E Is For Enemy

By Haydenpumpkinchan

34.2K 1.5K 2.1K

Monster attacks, missing students and the shockingly gruesome discovery of an evil corporation doesn't sound... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six

Chapter Twenty Five

681 33 24
By Haydenpumpkinchan

Asano's P.O.V.

I slammed my hands down on my fathers desk, rattling the computer and knocking over a cup of pens.

"I want the S.W.A.T, F.B.I, C.I.A, C.S.I, Homeland Security, and the fucking police all on this, immediately," I demanded, glaring daggers at my father. "Hell, I want the fucking S.V.U, the B.A.U. and the fucking mall cops too. I want your best men on the job, working overtime on this! How could you let this happen on your watch? In your school? I even want that psychic detective who isn't even actually psychic on the job. How did this happen, father? How?! You have cameras everywhere! You realize how suspicious this makes you look, right?"

He kept a calm composure, looking at me with his arms crossed and head slightly tilted as he leaned back in his chair. "Asano, you idiot, we don't have even half of those government agencies, and the other half are TV shows."

"Why aren't you taking this seriously?" I screamed at him. "Karma is fucking gone! In case you haven't noticed, he's the guy who saved my life on more than one occasion, and you can't even lift a damn finger to help find him? Do you really not care for him at all? Even after all he has done? Do you really not care about me?"

"Don't use that kind of language with me," he warned. "Or else I'll lock you in your room again."

Enraged, I grabbed his computer and threw it against the wall, where it smashed and fell to pieces on the floor.

"That's it!" He roared, jumping up. He pointed to the door. "Get out! Go home, now!"

"Fuck you!" I snarled, flipping him off.

It felt so liberating and freeing to say that. His shocked expression was the best gift I had ever received. Karma would be so proud.

However, my giddy feeling turned to horror when he came out from around his desk, hand raised.

I bolted to the door and threw it open before he could grab me.

"I'm going to find Karma, and then I'm going to make sure you're arrested." I announced, half hiding from behind the door. "Even if we don't have any evidence you're secretly working for Creation Enterprises, you're at the very least a terrible principal who can't protect his students."


I slammed the door and sprinted down the hallway.

I'm coming Karma...I promise I'll find you.


I slowed down when it was clear my father wasn't going to chase me, or call security after me.

I concentrated on evening out my breathing, my mind whirling thoughts around like crazy.

Like hell I would go home and just wait for something to happen. I couldn't trust my father anymore, the only ally we had.

Granted, we never trusted him from the start, but he was the only one who had the best resources around.

The building was quiet now, school had let out three hours ago and even the teachers had all gone home. It was eerie.

I found myself back at the construction wing. The opaque tarp that sectioned off the zone from the rest of the school fluttered slightly in the breeze.

What was it Ren had said about this? It was supposed to be new classrooms or something?

I wasn't an architect, but it seemed to be a terrible idea to install classrooms on the west side of the school- considering when the sun set it would be getting in the eyes of everyone who was staying late for cram school.

I stopped- frozen in place when I realized it.

Unless they weren't building new classrooms. Unless the classrooms were a front for something else. Something sinister.

Karma had thought Creation Enterprises had a secret base at the library, but that had turned out to be a bust.

Because the secret base wasn't at the library.

It was never at the library.

It was being constructed right here- at the school- right in front of our eyes and yet we had been blind to it this whole time.

I swatted the tarp aside, staring down the empty hallway.

It certainly looked like a wing under construction- various tools and cords were strewn around, looking like they were abandoned by the workers for the day.

I stepped inside, letting the tarp fall back into place behind me.

My heart pounded a little as I carefully picked my way through the machinery and debris, as if it was a minefield.

Could it really be this simple? It was a huge risk, considering any mischievous student could have stumbled upon this a little too early and-

Miyoko Yukino!

Was this the reason he went missing? Had he seen something he wasn't supposed to and they had to silence him?

I narrowed my eyes, my hands curling into fists at my sides. Now I was more determined than ever to get to the bottom of this. I had had enough. More than enough. I was fucking sick of this whole ordeal.

It was time to put an end to it all.

I started running.

Hold on Karma, I'll be there soon!


Karma's P.O.V.

I threw my head back, screaming in agony.

The needle was finally removed from my neck and I lurched forward as far as my restraints would allow, panting heavily from the pain.

I was blindfolded once again, so every new prick or cut hurt more than if I could see it coming.

"Get this to the labs ASAP," A voice said, followed by the sound of glass clinking against glass.

They had taken so many blood samples from me, I was surprised I still had any left.

The loss of blood and the IV that was locked into my inner arm, which was no doubt dripping in that emphrikodime drug, was making me disoriented and tired.

"I apologize for this," that voice said again. "But I'm afraid it's necessary."

"It's really not," I gasped out, voice ragged. "You could just let me go and not put me through this. Just a thought." I winced as yet another needle was injected- this time into my side- and I could feel the syringe pulling out another five millilitres of blood.

"Unfortunately, we really must do all these precautions before we can start the process. If we don't do the testing to match your best possible character, the side effects can include death."

"That was so vague that it not only didnt answer any of my questions, but in fact gave me more," I snapped.

"Fear not. Soon the drug will kick in and you'll be taken to memory land, and will only experience the pleasant visions of your most visited memories." The voice said calmly.

"I don't want that," I hissed, shying away from someone trying to stab me with another needle. "That's what you did to my friend!"

The person grabbed my arm harshly, gripping it so tightly that I almost didn't feel the needle pierce my skin. They had taken my shirt off right before this torture had started, so I knew I had puncture marks up and down my torso, all over my arms and even on my neck.

"He didn't complain." Said the voice.

"Because he was unconscious!" I yelled. Tears threatened to spill from under the blindfold but I struggled to hold them back. The last thing I wanted was for them to see me cry. "He's still messed up about what you did to him! He still gets nightmares and wakes up screaming and crying."

"All for the greater good of science." The voice said, unempathetic.

"Fuck you," I growled.

A hand grabbed my hair and yanked my head back, stabbing a needle into my neck again.

Luckily, the drugs were finally kicking in, and I felt myself starting to slip.

As much as I didn't want this, I had to admit it would be nice to escape this hell and just dream of Shuu for a bit.

"Don't worry, Karma Akabane," the voice chased me into unconsciousness. "All is well. In fact, your friend here wants to say hi to you when you wake up."

Before I could tell it I didnt have a friend, I was gone.

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