watchdog ➼ zackray 《Yankee...

By simonexviii

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based from the drama CD Yankee Gakkuen AU . Isaac Foster is a student at Satsuten High. A delinquent. He do... More

❝her watchdog.❞
❝study with me.❞
❝Blue Like Your Eyes.❞

❝Persistent Brat.❞

936 24 22
By simonexviii


"You brute!! I'll never forgive you!"

The ginger head boy shouted as he charged at Zack with a shovel.

Persistent little shit... "Would ya give it a fucking rest!" Zack snapped as he blocked Eddie's shovel with his bat.

Smack. Zack bonked Eddie on the head with the bat. "OUCHH!" He fell to the ground but wouldn't admit defeat. He couldn't. This broken boy couldn't accept defeat from Isaac Foster. Ever since he found out that day..


Part 4 - Persistent Brat.

A couple of weeks prior.

"Good Morning Rachel!! ♡♡" The ginger head greeted her cheerfully. "I usually don't see you waiting over here.." Rachel was sitting at the bench in the mornings as of late. Eddie was curious as to knowing her sudden change in routine.

"Good Morning Eddie. " She greeted him back as normal with a semi-uninterested look on her face. But Rachel was used to Eddie's persistence for her love. Which was unrequited as the petite girl has never gave him a clear answer to how she felt. Eddie was always kind and cheery towards Ray, he was convinced he was in love with her. All he had to do was win her heart.

"What are you doing out here?" Eddie sat back on the bench with her and timidly blushed as he caught a glimpse of her. "Im..waiting." she said as she placed her hands in her lap. Eddie began to fidget his fingers, then turned over to her, "Waiting on what exactly?" "My watchdog." She told him nonchalantly.

"Eh? What's that Rachel?" He scratched his head in confusion. She smiled lightly. Eddie blushed from seeing her face light up so suddenly, "Its like a bodyguard, a protector." She held her hands to her chest. Rachel had really grown to respect this boy, he seemed to keep her company and she hadn't been as scared of her sensei now ever since Zack was around.

"You.. have a protector? But why? I could be that for you Rachel.. maybe even more-!" He firmly admitted to her, Eddie kneeled infront of Rachel. "Rachel.. please forget about that protector you have now. I doubt he cares about you like I do." He held her hand closer to his face and gazed into her eyes , "Who is this watchdog of yours anyway?" He tilted his head.

"'s.." Rachel looked into his light emerald green eyes, she could see his determination.. But.. it was proven to her already that it had to be Zack for the job. Deep within her she just couldn't see it being anyone else. She continued,


Isaac turn the corner and in the distance seen a ginger headed boy kneeling down gazing at Ray. They were both looking at each other. What the fuck... Zack felt something in his chest. It was disgust but a stronger distaste for the boy with Rachel.. Who the fuck does this shithead think he is?! He grumbled to himself and clutched his fist.

He glared cooly as he walked over to them.

"It's who Rachel? Who's your watchdog?" Eddie asked her.

"It's me."

Rachel and Eddie swiftly turned their heads to look upward at the tall boy standing beside them. Eddie stood up and glared at Zack. "But.. why?! You obiviously aren't her type!" He bitterly growled in envy. "I don't think yer the one who gets to decide that brat, " he scoffed, "Aren't are too short to be a cocky little shit?"

Uh oh.. Rachel silently thought to herself. Why was Zack getting so worked up over Eddie? They had just met and it wasn't like Ray was in any trouble. "Um..Zack, Eddie..."

They ignored her tender soft voice as they began to bump heads. "Don't make fun of me bastard!!" "Oh yeah?! You think a runt like you stands a chance against me?" He sneered as he excitedly got into a stance with his bat. "Shut up! I don't have time to deal with you idiot! I was here for Rachel!" He yelled as he turned to Rachel. "See? He's nothing but trouble you'd be better with me."

Like hell.. Zack grasped Rachels wrist and pulled her to his side. "Listen little shit, this girl wants me to be her watchdog. If she wanted you to be it dontcha think she'd tell ya? But she didn't, did she?" He sneered as he had rubbed it in Eddie's face. "Shut up! You're being too rough with her!" "You don't just grab girls like they're ragdolls- Rachel's delicate so she needs someone to treat her that way!" Eddie stricked his shovel at Zack. "Fuck!" He hissed, "You little shit!" They punched and kicked each other.

"Talk about being more delicate , yer just like me. You ain't any better." He mockingly laughed, "Don't compare me to the likes of you asshole!"

This has gone on long enough.. Rachel gripped her chest, "Zack.. Eddie.. Stop it!" She knew how presistent Eddie was and Zack would just be asking for a enemy now. Eddie wasn't just a normal student at this academy . He was a delinquent too.

The boys continued to fight. Grabbing and yanking on each others clothing, wanting to beat the snot out of one another. Neither of them knew when to stop even though they had bruises and bleed. "Zack!" She yelled out exasperated. I want this to stop.

"Huh??" He turned to her as he huffed from exhaustion letting go of Eddie. "I told you to stop." Her facial expression wasn't as dull as before. It was clear she was irritated. "What's your problem? I'm just teaching this shitty brat a lesson."

"I told you I wanted protection. Not to have unnecessary fights over something so stupid." Fighting over her was stupid? Even if he didn't want to admit that , the reason he did fight that brat was because seeing him with Ray had hit a nerve.

"Whatcha mean by stupid?" He questioned her. She pulled him, "Enough. We're going to the infirmary." Rachel tugged Zack with her to Nurse Cathy's office. "Wait why? I'm just fine , these scratches are nothin' Ray!" Eddie had put a couple of good hits on him.

Rachel... how could you.. Eddie sat there bruised from his rowdy fight with Zack. But Rachel seemed to only worry about Zack in this situation even though Eddie was getting hurt the most. It broke his heart that she'd choose the safey of that brute over him. Why Rachel..? Why him? Eddie was more green-eyed than ever. He despised Zack for winning over Ray but he refused to let that stop him..I won't give up. Eddie grinded his teeth, "I won't forget this..Zack." If he remembered properly, thats what Rachel referred to him as.

"So Ray who was that little shit anyway? You know him?"

"That boy..that was Eddie."


Present time.

"Don't you ever get tired of getting taught the same lesson everyday you shitty brat!?" He glared at Eddie as he was on the ground. "Why don't you just give up?" "Shut up!.. you wouldn't understand.."

"You have no idea what it's like to be in love with that girl!"

Zack paused and stared as he heard those words.
". . ."


"Shut yer damn mouth. Why can't you just accept Ray rejected your ass?" Zack ridiculed him. "You're honestly really fucking annoying.." he began to walk away. That brat is getting way too serious over Ray. Love? Don't make me puke..

"Don't walk away from me yet! You did something with her yesterday didn't you? I seen you go home with her!" Eddie shouted at him.

"HUHHH?!?!" He flusteredly turned. This fucking runt.. thinks i did what..

"Are you outta yer fucking mind!?!"
"Don't lie to me bastard, you had your way with her! There's no other explanation for that ma- "
"!!" Zack had cut Eddie's sentence short,
He grabbed Eddie by the shirt, "Get away from me! I doubt you were even gentle with her-"

He sighed then glared menacingly, "Listen ya little perv, Keep saying false shit aimlessly and I'll really knock yer ass dead. " Zack cooly threatened as he held his bat between his fist and tapped it against his palm. . Eddie gulped, Zack had never been so cold. Must've hit a nerve?

"Haha.. Well good to know," Eddie managed to pick himself up from the ground, "I knew you wouldn't have the guts to do something like that with a girl anyway." He stuck his tongue out childishly and ran off.

Fucking idiot.. "Sicko." He grumbled. All He and Ray would do at her house together was study, possibly hang out then he'd go home. Nothing more , nothing less. And thats how its been for the past few weeks. Why would he get that idea? What a little perverted shit. His eyes narrowed in an agitated manner.


"Yo Ray!"

He waved to her as she was eating her lunch alone. "Where have you been?" She looked up at his mismatched eyes as she took a bite of her food. He turned his head away, "Nothing for you to worry about.." "You got into a fight with Eddie didnt you?" She narrowed her doll eyes at him, she had knew the truth without him having said so. "Tch. How'd you-"

"I can tell from those scratches." She sighed, "What was it this time?"
"About yer ass as always" he rolled his eyes and huffed.
"Oh, I see."

Zack turned his glimpse to Ray as she ate, then noticed-

"Hah? Ray." He grabbed her attention, "What is that?"

She put down her lunch and turned to him, "What are you talking about?"
"D-Don't play dumb-!" He stuttered, "What is that?" He said more firmly. She raised a brow.
He snapped, "That! What the fuck is on your neck?!"

Her eyes widened, "I forgot." She covered the mark embarrassingly. "Are you hiding something from me?!" He nabbed her hand away from her neck.

"Don't get mad Zack." Her face began to look gloomy, "Huh?"

"I decided to apply makeup to make a fake bruise to make guys think I've been territorially marked." She told him truthfully. huh? "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"I know it was risky but I had no choice. They try to catch me when you're not around so I had to fake like we did a stunt together."

". . ."

"You did what?!?"

"I know you wouldn't do this but I had to take drastic measures, Zack."
"Dumbass! You had that little shit think we-" he covered his mouth, "That we what Zack?"

He blushed then silently grabbed a napkin from her lunch. Zack rubbed it on the remaining makeup to make it disappear.

"Idiot..And here I was thinking you were really smart..Don't cause weird rumors and shit. Aren't you embarrassed at all?" He asked her seriously.
"I am..I just want them to take a hint-"
"But what good is it making it seem like I got you under lock and key?" "You're looking for something more than me just being yer bodyguard or somethin'?" He stared at her face, she didn't turn to him, "I don't know." She said meekly.

Rachel had lost her appetite now, it didnt show through her dull expression but she was flustered he'd say something like that. Why would he ever suggest she wanted something more out of him?

"I..really don't know Zack."

She stood up from the bench preparing to leave, "I should get going, I'll take care of myself with a better method.." He grabbed her wrists stopping her in her tracks.

"Ray." He sighed, "I didn't think I had to stay by your side all the time but if thats what you need you could've just said." She nodded weakly, Was she holding something on her chest?

Even though She was just doing all this so she could keep people away- She wasn't just using Zack, she didn't want to just use him. She valued him but she had yet know this feeling in her heart. Never in the girl's life had she'd met someone like Zack and spending more time with him just seemed to strengthen a bond between them.

"As long as you're fine with it then." Rachel assured then softly smiled. Zack spotted this from the corner of his eye, Ray.. really has a sweet smile.. He blinked. "Yeah, its alright.."

Rain drops started to plop from the sky.

Drip. Drip.

Rachel felt the subtle yet wet drops hit her golden head and reached out her hand, "Zack it's rai-"
Zack pulled his black jacket over Ray, "Hurry, Let's get inside."

Even if Zack's voice is cold and rough sometimes..I can't help but feel safe around him..She helped pull the jacket over her head for cover then looked up at him,



"Damn, just in time, it started pouring." Zack looked out the school doors as he and Rachel began walking in the halls. "My hair is a bit damp now.." Ray whined. It was a huge pet peeve of hers for her hair to be wet, it irritated her a bit.

"Tch. Stop complaining, I tried alright?" Zack said as he was a bit offended by her tone. Since He basically sheilded her from the rain.

They walked down the empty halls , Rachel suggested, "Maybe we should go to class this time? It's not like we have a choice unless we want to risk getting caught by Principal Gray."

"Shut it. You might jinx it." He scratched his head in annoyance.


A voice called out as they charged over to Rachel and Zack. It was a short ginger haired boy,

"That shithead again?!?" Zack groaned. He placed his arm infront of Ray, "Watch it." He told her, she nodded.

Eddie was ready to challenge Zack, "This time I'm going to win the fight! I got you pretty good earlier today I doubt you're as strong as you'd normally be." Eddie sneered.

"Fuck off you cocky shithead brat!" He threathened as he swung a punch. "Ow! That hurt.." Eddie wiped the blood from his lips. "You hit hard as always but I'm surprised you made it in. Without Rachel you could've broke the school keycard again."

Pissed off by this, Zack slammed Eddie to the wall and once again they were in a rough fight.

"That girl deserves someone much more better than you. Someone with better smarts too!" Eddie shouted, "And you think you're so hot?!" Zack snapped then chuckled, "You know, you're just getting worked up because I'm the one who gets to be in her bedroom after school."

The petite blonde watched as they yelled back and forth.

"See I knew it! You lying bastard you did have your way with her!"

Eddie covered his mouth and they both came to a abrupt stop. Zack didn't want to turn his gaze over to Ray, shit.. this runt thought i was referring to that... This had become very awkward.

"What are you talking about Eddie?" Her doll-eyes widened. "Ah..Sorry Rachel...I didn't mean to.." She silently huffed then cooly stated, "I..I wouldn't.." She couldn't put her words out, she had felt a bit humiliated. "Rachel,it was only a speculation.. because Zack seemed like.." Rachel walked away as Eddie's words lowered to none. Oh no... Eddie looked down to the floor, I hurt her?

Zack pushed Eddie out the way and ran after her. "Ray!" He called out to her and she didnt turn around.

Her heart raced, she was embarrassed beyond what she could comprehend. Even if it wasn't true and was just a speculation it still bothered her. She began to sprint as she heard Zack catching up. That makeup wasn't what I had intended at all..Is Eddie the only one who thinks that? She really hoped so.


As he ran to turn the corner he spotted something,

Oh shit it's the old geezer- Principal Gray was strolling the halls as a daily routine he'd do to make sure students weren't misbehaving in his academy. Shit, what a bad time for her to do something like- He felt a doorknob of a door he was backing into then-






A/N: Left it on a Cliffhanger oopsies ♡

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