It Just Had To Be You (Dramio...

By Joycie-Gee

371K 7.8K 2.3K

The war is over, the Dark Lord defeated, and school is back in session. What could go wrong within the halls... More

Head Boy and Girl
Planes, Trains and Jumping To Conclusions
First Night's Always The Worst
Anatomy Troubles
The Trouble With Veela's
You've Got To Be Kidding Me
They'll Be The Death Of Us Yet
Drunken Antics
Hell Hath No Fury
Home For The Holidays
Happy Christmas Granger
New Year's With The Malfoy's
Piece Of You
Run Run Run As Fast As You Can
Just A Bit LeStrange
Authors Note
This is Far From Over
Not What it Seems
There's Always a Catch

This Is Torture

14.6K 375 57
By Joycie-Gee

' Don't scream, don't give them any satisfaction,' Hermione thought as another cruiatus curse was sent her way. Her vision became blurry as she began losing consiciousness. Teeth clenched, she attempted to picture herself somewhere safe and warm. Somewhere with Harry, watching him catch a snitch. With Ron, as he stuffed his face with food and grinned. With Draco, being loved. It wasn't exactly working.

" Look at this disgusting Mudblood. How could you even begin to think yourself worthy of magic, with nothing but filth running through your veins?" Bellatrix screamed, spitting on Hermione. " Answer your superiors Mudblood!"

Hermione squinted her eyes, and stared defiantly at the crazy woman. " Show me where they are and I will, however all I see is a deranged, crazy, whore of Voldemort, nothing I would call a superior," she breathed out, finding it hard to form words.

" You bitch, how dare you speak his name?"

" Why shouldn't I? He wasn't anything better then a megalomaniac with nothing but unrealistic dreams of world domination. He deserved what he got in the end and more, I'm glad he's dead. Harry Potter is the worlds greatest wizard, we're all just waiting for everyone else to figure that out"

" CRUCIO!" Bellatrix shouted, her eyes wide with anger, " you will learn your place, Mudblood, even if I need to kill you."

Hermione slumped forward when the curse was lifted and moaned, " weren't you going to kill me anyways? What's the point of standing around, just do it already!"

Bellatrix laughed loudly, " oh no, we're going to be having some fun, just us girls before I grant you the release death will bring. I will have you begging for death by the end Mudblood. That you can guarantee."

Hermione shivered and felt tears welling up inside. She had heard tales of this crazy witches idea of fun before, now she was going to have a first hand experience.

' Draco? Can you hear me? I don't care if you walk, run or freaking fly, I need you here now!' she thought as Bellatrix rushed to the back of the room.

Bellatrix tapped a finger on the corner of her mouth in deep thought and spoke, " now what should I begin with?" Her eyes sparkled with an evil glint as she turned around and smirked evily at Hermione. " Now, Mudblood, let's teach you some manners."

Draco moaned and slumped forward in his fathers study. Blaise and Harry ran quick, catching him before he fell over.

" You okay mate?" Blaise asked, helping Draco sit down.

" She's hurt Blaise, hurt bad, I can feel it. Father, we need to get to them. Have you found anything?"

Lucius and Dumbledore were standing in the corner of his study, along with Snape. They were discussing different hideouts and locations the two murderers would have taken the girls.

" Being the animal Greyback is, his natural instincts wouldn't allow him to abandon what he considers home. He only has two places he goes to. One isnt big enough to hold more then two people, that only leaves one other." Snape offered, knowing the place very well, having been privy to a few tortures of muggles there in the past. He shivered at the memories.

" Okay, so we go in, kill everything that isn't our girls, and bring them home. Let's go!" Harry exclaimed, reaching for his wand, but Lucius grabbed his arm, stopping him.

" Potter, while known for your bravery, your intelligence is not world renowned. You don't just go blasting in on Death Eaters, espically ones such as Bellatrix and Greyback. They will be expecting us to go and rescue them, and as such, will be ready for an attack. We won't be any help to them if we're dead." Lucius stated and let go of Harry's arm. Harry just glared back at the older man and went and took a seat next to Draco.

Harry leaned over and whispered in the blondes ear, " I don't like your father much."

Draco chuckled and whispered back, " Most of the wizarding world would agree with you Potter, however, my father knows what he's doing. He knows how much the girls mean to us, and he'll do everything in his power to get them back, trust me!"

" Your asking me not only to trust a Slytherin, but to follow one into battle? Have you lost your mind Malfoy?"

" Potter, your forgetting one important part of that question," Draco mumbled, " you have to have had a mind in the first place in order to lose it!" Draco went and stood, taking a few seconds to regain his balance and cleared his throat, " Father, time is of the essence, we need to do something. Hermione's in alot of pain and I can't feel her as strongly as I am used to.'

Lucius nodded to his son and turned back to Dumbledore, " Right, let's get going. We've got to hurry if we wish to pull this plan off. Potter, Weasley, you go with Dumbledore and take the back. Severus, Draco, Blaise and I will take the front. Remember, we're only there for the girls, if your able to get them and leave, do it! Let's go."

All the men nodded their heads and apparated out of the Manor.


The cellar door was opened fast and a body was tossed roughly into the room where Ginny was kneeled on her legs with Luna's head in her lap, trying to clean off the dirt that had been caked on her temple and Pansy was nursing her leg, probably broken. Pansy limped forward and hauled Hermione's limp form over to the corner as the door slammed shut. The dim light allowed the girls to see just what had become of their friend. She had a huge gash on the side of her head, and the left side of her face was swollen with black and blue bruises coloring it. 

" What did they do to her Pansy?" Ginny sobbed, shifting Luna and herself closer to the two girls.

" Looks like the result of a few too many cruiatus's to me." Pansy whispered, trying her hardest to make the blood go away.

Ginny gasped and looked at Pansy in question. Pansy merely sighed and answered, " Weasley, you don't live in a house with Death Eaters all your life and not know the after effects of that particular curse. Damn it Granger, you and your bloody Gryffindor courage. You'll be lucky to get out of this with half your mind in tact." Pansy whispered at Hermione, her eyes quickly filling up with tears. A few escaped and fell on Hermione's cheek and she winced, but didn't wake.

" What's that on her shirt?" Ginny asked, pointing to the small dabs of blood on her shirt, that seemed to be leaking through. Pansy muttered a few curse words and ripped the bottom of her dress, dipped it in the little puddle of water close to her and began dabbing at the cuts.

" Do you suppose thats what the screaming was we heard?" Ginny asked, gluping back tears. Pansy only looked at her and they both knew the answer.

Pansy nodded her head towards Luna, " how's the fuzzy one doing?"

Ginny ran her hand smoothingly over Luna's hair. " I'm not sure. Pansy, we've got to find a way out of here, and fast. I don't know how much longer we're going to survive down here, where ever here is."

Pansy sighed and continued cleaning Hermione's wounds. " Where's Potter and his band of heros when you need him?" she laughed slightly.

Ginny chukled half heartedly. She was thinking the same thing until an idea suddenly popped into her head. " You think they can hear us Pansy, right now I mean?"

Pansy shook her head, " not likely, they aren't to worried about whats being said between four defenseless girls, locked in a cellar with no escape and no wands, why?"

Ginny moved closer and lowered her head to Pansy's ear incase they were being monitored and whispered, " because I have a feeling they are on their way now. Hermione and Draco are linked now and he can feel her, sense her and will know where to find us. It's only just a matter of time before we are rescued."

Pansy's eyes widen, understanding what Ginny was saying, Draco had marked Hermione! She looked down at Hermione, shocked, " didn't know you had it in you Granger, I'd high five you if you weren't passed out. So you think that they are coming?"

Ginny nodded, " without a doubt!"

Luna groaned lightly and slowly opened her eyes, " what happened?"

" Well it definatly wasn't nargles this time Lovegood, we've been kidnapped. Bellatrix and Greyback have us prisoner here. How are you feeling?"

Luna sat up slowly and moaned in pain, " like I've been trampled by a herd of Findelbints, how do you think I'm feeling? How is everyone else?"

" I have a few bumps and bruises, but I'll live." Ginny shrugged.

" You never said you were hurt Weasley, lemme see!" Pansy exclaimed.

Ginny simply shook her head, " I'm fine, if I was worried, I would have said something."

Pansy sighed in frustration but continued to answer Luna, " I think my ankle might be broken, but Hermione is the worst of us!" She looked down at Hermione and choked on her tears. " Come on Granger, wake up! Your stronger then this!" she whispered as the cellar door was opened once more. The girls sheilded their eyes from the light as Greyback entered again and reached for Ginny.

" Come here blood-traitor, I'm going to have fun with you," Greyback snarled and grabbing Ginny's arm roughly and hauled her to her feet. Ginny screamed bloody murder as the other two girls shouted thier protests to leave her alone. No one saw Hermione open her eyes and stand, swaying on her feet.

" Leave her alone Greyback. It's me you want and you know it," she spat at his feet and he released Ginny, pushing her back on the cellar floor.

" Ahhhh, the main attraction wakes. Didn't get enough from Bella, did you?" he smiled, showing his yellow teeth. " Don't worry Mudblood, when I'm through with you, you'll be begging me to kill you."

Hermione merely chuckled, " nothing I haven't heard before, yet I'm still here."

Greyback growled loud and grabbed Hermione, dragging her out of the cellar, leaving the three girls screaming behind.

" Granger, you stupid little bint. What was she thinking?" Pansy cried, tears flowing freely now.

Ginny rubbed her shoulder from where Greyback had grabbed her. Her shoulder was out of joint, she knew it, but wasnt going to worry about that now, " she knows Draco can sense her, she knows what she's doing. I just hope for her sake, they arrive before it's too late."


" Son of a bitch," moaned Blaise, grabbing his shoulder and leaning against the darkened house.

" You okay Blaise?" asked Lucius, whispering low.

" Yeah, I'm good. I'm gonna find that bastard and rip him apart." Blaise growled, his eyes growing dark. Draco and Lucius followed suit and began growling as Greyback's disgusting smell hit their nostrils.

" This way boys, just remember, get to your mates, they need you and.... DRACO!" Lucius yelled in a whisper as Draco slumped to the ground and began panting heavily.

" I'm gonna kill them, if it's the last thing I ever do Father, I will see the end of their lives, weither it's from my own wand or someone elses." Draco seethed, and ran towards the front door.

Lucius, Snape and Blaise followed closely, Lucius unlocked the door and the four men entered, walking quietly. Suddenly they heard a loud blood curling scream coming from somewhere upstairs. The three Veelas perked their ears.

" That's Lovegood, where's Potter and the others?" asked Snape, searching the darkness for the others.

" I'm not sure Severus, come. This way," Lucius directed, sniffing his way, searching for the familar scent of the girls. It was difficult with Greyback's odour blocking it.

A sudden crash was heard and the four Slytherins spun around, wands raised, and there stood Dumbledore, Potter and a very red Weasley, looking down at his latest victim, a poor antique vase.

Blaise released a breath and whispered angrily, " damn it Weasley, watch where your walking."

" Well we can't all have super Veela abilities, like being able to see in the dark, now can we Zabini?" Ron mumbled and moved away from the vase.

Snape grabbed the two bickering boys and threw them against the wall, along with the others and put a finger against his lips, silently telling the others to keep quiet. Out of nowhere Bellatrix and Greyback came slauntering down the stairs, laughing to themselves.

" You know, for a Death Eaters daughter, Parkinson isn't much fun to play with. Passed out in a matter of minutes she did!" Bella laughed.

" Yeah but that little blonde one was more fun. She lasted a little longer, but all she did was cry and beg for me to stop. Got so annoying I had to stun the little bitch myself just to shut her up."

Draco glanced over at Harry and Ron. Ron had gone white as a sheet and Potter looked like he was going to kill. ' Good, Potter, use that anger, it'll help' thought Draco as he turned his attention back to the two Death Eaters.

" The blood traitor wasn't much fun. She's a delicate thing. Can't wait to see her bleed some more, break her, devour her!" Greyback laughed loudly and turned to look at Bella, " I see you had some trouble with the Mudblood."

Draco heard Blaise growl and Lucius placed a hand over his mouth to quiet him. Draco was close to breathing a sigh of relief when he heard they had issues with his mate until his crazy aunt spoke next.

" Tried my best. Cursed her a hundred times, not a scream. Watched as that filthy blood drained from her, she mumbled something slightly before passing out. She sure knows how to ruin a girls fun." Bella huffed and folded her arms across her chest.

" Then by all means, allow me. I wold love to have a go at her again, I wanna see the life leave her eyes from my own hands, I wanna......" Greyback paused. He sniffed the air and emminated a growl. Bella rushed to his side, worried.

" What is it, what do you smell?"

Greyback curled his lips into a sneer and mumbled one word, " Malfoy!"

Harry, Ron, Dumbledore, Snape, Blaise and Lucius looked over at Draco, who was panting very heavily, and his eyes had darkened over. He was growling deeply and his hands were gripping the wall, some of it breaking off under his strength. Greyback and Bella rushed off, out of sight. Harry Ron and Dumbledore took flight up the stairs immediatly, while the four Slytherins took to the lower floor.

Lucius quickly grabbed a hold of his son and godson as they came to a fork in the basement that spilt off into two different directions. " Please, be safe, only think of your mates, not revenge. We'll get it in due time. The girls are our first priority," The two boys nodded and went to hurry down one hallway when Lucius stopped them once more.

" And please, for the love of Merlin, don't do anything....Gryffindor," and with that he rushed off after Snape.


" Ron, be careful, we don't know what wards or traps they have set up in here." Harry warned, crouching up next to a door, and pressing his ear close, trying to hear anything.

Dumbledore came up behind him and swished his wand around. " I assure you Mister Potter, this room is quite safe." Harry nodded in reply and slowly opened the door.

Harry, followed by Ron and Dumbledore,came to a halt in the blackened room, and strained to hear anything. Nothing, silent, empty. They were about to leave when they heard a tiny sob coming from the back of the room.

Lumos" Harry whispered, and pointed his wand where in the direction the sob came from.

" Pansy!" Ron yelped and ran towards the girl laying on the floor. Harry came up beside Ron, who bent over and scooped her up in his arms. She buried her face in Ron's neck and began crying harder.

" Shhhh, love, it's alright, your safe now. Everything's alright!" Ron tried to calm the girl, but she sobbed even harder. Harry placed a reassuring hand on Ron's shoulder and asked Pansy,

" Where's Luna? Ginny? Hermione? Pansy please?"

" I'm over here Harry!" came a faint whisper and Harry sprinted to the opposite corner to find Luna slumped against the wall, the entire left side of her face swollen, and her eye bruised shut. Harry wrapped his arms around her waist and helped her to her feet. He began placing light kisses all over her face, just happy to have her back in his arms. She giggled softly, but began coughing roughly. She nearly collasped in Harry's arms when Dumbledore came up behind Harry and levitated Luna out of his arms.

" These girls need medical attention, Mister Weasley will help me take these girls back to Hogwarts where Madame Pomfrey will take good care of them, you go help Lucius and Draco, I'm sure they will need it!"

Harry nodded and placed a kiss on Luna's forehead before he ran to the door. He was almost there when Pansy spoke up,

" Potter, help Hermione, she's not good, and if I find out that this is the one time your hero luck ran out, I will hunt you down and personally kill you!"

Harry smiled and dashed out the door, bolting down the stair case.


" Why are they here, tell me!" shouted Greyback as the back of his hand made contact with Ginny's cheek again. Ginny waited till her eyesight had cleared before she smiled up at him from the ground.

" Obviously to save us, or are you too daft to understand that as well?" Ginny answered, and ducked another blow.

" You'll regret speaking to me like that."

" I already regret being in your presence," she replied as she saw Blaise and Draco enter the room quietly, " but your going to regret ever touching me!"

Greyback chuckled, " and why is that blood-tratior?"

Ginny pointed a shaky finger to the two figures behind him who had their wands drawn, " them!"

Greyback spun around as both Draco and Blaise shouted, "stupefy!" He flew through the air, and landed behind Ginny in a heap. Blaise immediatly ran to Ginny and gathered her up in his arms.

" Are you okay Red? Can you walk? Where are you hurt?" the questions were flying out of his mouth and Ginny just pulled him down by his collar and placed a rough kiss on his mouth.

Feeling the need for air, she released him and smiled, " feeling better already!" Ginny tried to laugh and ended up coughing, blood sputtering out of her mouth. Blaise felt her pain immediatly.

" Come on Weasley, let's get you out of here," Draco smiled and helped Blaise lift her up.

" Your not going anywhere with my toy," Greyback sneered, coming up behind the boys. He threw Draco across the room with his wand while he slashed Blaise from behind with his claws. Blaise screamed in agony and dropped to the ground, with Ginny on top of him. " We've got some unfinished business." Greyback said, coming to stand in front of Ginny.

Suddenly, Greyback was throw across the room again and landed on his back, moaning in pain. Ginny glanced up and saw Harry standing there, puffing out of breath and moving fast to Greyback's side. The werewolf looked up in fear as Harry pointed his wand once more at him.

" You'd think you'd learn after Voldemort, that what I hold dear to me, should never be messed with." Harry spat, his eyes never leaving the werewolf's.

" Couldn't help myself, she just smelled so delicious. But not as good as the Mudblood though." Greyback shot back, his eyes narrowing as Harry raised his wand at his face.

" See you in hell," Harry whispered, as a jet of green light escaped from the tip of his wand and he watched as the light left the wolf's eyes. Harry let out the breath he was holding, and turned to his three friends.

" Ginny, you okay?"

" I'm fine Harry, help me with the boys."

They trudged over to Blaise who was moaning in pain and rolled him over on to his stomach. Ginny grabbed Harry's wand and healed the cuts, watching as they disappeared.

" Now where did you learn to do that?" asked Harry, amazed.

Ginny grinned, " your not friends with the smartest witch of our age and not learn a few simple healing spells, how are you feeling Blaise?"

" Like I was slashed apart by a werewolf, but I'll be alright. Where's Draco?" Blaise wondered, coming to stand and looking around for his friend. They found him in the corner, unconscious.

Blaise chuckled, " it's probably considered bad taste to joke at a time like this, but this is the quietest I've ever known him to be!"

Harry laughed and looked down at Draco, " I suppose we should wake him up," he looked over at Ginny, who was still holding his wand and watched as she waved the wand over Draco and whispered, " ennervate."

Draco moaned and sat up, his head still a little foggy. When his vision finally cleared, he saw Harry standing over him.

" Ahhhh, what a sight for sore eyes. Never thought I would say this Potter, but I'm glad to see you, now give us a kiss," Draco held out his arms while Harry made a face and took a few steps back.

" I think you hit your head harder then I thought Malfoy. Now get up, we still have to find Hermione." Harry exclaimed, helping Draco to his feet, touching him as little as possible.

At the sound of Hermione's name, Draco turned back into his Veela form and began growling uncontrollably. Blaise looked around and asked, " where's the other Weasley and Pansy and Luna?"

" Ron and Dumbledore took Pansy and Luna back to Hogwarts where they are being looked after." Harry replied, motioning towards the door. " Come on, lets get Hermione and get the hell out of this place."

Draco and Blaise nodded and with Harry under one of Ginnys arms and Blaise on the other, the three fled the room in search of Hermione, hoping they weren't to late.


The boys and Ginny reached the room where they saw Hermione slumped against the wall. It was hard to tell if it was her from all the brusing, but they knew. Her hands were bound behind her back and Snape was unconcious by her feet while Lucius was locked in a ferious battle with Bellatrix.

" What my incredibly mental sister ever saw in you, I'll never know," Bella laughed as she sent a hex his way.

" Why she never saw the need to smother you in your sleep as a child still puzzles me to this day, Bella!" Lucius drawled and side stepped the hex, sending two back her way.

Bella screeched in anger, " you were a sad, pathetic excuse for a Death Eater. I'll be doing my sister and the wizarding world a favour by ridding them of you!"

Lucius laughed and dodged another hex, " and here I thought you were going to insult me instead of praise me. Nice to see the softer side of you, Bella dear."

Harry quietly made his way over to Hermione, and undid the robes, binding her hands behind her back. She slumped forward to the floor in Harry's ams, moaning in pain.

" Harry?" Hermione croaked and opened her eyes, enjoying the emerald eyes that watered at the sight of her. " Where's Draco?"

" SHHH, Hermione, we need to get you out of here first, then we will deal with everything else." Harry tried to reason with her, but knew he was doomed.

Hermione grunted in protest and stood up, " oh please, I'm not some helpless damsel in distress, Harry, I can fight well enough on my own!"

Harry chuckled lightly and looked her up and down, "  yes, how could I have come to that dumb conclusion? You seem to have done a fine job so far, and might I ask, how do you plan to fight Bellatrix without your wand?"

Hermione blushed slightly and stood a little taller, wincing at the pain in her body, " I do seem to be minus a wand, but be that as it may, might I borrow yours?"

Harry handed her his wand, but not before they heard Lucius yell. Draco and Blaise both shouted for him to stop and Hermione looked up just in time to see Bellatrix send a curse she had never heard before her way. She closed her eyes and waited for the blow, but it never came. She peeked out her left eye and saw Lucius crumpled on the floor. Hermione rushed to his side at once.

" Why did you do that? Why would you take the curse for me?" Hermione cried, tears falling onto his forehead which she cradled in her arms.

" I swore to you once, that I would never let a day go by, where you questioned my loyalty to you again. So I thought what better way to prove myself?" Lucius coughed.

" Awwww, wittle, bitty baby Mudblood getting all choked up? Think I'm gonna be sick." Bella taunted. The boys watched in amazement as Hermione growled low, her eyes blackening over, and saw her stand up, her knuckles white, gripping Harry's wand.

" This ends now," she whispered and bolted straight at Bellatrix, slamming into her, tackling her to the ground. Bella screamed as her made contact with the cement floor and Hermione roughly grabbed her by the head and slammed it down. Hermione let up and placed each of her knees on the older womans shoulders, pinning her to the ground. She placed Harry's wand underneath the woman's chin and pressed it in till she heard Bellatrix whimper.

Hermione lowered her head to Bella's ear and whispered, " I told you, if your going to kill someone, do it! Don't stand around talking about it. Avada Kedavra!"

Hermione felt Bella's body go limp under her and rolled off. Draco rushed to her side immediatly, gathering her up in his arms. She felt light as a feather, as he carried her bridal style over to their friends. She glanced up nervously, and smiled a half smile,

" Hello love!"

" Hey yourself," Draco whispered as Hermione's head slumped back and she passed out.

With Hermione, and a very pale looking Ginny, Draco made the notion with his head to leave and make their way to Hogwarts. The rest agreed as Blaise carried Ginny, Draco with Hermione, and after waking Snape up, Harry took Lucius and apparated away, back to school. Draco shook his head in disbelief in the fact that he never thought, him of all people, would ever be happy to be returning to school. ' Hermione would be so proud!' he chuckled to himself.


Hey guys mew chapter what do you guys think :)




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