By Rukky360

379K 11.1K 994

Emily deceives Emeline her twin sister and all her family members. She crushed their souls and nearly brought... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chspter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
In your hands
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Feel free
It has been published
Chapter 31
One more
Chapter 32
Book 2
Merry Christmas
Reader or writer
Please i need your help

Chapter 15

7.8K 285 5
By Rukky360

I gasped so did Chris and my parents. Chris was by my side instantly. My mum eyes where wide and she had a look of shock on her face.

"Are you alright" everybody kept on asking me except my attacker. I was so shock and hurt by that actions.

What did I do to deserve this dirty slap from her. The wheels in Chris head was turning I could see how angry he was.

I held his hand shaking my head, silently pleading with him not to do anything.

"Carp that outrageous why will you slap her. What did she do to you" Chris dad turned to ask his wife anger clearly written on his face.

My dad held my mom back from lashing out on my mother Inlaw. The room was silent when a pin drops you can hear the sound.

"That bitch over there deserves what I did to her. She lied to everyone and she even back stabbed her own sister what do you think she will do to us or own son if she could do that to her own twin"

My heart was broken by the words she said, the Vernon in it burns like fire she glared at me before taking a seat.

I squeezed Chris hand tightly, I tried to fight back the tears but they wouldn't stop. I opened and closed my mouth like fish doped out of water.

"What are you talking about" my dad finally ask turning around to face her. My mum is angry I could see it on her face.

Chris is furious but he is trying to control his anger, I don't want to be the reason behind him and his mums arguments she will get more reasons to hate me.

"Ask that daughter of yours not me I think she will explain further" she picked her nails as if we don't exist in the room.

"Darling tell me, what is she talking about" Mum finally ask looking at me with so much sadness.

I only shook my head, cleaned the tears with the back of my hands and cleared my throat.

"I don't know what she is talking about. I swear I don't know" I'm been accused of something I know nothing off the tears I thought have managed to get under control began to flow again.

"You have the audacity to lie to our face, I wonder what kind of upbringing you got as a kid" Thot did the trick all hell broke loose.

"Enough mum, you can't just walk into my house and slap and insult my wife and her family like that, dad please talk to mum." Chris said glaring at his mum.

Chris mum began to cry. " So she has managed to turn you against me just within the span of a week. You've never yelled at me before, I don't expect much from a husband snatcher like her" she pointed an accusing finger my way.

"What will I get from someone who can steal her sisters fiancé on their wedding day, I'm not surprised I should know that who she is a dirty stain we must remove"

"Enough Caro, I have had enough of you insulting my daughter. I respect you and your family a-lot but I won't tolerate an insult against my daughter again. Now tell us what she did to deserve all this." My dad agitatedly said.

"Well did you know that your daughter was pregnant for my son that why they where getting married but her twin blackmailed her with a secret she didn't tell me to marry Chris instead of the rightful bride."

Another chapter down, what could have Emery blackmailed Emily with.

Is what Caro is saying even real at all. Did Emery do all what she is been accused off.

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