I'll Protect You, Always

By EveMT05

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Chou's clan and Hwang's clan have been in wars for years. The boss of the 2 clans passed down the boss title... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32: Finale
Book 2
Book 2 is out!
New Book + Diff Spoiler(s)?
New Book Part 2 Continued
New Book Part 3
New Book Part 3.5
New Book Part 4
New Book Part 5

Chapter 22

529 12 4
By EveMT05

Tzuyu's POV

I woke up, hearing some mumbling in the living room and put my head up. I rub my eyes, blinking my eyes to make my blurry vision gone and when my vision became clear, everyone is looking at me, some are grinning and some are smirking at me. But Mina-noona is not grinning nor smirking, instead, she just look emotionless. 

"Wow! Tzuyu-ah, i didn't know that you 2 are really a couple!" Dahyung said softly to me and i got confused. Dahyung saw my confused face and pointed beside me. 

I turned to see that Sana-noona's sleeping on my shoulder and turned back to the rest.

"Don't get the wrong idea. We are just bored and tired." I said monotonously.

"Plus, we didn't even confess or kiss or anything so we're not a couple at all. Even though we sleep in a position that looks like a couple, we are still not one because we never even go on dates or done anything that couple always does." I explained monotonously again.

They all just nod but of course, with a grin or smirk on their faces, probably still getting the wrong idea.

Sana-noona finally woke up after a few minutes. She saw the rest and immediately put her head up. Everyone start teasing the both of us.

"Aww~Sana, you can still lean onto Tzuyu's shoulder~" -Momo-noona

"I'm sure Tzuyu don't mind at all~! Right, Tzuyu?" -Nayeon-noona

"Yeah! He definitely won't mind one, Sana-yah!" -Jeong-hyung

"Yeah! He's always kind to girls but not to us and the guys!" -Dahyung

"Sana-noona, you have a chance to win his heart, ya know!" -Chae-hyung

"Yah, i agree with Chae! Ya, Tzuyu! You can give up on you know who now! You have Sana-noona now!" -Dahyung

"Yeah, sure. I can try that, i mean Sana-noona is a beautiful girl with good personalities." -Me

"Oooo~!" -Everyone except for Mina-noona, Sana-noona and i

"Are you saying that you're finally going for Sana-unnie?!" -Jihyo-noona

"Maybe. Who knows?" -Me

"Oooo~" -Everyone except for Mina-noona, Sana-noona and i

"Yah, our little Yoda is finally growing up now! He's finally going for Sana!" -Jeong-hyung trying to fake cry

"Yah, i didn't say that i'm going for Sana-noona. I'm just said maybe. Meaning i might go for her but at the same time, i might not go for her. Do you even know what does the word 'Maybe' means, hyung?" -Me

"YAH! Of course i know the meaning!" -Jeong-hyung smacked my head

"Oops. Thought you don't know the meaning~" -Me

"YOU --" -Jeong-hyung got cut off

"Chill, Jeong~ Don't shout at our maknae here~!" -Nayeon-noona trying to act cute to Jeong-hyung

"Okay, fine! You win, you Yoda!" -Jeong-hyung

Afterwards, we all laughed.

"Then how about me..." Mina-noona said softly but we all heard it and we stopped laughing and looked at her. She realized that we are looking at her and asked confused, "What?".

"What about you...? You just asked that..." -Momo-noona

"Ah...really...? Did i say that out loud...?" -Mina-noona and we all nodded

"So, mind telling us?" -Jihyo-noona

"Nah, it's okay. It's better to keep it to myself." -Mina-noona

"Come on, Mina. We all here are you friends except for a certain someone who is not. But you can still tell us. If you keep it to yourself, who knows what will happen to you... It's better to tell someone so you will feel weights lifted off from your shoulders." -Jihyo-noona

"Yeah, she's right. We're here to listen to each other's problems. That's what friends are for." -Jeong-hyung

"Okay, fine...I'm just wondering why you all never act this way when talking about Sung-oppa and i..." -Mina-noona

"Oh~? Are you jealous, Mina-yah?" -Momo-noona

"Yes yes i am." -Mina-noona

"Wah, so honest..." -Dahyung

"Well, we're like that maybe because Sung-oppa is not a good guy to begin with and he already have lots of ex-girlfriends. Plus, we are enemies with him and his clan." -Jeong-hyung

"And you're totally going for the wrong guy when there's a good guy here who likes you but you don't even notice his feelings for you. I pity my brother, man..." -Dahyung

"Speaking of that, i'm still wondering who is it. Can you just tell me who? Even though it's pointless, i still want to know. I'm too curious on who is this guy." -Mina-noona

Everyone glance at me before turning back to Mina-noona.

"Mina-noona, you should recall whatever you heard about this guy and try to think who is the most suitable one after remembering what you recalled." -Chae-hyung

"Anyway, even if you figured out who, it's already too late. He already likes someone else." -Me

"How do you know that?" -Mina-noona

"He told me one. Plus, his heart is already taken by a beautiful girl." -Me

"Oooo~" -Everyone except Mina-noona and i, Sana-noona blushing

"Yah, Mina! I suggest you figure out who is this guy now while he's still here with us!" -Nayeon-noona

"Yeah! So he wouldn't try to escape from us and you!" -Jihyo-noona

"Woah...you're so mean to my brother..." -Jeong-hyung, the girls stick their tongue out to us

"He deserved it. Who tell him not to keep on trying to win Mina's heart, hmm~?" -Nayeon-noona

"Whatever." -My hyungs in unison

"Ah!" -Mina-noona, we got surprised by her sudden loud voice

"I figured it out now!" -Mina-noona

"Woah! So fast!" -My hyungs in unison

"As expected of her smart memory brain!" -Momo-noona

"Then how about you? Your brain is not smart but dumb." -Dahyung

"YAH! YOU!" -Momo-noona

"Oops. Sorry, didn't mean to say that out loud~!" -Dahyung

"Tch!" -Momo-noona, smacked Dahyung's hand

"So, Mina-noona, who is it?" -Chae-hyung, acting like he doesn't know who, the girls and my hyungs doing the same

"Wait...i have 2 in mind..."-Mina-noona

"Then just say the 2 that's in your mind one." -Jihyo-noona

"Tzuyu and Chae...?" -Mina-noona

"How is it me?!" -Chae-hyung and i in unison

"Oh! It's one of them! You guessed correctly but just need to say the correct answer now!" -Nayeon-noona

"Oh, really?" -Mina-noona and they all nodded multiple times with excitement

"Tzuyu...? I mean he even drove me to the hospital and back to our dorm." -Mina-noona

"Wow, what a smartass you are." -Me

"Woah...!" -The girls in unison and mouths wide open, my hyungs shocked

"What? Don't tell me i got it correct that that's him?!" -Mina-noona and the girls and my hyungs all nodded slowly.

After realizing that i'm the guy who likes her now, she became speechless and surprised at the same time.

"Why? Can't believe it?" I asked coldly and Mina-noona just nodded slowly.

"Does that mean it's true that you already don't like me...?" Mina-noona asked and i just nod. She looks like she's about to cry but i guess she held in her tears from flowing out.

"Told you it's too late already even though you know about it now." I said coldly. 

"You already like that guy so why not just go with him?" I asked coldly.

"But i hurt you without knowing..." Mina-noona said, feeling guilty.

"It's okay. My heart decided to give up on you already so it's okay." I said, not putting much emotion. Mina-noona looked down with tears dropping onto her legs while Jihyo-noona and Momo-noona, who are sitting beside her, comfort her on the back.

"Why are you crying? You already like someone and not me, why would you cry?" I said, confused and the others just glared at me. 

I kept quiet, not wanting to get a glare from everyone if i say something unpleasant. 

After Mina-noona's have calmed down and stopped crying, she looked up at me with her puffy eyes and red nose with sadness and guilt in her eyes. 

"I'm sorry, Tzuyu-ah...I didn't know that you like me and i hurt you without realizing your feelings for me...I'm really sorry..." Mina-noona said with sadness and guilt.

"I already said that it's okay. I will support whoever you're happy with and give you my blessings." I said, trying my best not to sound hurt and sad. Guess my heart still haven't give up on her, huh...it still hurts after all...

"Even though Sung-oppa and i might end up together...?" Mina-noona asked, looking at me with sad eyes.

"DEFINITELY NO! WE CAN'T LET THAT HAPPEN! TZUYU WILL NEVER LET THAT HAPPEN! HE'S SUCH A BAD GUY WHO WILL JUST RAPE GIRLS!" Jeong-hyung shouted out of the blue, making everyone surprised by his sudden shouting.

"But Tzuyu said that he will ---" Mina-noona got cut off by Dahyung this time.

"No! Mina-unnie, can't you tell Tzuyu's lying to you about that?! He's just trying to make himself hate you! That's all! But we won't let that happen even if Tzuyu doesn't care what happens to you!" Dahyung shouted angrily. 

Mina-noona then looked at me, shocked with her eyes wide open and asked me, "Tzuyu-ah, is it true?".

"I don't know. Maybe." I said and shrugged my shoulders, pretending not to know.

"Come on, Tzuyu-ah. Just tell the truth. It won't hurt to tell the truth, right?" Jihyo-noona spoke up, looking at me with pleading and serious eyes.

"Okay, fine." I gave in and they looked at me with curiosity.

"Dahyung's right. I'm just trying to make myself give up on you, that's all. You're not worth to be my girlfriend after me finding out that you actually like our enemy. Even if you don't like him anymore and you end up liking me, it will be hard for you to win my heart and soul. But if you end up liking one of my hyungs, then i'll be fine with that because my hyungs are good guys and they deserved good and beautiful girlfriends." I explained, trying my best not to sound hurt and sad.

"Wow...Tzuyu-ah, that's bold of you to say that she's not worthy anymore in front of us and even Minari. But i agree that your brothers deserved good and beautiful girlfriends." Momo-noona spoke up with amazement but soon nodded at her last sentence. Well, no wonder Dahyung like you, Momo-noona. Dahyung definitely deserve you, Momo-noona.

"But what if you can't give up on Minari...?" Sana-noona, who is beside me, spoke up and looked at me curiously.

"Well, that one...you will never know whether i have gave up or not because i will never tell you girls the truth whether i have really gave up on her or not." I said emotionless.

"But we're your friends. We have the rights to know that, right?" Nayeon-noona said with one of her eyebrows raised, looking at me. 

"But i have the rights to keep it to myself and not tell anyone even though you're my friends except for one person." I said, looking straight into Nayeon-noona's eyes. 

Mina-noona suddenly stood up and stood in front of me, making me look up at her. She looked so sad...i'm sorry for doing this but i have to give up on you, Mina-noona...I can't make you mine anymore...you are that guy's girl now...there's nothing i can do...right...?

Mina-noona looked at me into the eyes, making us stare into one another's eyes. She really looked hurt now...I'm sorry for hurting you...

Mina-noona then hugged me out of the sudden which caught me off-guard and surprised by her sudden action. Everyone looked at us, shocked with their eyes and mouths wide open.

I could hear sniffling from Mina-noona...she's crying onto my shoulder and all i can do is to just hug her back and comfort her on the back. Mina-noona's sitting on top of me while we are hugging one another is kind of making everyone looked at me teasingly with a grin or a smirk.

Guess i will get teased by my noonas and oppas later...


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