By My Side (Kidge - Keith x P...

By MoonLightStroy

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Everyone got use to being heros as voltron and living in space, everyone has a reason to keep fighting and ev... More

Space. Chapter 1.
Songs. Chapter 2.
Emo. Chapter 3.
Lazier. Chapter 4.
Win Or Lose. Chapter 5.
Oops. Chapter 6.
Closer. Chapter 7.
Pidge-Katie. Chapter 9.
Battle. Chapter 10.
Truth. Chapter 11.
Love. Chapter 12.

Seen. Chapter 8.

472 19 84
By MoonLightStroy



A Couple years passed and today the class finally graduated into becoming real soldiers. (i kinda forgot how long it takes to train then in to becoming soldier so i just gave them three years of training.).

"i cant believe we passed, we finally soldiers" Hunk yelled with a huge grin and punched his arms in the air. "i knew you four could do it, I'm proud of you all" shiro said with a smile and tears. "oh man dont we look good in uniform" Lance smirked as they all made a small pose as the captain took a photo before laughing. "i cant believe we passed" Keith said surprised since they all troublemakers in one way or the other. "i can we all badass" Pidge smirked and poked Keith arm. 

"yeah we the coolest badass's ever" Keith smirked and side hugged Pidge who just smiled. "watch out world we coming" Pidge giggled and everyone laughed at her. "dont go starting wars already" shiro smiled at them. "too late I'm sure women are already all fighting over who gets our hearts, dont worry ladies their five of us to share" Lance grinned and everyone laughed at him. "yikes who let lance out" Hunk laughed.

"well i guess i see you all at the graduation party tonight, since i have a meeting to go to" Shiro smiled. "yeah I'm sure you be able to spot our dancing anywhere" hunk smiled since he knew the only two who could actually dance in the group was lance and keith. "dont worry we go easy on you three" lance smiled and patted Pidge arm. "hey dad dancing isn't dead yet" Pidge grinned making them all laugh. "if you start dad dancing then I'm walking away" Keith smiled and they all laughed again before shiro left. 

"yo" James griffin yelled behind the group who stood in the hall way. "what's up" hunk asked with a small smile. "are you all going to the party tonight" James asked with a small smile. "yeah who wouldn't, its the only fun this base with ever give us" Lance said with a goofy smile. "well i heard a couple soldiers are gonna try and sneak out during the party, captain asked me to find a group to help me stop them since if they leave base without permission they be kicked out without warning and that make us all look bad" James said with worry. "we keep an eye out but what happens if we dont catch them" Pidge asked with  a small smile. "they be kicked out and we all have to attend to a meeting in the morning about it, they might even kick out a couple of their friends or unit to warn others not to run now your became a soldier, that why I'm hoping we catch them" James said with worry. "well i dont like you but i hate meetings so we help" Keith sighed and James glared at him. "thanks" James sighed and walked away. 



"not wearing a dress" Keith asked as he stood next to Pidge near the corner of the room. "well everyone but you still thinks I'm a guy, i think if i wore a dress that might give me away" Pidge smiled back. "i guess your right but i was kinda hoping to see you in a cute dress" Keith said with a small smile. "you were" Pidge blushed. "well y-yeah, i thought you might um look cute" Keith said embarrassed and blushed. "t-thanks" Pidge said looking away to hide her blush. 

"did we just miss a dirty joke or what" Lance said with a smirk as he and hunk walked over to fins the two blushing. "ur ah um no, we um just saw a couple making out when coming here" Pidge lied and rubbed her neck. "no way, people are already making out" hunk said shocked. "um yeah, it was a little awkward since we had to go pass them and well you walked in just after we arrived" Keith lied. "yeah that would be awkward for anyone who just passing by, i guess they moved spots since we didnt see anyone making out" Lance smiled. "yeah guess they wouldn't stay there after we had to ask them to move so we could pass" Pidge smiled. "yeah anyone would stop after that" hunk laughed. "anyone want something to drink, i head over to the table and get some" keith asked trying to move on from the lie. "sure, i have some lemonade please" Pidge smiled brightly. "i have some coke but i come and help you carry these guys drinks" hunk smiled. "i have cherryade thanks, me and Pidge will go find our unit table" Lance smiled and the four split up.

"so seen anyone you wanna date" Lance smirked and Pidge blushed. "why would you ask that" Pidge said embarrassed. "becuase you just blushed, so who the lucky person" Lance grinned as they found their unit table. "i dont have anyone like that, you the flirty one in our group" Pidge pouted back. "yeah and i tell everyone who I'm crushing on, so you do you like" lance grinned. "i dont know if i like like them" Pidge said embarrassed. "well who the guy or girl, I'm guessing your Bio like me" Lance smiled. "i guess" pidge lied since she couldn't really say she was straight and might be crushing on a guy when acting as a guy. "so who is this guy" Lance smirked and Pidge blushed. "not telling" Pidge said embarrassed. 

"not telling what" shiro asked as he join the table. "shiro, how much did you hear" pidge asked embarrassed. "the not telling, so what did you do now" shiro asked with a worried smile. "a certain little guy here might have a crush but wont give a name" Lance grinned. "lance" pidge yelled and playfully slapped his arm. "hey" lance laughed. 

"what did lance do to get hit" keith asked with a grin as he sat by Pidge and passed her drink while hunk sat between shiro and lance. So pidge sat by the wall with keith on her left and shiro on his left with hunk on his left and lance on his left who was on Pidge right side. "dont you dare" Pidge warned lance. "pidge has a crush" shiro smirked. "shiro" Pidge yelled shocked. "hey, you warned lance not me" Shiro grinned. "shiro is now my favourite person" lance grinned and Pidge pouted. "aww dont pout Pidge, everyone gets a crush" keith smirked and patted pidge head. "oh really then who your crush Mr loner" Lance smirked making keith blush a little and shocking everyone. "no way, you really have one" hunk said excited. "lance your now my second favourite person" Pidge said with a grin and turned to the blushing keith. "do we know the person" hunk asked with a smile. "not telling" keith pouted making them all laugh.

"hey shiro" a older boy yelled making them all turn and Pidge slowly slid under the table. "oh matt, you came" shiro smiled and stood up to talk to the guy. "um Pidge, you ok down their" Lance said with worry. "ur yeah just thought i saw something" Pidge lied and slowly popped up. "what wrong" Keith whisper. "hey hunk, who is the guy shiro talking too" Pidge asked with a small smile. "matt holt, he super famous how do you not know him" Hunk said with a grin and it clicked to keith that matt was pidge/Katie brother. "who knew shiro would know matt holt, that just amazing" hunk smiled. "oh man isn't this song great" Pidge smiled as a fast beat song came on. "why dont we all go dance why shiro talks to his friend" Keith said standing up with pidge. "sure we not had the chance to dance yet" Lance grinned and the four walk over to the dance floor without being seen by shiro or matt.

"why dont you meet my friends" shiro smiled and pointed to the empty table behind him. "um shiro" matt smiled. "where are they" shiro said with worry. "its fine, I'm sure they be back soon" matt laughed. "ah wait there they are, oh god they dancing" shiro said embarrassed since keith and lance was dancing really well but hunk and Pidge was doing mum or dad dances. "wow" matt laughed. "lets wait here, i dont want to be seen dancing next to them" shiro said with a grin.

"what kind of dancing is that" lance laughed. "the salt shaker" hunk smiled as he shook his body. "you are not doing the robot dance" Keith said in disbelief as he watched pidge do the robot. "oh come on its fun" Pidge smiled. "you my friends will be single forever by dancing like that" Lance laughed. "what wrong with our style of dancing" hunk asked. "everything" keith replied with an eyebrow up. "meani" Pidge pouted. "just follow my lead, we getting you dancing the basic" Lance smiled as he danced a easy style and let hunk copy him. "this isn't so bad" hunk smiled. "come, just move with the beat and the flow" Keith smiled taking pidge hands and helping her move a little. "this might be a little fun as well" Pidge smiled and keith laughed. Soon lance and hunk was dancing like normal wild teens while Keith and pidge dance with each other while laughing.

"hey not bad, you getting good" Keith smirked. "well i am amazing" Pidge giggled. "oh really, who was doing the robot dance before" Keith grinned. "oh ok fine, i might have a good teacher" Pidge laughed. "yikes get a room" lance laughed. "but make sure its not ours" Hunk grinned and keith along with Pidge both stuck their tongues out. Soon the up beat songs was over and a couple of slow pace ones came on for the couples making the four quickly leave the dance floor and running over to their table again.

"that was fun, we should go dancing again" hunk smiled. "yeah it was funny to watch you all dance and we can just dance again later after the couple songs are over" Lance smiled and they all sat down. "but no more embarrassing dance moves or we leave you outside" Keith smirked as he turned to Pidge. "oh shut it you emo" Pidge pouted and playfully slapped Keith arm who was just laughing as they sat down. "hey dont slap the people who taught you to dance better, that was embarrassing to watch at first" Shiro smirked and Pidge stuck her tongue out again making the others laugh. "shiro be nice, dont forget you still do dad dances" Matt giggled and Pidge eyes widen as she forgot about her brother, keith held her hand under the table to try and clam her so she wouldn't blow her cover. 

"so shiro who is this guy" lance asked with a puzzled smile since matt was a stranger to the rest who just sat at their table. "hello I'm matt holt, shiro told me so much about you all" Matt smiled kindly and everyone smiled back. "i cant believe i finally got to meet a holt, this is so cool" hunk fanboy and shook matt hand before smiling like an idiot and making the rest laugh. "well i guess someone was a fan of your work and yet he normally the cool headed one of the team" Shiro grinned and everyone else pouted.

"hey I'm always cool headed more then the idiot flirty lance anyway" Keith pouted and crossed his arms making him let go of pidge hand. "says the one who rush head first into battle" Pidge tease and keith turned to her before smirking. "oh yeah well at least i dont mumble of everything or idea during battle" Keith smirked poking Pidge arm. "your right but at least i think before going in and stabbing anything in my way" Pidge smirked and poked Keith arm back.

"now now children dont start fighting, your at a party so enjoy" shiro grinned and the two just grinned. "says the one who acts like a dad all the time" Pidge and keith smirked together as they turned to shiro. "oh they just went their" Lance laughed. "you really wanna start this you emo and nerd" shiro smirked back. "oh this is gonna be so fun to watch" Lance giggled. "guys we at a party no roasting each other until tomorrow" hunk said with a worried smile. "oh shut it hunk" lance, pidge, keith and shiro yelled with a grin. "ok if you really want to go then should i tell everyone at least one embarrassing thing you all do in the mornings before class because i have a list" hunk smirked and the other four went pale before sitting down like good soldier. "wow you guys are fun to watch" matt laughed. 

"sorry to rude but could i guess your names before you tell me" matt smirked. "sure go ahead, see if all my bragging makes you tell who is who after that little disagreement" Shiro grinned. "let me guess the loner keith is you" matt smirked  as he pointed to keith. "really shiro" Keith sighed and rolled his eyes. "the flirt who never get a girl is you" matt smiled and pointed to lance. "shiro that so mean" lance frowned. "the kind and loveable guy who gets scared easy hunk is you" matt smiled and pointed to hunk. "yeah shiro not wrong" hunk smiled since he did get scared easy. "the shorty brainy but feisty pidge" Matt smiled and pointed to pidge.

"yeah i guess i can be a little feisty but I'm not short" Pidge pouted and matt watched him/her. "haha you are short, i think a fairy is taller" Keith smirked. "oh yeah well at least I'm not the loner" Pidge smirked. "yeah he really is a shorty feisty one, if you want to keep any body part dont make fun of his height" Lance warned with a worried smile. "i see" matt giggled. "no he will find a way to cut them of or just try and bite them" Hunk said with worry. "he really is the most scariest person in our group" shiro said embarrassed. 

"she reminds me of my sister, Katie holt" Matt smirked and Pidge froze a little with keith. 

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