I'll Protect You, Always

Por EveMT05

24.4K 509 26

Chou's clan and Hwang's clan have been in wars for years. The boss of the 2 clans passed down the boss title... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32: Finale
Book 2
Book 2 is out!
New Book + Diff Spoiler(s)?
New Book Part 2 Continued
New Book Part 3
New Book Part 3.5
New Book Part 4
New Book Part 5

Chapter 12

557 13 0
Por EveMT05

Tzuyu's POV

After we left the girls' dorm to put their shopping bags in their dorm, my bros and i decided to chill at the shopping mall that is nearby to our school. 

We are at a cafe, located inside the shopping mall, and just chilling here. Suddenly, we all saw 2 familiar figures and looked closely. Ah...what a stupid sight to see...

It's that coward guy and Mina-noona on a date in this cafe! Why this cafe and not somewhere else?! It seems like the 2 of them saw us and that coward guy smirked at us, especially to me and i just gave a cold stare while Mina-noona and my bros smiled at one another. Then the 2 went to sit at the opposite side of where we are sitting in the cafe. 

"Let's leave." I said coldly and my bros nodded. We all exit the cafe and decided to go back to our dorm. 


After school, my bros were informed by one of our men that we have training today. It's been a long time since we last have our training. Basically, our training is for our combat fighting and other forms of fighting. My bros and i decided to invite the guys from Wonyoung's group of friends and they all agreed to come along since they never experience being in a fight before. And of course, Wonyoung is coming since she's part of our clan.

Actually, Wonyoung is not the only girl who is coming along...The girls from her side and our side also want to come along and we have no choice but to let them come along but of course, me, wanting to protect my clan, did not let Mina-noona come with us. I'm sure Mina-noona will tell that guy and he will end up following behind us. The girls from our side, told Mina-noona to hang out with that guy and not come along with us. The girls also told Mina-noona not tell that guy about where we are going, thinking that that guy might try to track us down, and Mina-noona just obediently nodded her head. 

We then proceed to the dorm parking lot for our cars. Since all the guys here have their own cars, we all decided to just share cars, not wanting to cause any traffic jams later. We chose the 3 biggest cars so in the end, we chose Yujin's, Eunbi-hyung's and my cars. Since my car got chosen, of course i will be the one driving. 

Since 3 cars can't fit all 20 people here, obviously some girls have to sit on the guys' lap so the guys have to board the cars first then followed by the girls.

Yujin's car: Yujin, being the driver of course, Minju sitting beside the driver seat, Yena at the back window seat with Yuri on sitting on his lap, Chaeyeon sitting in the middle of the back seat with Sakura-noona sitting on his lap, Wonyoung sitting at the back of the window.

Eunbi-hyung's car: Eunbi-hyung being the driver, Chae-hyung sitting beside the driver seat, Chaewon at the back window seat with Hiichan sitting on her lap, Nako sitting in the middle, Hyewon sitting at the back window seat. 

My car: Me being the driver, Sana-noona beside the driver seat, Jeong-hyung sitting at the back window seat with Nayeon-noona sitting on his lap, Dahyung sitting in the middle of the back seat with Momo-noona sitting on his lap, Jihyo-noona sitting at the back window seat.

Throughout the ride to the training's venue, my car is full of the 2 pairs of couple flirting with one another. Of course the 2 pairs are none other than the 2yeon couple and the Dahmo couple. Gosh! They keep on flirting non-stop! Jihyo-noona kept telling them to stop but it's useless, they still continue flirting... Sigh...my brothers ah...


Once we reached the venue, i parked my car beside Yujin's car. We all got out of our cars and walked towards the venue. My company own this place. The place has 4 floors. 1st floor is the security and the security is super tight and strict. 2nd floor is the boxing ring with boxing equipment. 3rd floor is where we will train our aiming with different types of guns and even sniper guns. Last not least, the 4th floor is where we can practice our shooting and hiding with different types of guns.

We got through the security and went to 1st floor to being our training. Well, of course girls being girls, they will just watch us, the guys, doing our training. We, guys, decided to have a boxing match and i guess i knew this was coming since my bros and i are always having a match. Oh! And Wonyoung trains herself with the female members of our clan but they are not here right now with us, they are probably training in another room.

Here's our boxing match goes:

Round 1: Dahyung VS Yujin

Round 2: Chae-hyung VS Jeong-hyung

Round 3: Chaeyeon VS Eunbi-hyung

Round 4: Hiichan VS Yena

Round 5: Hyewon VS Me

Of course since this is a match, whoever is the winner will be going against the winner of the following round. 

1st round starts. My 2 bros doing well with each other, dodging attack after attack but in the end, Yujin end up losing to Dahyung. As expected of my brother! I'm proud of the 2 of them even though Yujin lost the match, still proud of Yujin!

2nd round starts and of course they, being my brothers, are doing well also, launching attack after dodging the other's attack but Jeong-hyung, having more strength than Chae-hyung, ended up winning the match. I'm so proud of my 2 brothers!

3rd round starts. Since it's their first time doing this and my first time watching them fight, i observed their strengths and weakness. Surprisingly for me, they are doing good for beginners but soon, the match was won by Eunbi-hyung. Guess he got more strength power than Chaeyeon, huh.

4th round starts. The 2 first-timers doing well too but the match ended faster than the previous match. The winner was Yena. From my observation, Hiichan is not good at dodging while Yena is good at it. As for attacks, Hiichan's attacks seem to be weaker than Yena's one.

5th round starts and of course me, being the more experienced here than Hyewon, goes how i usually fought with my bros. I ended up winning the match. And of course now the winners will be against one another this time. Not in a match but all together and of course, this match is being done freely so we can either work with another or fight alone by ourselves. My brothers are always ganging up against me so i'm used to fighting alone by myself and maybe that's the reason why i'm also the strongest among my bros. 

The last and final round kicks off. Of course Dahyung and Jeong-hyung will team-up and fight me. I mean they are very daring to have the guts to fight me which is a good thing since it helps in some fighting situation. On the other hand, i could see Eunbi-hyung and Yena are already starting to fight each other. I became focused and serious with my 2 bros while getting myself angered by remembering a certain someone who makes always makes me angry and of course, he is none other than that coward, that Chan Sung guy! 

As soon as i remembered this guy, i managed to get myself angered and start my match with my 2 bros then followed by Eunbi-hyung, who won his match with Yena. 

As soon as the match ends, i went back to normal, my anger fading away and as expected of me, i won! I'm so proud of you, Tzuyu!

And we all proceed with our guns' training.

After we finished our training, we drove our way back with the same seating while the girls kept on talking about how awesome we were just now during our training.

I'm so proud of myself and of course the guys! We were so handsome until the girls kept on talking about how awesome and cool we looked like! So proud!


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