Crystal Banks 2 ~Sequel to Cr...

By JulyWinterrs

2.4K 112 7

it's 6 years later and all hell has broken in Beacon Hills. Crystal has finally decided to return. How will t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 3

189 9 1
By JulyWinterrs

The young 14 year old girl ran for her life in fear of what was chasing after her. She stopped and hid behind a tree. Trying to catch her breath. Her eyes began to glow and she felt herself shifting, "no not now." She fell on her knees in pain as one of her bones shifted. "Crystal! Crystal!" Her older brother yelled frantically searching for her. "Kol," she called back. 

  Kol found her grabbing her and running. Trying to get her home in time before the shift. Finally thet made it running to the basement locking the doors behind them. "Kol." Crystal said before fully shifting. She snarled at him before pouncing...

~Crystal's P.O.V~

Dylan= 17a7e89551a909bf204c48352703ba

    I snap awake taking in a sharp breath. It's ok it was just a dream, just a dream. A dream that was half was real. I remember that night, I was running from Cursers. That was the closest they ever got of trying to kill me. 

  "Mom are you ok?" Dylan asked looking at me. "Yea baby boy I'm fine." "Good cause dad was getting worried about you." Dad? "Derek's here," I growled lowly. "No, uh while you were sleeping I talked to Troy and you always said that everyone needs a dad, so I was thinking since he's been there for us we could call him that. Is it ok?" "Of course it is Dil." Then I noticed that I was in a bed, "Dylan where are we?" 

 "In Beacon Hills," Tory says walking in the room. I smiled at him as he sat next to me on the bed and kissed me. "Where's Cole and Dakota?" "Downstairs with Scott and Stiles." "Does the pack know we're here?" "No but in a while we're gonna pay them a visit. So get dressed." He said before kissing my head and leaving the room with Dylan.


Cole= cf1ec0618c35707382db5196ce3e8d

Dakota= 6086f4cc2b72bdf0bd69a4e77faf52

 I quickly got up, showered, did my hair, and got dressed. I gave myself a reassuring smile. Today I have to find Taylor, that's the main goal here find my best friend. I opened my room door to see Dakota standing there. "You stole my hat," we say to each other before laughing and switching hats. "Yup Crystal's ready." I heard Scott say. "And so is D.k." Dylan says as we walk down the stairs. "Finally!" Stiles yelled before pulling me out of the house.

 I gulped as we arrived to my old home. "Daddy is this place haunted," Dakota asked clinging onto Tory. Then I remembered something, "oh yeah, who the hell dressed Cole?" Everyone turns to Stiles. "What he was acting like Derek!" He exclaimed shrugging. The kids laugh as I roll my eyes. We all walk up to the porch, me in front. They all look at me. "What the hell am I supposed to do walk in there and say "honey I'm home?" 

  Scott rolled his eyes and opened the door. Cole grabbed my hand, holding onto in tightly. So I picked him up and placed him on my hip. "Honey I'm home!" Stiles said loudly. It feels good to be home. "Stiles took you long enough where the hell did you go?" Ian asked coming into the entrance room and freezing when he sees me. "Hi Ian." I say waving and putting Cole down. He smiled before pulling me into his arms. I smile and hug him back. "Kol! Come here for a second!" Ian yelled still smiling. "Dad can you put me down?" Dakota says while looking at Ian with dreamy eyes. "Uh sure." Tory says a little confused with D.k. He puts her down and she walks to Ian. "Hi I'm Dakota, but you can call me D.k." "Ian."

 "Hi I'm Dakota but you can call me D.K. ." Cole mimicked as him and Dylan laugh at her. Kol soon rushes down the stairs. "Ian this better be good because I-." He started to say but stopped when he saw me. I smiled at him tearing up. "Crystal." He says before hugging me. I clung to my older brother like my life depended on it. I don't want to let go of him, I forgot how much I've truly missed him. "Is mom ok Dil?" Dakota asked from behind me. "Yeah, she's just happy to see her brother." "Why don't you treat me like that when you see me?" "I will starting now I promise." I smiled I know if Dylan saw how being a good big brother was he'd want to be one to Dakota. 

 "I've missed you so much moon," Kol says letting go of me. I give him a sweet smile, "I've missed you too Kol." "What the hell is all that noise?" Autumn says smirking at me, walking down the stairs hand in hand with Derek. "Oh Der look we have a guest." She says pointing at me, I growl but take a few steps back shielding the kids. "Oh come on sis we haven't seen each other in 6 years and that's all you can do. Derek can we just get on with it and kill this Freak." This time the kids growled, "don't call her that." Cole says flashing his red eyes. "Nice eyes kid, you must get them from your father." She says. Bitch. "No actually he gets them from his mother," I say flashing my red eyes.

 "I say we kill the kids first." I pounce on her, punching her in the face. Before I could do anything else Derek grabbed me by the neck and slammed me to the wall. I saw Tory tense from the corner of my eye. I looked at him and shook my head. "Let her go!" Dylan yelled at Derek. Derek just glared at me, I glared back and smirked. He couldn't kill me if he tried. "I'm fine Dylan." "Mom he's killing you!" Dakota says crying. "Tory take them out of the room." He nodded before picking up Dakota and walking out of the room with the boys. I smiled at Derek before putting my hand on his shocking him. He hissed and let go of me. 

  I wasn't worried about Derek right now. The kids was all that mattered. I ran towards them but Autumn decided to be brave and step in front of me. I growled at her flashing my eyes. I just looked at her and thought of breaking her leg and arm so they broke. I smiled I love my powers. "Don't worry they'll heal... maybe." I say walking into the living room. "Mom!" The three of them yell running towards me I crouched down giving them a hug. "We knew that you could beat him up," Dylan says shrugging. "That was Derek right?" Dakota asks. "Yeah it was," I say smiling at her. "Well I'm gonna go punch him it the face cause he's- uh um he's... mean," She says walking off. "She acts just like you Crystal and who dressed Jr. He looks like Derek." Kol say with a confused look on his face. "I can't help it if he was acting like Derek!" Stiles says loudly. 

 *2 hours later

   We all sit in the huge living room after deciding to have a sort of meeting about the Taylor situation. I sit on the couch with Troy at my side and Dakota on the other. Dylan and Cole sit on the floor, leaning against the couch in front of us. Stiles and Scott sit on the other couch facing us. Ian and Kol both sit in chairs facing the couches. Derek and Autumn aren't present. 'Good', I think to myself. Stiles clears his throat. "So, uh, does anyone have a plan or something?", he asks. It stays quiet. "Great plan everyone...", he mutters sarcastically. "We could find her by smell." Cole says making everyone laugh. "We already tried." Ian says looking at his hands sadly. "Mom said we have a better sense of smell then werewolves." Dylan says. "That's only if we shift Dylan," I say looking down at him. "It's not like we don't have control," he argues. "I know but we would have to ask the pack leader since this is their territory." "Ok we ask Derek problem solved. Because I'm pretty sure their not gonna let Taylor live that long," Stiles says standing up.

   "So who's going to ask Derek?", I ask and look around the room. Then realize everyone's looking at me. "Oh." "You're the only one who can ask him, Crystal.", Stiles tells me. "I can't. In case you all haven't noticed the two of us hate each other now.", I remind them. "Say that again," Ian says. "Derek and I hate each other." I say with a straight face. "Your heart beat got faster. You're lying. You still love Derek and Derek still loves you." "Crystal you guys are mates. Taylor told me that having a mate was rare." Stiles says looking at me. Taylor is right. Mates are pretty rare with Spring Heroes. Especially with a werewolf. I look over at Troy who looks awkward sitting there while I'm being told I'm still in love with my ex. Am I? I look at Stiles next who gives me a desperate look. Poor Stiles has lost the love of his life and we don't even know if she's alive. I imagine how I would feel if Derek was in this situation. Wait.. Derek? I mean Troy. I don't love Derek..I can't.

  "Please Crystal, I can't lose Taylor she's all I have left. I need my sister." Ian says running a hand through his blonde hair, " at least pretend that you care about him. I know you moved on to Troy but... we need Taylor back. I need my twin. Who ever has her his torturing her I can feel it." Troy squeezes my hand, "I'm fine with you doing this. If this is what it takes to find her then do it. Be with Derek." He says giving me a reassuring smile. "Does that mean we can't call Tory dad anymore?" "Fine I'll do it. And you guys can still call Troy dad if you want." "Thank god. And Crys maybe you should gain his trust again you know... maybe even sleep with him a few times..." Stiles says looking at her with pleading eyes. I took a deep breath before nodding, "I'll go try to talk to him to him." I said before standing up and leaving the living room.

 ~No one's view~

   Derek was laying on the bed thinking about her. How beautiful she's gotten. How much it took him to not run up to her and kiss her when he saw her again. "Derek," Crystal says walking into her old room. He looked up at her eyes turning red. "Why'd you come back?" "I promised everyone I would." "Crystal you need to leave." "Why?" "Because you're on my pack grounds and I'm the alpha." "You're forgetting that this land is the Banks territory. You don't own this place." "But this is my pack." "Because of me." They glared at each other. Derek stood up and looked down at her. They ran towards each other, their lips meeting half way. She wrapped her arms around his neck. His hands gripped her hips pulling his mate close to him. 

 ~Derek's P.O.V~

   I kept Crystal close as she could get to me as I kissed her. We pulled apart looking in each other's eyes. "Uh um I'm sorry I didn't-" she started but I stopped her. "It's fine. I miss us." I said grabbing her hand. "Derek I-." "Don't." "You told me to leave." "Do you think I meant it? Crystal you don't know what I've been through." "Derek if I didn't think you meant it then I would've left. We can't do this. You even told Dakota that we wouldn't work out." I looked down at my hands. I did regret everything I said to Crystal, I love her. And I hate seeing her with Troy he wasn't right for her. "I'm sorry Crys. I'm so stupid for saying all of that. I don't care about who or what you are..." "Derek don't I've heard enough." "No you haven't Crystal." 

  "What do you want from me!" She yelled looking at me with tears in her eyes. "I want a second chance." "A second chance to what? Break my heart again." "No. A chance to be with you and the kids again." I said putting my hand on her cheek. "Mommy?" Someone says knocking on the door. She opens the to see Cole, "hey baby boy, what's up?" "Um I wanted to stay with you." She smiles and picks him up. Cole looks at me before resting his head on her shoulder. I look at him then to Crystal and see that her eyes are watering.

   "Uh, Derek this is your son Cole. Cole this is your father Derek." She says sitting him down on the bed. I walk over and sit next to him. "Hi." "Dylan says that you're not a good guy, is that true?" He says looking at me with golden brown eyes. "Well Cole do you think that I'm not a good guy," I ask looking at Crystal. Cole looks at his mother and smiles as she nods at him. "No." I smile at him. "Do you love mommy?" "Yes." "Do you want to marry mommy?" "If she says yes then yes." "Cole did they figure out a way to find Taylor?" Crystal asked ignoring me. "Kol took Dylan out in the woods to track her by scent," Cole says smiling at her. "The only way Dylan can find her is if he shifts." "It's ok he has control mom." "I know. Look sweetheart go downstairs Derek and I need to talk. Wait where's Dakota?" "Starring at Ian somewhere," he laughed. "Ha ha so funny now go find your sister and no using powers in the house," Crystal says smiling at him.

 ~Kol's P.O.V~

   "Do you think my mom and dad will get back together?" Dylan asked looking at me. We were trying to find Taylor's scent in the woods. "I don't know Dil. Your mom seems happy with Troy." "I don't want her to be happy with Troy. He's not right for her." "I know that you want your parents together but I'm pretty sure they don't want to be together." He nodded his head before stopping, "I smell something." "What?" I ask looking around. "Come on," he says running. I run after him catching up fast. We stop when we see the old Hale house. Dylan frowns and goes on the porch. "Someone's in there." Then I catch the scent.


   My eyes widen and I run in the door finding her sitting on the steps chained. She was here the whole time. What the hell. "Taylor!" I yelled breaking the chain and picking her up. She growls and her eyes turn purple. Damn it. "Dylan run!" I yell at him. He nods before running out of the burned down house. If I ran she would follow. Good. I started running catching up with Dylan quickly but Taylor was close too. I'm not getting my nephew killed. We finally made it to the house. "Get Crystal," I said to Dylan. I made myself stop running so I could grab Taylor. My eyes flashed orange as I grabbed her arms.

 ~Crystal's P.O.V~

  "Mom!" I heard Dylan yelled running in the living room. "What is it?" "Taylor... outside," he says out of breath. I go outside and see Kol hold Taylor down to the ground as she growls and tries to get up.  Well that's a sight. "Now would be a good time to shift Crystal!" Kol yells at me. Oh yeah. I jump into the air taking my full form. I roar loudly causing Taylor to jump away. Kol gets up looking up at me in shock. Taylor groans holding her head. "Taylor!" Stiles yells running towards her. "Stiles!" She squeals jumping into his arms. "I thought Crystal was a cheetah." Ian says feeling my fur. "Sometimes Realmers can change their form based on their children. Dylan, Cole, and Dakota are part wolf so it's good for them." Kol says smiling at me. I shift back to normal. "Yup." I go to Dylan, "you ok Dil?" He doesn't look at me but nods his head then storms off. Oh god what now?

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