Oneshots/Shorts Archive

By Driwed

5.8K 153 9

I decided to just put all of my shorts and oneshots together, no matter what group. Do keep in mind that some... More

Target Arch
Single Parents
End of Arch
WeUs Arch
Tissue (YongJo)
Growl (SeoRin)
Wish Upon Me (GiWoong)
Starstruck (DongHee)
"I Hate You" (DongGu)
Remember When (YongHo)
April Showers Bring May Flowers (GiHak)
Written In The Signs (DongWoong)
Story of The Hour (YongJo)
Years (GeonRin)
It Was Always You (HyunJo)
First Love (DongGu)
Pastel (GiJo)
Spring Festival (SeoMyeong)
Player Gu (HyunHee)
Awkward Silence (HwanHoon)
Go Red, Go Black (SeoDo)
First to 21 (SeoGu)
"It Went Like This-" (GiHee)
Daddy Said (DongJo)
Get Out of My Mind pt1 (GeonGu)
Get Out of My Mind pt2
Get Out of My Mind pt3
Sexual Tension (YoungGu)
4 Reasons (DongHee)
Sleepy Kiss (Oneus)
Pretty's "Useless" (HaJo)
Tide (SeoRin)
Summer Fest Façade (xreader)
Bad Juju (GeonJu)
End of Arch
Nct Arch
Visitor (HaeKun)
A Little Fun (LuMark)
I'm A Het (Ten)
End of Arch
We In The Zone Arch
K-I-S-S-I-N-G (ShiSon)
End of Arch
Got7 Arch
Twistim (JackJae)
End of Arch
Trei Arch
Try Try Again (ChangTae)
End of Arch
BTS Arch
Friends? Perhaps. (NamJin)
End of Arch
Pentagon Arch
Belated (KiWon)
A Little Kitten (JinWoo)
The Video (Kinan)
A Little Date (2Gu)
End of Arch
Verivery Arch
Special Thanks (YongHyeon)
End of Arch
TXT Arch
Fire!!! (KaiHyun)
End of Arch
Stray Kids Arch
No Fruit (JiBin)
End of Arch
The Boyz Arch
HwallRic (cont.)
NyuWoo (cont.)
SunCob pt1
SunCob pt2
Photo Trouble!
Photo Trouble! (cont.)
Sister Chan
Kitchen Fun (SunKyu)
End of Arch
Cross Arch
The Reef (JuHak)
End of Arch

Little Shops of Horrors (HwanRin)

61 1 0
By Driwed

I set up the flower display in the window then exited the store to observe it as a customer. I didn't like the angles, so I went back in to fix it. I did this a few times before I was finally satisfied. I walked back in then saw Geonhak shaking his head.

"What?" I asked as I bumped him over so I could count the money in the register.

"Your OCD only comes out when it comes to that display huh?" he asked as he held the bills for me.

"Guess so. How much did I give you?" I asked then nodded at his response. "Alright, looks like we're good. Go turn the sign."

I stood behind the counter as we were officially open for the day. We weren't expecting many customers as people tended to stay inside during the wintertime. I sat on the chair then unlocked my phone to play games. I heard Geonhak sigh, but he pulled up a chair beside me anyway. I leaned over so he could see better.

"You idiot, you're supposed to jump then duck. You've been stuck on this for like 3 minutes." Geonhak fussed as he kept himself from just doing it himself.

"Um, excuse me...?" a woman said from above.

"Oh! We're sorry. How can we help you?" I asked as I had quickly put my phone away.

"I actually called in a few days ago. I'm not sure who I talked to, but they said it should be ready by today." she said as she presented her order details.

"Ah, Yong told me about it. I'll be right back with it." Geonhak said before heading off.

I decided to entertain her a bit as Geonhak was still relatively new when it came to finding orders. She laughed heartily as I told her a story about my baby nephew. Geonhak had come back then handed her the bouquet.

"Thank you for choosing Little Shop of Amor! We hope to see you again." I said with a slight bow.

She nodded then headed out into the freezing cold. I sat back down with Geonhak then sighed. Our next customer probably wouldn't come until a few hours later.

"Were there any other orders for pickup today?" I asked as I watched the door.

"Two. And I think I saw a delivery...?" Geonhak said with an unsure look.

I followed behind him then checked the marked off bouquets. There was one meant to be delivered.

"Alright, you go deliver this." I said as I checked over the two pickups.

"What am I? Your lackey?" asked Geonhak in an annoyed tone.

"Just go. You need the experience." I said before leaving. He then suddenly called me back. "What?"

"Says here that you have to deliver it. Says here in the additional info." pointed out Geonhak before handing them over. "Don't worry, I'll watch the store while you're out."

"That's what I'm afraid of." I said before heading to the break room to grab my coat.


I shivered as I stood outside a home. Did I arrive too early? I tried the bell once more before deciding to leave. The door opened before I moved to leave.

"Ju Harin, right?" I asked before reciting details.

"That's me." he said with a tired look.

"I suppose you have your choice of payment?" I asked as I looked him up and down.

"Ah, it's upstairs. Why don't you wait inside where it's warmer?" Harin said before turning on his heel and heading upstairs.

I stepped inside the closed the door behind me. I stood by the door and took in the sight. It was a pretty nice place. He probably made enough to cover living expenses and splurge a little if he was in the mood. I placed the flowers on the table in the hallway and found myself venturing further in. He seemed to like things related to nature. I happened upon a vase that held dead flowers. He probably planned to replace them with the ones I brought.

I started to wonder how long it took to grab cash or a credit/debit card. I moved to turn around then lost my sight. I started to panic then felt something keep me still. I swallowed hard and feared for my life. I didn't know what was going on. Was Harin being robbed? Was I being mistaken for him? I felt myself lose consciousness instantly.


I woke up and found myself in a room. I lazily looked around then noticed my face on the wall before me. And another. And another. It started to click in my mind. I was being held captive by a stalker. I struggled then found myself restrained to a chair. The door opened and my mouth fell agape.

"Harin...?" I squeaked out.

He hovered over me then put a collar on me. A literal dog collar. I looked at him with pleading eyes, but I was soon spooked by the hungry look in his eyes. What was he going to do to me?

"I've been watching you for a while. A year, 3 months, 1 week, 2 days, 10 hours and 4 minutes to be exact." Harin said with a twisted smile.

It scared me that he kept count like this. Who in the world would have time to keep count? I kept quiet in fear of angering him. I just wanted to be let go.

"If you're thinking of me letting you go, I can't. One, I don't want to. Two, I can't have you tattling to the police." said Harin as he caressed my cheeks.

"Harin, why didn't you just try to win me over the normal way...?" I asked as I decided to just relax since it'd be awhile before any hint of escape came.

He remained silent. Did he really not consider that?

"You rejected me already..." he said with a sad look.

"Huh? I just met you..." I said then screamed as he hit my face with bottle in his hand. It was one of those trendy metal ones. "What the fuck?"

"You have met me before!" Harin shouted then rummaged around in one of his drawers. He pulled out a book then showed me a page. "We were schoolmates..."

"You? Puberty really did you good... I couldn't recognize you. Wait, you've been stalking me this entire time?" I asked in a panic.

"It's not stalking. Just following my crush to stay updated on his life." Harin said with a smile.

"Stalking." I deadpanned then groaned as he hit me with the bottle again. "Could you stop that? You're going to leave a bruise."

"Do you think you're in any position to demand anything?" he said before producing a rather sharp knife from behind him.

I pursed my lips and kept quiet. I was hoping it wouldn't get to this point. Perhaps I had done this to myself. What did I say to him back then that made him this crazy? I couldn't come up with anything. He leaned in closer then cupped my face. He was going to kiss me. He wouldn't allow me to move my head, so I kept my mouth closed.

"Open up or so god help you." said Harin in a low voice dripping with anger and malice.

"Okay..." I mumbled.

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