Once in a Lifetime (A Niall H...

By ladybugs_

10.2K 130 45

Abby Sullivan just graduated high school and is on an annual roadtrip to visit her grandparents. On a stop at... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Another update
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 12

456 6 4
By ladybugs_

Sorry again guys :( school is still kicking my butt, but I WILL continue to update! Enjoy and please leave feedback <3 (:


~*Niall's POV*~

I was angry, but I couldn't force myself to be angry at Abby like I knew I should've been. I was angry at myself for letting her go, but more than that, I was angry at Louis. I looked up and he was staring straight into space. "Go away Louis, get out!" I yelled and he jumped and rushed to the door. I lied back on the ground and let everything out. I wasn't ashamed, the boys had seen me cry multiple times before, and those were over stupid things.

I couldn't help but ask myself why. Why would she kiss Louis? What did Louis have that I didn't? What satisfaction did he give her that I didn't? What was he doing right, but more importantly what was I doing wrong? Why would Louis let her kiss him knowing we were together and vise versa? There was a sudden knock on the door and I cleared my throat so I could speak properly.

"Who is it?" I asked, hoping it would be Abby. "It's Harry." he said and opened the door. I wiped my face and sat up. "I could hear you crying from my place. What's wrong?" he asked and sat on the couch facing me on the ground. I sighed. I could either tell Harry what happened, or say nothing and go on about my miserable business. "Abby left." I mumbled and stared at the ground. Harry uncrossed his arms.

"Well... Why?" he asked, fidgeting a bit in his seat. I looked up at him examining his obviously guilty face. "You know, don't you?" I asked and Harry shook his head slowly. "Who told you?" I questioned and kept my eyes directly on him. He dropped eye contact with me and started messing with his thumbs. He cleared his throat and looked back up at me. "It was Louis, but don't tell him I told you." he said plainly.

I sniffled and rubbed my eye. "Alright, I wo-" he cut me off. "He planned on doing this. Go get Abby." he mumbled. Wait, Louis planned on kissing Abby? Why would he do that? "What? How do you know?" I asked and stared at him impatiently. He looked directly at me with a blank face. "He told me that he liked Abby and that he was gonna be with her but I just brushed it off." he said.

I couldn't think of anything else to say. Why? Why would Louis do that purposely knowing that I loved her so much? I was more mad than I was before I talked to Harry. Louis had taken advantage of Abby, and I wanted to punch him square in the face. "Thanks Harry." I said and tried my best to give him a friendly smile. He smiled back awkwardly and left.


I rolled over and looked at the clock for probably the hundredth time that night. It was 3 am but I couldn't sleep without Abby next to me. I needed to see her, I needed to talk to her. I pulled out my phone and unlocked it, hoping to see any messages from Abby. Nothing. I dialed her number and it went straight to voicemail. I hung up. Maybe Louis would answer, as much as I didn't want to talk to him,

I figured Abby would be with him. I dialed his number. It rang once, twice, three times, then he answered. "Hello?" he asked tiredly. My heart was racing just thinking about getting to talk to Abby. "I need to talk to her." I demanded. The line was quiet for a few seconds before Louis yawned into the phone. "She's asleep." he said, obviously not fully awake. "Louis, just give her the phone." I snapped.

He sighed and I heard him mumble something to Abby. Were they in the same bed? I felt my body start to heat up. She mumbled something back and took the phone. "Hello?" she asked. The sweet sound of her voice made me want her, it made me want to see her and be with her. "Abby." I started, I wasn't sure what I wanted to say, but I had to get it out. "Niall?" she asked, now sounding more awake over the phone.

I was stuck. I didn't know what to say, but I felt like I had a billion things to choose from. I'm sorry, I love you, I need you, I miss you, but I couldn't force any of those to come out of my mouth. "Hello?" she asked impatiently. "Abby, I uh, can you meet me?" I asked, praying silently that she'd say yes. She sighed. "Right now?" she asked. I know it sounded dumb, but I wanted to see her. "Yes." I replied plainly.

There was a shuffling noise and I heard a door close. "Niall I can't just leave, Louis is here!" she whispered. I got more and more mad each time she'd mention Louis. "Why is he there?" I asked coldly. She sighed into the phone again."Niall, please." she mumbled. I rubbed my face angrily and moved on. "Alright, can you please just meet me?" I asked, basically begging. The line was silent and for a moment I thought Abby had hung up.

"Fine. Where?" she asked. I thought for a moment. "Do you know how to get to the town park from where you are?" I asked desperately. "No." she said and I could tell that she was still angry at me, and I understood why. "Fine, I'll pick you up. Where are you?" I asked and scrambled to find a pen in the dark. "I don't know the name of the hotel." she stated plainly. I sighed to myself, why does she have to be so difficult?

"Is it near by?" I asked. She was quiet for a moment, probably in thought, then she answered. "Yes! And it's near a cafe and a shopping center." she replied. I knew exactly where she was talking about and I sprung up from my bed. "I'll be there in less than 10 minutes." I said and walked out the door. "Okay. What about Louis?" she asked. Louis. I really could care less what she did about him, but saying that would make her mad.

"I dunno." I said plainly and unlocked my car door. I heard her go back into her room and the sound of drawers opening. "I'll leave a note." she said and the sounds stopped suddenly. "There." she said, which made my heart melt. She was so caring, even if it was for Louis. "Just wait in the hotel lobby, I'll come get you. I love you." I said. I heard more shuffling in the phone. "Okay." she said and hung up.

That hurt. A lot. I started driving and it seemed like it was forever before I pulled up to the hotel and stepped out. I walked into the lobby and saw Abby sitting in the corner half asleep and leaning on the wall. "Abby!" I said a bit louder than average and walked to her quickly. I pulled her up out of the chair slowly and lead her to the door. "What are you doing?" she asked angrily.

Why couldn't things ever be easy with her? "You came to talk, I never said I was going anywhere with you." she said and dug her feet into the carpet making it harder to pull her. I rubbed my face out of frustration and let go of her. "Fine, we'll stay here. I just wanted to apologize." I said and looked into her tired eyes. "I love you and I know that what happened with Louis didn't really mean anything. And I shouldn't have said what I did." I said genuinely. She looked down at her feet and looked back up at me.

"Niall, I love you, I really do, but... apologizing doesn't always make it better. I think maybe we should take a break." she said. The words echoed in my head. A break? Take a break? "Abby-" she cut me off. "Niall, please, just listen to me for once. I just need some time to be on my own, okay?" she said plainly. Alone. I didn't want to be alone. How could she want to be alone? I felt my eyes start to burn and I turned sharply and left the hotel.

~*Abby's POV*~

I watched Niall leave the hotel quickly and tears started to burn in my eyes. That was one of the hardest things I had to do and I knew that I was hurting Niall in the process, but I needed a few days. I watched him jump in his car quickly and close the door. Screw this. I realized that a few days wouldn't do crap and that I was just being a bitch, a difficult bitch. I ran out of the hotel as fast as I could and ran up to Niall's car.

He'd just started backing up and I pounded on his window hard. He rolled down the window and stopped the car. "What?" he asked and rubbed his eyes. I didn't bother rubbing mine, I let the tears flow down my cheek and off onto the sidewalk. "Niall, I'm sorry." I cried. I took another breath and prepared myself to talk. "I don't want our relationship to be like this, on and off like a bunch of kids." I sniffled.

Niall grinned at me. "We are a bunch of kids." he said and opened the door, allowing me to get in and close the door before he started driving. He sighed stayed stiff at the wheel. "Abby, I didn't mean what I said earlier. Ya know... About the babies." he mumbled. I remembered just a few hours ago when Niall and I were screaming at each other. A wave of goosebumps spread down my body and tears built in my eyes again.

At the time I couldn't believe he said that, but the things I was saying were just to get his blood boiling and so were his, his just worked. "Oh. It's alright." I said and played with my fingers nervously. I saw him look over his shoulder at me and frown, he took one of my hands and intertwined our fingers. The familiar touch of his hands made my heart go wild. I wanted Niall. In fact, I needed Niall.

We pulled up to the house and I jumped out of the car and walked up the steps as quickly as I could. Niall appeared at the door a few seconds later and unlocked it. As soon as he closed the door I slammed him against the wall and forced our faces together. All my stress was released and I was happy to be back with Niall. I was on my tippie toes with my arms wrapped around his neck, playing with his hair and messing it up a bit.

Niall grasped my hips firmly and his tongue was begging for entrance. I pulled my face away from his and breathed heavily, resting my face on his shoulder. "I need you right now Niall." I whispered into his ear and I felt chills go down his arms. I smiled to myself and was suddenly lifted off of my feet and carried away into the bedroom.


I sat on the couch between Niall and Liam waiting for management to come out and looked at Louis. He didn't seem upset or angry, and I was starting to think he forgot everything that happened, which was a good thing. The boys had a day off and everyone was at Harry's place just hanging out before we got called to see management. Zayn scooted up in his seat and cleared his throat.

"So Niall, what were you up to last night? It sounded like someone was being murdered." he said and smiled mischievously. A smirk spread across everyone's faces but mine and Louis' and I sunk into the couch cushions. Niall looked at me and his grin dropped quickly. He cleared his throat. "Oh, uhh... Nothing." he said plainly and the other boys laughed obnoxiously.

Management finally filed out of their office and looked at the boys nonchalantly. There were 5 people in all, 3 men and 2 younger looking women. The women had their arms crossed and one of the men pulled out something from behind his back. "What's going on?" he asked, shaking the paper wildly. Louis smirked. "Nothing much, what about you?" he said sarcastically.

The man's face turned bright red and his nostrils flared a bit, which I found hilarious. I rubbed my now large tummy, I was 11 weeks along and showing, and looked at the man with a straight face. "Oh no, Louis, much more than 'nothing' is going on." he yelled and spun on the ball of his feet. "And you!" he said sternly pointing directly at me. I looked back at him calmly and continued rubbing my tummy.

"Why don't you all take a look at this paper?" he said angrily and gave a paper to each of the boys and I. There was a picture of Louis and I holding hands walking into the hotel and the caption was 'Niall Horan's girlfriend cheating with bandmate?' I looked down and rubbed my face immediately. Who the hell stalks random hotels? I looked at Louis, good, he was just as uncomfortable as I was.

The other boys all shuffled in their seats. "This photoshopping is really good." Liam said and raised his brows. "That's the thing Liam, it's not photoshopped!" he said and smiled the kind of smile you get when you're trying not to slap someone. Zayn and Liam were a bit more confused than they should've been and the only thing they could do was look back and forth between Niall, Louis and I. "Louis, Abby, would you mind explaining to the guys what's been going on?" he questioned and Louis cleared his throat. "

Well, Abby and Niall went at it, she was sad, and I took her out to make her feel better. Nothing more, nothing less." he said and sat back down. All of management's arms were now crossed over their chests and they were staring at us angrily. "Explain that to the media, this is NOT a good look." he snapped and rubbed his face angrily. How are we supposed to tell the media? Call a freaking meeting? Yeah, that'll happen.

~*Louis' POV*~

I hopped into the passenger seat of Harry's car and looked into the mirror at Zayn and Liam in the backseat. "Louis, was that really what happened or did you just say it to get them off of your back?" Zayn asked curiously. I sighed, explanation time. "It was real." I said expressionlessly and caught Harry grimace. "Why would you take Abby to a hotel?" Liam chimed in innocently.

He really needs to cut the act, we all know he's not as pure and true as everyone thinks he is. "Like I said, she was a bit down and I took her out for a bit." I said, still with a stone face. "Stop lying Louis, for fucks sake!" I looked in the mirror again and Liam's brows furrowed. "What?" he asked. Harry gripped the wheel tighter. "Louis tried to bust a move on Abby and her crazy pregnant woman hormones made her fall for it." He retorted.

Both Zayn and Liam's jaws dropped and I could tell that neither of them had anything to say. "Just... Wait, hold on... Okay, what?" Liam stuttered. I rubbed my face. "Guys, just forget about it. I know it was wrong, let's not bring it up, okay?" I asked and Zayn and Liam shook their heads, still in shock. "Whatever." Harry said, still concentrated on the road ahead of him. We pulled up to the complex and filed out and into our rooms.

Except for me. I walked to Niall and Abby's apartment and knocked on the door, part of me wanting to make things right, and the other part praying that they weren't there and that I could put off until later. The door swung open and Niall was standing directly in front of me. "What?" he asked with the coldest face I'd ever seen. I crossed my arms for a second then uncrossed them, trying not to display my foul mood.

"Is Abby here?" I asked and scratched the back of my head awkwardly. "She's asleep." he said and started to close the door. I put my foot in the way and opened it back up. "Good. I sorta wanted to talk to you in private." I mumbled. Niall's facial expression didn't change once, but he let me in and sat on the couch. I sat down and tried to keep eye contact but strayed away because of my nerves.

"Look Niall, I really like Abby. Like I REALLY like her..." I said, but quickly moved on, Niall was shooting me in his mind and I could tell. "I know that what I did was taking advantage of Abby, and if you just accept my apology I swear it'll never happen again. Ever." I said genuinely. Niall shifted on the couch. "Okay." he said. Okay? That's all? It was that easy? "Oh, uhh... Alright well." Niall stared angrily at me until I had no choice but to shut up.

"I'll forgive you Lou, but I won't forget." he said and I got the idea that he wanted me to leave. "Thanks Niall, I'll keep my promise." I said and rushed out the door. It wasn't as bad as I'd anticipated, but it was pretty awkward. I flew across the complex and into my apartment. I sighed and flopped onto the couch. My phone buzzed suddenly, it was from Abby. 'That was really big of you Louis, I was listening from the bedroom :) x' I stared at the text message.

The kiss was making my heart race wildly. I replied quickly. 'Thanks Abs, I love you.' I pressed the send button and brought the phone down to my chest quickly. I felt like a teenage girl texting her crush, there were butterflies in my stomach and I waited anxiously for her to text back. 'ily too, Lou :)' she replied within a minute. She loves me too. Wow. I took a second to think of what I wanted to text back and typed quickly.

'Abby, please tell me. When you kissed me did you feel the fireworks?' I responded, taking the opportunity while I had it. I waited. And waited. And waited some more. And after about 5 minutes my phone buzzed again. 'Im with Niall.' I stared at my phone. I didn't know how to respond.

My phone buzzed again. 'and I know I'm not supposed to but I did.' My eyes nearly fell out of my sockets. She felt fireworks. She. Felt. Fireworks. I was frozen, I couldn't believe it. I thought I'd never have a chance, I thought that Niall would always be in the way. But he wasn't going to be, I actually had a chance with Abby and I was prepared to take that chance.

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