- North Wind
Chapter 17- Silence
Chapter 18- Fugitive?
Chapter 19- Similar Hearts
Chapter 20- Save Face
Chapter 21- Possession..?!
Chapter 22- Pandemonium Begins!
Chapter 23- Lurking Shadow
Chapter 24- Spiraling
Chapter 25- Breaking Point?
Chapter 26- Brutal Honesty
Chapter 27- Highest of Stakes
Chapter 29- Not Quite....
Chapter 30- Ripple
Chapter 31- Not Tonight
Chapter 32- Hardly-Baked
Chapter 33- Not Again
Chapter 34- Over-Drive
Chapter 35- Forgive
Chapter 36- Still Here
Chapter 37- Why
Chapter 38- Her
Chapter 39- Stay
Chapter 40- Say It
Chapter 41- Birds
Chapter 42- All That Comes

Chapter 28- Breathe

525 23 38
By EnergyMageFrea

Chapter 28


Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas


"... So what, that Rufus guy has a bead on everyone's location?" Gajeel grumbled from his seat at a table with Gray and Juvia. Laxus stood leaning against the wall not far off and Erza stood a bit from the table with Mirajane close at hand, while Natsu and Wendy stood in stiff silence near to where Hora had taken a seat at the bar. Happy, Carla and Lily stood on bar itself, and the building was scarily quiet around them, and all their attentions were turned to the First Fairy Tail Master, and what... Ridiculously spot on predictions she had been detailing about tomorrow's event, and what the other Guilds would do.

Between anticipating the moves of the other Wizards, who was likely to be taken out first among them, and laying out who she thought would act and how... Well, the way she seemed to be able to guess SaberTooth's moves had Hora reeling.

An 85% chance Orga would seek out Laxus for a fight, a 90% chance Rogue would look for Gajeel, a 87% chance Minerva would seek out either Erza or Kagura (or even both), and a 92% chance that Sting would wait to let the herd clear out before looking to attack anyone. Those paired with a quick overview of how each of the afore mentioned capabilities stacked up in terms of speed, attack and defensive power, and even planning... And all manner of that spanning across details and predictions that Hora almost completely agreed with. In some ways it felt like Mavis had known and been with her Guild-mates as long as Hora had, and that was why she seemed to know their moves and the way they thought to well... But of course it wasn't like that, and it just made it more terrifying.

About half an hour ago, Hora had hashed out the last details of what transpired tonight (in limits, of course..) and settled into telling Mavis and Erza alike what Magic it was that Minerva used, and what her battle strategy usually relied.

(Long range, surprise attacks and leverage and manipulation... Paired with lightning quick speed and a near impossible sense of space and everything in it...)

And again, Hora knew little about it. She'd never come to blows with Minerva enough to be a full on fight, so what she had seen of Minerva's battle habits had been from the few times of watching her work over the years... But she probably knew more about it than any others in the world- besides Mavis, apparently.

To begin with, Mavis knew much more about Minerva's Magic specifically than Hora did- which wasn't much a surprise in the grand scheme of things. But it was an Ancient Magic and a rare one at that, so info was limited to begin with, but Mavis knew of it regardless. And like all the other SaberTooth members, Mavis seemed incredibly aware of Minerva's habits without ever really knowing her.

But all in all, that discussion on Minerva hadn't lasted long at all. There was a bit of general discussion held between Mavis, Hora and Erza on the redhead's inevitable confrontation with SaberTooth's Lady, but it was just that- general. And the whole discussion lasted little more than Hora saying her piece about it, before Mavis seemed content to let Erza come up with a strategy all on her own.

The lack of detailed planning set Hora on edge more than she would admit, but it was Lector's life at risk and to be decided by the outcome of Erza's battle with Minerva. And while she trusted Erza to do her utmost best, not having a clear idea of what Titania was planning just wasn't comforting... But she had to leave it alone. She had to trust and believe in Erza, and believe she would get Lector back.

But damn if her worry and fear would fade

Anyway, once the discussion about Minerva was done with, Mavis had started into her battle strategy and attention on Hora had faded into nothing. It had been decided that the Team participating in the GMG tomorrow would consist of Erza, Juvia, Gajeel, Laxus and Gray... Which left Natsu, Wendy, Mirajane, Hora and the Exceeds as the rescue party that would be storming the castle, though plans on that part hadn't been talked about yet, not with Mavis focusing on the strategy for the GMG at the moment.

And Hora was content with simply sitting there and listening. It was something of a relief not to be the center of the conversation or everyone's attention for awhile, and her stained and utterly frazzled emotions, state of mind, and body needed the break oh so badly right now. And admittedly, some of the discussion was genuinely interesting- but mostly the bits about the Fairy Tailers she hadn't already known... And in particular, the mention of what Magic Gray used.

She remembered little to nothing about what he'd said or what Magic he'd used earlier when she went after Juvia in a fit of pain and agony and whatnot. She supposed she had some faint recollection of Ice that wasn't hers... But it was so hard to tell, she hadn't been sure if she imagined it or not. And what shock and utterly reeling effect seeing him in front of her and all of that... Well, the bit about him using Ice-Make Magic hadn't really sunk in until it popped up in the discussions now. And when it did, it caught her immediate interest- why wouldn't it?

She hadn't realized he was alive, let alone a Mage, so in some ways she was listening intently every time he was mentioned or said something or whatever else... Because she wanted to know him. Or at least, the Gray he was now, the one that has grown up from so, so long ago.

She just had to make sure her interest wasn't noticed... And she had to watch how long she focused on him too.

Master Makarov had left soon before any of the actual battle planning had started, so he could meet the rest of the Fairy Tailers that were not present and make them aware of what was going on (barring what bit about SaberTooth Hora had asked not leave the room). And as the old man left, Natsu had finally been let free from being strapped to a support beam, since by then he had managed to calm down enough not to run off like an idiot... And as much as he wanted to run off, he wouldn't. There was a plan to be put into motion and he had to follow it, even if that meant staying here while Lucy spent the night in a cell, or how much he hated the thought.

And besides that, Hora was here and he wasn't really keen on the idea of letting her out of his sight so soon again. Words could not describe how agitated he had been upon finding out she'd sent him to sleep and run off alone, and now that she was here and he could keep an eye on her, he would, and for as long as could possibly be managed.

Because as much as Hora seemed fine now, or however much she said she was 'okay'- he knew it wasn't true, and that made his stomach knot almost as much as the thought of Lucy being in trouble did.

So now he hadn't moved more than a few feet from being at Hora's side even as the discussions started up, and he stayed there in stiff silence, his eyes watching her carefully more than a few times every few minutes or so. He was hovering, and Hora noticed it... And she also noticed that Wendy was doing the same thing, but she hadn't the will nor the want to argue with it, she just didn't have the energy.

However she could also feel Natsu's agitation still sparking in the midst of his hovering, and that was wearing quickly on her nerves, and sooner or later she wouldn't be able to ignore it.

He's angry at me, huh...?

... Just like... Sting...

But even her attention on Natsu wasn't unconditional, nor was it on Mavis. It didn't matter how many times she told herself to stop, inevitably and without fail, her eyes were constantly darting to that head of raven-hair and face so hauntingly familiar, and every time they did, she couldn't pull her gaze off of him for a long while before somehow managing to look away again... But then her eyes went back, forever without end, and every time she did, the more nauseous and knotted she felt.

... Just... Stop...

Mavis' predictions had for now doubled down on the opening strategy that Rufus was likely to use at the start of the event- the same Spell he had used on the first day that would span a large area and target everyone in it's confines for a powerful attack meant to knock out many people all at once.

And again, that is exactly what Hora would have guessed Rufus would do.

Honestly, at this point it wouldn't have even mattered if Hora told the Fairy Tailers about everyone's strengths and weaknesses and whatnot. Mavis was so spot on with literally all of it, her attempt at staying loyal to her friends was sort of wasted... and pointless... But why is she so good at this...?

... It's kinda scary...

"So it would be in our best interests to defeat Rufus first, so that the SaberTooth Team doesn't have our locations pinned." Erza murmured lowly, and Mavis nodded.

"Exactly." Was the First's reply, Hora settled her head in her hands as she leaned over a bit, and propped her elbows on her knees. Her eyes dropped closed as she let out a silent sigh,

... Good luck with that... Minerva's tough, but Rufus is always so careful and on top of things... getting one up on him is not gonna be easy...

"Let me deal with him."

Her eyes shot back open in the same instant that her heart sped up, the sudden sounding of Gray's voice shattering what little bit of calm that managed to trickle in between glancing at him and looking away on a loop. Her head lift up and out of her hands as she looked right at him, and though the angle she sat at didn't give much on the way of seeing his face, she could still see the sudden fire and determination ignite. But Gray was looking at Mavis, and Hora saw the same hesitation that rushed through her, suddenly appear in the First Guild Master too, though she wasn't sure if that was because of the same reason.

"That'd be fine, right First-?" Gray asked of the ghost- though his words got jumbled a bit underneath Hora's own voice as she suddenly spoke up and long before she even realized what she was doing.

"That'd be a bad idea-" Hora said quickly, before cutting herself off when she realized she had started talking at the same instant Gray had. She grimaced, her jaw snapping shut and nearly flinching as Gray shot her a small look, almost agitated- and whether it was for the (unintended) interruption, or the comment itself, she wasn't sure. All she knew was that her heart ached so, so bad when she caught the small glare he gave her.


"... S..sorry..." She apologized quickly, "... It's just... You use Ice-Make Magic, yeah...? That's not the most ideal match-up with Rufus..." She mumbled quickly in a rather poor attempt at explaining herself, and covering up the other half of her blurting out so suddenly being... Well, worry.

Because again, Rufus may not seem like much at first glance, but she knew how much a challenge he was to defeat in a battle. And a long since buried and forgotten part of her flared to life with the realization- worry, concern, and protectiveness- and it was for the Brother she had lost and found just that night. And while she trusted Rufus not to fatally harm anyone, let alone Gray- the thought of him getting beat to hell (as he assuredly would be) in the battle between the two of them, had her feeling fidgety, and maybe a bit panicky too.

"She is right, based upon what I observed in your first confrontation with Rufus, and what I was able to see of his Magic with Eve, the chance of a success should you battle him isn't-" Mavis murmured in reply, Gray visibly stiffened and his attention on Hora shattered as he shot a heated look at the First Fairy Tail Master.

"I don't give a damn about that!" He snapped hotly, cutting Mavis off and sending the room into something of a tense silence. "Listen, I got beef with the guy and I'm gonna settle it. And there ain't any way in hell I'm losing either, regardless of your calculations or how you think my Magic matches up against his." He grumbled, shooting the slightly scathing words toward Hora and Mavis both.

Hora swallowed, her eyes falling quickly from him and into her lap as she bit back at the churning in her core.

"Trust me not to lose." Gray murmured lowly, his eyes still settled on Mavis and steely... And the First Guild Master paused for a few moments, before nodding.

"Very well." Mavis relented softly, and Gray nodded to her in turn. Hora bit the inside of her cheek though, her jaw falling into the palms of her hands again. She grumbled a bit under her breath, her eyes closing tightly and cursing herself in her head a few more times. She was only faintly aware of the battle strategy picking back up again among Mavis and the Team of Fairies meant to be fighting tomorrow, and this time around she wasn't really listening.

... Great job Hora... Now he thinks you're underestimating him... Maybe I am... But Rufus is hard to beat... And he already lost to him once, huh...? Rufus told me about that when I ditched the Council, but I didn't realize it was... Gray... Oh damn it, why am I so worried...?

She tilted her head down so her face was in her hands instead, chewing the inside of both cheeks now.

... I'm a mess... Today fucking sucks...

Natsu blinked, his eyes narrowing at Hora as her posture deflated and she seemed to sink in on herself after what brief spark of tension arose between her and Gray. He bit the inside of his cheek, brow quirking slightly.

"... Hora, are you okay...?" Wendy's soft voice asked to Hora's right, and the Saber woman pulled her face out of her hands in surprise, glancing toward the bluenette who had inched closer without her noticing.

"Yeah." Hora murmured quietly, offering up a weary smile that didn't help to clear what concern was visible in Wendy's eyes. Her hands fell into her lap again as she straightened up, humming a bit under her breath and her smile softening. "... I'm alright sweetheart, don't worry about me. I was just trying to settle everything in my head is all... It's been a long day."

"Yeah..." Wendy agreed softly, her hands wringing together in front of her for a moment as her eyes fell. "... Uhm... I actually had a question, if that's okay...?"

"Shoot." Hora replied with ease and Wendy's eyes moved back up in surprise at how quickly Hora relented.

"Ah, OK... I was just wondering what happened to you, to have that wound on your stomach...?" Wendy asked slowly, her hand gesturing toward Hora's torso and earning a blink from the Saber Wizard. "It... It was pretty bad... Your... Ah, Jiemma didn't do that to you... Did he...? You said he... He really hurt you, when he found out you helped find Tenrou... A...and... Even though I healed it tonight, there's still a really big scar..." The worry and guilt quickly made its way into Wendy's expression as she said the words, and Hora's heart twisted a little, instantly able to tell where she was going with the inquiry.

She's afraid the injuries I had from North Wind were Jiemma's doing, after finding out I helped Fairy Tail

"No that wasn't from him." Hora told the young Dragon Slayer softly with a shake of her head, Wendy blinked. "Jiemma found out I helped find Tenrou almost immediately after you guys got back, not just recently. So all the injuries I got from him were healed and dealt with a long while ago." Hora explained softly, smiling faintly though it was more somber than she intended it to be. "So don't worry about that. This was from a Job I worked to disband a Dark Guild, and deal with a Demon of Zeref that I finished about a week and a half ago." She added, patting her stomach and where there was still a scar running across her abdomen- courtesy of the Demon, and her own burning of the wound closed. Which apparently couldn't be gotten rid of even by Wendy's Magic, not that Hora much minded.

Wendy, Carla, Happy and Lily's eyes went wide at the explanation though, all of them listening in on the Saber Wizard and their hearts jumping in shock. Natsu bit the inside of his cheek at the words, but he was unsurprised at the news- he had already known about it, after all, and that Hora had been 'banged up' pretty good. She'd told him so that first day she got back.

"D-Demon of Zeref...?!" Wendy, Carla and Happy alike stammered in shock,

"So it was you who defeated North Wind and Neveleous?"

Everyone's attention near the bar got diverted toward the new voice out of nowhere, all their eyes turning on Mirajane as she stopped behind Wendy- and had apparently moved up to their small group without any of them noticing it. Hora blinked in surprise at the white-haired woman and her question, a little taken aback that Mirajane seemed to know more about it than she should...?

Mirajane nodded a bit at the questioning look she received from Horatia, "Master Makarov received word that a member of SaberTooth had confronted North Wind alongside the Magic Council and had defeated the Demon of Zeref in their control, single-handedly." Mirajane explained, Hora sighed silently, oblivious or otherwise ignoring what astonished expressions rippled over everyone in earshot, she never took her eyes off Mirajane. "Erza, Master, Mavis and I all assumed that it had been Minerva who had completed that job, seeing as how she was described as SaberTooth's strongest member... I am a little surprised it was you instead." She added with a small, almost apologetic smile, but Hora didn't look at all surprised with the assumption.

"Eh? Of course it was Hora, she's a Devil Slayer. Minerva wouldn't stand a chance against something like that, she's nowhere near as good as Hora." Natsu cut in quickly, brow quirked at Mirajane and arms crossed over his chest. Hora blinked in surprise at his sudden interjection, casting him a quick glance and staring a little. He caught the look and grimaced slightly, "What's the face for? I'm right." He replied flatly, and Hora sighed as she smiled at him.

"... I'm just surprised by the sudden vote of confidence, Salamander." Hora replied quietly, "It's appreciated of course, but you did doubt how well I could handle one little North Wind guy on my own back in Jeheil..." She pointed out, and he bristled.

"I told you it wasn't like that, Hora..!" He replied shortly, and she chuckled a bit.

"I know, I'm just teasing." she hummed softly, he huffed a little, his cheeks puffing up in agitation.

"I-I'm sorry, but what...?" Carla stammered breathlessly, pulling Hora's attention back and earning the SaberTooth Mage's dark blue eyes. "Did I hear that correctly? You defeated a Demon of Zeref all on your own...?" she asked quickly, and Hora nodded.

"Yeah." she mumbled softly, "And I get why you'd thought it was Minerva, she was out on a Job too, but North Wind was my Mission, not hers." Hora explained with a glance toward Mirajane. "But Salamander makes a good point, I am a Devil Slayer, so slaying Demons is pretty much what I'm meant to be good at..." She added, almost in exasperation as she trailed off a bit and everyone else blinked. "... Grant you I was pretty surprised I managed it at all, I've not really proved the whole Demon Slaying thing true before..." She grumbled, her heart twisting as her eyes fell slightly.

... Right... Because I was supposed to deal with Del... with Deliora... And I... Shit...

She shook her head at herself hotly, grumbling under her breath a few things no one caught.

"Ah... so it's fine to doubt it was me over Minerva." Hora mumbled, redirecting a bit. "It would make sense, since none of you really know me or what I can do... and Devil Slayer is a bit of a misnomer over 'Demon Slayer', so it wouldn't be an automatic put together of two and two even if you did know before..." She trailed off again, realizing she was about to start rambling and hating herself for falling into it so quickly. Her eyes flicked from Mirajane and toward Wendy as she offered up a reassuring smile, "... and please don't worry about what happened with Jiemma after he found out I helped all of you, I healed up pretty well with Sherria's help..." Hora added softly, and Wendy blinked in surprise at the sudden mention of the Lamia girl, all of the others looked surprised as well.

"Sherria...?" Wendy and Happy echoed softly,

"You know her?" Natsu pressed instantly, Hora nodded.

"A little. Sting and Rogue brought me to her when I got pretty sick after the whole thing." Hora replied softly, and Natsu grimaced a little, his eyes flashing at the thought of pretty sick. An understatement he was sure, considering what Yukino had said had made it clear she almost died- but Hora didn't let him linger too long on it. "I was at Lamia for a few days, we talked a little before I left. I haven't seen her or anyone else in Lamia since then, though... you know, since I've been running around on the edge of Fiore's territory chasing North Wind and everything else." She shrugged slightly,

"... you've had a busy few months, hmm?" Lily asked lowly, Hora sighed.

"...yeah..." She mumbled,

"Hey, Hora..?" Happy spoke up quietly, she tilted her head at him.


"I was just thinking... if you've got a Lacrima thing in your chest like Laxus and Rogue and Sting, and Jiemma put that Possession Link thing on it and you... well..." Happy started uncertainly, his paws wringing around his tail pensively. "So, since Jiemma's... well, was... like a really, really bad guy... did he do the same thing to Sting and Rogue, as he did with you...? With the Possession Link thingy..?" He asked tentatively, his ears flicking in her direction.

"I wondered that myself." Carla pointed out lowly, and she earned a few nods from the people listening and Hora stared slightly.

Rufus, Orga and everyone else had asked that too, after finding out... but... I...

"... uh... no..." Hora replied slowly, "... I put a Spell on them... so he couldn't... do that..." Her face fell as her words faded into nothing, her attention clearly not on the Fairy Tailers now and her mouth having been running before her thoughts had really clicked together all the way- and then they did, and her eyes flashed as she stiffened and her heart skipped a beat.

Oh my god

Her hands clapped together in front of her, her index fingers pressing against her nose as she sucked in a sharp breath of air, frowning as her heart sped up in panic and shock.

Did I seriously...?!

'You did.' Lixue answered with the utmost ease, and she bristled further at the reply.

I'm a fucking idiot!

"Hora, are you okay..?" Wendy asked slowly, her head tilting in confusion. Hora hissed, pulling her hands apart and quickly standing up from her stool, startling everyone near her with the sudden action.

"I'm fine, sorry, I just-" Hora replied quickly, pushing the stool back under the bar and looking passed Wendy and everyone in their small group as she scanned the immediate area for... for an open space...

"Oi, you ain't goin' anywhere." Natsu growled lowly, immediately moving to put himself in her way and she frowned.

"I'm not leaving, Salamander." She grumbled, waving a hand at him dismissively and easily slipping passed him before he could really get in her path.

"Then what the hell are you doing?" He asked without skipping a beat, "And why are you so freaked out so suddenly?" He grumbled, and she sighed, running her hand through her bangs as she softly stepped passed Mirajane and brought herself to a standstill in the small, clear and open space of floor just beside the corner of the bar, and the wall. Everyone in their small group (and not part of the battle-strategy over with Mavis) turned in her direction, eyes narrowed and curious. Natsu took a few steps after Hora, bringing himself level with Mira and Wendy, and was about to take a few more to get closer- but Hora's quick waving of her hand at him caused him to halt.

"Sorry, but stay there, alright...?" Hora said quickly, "I need some space real quick. I'm not doing anything dangerous or whatever, but I do need to do this while there's a break... I should have done this the minute the Possession Link got broken, but, well... I had other things on my mind, and have had other things on my mind, but now I remembered because of Happy's question-" She explained quickly, her hands falling slightly and her eyes dropping to the floor even as she talked and they all blinked, not following. And Hora was paying more attention on the floor than she was on really elaborating on what had her suddenly a little flighty, and rushing, and what she needed space for.

She spun in a small circle, slowly, her blue eyes tracing across the floorboards as she did, musing to herself for a moment as they let her be- and then Natsu huffed.

"What are you doing?" He asked again, his tone slightly more agitated and Hora stiffened, faltering in her tightly spun circle and casting a glance over her shoulder at him.

"Oh, uh... A Spell." Hora mumbled in reply, and rather lamely at that, and he quirked a brow.

"Hora, do you think it's a good idea to use Magic after what happened tonight..?" Wendy interjected quickly, her worry flaring anew and Hora caught her glittering brown eyes. Hora paused a moment, biting the inside of her cheek before shaking her head a little.

"... I'll be fine... It's not a terribly big spell in terms of Magic Energy, it's just complicated..." Hora replied slowly, Wendy looked not at all reassured, and Hora sighed. "Really, I'll be okay. I feel fine, considering everything, and it's not like I'm gonna be able to avoid using Magic if I plan to help you guys get Lucy and Yukino back." She pointed out, and the Fairy Tailers exchanged quick glances at that. She smiled a bit, "Plus I still have a long while to go before I really hit a wall, so don't worry, kay?"

"... if... if you're sure..." Wendy mumbled, Hora gave her a slightly appreciative smile.

"Completely sure." Hora replied easily, her eyes breaking from Wendy and back to the floor.

That being said... Are you actually good, Lixue?

'Hmm... for this? Yes... but don't be shocked if it's harder than you remember.' Lixue replied lowly, and she bit the inside of her cheek at it.

"What Spell are you planning to cast?" Mirajane asked,

"The same one that I put on Sting and Rogue, and the Lacrima in them-" Hora mumbled, her eyes not finding the woman, nor anyone else for that matter. "-which is why I should have done it earlier... I can't believe I ran off to the Inn to face Jiemma and Minerva without placing the Ward on Lixue... I'm fucking stupid..." She grumbled next, nearly all to herself as she made one more circle, and then stopped moving, her hands falling on her hips and her eyes dropping closed. "...mmm... If I accidentally burn the floor, I'll pay the owner for the damages... so sorry in advance, I'll do my best to... not." She sighed, casting the comment toward the watching group of Fairy Tailers.

Hora took in a long, slow breath and blew it out again, her hands raising off her hips and holding her hands out on either side of her, index fingers extended.

The Black Markings stretched up quickly along her arm and up to her shoulders, spinning and twisting as golden-red flame suddenly sparked to life at her fingertips. Her hands moved as she started tracing runes in air in little lines of fire, and simultaneously turned round in another slow, tight-knit circle with her left foot extended and dragging across the floor to leave a trail of smokey black and gold across the hardwood. She made one full turn before stopping again, standing in the middle of the circle she had just drawn, eyes still closed. Her hands stalled, her drawing of the runes in air before her coming to a close as her hands fell halfway and her palms remained flat and open to the ceiling.

"... Bind in steel, and iron cold..." Hora mumbled under her breath, her words wispy and so low she could scarcely be heard. "... Unbreakable locks, and chains unbendable... Unseen to the eye, unable to touch... Steadfast and unyielding, an impossible wall..."

As she spoke those soft words the runes she had given life and burned like single golden fires in air, they began to flicker and spark with more fervor. The golden-red turned utterly gold, and continued to burn brighter and brighter until it became bright white- all in tandem with Hora repeating those firsts lines of phrases over again once, and then twice.

After the third iteration she brought her palms up, her fingertips brushing against the runes directly in front of her as they shift under the contact, and slowly the runes circling around her started to bend and move inward toward Hora's chest and back. The black markings swirling over her shoulders spread down her other arm next, swimming across her skin in constant motion. That circle of ash and ember she had drawn on the floor sprung up in gold flame about two feet high- giving off a distinct warmth, but it was almost calm and gentle, in a way. Her hands raised up in front of her, fingers extended and each of her fingertips touching the other lightly, palms apart.

"... I write and carve these things into the soul, the essence of an object not meant to be controlled..." She mumbled softly, chanting almost as she recanted the verses of the Spell with the utmost calm and concentration, and the looking Fairy Tailers stood by in near awe. "... Inscribe these things in the very essence, so deep, so strong... so nothing may take hold... to never be controlled, to never be owned... to never let hands unwanted rule what they do not have right to possess."

The fire flickering at her feet wavered, the blinding gold color shifting to a near icy blue and white for a few seconds as the runes stuck to Hora's arms and skin, glowing brightly as the Saber Wizard's words cut off, and she seemed to suck in a sharp breath of air. Her recanting of the Spell and it's verses died altogether, and she stood there in the center of that flaming circle in the utmost silence and stillness. She didn't seem to breathe as she stood there, the runes glowing across her skin and remaining beacons even among the swirling black markings that tried to swallow them whole, but never actually managed it... at least not for about three or four minutes.

The longer Hora stood there in silence, the brighter the flames at her feet seemed to rise, wavering and licking at her body, but it was quickly growing colder- whatever heat the flame was meant to have was fading. And it was fading in tandem with the glow of the Runes stuck to her skin, dimming as the minutes ticked by and they almost seemed to sink in through her skin, down to muscle and bone, and then deeper until they could no longer be seen. Hora felt them though, bright and so hot they were cold, heavy and solid as they latched on to her, chaining themselves to her core and forming a protective layer across that stone in her chest.

And shit it hurt

She bit down on the inside of both her cheeks, her muscles going stiff and her eyes scrunching closed against the bright, fiery stinging sensation that erupted through her core and radiated through every inch of her. Where the runes had seeped in through her skin, her flesh, muscle and bone all felt like they were burning- and it was an utterly unpleasant sensation she was all too familiar with.

But even apart from the pain and the discomfort, she felt herself straining to keep the Spell going, and all the way to the end. It was hell to keep her concentration on the damn thing, and keep it steady- and to keep her attention on delicately weaving those runes into the fabric of the Lacrima, and imprint them into the stone so deeply?

Holy shit... this is harder than it was last time... fuck...!

'... I warned you.' Lixue intoned dryly, though he sounded as uncomfortable as she felt.

She held her breath against it, her hands shaking as she kept her fingertips pressed together, and she could feel her knees shaking every once in awhile too.

... you're fine Hora... you can hold out to finish the Spell... you're fine...

She winced silently as the stinging, burning sensation in her chest reached a peak. Her hands split apart in an instant, swiping out on either side of her and head bowed a little, the markings along her arms swirled faster and the flames at her feet rose high enough to brush against her hands, but she didn't feel it.

"Link Ward: Set." She muttered lowly, a small Magic Circle appearing in front of her chest for a few seconds, and followed by the faint, far off sound of something locking shut, before it was gone. As the Magic Circle disappeared, the flames encircling her died off, sinking back into the floor and the circle of ash she'd drawn, before the ash itself faded altogether too, and left no trace behind.

Hora's hands pulled back in toward her center, letting out the breath she'd been holding for so long and her shoulders sinking out of their stiff posture. The Markings ceased their rapid swirling and retracted, moving back to her shoulders and then all the way down to her right wrist, and then they were gone too.

Her hand fell lightly on her chest as she leaned over a bit, her other hand falling on her knee as she propped herself up with it a little. She grimaced faintly, her breathing a little elevated now and feeling shaky too.

... Well... That wasn't fun... But... At least now, a Possession Link can't ever get placed on you again, Lixue... And honestly... Even wasting all that energy right now was worth it, if only to feel a little... Safer...

'... Indeed...'

Her hand fell away from her chest and to her other knee, sighing as she forced her slightly panting breaths to slow down again. She cracked her eyes open to look at the floor, only to see it swimming in her vision, and she swallowed at it.

... Though maybe for a little while now... I'll refrain from using a lot of Magic... Or using big Spells... I'm a little too dizzy after that...

"Are you alright, Hora?" Wendy asked quietly, Hora could hear the small Dragon Slayer's feet on the floor as she took a few steps closer- a second pair of feet told her that Natsu had come a little closer too.

Hora nodded a little, cracking one eye open and casting the small Dragon Slayer a weary smile.

"Yeah, I'm good." She murmured, straightening up a little, though her hands stayed on her thighs. "... Honestly I just feel better having the ward put up, so its worth however hard the Spell was..." She mumbled, and Wendy nodded slightly.

"I suppose it would." Pantherlily murmured lowly from his space on the bartop, Hora's smile faded a little at the comment, though only a little. She nodded a bit and sighed, her shoulders sagging slightly.

"Where did you learn a Spell like that, Hora?" Wendy asked softly, her head tilting in intrigue.

"Hmm...?" Hora hummed a little, glancing toward the girl. "Oh, I found it in an old book at the Grand Magic Library a few years back." She explained, "... I spent a lot of time moving between libraries and archives all over Fiore, trying to learn everything I could about Possession Links and how to break them, if I could." she mumbled, shrugging slightly. "... Never did find a way to break them, but I did find a way to keep an item from having a Link placed on it in the first place. It was too late for me by the time I learned it, but it helped with Sting and Rogue. As soon as they decided to join the Guild, I made sure to put a ward on them both..." She told the bluenette softly, and Wendy nodded a little.

"They're lucky to have you as a friend Hora." Wendy smiled gently, "It must really comfort them, to know they have someone who cares about them as much as you do." Hora blinked, her smile fading almost all the way now.

I'm not sure they'll feel that way, after finding out like they did... None of this is...

She looked away, and she couldn't bring herself to give Wendy any sort of reply, especially not when her stomach lurched and her heart twisted at the thought of how angry Sting had been.

... I don't know if any of them can forgive me for any of it... I've just screwed up so badly...

She bit the inside of her cheek, her eyes falling to the floor as her fingernails dug into her knees a little.

Damn me

"...ah.. Speaking of friends." Hora murmured, shaking her head at herself and straightening up all the way, her hands falling on her hips away she cast Natsu a look. "How you feeling, Salamander?" She asked softly and he blinked, his eyes narrowing at her.

"... Fine." he grumbled slowly, and Hora raised a brow.

"You sure?" She asked and he frowned, "Stomach's not killin' you, Flame-Brain?"

"I'm fine." He huffed slightly, looking away from her rather pointedly as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Tch... I told you, I can eat whatever fire I want, yours ain't any different... worry about yourself." He muttered hotly and Hora smiled sadly at him.

He still looked pretty shitty, by the way- pale and subdued in his behavior (despite his agitation). He clearly didn't feel very good, and every once in awhile she swore she saw him sway, or cringe slightly like his stomach was hurting him. And he was quiet, and he was hiding it well, but... Well, she could just tell.

Experience maybe

"... Hmm... Stubborn as hell, huh...?" She mumbled, and he stiffened a little at the comment, especially when a few of the others smiled in amusement. "... Fine, I'll drop it for now... Maybe we can talk about the plan, then?" Hora suggested, her eyes finding Mirajane next. "I realize that's what Mavis is good at, but it'll help to talk things out between ourselves." Mira nodded,

"Alright, I suppose it would do us good to start talking it through." the white-haired woman agreed, shifting slightly to the side and gesturing with her hand back to the bar with a gentle smile. "Maybe you should have a seat?" She suggested gently, smiling a little more as she cast Natsu a look. "Maybe you should sit down too, Natsu." She added, and the pinkette grimaced, his eye twitching.

"I said I'm fi-" he started hotly, but cut off as Hora stepped forward and linked her arm through one of his, easily pulling him around and up toward the bar. He stumbled slightly in surprise, eyes widening as Hora silently lead him up to a stool, and then easily unhooked her arm from his, and let her hands fall on his shoulders.

"Sit, Salamander." She ordered softly, her hands putting pressure on his shoulders as she somewhat forced him to sit down, and he huffed. Her hands retracted and his fell to rest on the stool between his legs, shoulders hunching and almost pouting as he watched Hora take a seat on the stool beside him. Wendy took a seat on Hora's other side, and the Exceeds settled down on the bartop again as Mira rounded the bar to the other side. Their small group huddled together a bit, their attention on Mavis and everyone else behind them fading into nothing.

Hora crossed her arms on top of the counter, leaning against them. "So first thing first I suppose, does anyone know where exactly Yukino and Lucy have been taken?" She asked softly,

"The prison in the castle." Natsu deadpanned immediately, and Hora sighed.

"... Well I figured that, but the castle and it's jail are probably pretty huge." Hora told him, "Personally, I don't have any good idea of what that place looks like on the inside, I've never been there, so I wouldn't have a clue where to go in terms of looking for them."

"What's that matter? We can just follow their scent." He replied instantly and Hora sighed, again.

"... as sure-proof as our noses are, Salamander, what happens if we get separated? And some of us are left without anyone who can sniff their way around?" Hora pointed out lowly, and he grimaced a bit. "And besides, this is supposed to be a stealth mission. It'll go smoother if we have a general idea of what the place is like on the inside, and it'll help even more to know which end of Mercurius to be looking in."

"That is true." PantherLily agreed with a nod of his head, "Though we have little experience with the inner workings of the palace ourselves, and with it being so heavily guarded, getting any information will be a challenge."

"Yes, and all the King's men and army will be on high alert for anyone in Fairy Tail to be snooping around." Carla murmured lowly, "So even if we wanted to, we can't be sticking our noses around the palace before the plan actually begins, lest we risk setting Darton off."

"And all of that is overlooking how we plan to get in. It won't be like we can just walk in..." Wendy mumbled softly, Hora grimaced slightly, her eyes falling to the bar counter.

"Normally I would use my Transformation Magic to fool the guards." Mirajane piped in, "I had thought about posing as one of the king's men, and pretending I had arrested Natsu and Wendy sneaking around the borders... though it would be hard to keep a handle on the rest of you all by myself, without making it look suspicious." She added with a nod of her head toward the Exceeds and toward Hora, who glanced up at the white-haired woman curiously.

"That's too bad, that might have worked.." Wendy sighed, and Hora's eyes narrowed a bit.

"... well... it might still work..." Hora mumbled softly, earning blinks of question from the Fairy Tailers. Hora unhooked her arms and brought her hands up, her fingertips on each hand lightly pressing together and palms remaining apart as she drew her hands in. Her touching index fingers lightly rest against her nose, while her thumbs rest against her chin- the odd and somewhat unique gesture from earlier making a reappearance, though none of them paid it much mind this time around.

Hora's eyes dropped closed as she hummed under her breath for a minute, thinking to herself for a few moments, before she went on. "... It's not a bad idea, and I think it would work- and you are right. Even if you were to say you arrested me too, and hid the Exceeds in your coat or something, three prisoners for one guard would be suspicious. And still you wouldn't really know where you were going, or where the jail is, and that would be suspicious too... but..." She bit the inside of her cheek, "... maybe if there were two guards..."

"Two?" Wendy hummed,

"Do you know Transformation Magic too?" Happy asked, and Hora sighed.

"No, but the way I'm thinking, we wouldn't need someone else who used it." Hora replied,

I mean he probably would help if I asked, right? It's not like he would be directly involved in anything the King's army is doing, right...?

... at the same time, I would hate to get him in trouble... but the situation kinda calls for drastic measures...

... I hope he's still in Crocus, then...

"... so the plan is to get in, get Yukino and Lucy, and get back out again without causing a riot..." Hora hummed softly, "... hard to do with throwing Magic around and storming the gates, and harder if we don't know the layout of the land... but if we were let in without causing suspicion, and had a better idea of where we were going... the rescue thing might not be a huge mess..."

... and honestly, the less fighting we- and I- have to do in all this, the better in the long run...

"What are you thinking?" PantherLily asked, and Hora glanced up, her hands pulling away from her face.

"Well in terms of getting a better layout of the palace, I can probably send some birds to do a little spying." Hora murmured, Lily's head tilted at the statement, but Hora didn't pause. "And I might have a friend who can help us actually get passed the guards and into the jail itself, and Mirajane's plan for that would work well with his help... I think." Hora sighed a bit and her hand lift, reaching left in air as a Magic Circle appeared before her hand, and she stuck her hand through the center of it, digging around.

"Birds...?" Mirajane and Lily mumbled, Wendy and Carla cast unsure looks between each other.

"Those things are pretty bright ya know, and it's dark outside. Don't you think the guys at the palace are gonna notice them flying around?" Natsu mumbled beside her, and Hora glanced his way, though her digging around in the Magic Circle didn't cease. "They're pretty much balls of fire. Even dumbasses won't miss them."

"These are gonna be different birds than the ones I used back in Jeheil." Hora replied with ease, her hand retracting from the Magic circle with a large stack of papers, and a few pens. "For one, they are actual birds, not just bits of flame. And I can change them to look like whatever I want Salamander, so I'm gonna make them as inconspicuous as possible. Don't worry about that bit."

"What if they get seen?" Happy asked,

"Well they aren't exactly something anyone in Fairy Tail is known for doing, so they won't assume it's you guys getting involved right off the bat." Hora told him, setting the papers and the pens down in front of her, the Magic Circle disappearing. "And if they get noticed, they'll just burn up. There won't be anything to track, or hold on to if they get caught either... they'll just disappear." She pulled the cap off one of the pens with her teeth and stacked the papers up a bit more neatly in front of her. "... grant you, at least one of 'um is gonna have to make it back, in order to get any info... but I'm sure one of 'um will." She mumbled around the cap, "So I'll send 'um to try and get a better look at the layout of Mercurius, and send one to ask for help with the gettin' in... but it's gonna take me a little while to draw 'um all..." She mumbled, her hand raising to take the cap out from between her teeth.

"And who is this friend?" Mirajane asked,

"He's from the Magic Council." She murmured, and immediately the Fairy Tailers stiffened, which was not much a surprise given Fairy Tail's relationship with them. She smiled slightly, "He's a good kid though, you don't have to worry about him causing trouble. And I'm sure he'll be happy to help out."

"... well, I suppose if you think he'll be of help.." Carla sighed, Hora smiled a bit more, but let it be. Her attention turned to the papers on the bar in front of her, and she adjusted the pen between her fingers.

Her pen hit the paper as she started into making quick, deliberate strokes across the paper, shaping an outline and filling in the ink. Swirling, intricate designs painted across the paper and the shape that was less shape than a blob, but would quickly become less so. The Fairy Tailers around her leaned in a little, watching her work with intrigue, and she did her best to ignore it.

"... Hora, did you make that paper bird that came to see Lucy in the Infirmary?" Wendy asked suddenly, Hora glanced her way in slight surprise, her pen stalling for a minute.

"Uh... you were there..?" Hora asked slowly, Wendy and Carla both nodded a little, though they looked a little more surprised by the admission.

"Yes." Wendy hummed, "Lucy wouldn't tell us who it was from at the time, but I suppose I do remember it having your scent on it... it was a really interesting little creature, I'd never seen anything like it." She smiled softly, "Your Magic is really amazing, Hora, it seems like it can do so many things...!"

Hora blushed a little nervously, her eyes darting away from Wendy as her pen hovered over the paper a bit.

"And these birds you're drawing are very pretty too!" The little Dragon Slayer hummed pleasantly, and Hora felt her face heat up a bit more. She was reminded instantly of the compliments that she had received from Sherria back in Lamia Scale, and she grumbled internally at the praise that made her feel more flustered than she would like to admit.

"... Ah, thanks..." She mumbled slowly, Wendy nodded. Hora forced her hand to move the pen back down so the tip of it could hit the paper once more, determined to lose herself in her drawing and manage to not be so very aware of all of them leaning in and watching her do it.

... Mmmm... this is weird... They're all staring...

She bit the inside of her cheek, grumbling internally and hating the way she felt so damned flustered.

... I wish they would stop...

She kept her mouth shut though, quickly getting through the papers and finishing each illustration one by one until she was done- and had about a dozen stacked on the counter in front of her. She set the pen down and picked the papers up in hand, still doing her best to ignore the watchful eyes of the Fairies around her, and not let how flustered she felt show outwardly.

She paused for a moment, her eyes trailing to Natsu and Wendy leaning in close on either side of her, and sighing silently.

"Okay, I'm gonna send them out now, alright...?" She mumbled, and the Fairies blinked, before nodding slightly.

"Alright." Was the collective murmur, and Wendy and Natsu seemed to take the hint to back up, at least a little. Hora sighed again and let her eyes drop closed, one hand lifting with the papers between her fingers and the other falling into her lap. She lift the papers up a bit in front of her, gold pulsing into the paper from her fingertips and instantly setting the stack alight in bright, warm flame. She held to the stack for no more than a second more, before tossing them all up into the air above their heads rather nonchalantly. The papers separated, cascading in air like a shower of smoldering flame as the paper got eaten up- but the illustrations remained unharmed, the fire spreading along the wings and the paper suddenly puffing up into something no longer two dimensional.

They never hit the floor, instead they floated above the bar, wings flapping and bits of ember and fire falling like gentle snow underneath the 12 small, now suddenly very much alive birds, fire dancing along their illustrated, black and white bodies. They all chirped a little, their attention on Hora and not on the band of Fairy Tailers looking up at them with the utmost awe, their eyes reflecting the brilliant red and gold color of the flames.

"Hello Miss!" They all chirped in unison, Hora smiled slightly.

"Hello Drille, Pilli, Fille, Kaille, Jelli, Reille, Erelle, Anilli, Vylle, Belle, Nalli, and Seylle." Hora hummed, nodding to each bird and talking to it directly as she recanted all their names with the utmost ease, and each bird nodded back when addressed. The Fairy Tailers around her blinked at all the names, casting Hora somewhat surprised, and somewhat amused looks, though Hora never saw them.

"What can we do for you today, Miss?" Drille chirped brightly,

"I have a mission for all of you- a bit of reconnaissance of the Mercurius Palace." Hora explained, "Lucy and Yukino have been captured and are being held prisoner. I need you to got to the Palace and look for them- figure out the layout of the entire area, and see if you can pin down where they both are to as small a distance as possible." The birds all nodded affirmatively, and Hora lift a finger, holding it up in air and her smile fading. "Be as thorough as you can, and make sure not to get seen or caught. We can't alert the Palace Guards or the army to what we are doing- the instant you think someone sees you, or you get cornered- burn up, got it?" Another stiff nod from the little creatures and Hora nodded back, her dark blue eyes flashing. "Good. This is a Maximum Stealth Mode mission, do your best!" She told them firmly, and the bird's chirped, their little wings flapping a little faster.

"Of course Miss! We won't let you down!" They replied in unison, their wings seeming to find a sudden unison too as the flames giving them life suddenly flashed- the brilliant gold and red quickly washed away as the fire took on a color so utterly, deeply black in color... a pitch ebony hue that even seemed to seep into the white bits left alone in the paper, turning them all a darker hue that none of the Fairy Tailer's had expected paper or fire to be capable of.

"Maximum Stealth Mode, activated!"

Hora nodded, her eyes flashing as she tilted her head to the door. "Head out." She ordered softly and the birds all turned tail and streamed out the front door and window with little a word and even little a sound, the noise of their wings seemed to dampen in conjunction with their color shift. Hora cast a glance to the door, letting out a small breath and her hands folding in her lap.

... be careful...

"... Hora, your Magic is so amazing!"

Hora stiffened at Wendy's voice, her attention turning from the door and toward the little Dragon Slayer, blinking to see the wide smile on the girl's face, and seeing the enthusiasm in the Sky Dragon mirrored in Happy almost tenfold.

"Seriously, how many Magic's can you use, Atia..?!" Happy mewed, his tail wagging back and forth. "You're a Devil Slayer, but you use Picto Magic too!"

"And you can use all sorts of other Spells too, like the one for the Ward, and the one that put Natsu-san to sleep earlier!" Wendy intoned brightly,

"Uh..." Hora mumbled, a little taken aback by... well, the excitement.

"I knew you were super good with Magic, but I didn't know how good!" Happy trilled,

"You are such a strong Wizard!" Wendy beamed, Hora felt her face heat up again, her stomach and nerves lurching. "And your Magic is so powerful, and versatile! It's incredible!"

"Is there anything you can't do?!" Happy asked, and Hora felt her face burn brighter than ever.

"W-Wait, it's really not... I'm not r-really anything special, or anything...!" She stammered quickly, waving her hands a bit in front of her. "I-I'm not using all that many different Magics at all...! All of the birds are j-just... I make them with my Devil Slayer Magic, really... I've just a-altered it a little, to make m-my own special version of P-Picto-Magic out of it...!" She explained quickly, though she honestly felt it was a terrible explanation. "P-plus the Ward Spell is just a random Spell...! Most every Wizards know a few random Spells, ya know...?" She tapped her fingers together a bit nervously, her eyes falling on them and not on everyone else. "B-besides, I'm not that strong o-or impressive or anything... a lot of what I do is just... luck and stubbornness, more than actual skill or anything..."

"I think you give yourself too little credit." Mirajane hummed pleasantly, and Hora bit the inside of her cheek.

"Indeed. You did defeat a Demon of Zeref on your own." Lily intoned with a small smirk, Hora's head dropped a bit shyly.

"...I... yeah... I guess.. but..." Hora mumbled under her breath, her words fading into nothing as she bit the inside of both cheeks.

... that whole thing was just unending stubborness on my part, and probably no small amount of luck too...

'... perhaps, though they do have a point. Few Wizards are capable of the feats you can accomplish with relative ease.' Lixue intoned quietly, and Hora growled a little.

I guess... but how impressive can I really be when I've been little but a slave for the last ten years...?

'... that is unrelated in this case.'

Hmph, if you say so...

"You are far too modest for your own good." Carla interjected on Hora's thoughts, and the Saber woman looked up cautiously, still a little flushed. "Your actions against that Demon aside, let's not forget what happened tonight. You were in danger of losing your life when we found you, and despite what injury you earned from Jiemma's actions- you are running around and using Magic and you are doing so with what seems little issue." The Exceed huffed, and Hora blinked. "You nearly died tonight, and yet you are carrying on as if you are fine, putting the best interests of your Guild and your friends first and doing everything you can to make things right. You are here planning to rescue your friends, and you intend to participate in that rescue tomorrow morning alongside us- and just now you've already implemented a plan to gather more information to help with that venture." Her tail flicked a bit irritably behind her, her paws crossing over her chest. "Honestly, you should scarcely be able to move right now, let alone be doing all you are- and that is more a testament to how strong you are than anything else. And a testament that tells you are, indeed, incredibly strong." Her words earned nods from everyone else, and Hora paused, her eyes dropping slightly.

'She has a point.' Lixue murmured softly, 'Most people would have not survived any of what happened tonight, and near no one could keep on like this... you do not realize how strong you are... tedious, as I thought you had earned a bit more confidence these last few months...'

"She's right, ya know." Natsu murmured beside her, and Hora glanced his way, her eyes glittering. "All the stuff you've done and pulled through, and all the fight's ya won too, not all of that is just luck or whatever else. What's gotten you through everything is all you- and you're strong as hell." He murmured, smiling just slightly. "Even with a fire in your belly, it won't mean much unless you're capable of staying standing... and you definitely are, you've proved that today and a bunch of times before now."

Hora let out a small breath, her eyes flashing as she looked away from him and her shoulders sank a little. "... maybe you're right.." She hummed, and he huffed.

"Of course I'm right!" He replied instantly, and Hora shrugged.

"I dunno, you say some pretty stupid shit sometimes, Salamander." She quipped with ease, and his teeth grit a bit. Hora smiled softly though, her eyes opening as she cast him a glance, her expression nothing but calm and... appreciative too, and his irritation at the comment cut off in an instant.

"But sometimes you do say exactly the right thing." She hummed softly, her eyes glittering as he paused, his face falling slack.


"H-huh..?" He stammered, looking entirely unsure on what to do when he saw the tears falling from her eyes. His eyes flashed, his hands moving up slightly as he stumbled for something to say or do. "W-what? What did I say? I wasn't tryin' to-!"

He went rigid, Hora head falling as her arm moved out toward him, her fist lightly pressing against his chest as she stood in stillness, he blinked rapidly, unsure what the gesture was or what it even meant.

She lightly tapped her fist against his chest, ever so softly as she shook her head, her eyes moving back up toward him as she smiled, her tears having already come to a halt.

"... you didn't say anything wrong, Salamander." She said softly, her eyes glinting. He blinked, sweatdropping. "... It's just... no one's ever separated who I was from what my Magic is... I've never... but in your own weird way... You said everything right."


He bit the inside of his cheek a little, sighing as the memory faded away and he nodded a bit, offering up a small weary smile, and she smiled a bit more, nodding back to him.

Wendy, Happy, Carla, Lily and Mirajane exchanged glanced between themselves and the two Fire-Users, smiling slightly to themselves but not really sure what the look they'd shared really meant.

"So, now... while we wait on them to get back, wanna keep on with the planning?" Hora hummed, turning to the rest of them and calm returning to her expression in near no time at all. The Fairies nodded, huddling together again as they began to quietly talk amongst themselves- and Hora entirely unaware of the sidelong glance she earned from a certain Ice Mage on the other side of the room.

His attention on the battle strategy with Mavis had faded for a minute, momentarily distracted from their battle strategy when Hora sent the Firebirds alight and then sent them out. He'd been listening long enough to hear what orders the Saber woman gave to those strange little birds, and what she called them... and Mavis' voice was a low drone as he narrowed his eyes at the strange woman's back, though he did little but look at her from the corner of his eye. Juvia noticed his diverted attention though, and she frowned a little.

They both noticed it of course, in some way... the way that Saber woman's eyes lingered too long or kept flicking back on end, and how tense she was- though neither of them really knew why. But what caught Juvia's attention now was the fact that Gray had looked toward her this time and kept his eyes there, instead of the opposite.

Something was a little off... but what?

Gray grumbled a bit, huffing under his breath and his arms crossed over his chest as he looked away again, and Juvia's eyes glittered as she looked at him in silence.

Was it distrust? It wouldn't be unwarranted, SaberTooth did not sit well with them, even after what they had learned... and maybe that was part of it.

But there was something else... Something that just... Irked him about her, and he couldn't place what it was. And the not knowing made him distrust her and anything having to do with her all the more.

... What is this...? That I'm feeling...?

... tch... Something about her... it puts me on edge... I don't like it.


"... alright, are you planning on returning tonight?"

"Yeah just... not quite yet, I think there's a few things to wrap up before I come back... you guys don't need to wait up on me, you gotta get some sleep for tomorrow. It's already pretty late..."

"We will, but we wanted to be sure you were alright... how are you feeling, Horatia?"

"I'm good... I mean mostly, I'm tired now that things have winded down but... I really am fine. I don't feel terrible or anything..."

... well, maybe a little, but-

"... Is... Rogue still clocked out?"

"Yes, and that's probably for the best."

"Yeah... how is everyone else...?"

"They are fine, Frosch is asleep and Orga has been quiet-"

"- I'm fine, Hora. Don't sweat it about me, you got your own stuff to worry over."

"... right... alright... and... Sting...?"

"... he was here a little while ago, though he left soon after he finished listening to you explain what your plan for tomorrow is... And I do not believe he intends to come back into the room anytime soon either..."

"...O...oh... yeah... I... I get it... that... that's fine..."

"... Apologies, Horatia."

"N..No... it's okay... I... I'll be back soon... please get some rest, both of you."

Hora's eyes glittered, her lips pulling into a tight line and her head falling back against the wall, her knees bent and her elbows on top of them as she held her Calling Card lightly in her hands. She was sitting on the floor, underneath the lip of the bar and leaning against the bottom of it- the stool that had previously been in her place having been pushed aside. The overhang of the bar itself over her head blocked out the overhead lights in the building, which eased the headache she had and the sting of the lights on her eyes... and she felt a bit more out of sight in the small space, which helped even more against the tenseness that had never gone away, and that nagging, unpleasant sensation of knowing the Fairy Tailers always had their eyes and attention on her in some way.

And she honestly hated being the center of attention- and even just being in their attention when they were talking was uncomfortable too... she felt she'd relaxed a bit since first showing up, but she was still in a building full of people she was a stranger too, and she never forgot it. So when a lull came in, and the discussions faded into little but nothing, and Drille came back with a report on the findings- they had a better idea of what the Palace looked like, where Lucy and Yukino were being held, and Ira had agreed to help... so they had a plan laid out for tomorrow at last, and it was high time she updated everyone back at the Guild- seeing as how several hours had gone by already. So she'd tucked herself away under the bar and pulled the Calling Card out, and the conversation that had gone on had been between herself and Rufus... and only Rufus (spare what few times Orga popped in with a question, here and there...).

But the whole call had been sorely lacking a certain blonde Dragon Slayer, and her heart clenched painfully in her chest.

... he... he didn't even say a word to me... or look at the Card, or ask any questions... and he left without...

Her hold on the Card tightened, and she felt her heart twist painfully in her chest, a stinging sensation pricking at the back of her eyes as she stared at it's black screen-face.

... he... doesn't even want to... S.. Shit...

She shut her eyes quickly, her hands folding and enough so the screen-face tilted down and she would no longer be able to see it, even if she was looking.

The memory of a few hours ago flooded her mind, the way she'd spilled everything to them in the room, about her Magic, about what happened when she was a kid, about the Possession Link... about how angry he'd gotten, the rage that had ignited in him and the steely glare he'd settled on her, fury in those eyes and.. and...

... c.. crap... he...

Her stomach knotted, her chest tightening as she sucked in a sharp, shallow breath of air that was much too shaky for her liking... but shit.

Her pulled her legs in further, her head bowing as she rest her forehead against her knees.

"... Hey, you okay?"

Hora stiffened, her thoughts and her emotions slamming to a halt as she glanced up slowly, her dark blue eyes finding a familiar pinkette in front of her, crouched down on the balls of his feet and elbows on his knees. His face pulled slightly, concerned, tired, and questioning all at once as he tilted his head at her. She blinked at him, still holding her breath and her eyes glittering. She hadn't even heard him come closer or know he was there until he said something, and she saw his face twist a little in worry when their eyes met, and she hated herself for how obvious her emotions were just then.

Her eyes dropped from him as she pulled her arms in and off her knees, crossing them over her stomach and nodding a little. "Yeah... I'm..." She started, her voice trailing off as Natsu grimaced slightly at how her voice died so quickly, and her conviction seemed to die just as fast. His mouth dropped open to say something, but he never actually got that far-

"Hey." A gruff voice interrupted behind him, causing Natsu and Hora to jump- Hora felt her heart sink and suddenly run a hundred miles an hour all at once.

She felt a shiver run up her spine, setting her on edge and her eyes snapping up and open wide as her attention darted straight passed Natsu in front of her, and toward the person standing behind the pinkette- and again, she hadn't heard him approaching at all until he said something, and with such an edge to his voice too.

She recoiled without meaning to, though already being pressed against the wall of the bar, she hadn't much room to really move at all. Her hands around her Calling Card got all the tighter though, bending the edges of it without noticing nor really caring- her dark blue eyes locked with his own eyes of the exact same hue, and she felt she forgot how to breathe.

Natsu blinked, a bead of sweat falling down his jaw and eyes narrowing at the instant way in which Hora seemed to tense up- like a lot... she looked almost...?

He bit the inside of his cheek, his eyes trailing from Hora and toward Gray where the Ice Wizard had stopped just behind him and interrupted what he'd been about to say. And he saw the way Gray's eyes narrowed too, his lips pulled into a tight line and shoulders rigid as he crossed his arms over his chest tightly, looking wary... Gray noticed Hora's sudden tenseness too, and it wasn't the first time either.

But again, why?

Gray grumbled under his breath, his jaw clenching slightly as he let out an agitated huff and shook his head a little at the look he earned from the Saber Woman, but he ignored it for now.

"That thing you did earlier." Gray muttered lowly, and Hora blinked, rigid in place and fixed. "When you were on the floor, with your hands and you started... thinking or whatever." He elaborated a bit when he noticed the otherwise blank stare he was getting, and Hora blinked several times in surprise when she realized what he was referencing.

... Hora frowned, her eyes dropping closed as she pushed herself up a bit and adjusted to sit cross-legged on the floor instead of on her heels as she had been. Her elbows met her knees as she bent her head a bit, her hands moving up as her fingertips on each hand lightly pressing together and palms remaining apart as she drew her hands in. Her touching index fingers lightly rest against her nose, while her thumbs rest against her chin, silent in the odd, and yet somewhat unique gesture as a silence seemed to fall over the Saber Wizard as she fell into her own head. The Fairy Tailers all around her blinked at the action, confused as to what it was and why she seemed to be thinking so intently out of nowhere- not that any of them interrupted, mind you...

"What the hell is that?" Gray went on, and Hora paused, her head tilting.

"Uhm... I... don't... know...?" She started slowly, her voice quiet and a little shaky as she grimaced a bit, her heart pounding in her chest and her thoughts racing now. And without realizing her hands were doing it, they slowly moved back into that same odd posture- her Calling Card lightly between her palms and her eyes glittering, her fingertips tapping lightly together as she glanced away from him and down at her hands in her lap. "... it's... just something I do... I guess...?"

But what... why was he asking that, all of a sudden? She couldn't think of why, it didn't make any sense... it was just something she did, without thinking about it.

Gray hissed, looking a little annoyed with the answer. "Was it something you came up with, or picked up from somewhere?" He pressed lowly and Hora stiffened, her eyes slowly trailing back up to him and swallowing back at the utterly flat stare he had set on her.

"Uhm... just... came up with... I guess...?" Hora answered slowly, her hands trembling slightly as her fingers linked together a bit self-consciously. His eyes narrowed further and she shivered despite herself, "... I just... I do it... without thinking... it's kinda like habit, I guess..." She mumbled, stammering a bit and all too aware she was teetering near the edge of beginning to ramble- but Natsu saved her from that.

"Why the hell are you asking?" Natsu asked of Gray, his brow quirked at the Ice Mage and just as confused as Hora was in all honesty.

Gray growled a bit, shaking his head and clicking his tongue almost dismissively. He waved a hand at the both of them and turned, starting to stalk off.

"Whatever, just forget it." He muttered behind him, already moving and leaving both Hora and Natsu to watch him walk away in slightly stunned, slightly reeling silence.

Hora's eyes remained fixed to his back, her eyes flashing and blinking several times over as her thoughts spun and tried desperately to come to terms with the sudden questions, and what they meant... and why he seemed so annoyed with her answer..?

I don't get it... why ask about that at all? It's just... it's so trivial, it doesn't mean anything... I don't think about it when I do it. I've never thought about it at all, it just happens... and maybe it's a little weird, but I do a lot of weirder things.

So why... single that out? Out of everything I said today, or did?

I just... I don't get it...?

'... it is a little odd.' Lixue agreed, clearly he had no other ideas about why it had suddenly cropped than she did.

She couldn't take her eyes off his back even as he walked away though, and she swallowed back at what lump was in her throat, her stomach churning.

She felt it again, that urge to spill, to say it- call his attention back and just tell him, make it so he knew.. all those hundreds of things spinning through her mind and begging to be uttered aloud whenever she looked at him. And with each recurrence, it was getting harder and harder to just keep her mouth shut...,

Hora swallowed, hard, her eyes flashing as she quickly got to her feet and stepped away from the bar. She walked straight passed Natsu and left him and his question behind, not bothering a glance at him at all. Her eyes were locked on Gray's back, and she walked faster, intent on clearing the distance between them and determined... determined to just do it.

"Gray..!" She called quickly, her voice was trembling too much, but he heard her and stopped. He glanced over his shoulder, brow quirked and wary still, but she had to ignore the icy pang that ran through her at the look, and the terror rising faster and faster- immensely so as she cleared those last few steps between them.

"What?" He grumbled and she took in a deep breath, her hands held together in front of her and clinging to her Calling Card still.

"... can... can we talk, for a minute?" She asked softly and his brow quirked further, his eyes narrowing.

"... I... I need to talk to you... tell you something... but... maybe outside...?" She murmured, her voice dropping very, very low. Her eyes were on her feet when she said it, afraid if she looked up she might see... something on his face she didn't want to see, distrust or distaste or... would he even agree? To talk?

And would doing this now, be the right thing? A good thing? Was it...?

She didn't know, and quickly her conviction died out altogether...,

Her eyes broke from watching Gray's back when he walked all the way across the building, and then turned enough she couldn't see him anymore from her place underneath the bar. She was left staring at empty air, and her jaw clenched, her eyes glittering as she felt her entire core knot so very, very tightly- so much so it was agonizing, and she sucked in a shaky breath of air because of it.

Every part of her wanted her to do it, screamed at her even- tell him, say it... admit it.

It's me

..Tch... But... I can't... I just... I can't do it... not now... n... not...

...shit... I don't want to make everything worse, or more crazy, or more difficult... I don't wanna hurt him, or distract him... I don't want to drudge it all back up... I just...

Her eyes dropped, her head with it as she crossed her arms over her knees and buried her face in them.

... I just don't wanna mess everything up... And I...

Her shoulders hunched, her teeth biting down into both sides of her cheek and holding her breath against what utterly terrible ache ignited through every inch of her being.


"... Hora...?" Natsu's voice was low and quiet, and much closer this time around. She heard him shuffle closer across the floor, dropping down to sit cross-legged just beside her and leaning in as he tilted his head, his eyes searching her and her posture since he couldn't see her face anymore. And she knew he must have heard the way she sucked in air and held it, and he certainly noticed the sudden trembling her body had given into... but she just couldn't help it, and hearing the concern in his voice did not help.

"... what's the matter?" He asked, and she hissed, her fingers digging into her arms.

"... I've messed so much shit up... and I keep messing up..." She muttered, her voice muffled with her face hidden, but even then he heard the way her voice shook, and the bitterness in it. He blinked, his posture deflating slightly as she shook her head a little hotly, but she never looked up. "... shit... I just don't... know how to fix anything... with anyone..."

"... with who?" He murmured and she hissed again, "Come on Hora, talk to me. You clearly wanna talk about it... or at least some part of it." He pressed, "Besides, what did I tell you about friends tellin' eachother things?"

"... tch... what happens if telling things is what made things worse, huh, Flame-Brain?" Hora muttered lowly, "... or will make things worse..?" He sighed, biting his lip a little and debating on what he should say next- or rather, ask.

He wanted to ask her why talking to Gray seemed to make her so tense and worked up, and maybe even a little afraid- but as much as he'd noticed her rather off behavior around the Ice-Freak, he had also seen how shaken she was about him (though still, he couldn't figure why), and maybe pressing the issue wasn't the best thing... for now.

And besides that, she'd looked pretty shaken up even before Gray interrupted there- so for the meantime he figured he would ask what he meant to, before the Ice Mage had cut him off. And maybe asking that would make it easier to work out all of what was clearly bothering her, and so badly.

"... did something happen, when you told everyone back at your Guild about it all?" He asked softly, and he saw Hora stiffen, and he nodded, taking that as answer enough. "Why do you think telling them messed things up?"

"... tch... were you eavesdropping on my Call, Salamander?" Hora muttered lowly, and he looked away for a minute almost sheepishly, though she didn't see it.

"Uh... not a lot..." He mumbled, and he heard Hora let out a slightly aggravated growl. "... sorry, I couldn't help it..." He apologized softly, and Hora shook her head a little, her head still in her arms.

"... it's... fine." She muttered, grudging so and he grimaced a bit to himself. He sighed, leaning over a bit with his elbows on his knees and watching her carefully as a few moments of silence settled between them.

"... what happened when you told them?" He pressed after a bit, and this time Hora tilted her head enough to cast him a sideways glance just over the top of her arm. For a few more seconds, she just stared at him and he returned the look evenly- patient, for once in his life.

She grumbled and looked away again, her eyes dropping closed as she lift her head out of her arms and let it fall back against the wall again.

"... they were shocked, and confused, a little angry... and hurt, I guess." She murmured at length, "... I mean why wouldn't they be? I unloaded so much shit on them in so little time, and they never had any clue about any of it... and it was right after Rogue had freaked out and thought Jiemma had killed me, and what happened with Lector, so they were all already on edge... and I get it. I know I should have told them a long time ago, I always wanted to... I just never did, and I... I regret it." She mumbled, her voice tensing at the end. "... I mean... they never really knew me, not all these years, you know...? They thought they did, and I just... I'm not what they thought, and what they know now, about the Possession Link, about Lixue, about being a Devil Slayer, and what happened with..." She trailed off there and Natsu blinked, his head tilting in question, but Hora never let herself continue with whatever that last bit was.

"... I messed up. I lied to them, kept things hidden for so, so long... I worried them, and hurt them, and I understand that they're worried, and angry with me for staying so quiet... I understand them being scared, and being confused... I get it... I really get it, I can't blame for it either... but..." Her jaw clenched, her teeth grinding together a bit as her fingernails dug into the tops of her knees. "... even if... I had to tell them, and needed to... it... I still messed it up... telling them has mucked things up and changed them, and I don't know if... everything I have done and damaged with all of this, can ever get fixed... I don't know if things will ever be the same again... or... or even just... close to it."

How can they be..? With everything they've all learned, and seen, and know... nothing's ever gonna be the same again, and now... the way they looked at me...

"Tch... I don't know if anyone's gonna ever be able to even... f-forgive me... s...shit..." Hora hissed, her voice shaking badly at the end and Natsu's heart clenched at it.

"... they'll forgive you, Hora." He told her calmly, and all too easily- and he meant it, but she hated how quickly he replied with it. "They're your friends, and I know they care about you. It doesn't matter if ya messed up, they ain't gonna hold it against you."

"Tch... you don't know that." She hissed back, and he sighed. "You... you have no idea how mad..."

"Yeah I do." He murmured, "I'm a little miffed with you too, ya know- for not telling me. But that don't change the fact you're my friend... and even if I'm angry, that doesn't mean it's gonna keep me from being your friend or caring about you or anything else from here on. Just because they got a little mad doesn't mean they won't forgive you or anything." Hora's shoulders hunched, her face twisting as she glanced down, staring at the floor and not him.

"... Salamander... you didn't see it." She whispered, "... not the looks on their faces, or the pain... not... you didn't see how angry Sting got, how much... rage, was in him." Natsu tilted his head,

"... he's sort of a hot-head though, ain't he?" He mumbled, "Give him a chance to cool off. Just 'cause he's steamed right now doesn't mean anything-"

"-it wasn't like that." Hora cut him off softly, "I've seen him angry, steamed, annoyed, whatever- this... this wasn't that." She muttered, her shoulders hunching further, "... this was just... cold, fury... hate, even... and it got to the point he... he seemed like..." Her voice hitched along with her breathing, one of her hands moved up toward her face, her fingers tangling in her hair and Natsu's heart skipped a beat, his eyes flashing when he saw the flecks of moisture pecking at the corners of Horatia's eyes.

"... t..tch... he... he didn't seem like... he could even look at me anymore... a.. and... he didn't even seem like... he... wanted to... to bother with me anymore..." She hissed, her voice cracking painfully. "... E..even just when I Called... he d..didn't say anything, or look at the s-screen... nothing... it... he just... he's so angry with what I did... it's like he's just... s...stopped..."

Her eyes shut tight and a line of tears ran down her cheeks in silence, her breaths shaking as her hand fell from her bangs and held her forehead instead, her head tilting down a bit.

"..S...shit... I don't know if he's ever... g..gonna talk to me again... a..and...i... I... I've messed up, s-so bad..."

Her head tilted down further, hiding her face in her hand almost all the way and hissing quietly.

"...s-shit... and... I... I don't wanna... freak out like this... I... I just... I c-can't help it..."

Natsu's eyes flashed, his heart twisting further as he watched her fold in on herself a little, her breathing ragged- but she was quiet about it, restrained even- she didn't want the rest of the building to hear anything, or see her falling apart.

"...T... today has just been... f..fucking terrible... and... and I don't... know what to do... tch... i-it's taking everything in me t.. to just... focus on a plan... s-stay focused enough to... to get Yukino and Lucy back... i.. I have to keep focused on it, or I'll...fuck..."

... f..fall apart... all the way... a..and at that point... I'll just be... useless...

There was a sharp stab of pain that ignited in her chest and snatched her breath away, leaving with it an icy-burning sensation that threatened to have her start coughing, and she just couldn't have that... not right now, damn it...!

... s..shit...s...stop it... Hora...! Y-you have to... just... quit...

She cringed, her body folding in a bit as her forehead met her knees and her arms snaked around her torso, hugging herself and willing with everything she had to just calm down.

She couldn't let herself get so worked up, and not just because her emotions would run rampant- getting worked up meant triggering Over-Drive again, and much faster than she could risk right now. Not when she was supposed to go out tomorrow and get Lucy and Yukino back, and not when she had to keep herself running and together to contend and deal with all the insanity going on right now.

... I... I have to just... Keep it together... Until I know... Everything is... Fine again...

She bit down on the inside of both cheeks so hard she tasted iron on her tongue, but she didn't notice the small bit of pain that came with it.

... Damn it Hora... Stop crying...!

Her fingers dug into her sides, still holding her breath and fighting back at the shakiness her lungs and her body wanted to give into.

... You... You don't have time for this...!

She felt like her lungs were on fire, begging for air she didn't want to give into- not for fear she ended up coughing, or wheezing, or anything other than just normal breathing. She didn't feel like her body would listen to her, or do what she wanted, and she didn't want anyone let alone Natsu to hear how raggedy her breaths had grown and start to worry about it. She didn't want to be a mess, she didn't want to be freaking out, and she didn't want to be crying- she didn't want to fall apart!

She just wanted to..... To hold it together, damn it!

... But shit... It's so... Hard...

Why did everything have to suck so bad? Why did her whole world have to just tip on its head over and over the last few months? And then get thrown into complete pandemonium all in one day?

Why did Yukino and Lucy have to get captured?

Why did Jiemma do what he did? Minerva take Lector?

Why did she almost get killed, for nothing other than spite? Trapped for years, and nothing more than a slave?

Why did she get dropped on the other side of Crocus by some... Some stranger?

Why did she... Why did she not know, all these years, about Gray...?

Why is everything so... So screwed up...?

Why is my life such a living hell...?

She scrunched her eyes closed harder, her forehead pressing into her knees more and oh so aware of those salty tears falling against her legs.

'... Breathe, Horatia.' Lixue instructed, his voice that unfamiliar gentle tenor she wasn't used to from him. She grimaced, shaking her head at him and mussing her bangs up in the process. She couldn't breathe, she couldn't risk it-

'Breathe.' Lixue instructed again, persistent, yet no less gentle. 'Tumultuous as your day, and your life has been, you have never bent underneath it... And you will not now, as much as you may feel you will. You are much stronger than you give yourself credit for... No matter the mistakes you've made or the horrors and pain you have lived through, you have always pulled through. This time will be no different... You just need to let yourself breathe. Let it pass.'

She hated him and his persistence... And his gentleness, and kindness... And meddling, damn it...!

She hated him always butting in and saying stupid shit... Saying things like that, that were so... so genuine, and wise... Ugh...!

She hated him talking to her like a child... But... But shit...!

... Why did she wanna believe him so bad...? Trust him...?

Trust and hope... That all of this would just 'pass'? That all she needed to do to stop feeling like such shit was to just breathe? How could it be that simple? That easy?


She stiffened, her eyes snapping open and staring at her legs in front of her face when Natsu's hand fell lightly on top of her head, ruffling her hair a bit and putting a grinding halt to the tumult and tornado her thoughts and emotions were in. She glanced up slowly, her head lifting and his hand remaining where it was as her glittering blue gaze locked with his, him having moved forward a bit to sit right beside her and brow furrowed slightly in worry as he looked at her.

"... please just take a breath, Hora." He mumbled, grimacing a bit. "... before you pass out, okay..?" He added, and she blinked at him, wondering briefly (if by some other sort of insanity) he could hear what Lixue was saying too...?

He rubbed her head a little, wilting once a few more seconds went by and she still didn't take in any air. "Come on Hora." He murmured softly, and this time it was her turn to grimace, her lips pulling painfully at the corners and she shut her eyes again and looked away from him- but this time, and much too long after her lungs had already started to scream at her, she took in a rushed, painful breath and then several more... panting and a little wheezy, and she did cough, once or twice, but not badly. Air flooded her lungs and her chest and it felt as wonderful as it felt terrible, and she winced, panting still even though every breath stung and felt ragged in her throat.

Natsu's eyes flashed as he watched her fight for air, his hand still on top of her head and biting the inside of his cheek as he waited there for a few minutes to just try and let her settle again. And even though her breathing didn't really even at all, and her tears didn't seem apt to stop- at least she was breathing now. She'd held her breath for so long there he actually had been afraid she was gonna pass out...

"... I know this stuff sucks, Hora." Natsu murmured at length, his tone quiet and even. "... and I get today has been awful, none of the stuff that's happened to you is fair, and you sure as hell don't deserve to be dealing with so much by yourself, or feel like you'd messed everything up... and you haven't, ya know." She stiffened underneath him at the assurance, and he shook his head a little. "I mean it. Even if Sting got all mad at you, I know he cares about you too much to just quit bein' your friend now. I could tell how happy he and everyone else was that first night ya came back, and he thinks a lot of you too- he mentioned you, when we fought today."

Hora glanced his way only slightly, the corner of her eye catching him as he smiled slightly.

"Your opinion means something to him, and you definitely mean something to him too... He ain't gonna stop being your friend because of all this. And he'll forgive you, they all will." He went on, giving her a somewhat pointed stare and she grimaced, looking both pained and a little disgruntled too- but she was listening, and he felt there was a part of her that believed him... Or at least, wanted to believe him.

"Everything will be fine." He hummed, "Believe that, yeah? You've always worked so hard to make sure everything was okay, and no matter how much you think you messed up, you have gotten through all of it, right?"

She bit the inside of her cheek, her eyes darting away from him and sucking in a deep breath of air and holding it again... But only to calm down some more.

Because... That first breath and all those after it had helped... But her soul still felt so raw, and much more as he kept talking.

"And everything you do is for everyone else." he added softly, "You are super loyal, and all your friends know that, and how much you care about them, don't doubt it." She sniffed, her chin falling into her knees and staring at the floor ahead of her in sheer silence. "They ain't gonna hold any of this against you, and they'll definitely forgive ya. And no matter what else happens, everything is gonna be fine. We'll make sure of it, yeah?" She sniffed again, grimacing a bit as she swallowed, but her breathing settled a little more. "Come on, ya still got that fire in your belly yeah? Long as ya got that, everything's gonna be fine!" He smiled a little toothily, and she grumbled, huffing at him.

"... You're an idiot..." She muttered lowly, though her voice didn't manage any sort of edge to it at all. Natsu hummed a bit under his breath, smiling still as he ruffled her hair up a bit more before finally pulling his hand away, she let out a small sigh at it. His head tilted, smiling softly as she sniffed again and her hands unhooked from around her torso, moving up as she rubbed at her face and grumbled- but the tears had ceased, and her breathing was finally some semblance normal.

"Mmmm, maybe, but it helped yeah?" He replied and she huffed again, "Plus I'm being serious, Hora. Things are gonna be okay, with you and Sting and Lector, and Lucy and Yukino and everything else. Things haven't been fun for the most part, and today definitely sucked- but tomorrow will be better, and everyday after that too."

Tch... how can he sound so sure of all that...?

'... You wish you can be that confident, hmm?' Lixue intoned softly, she grimaced.

... Shut up

But again, Lixue had a point... Though inwardly she hated that he was right, and about the breathing thing too... And that Salamander making it seem so easy, getting her to calm down like that again.

Seriously, he acts like an idiot half the time, but he's also... I dunno... hellishly perceptive, and he knows how to handle people more than it seems like he would...

"... Though fire in your belly or no, you're not gonna feel any better unless you get some sleep." Natsu intoned after a moment, and Hora spared a sideways glance at him. "You gotta get some rest if you're gonna be in the best shape for tomorrow, especially after everything that went on today." he mumbled, grimacing a bit as he let out a small sigh. "You still look like crap, ya know." He pointed out, and she grumbled a bit under her breath.

"So do you." She shot back quietly and he grimaced a bit at it, but didn't argue this time around.

"Yeah, well I'm gonna get some sleep too." He mumbled and she huffed, glancing away and her arms crossing over her knees, letting her chin fall into them.

"... I'm sorry." Hora mumbled at length, and he tilted his head at the sudden apology. "... for freaking out... and worrying you... and everything else... and I'm sorry my Fire's hit you so hard after eating it... I can tell you don't feel good, Salamander." She mumbled and his eyes dropped, and she was right- about that last bit. His stomach had been churning without pause since the eating her fire, and he honestly felt more nauseous than he would ever like to admit, almost to the point he was dizzy and felt he might throw up... and he was doing his best to hide all that, but Hora could still tell, apparently.

"You don't gotta apologize, Hora." He replied softly, she shook her head a little, though she said nothing in reply to it. She kept her eyes on the floor, her attention on Natsu fading as she focused on the sound of her own breathing, and on trying to let her frayed emotions settle as much was possible.

She'd calmed down, a lot, but she still felt like her soul was in such utter turmoil... and it was, but now she was quickly feeling like she just didn't have the energy to really freak out anymore... god she was exhausted. She felt like she could fall asleep and not wake up again for a month, and the thought of waking up in a few hours to set out toward the Palace on the rescue mission was unpleasant- but she would do it. Because saving Lucy and Yukino was much more important than her sleep.

... I'll have time to sleep after this is all over... after things get fixed... at least as much as they can be.

... damn it... I do want to believe you and Flame-Brain... that everything will be okay... even after so much of it just... isn't.

After everything... is things turning out okay an actual possibility...?

... I don't know...

'... have faith.' Lixue murmured softly, 'Things will work out, one way or another... no dark storm lasts forever.'

... maybe... but even then... after all of this...? When I do get time to just... take a break...? I won't be out of trouble, Lixue... we won't.

'... Over-Drive is an inevitability, but worrying over it now will do you no good. We will just have to contend with it, when we get there, and our Limit is finally reached.'

... hopefully that Limit doesn't come too fast, hmm...?

'Indeed... and hope that Over-Drive does not take as heavy a toll as the last time.'

Hora grimaced slightly at the comment, but she shook her had at herself again, her eyes falling closed and letting out a low, long, slow breath. Natsu sat beside her, his arms crossed in his lap and his eyes falling closed too as content silence settled between them.... a small bit of a calm and pleasant lull that was sure to be lacking by tomorrow.

... please... let tomorrow go better than today... let us find them, safe, and bring them home... please don't make my world grow any more insane than it already is... I don't know if I can handle any more crazy.

... please... let everything be okay.



I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! The next one we'll be heading into the Palace and all the juicy stuff thereafter! There's gonna be lots of action! :D

Please, vote and comment if ya can! Thank you!

And as always, thank you so much for reading and sticking with me! I love all of you!

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