Long Way From Love (Mark Free...

JoviEurope83 tarafından

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Mark Free and Lissa are childhood friends, their relationship is put to the test when Lissa is kidnapped and... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: After School
Chapter 3: After School Part 2
Chapter 4: Pizza Hut Mishaps?
Chapter 5: Give a Little Bit
Chapter Sixx: OWWWW, this hurts
Chapter 7: Are you drooling over Robert Plant?
Chapter 8: I'm In love with my car
Chapter 9: Graduation
Chapter 10: Are you okay?
Chapter 11: Morning Accidents, Nighttime Concerts.
Chapter 12: I'll never leave you
Chapter 13: Your In W.A.S.P!!!
Chapter 14: Photo-shoot
Chapter 15: I don't like her
Chapter 16: Um... Mark?
Chapter 17: Dancing With Desire
Chapter 18: I think I have enough money?
Chapter 19: I'm Buying The Furniture.
Chapter 20: Food
Chapter 21: Help Move
Chapter 22: Good Night, Good Morning
Chapter 23: I guess it's lunch.
Chapter 24: I hate saying goodbye.
A/N and Valentines day special.
Chapter 26: I hate saying goodbyes, part 2.
Chapter 27: A Biscuit.
Chapter 28: I hate doing stuff
Chapter 29: Sleep, Eat, Get Hit In The Face, Repeat.
Chapter 30: Raccoon!
Chapter 31: Back Home
Chapter 32: You Need to Eat!
Chapter 33: Good morning, another day.
Chapter 34: New Years
Chapter 35: New Years, Part two.
Chapter 36: Strange Start to a New Year
Chapter 37: Another year closer to death, Happy Birthday Mark
Chapter 38: Who knew one could hate flying so much?
Chapter 39: But I don't want to wear a dress!
Chapter 40: Promotional things are boring.
Chapter 41: You're going on Tour!
Chapter 42: Meh, it's nothing but a few aches
Chapter 43: It's Just A lot
Chapter 44: Going on Tour!
Chapter 45: Crappy Hotel Rooms and Opening for Maiden
*Writing improvement at this chapter* Chapter 47: I don't feel older...

Chapter 46: Up's And Downs Of Tour

39 4 12
JoviEurope83 tarafından

Four weeks later:

Time's went by, the band has been on the road, and I've been following them. They've done a few show's, it was always the same for me. I'd either stand by the stage or go out in-front of the stage with the crowd and watch them perform or I'd wait in the dressing room. Nothing much.

They'd always be sweaty so I made a use of myself and gave them towels when they got done performing and water, sometime's I'd even take the time and help with the road crew.

So, all in all, nothing interesting has happened. I guess the most eventful thing that has taken place so far is when Johnny lit his hair on fire in the dressing room. I don't know how it happened, I don't know why it happened, I just know he ran out with his hair on fire and Mick chasing him with a bottle of water.

The boy's got a little time off, and that time off just happened to be this week. Mark had a few thing's planned. Although he hasn't told me much, but he's mentioned looking for a place in L.A to stay. I think that'd work out better instead of constantly flying in and out.

I just know he better let me sleep before I'm dragged off to do anything. My sleeping has been terrible, I'm not sure about anybody else, cause they're out alot while I'm stuck on the bus or in a hotel room sleeping.

Currently me and Mark were on the way to a hotel to sleep for the night and we're out tomorrow. The rest of the band separated the second we landed.

"So, how are you liking this so far?" Mark asked me as the car came to a stop. "It's been okay, fun at times, and other times it's been torture." I shrugged my shoulders while stepping out of the vehicle. I gave an honest answer.

"Just okay?" He walked up next to me, opening the door to the hotel/motel place. "Has it been any better for you?" I gave him a sideways glance. "No, I guess not." He chuckled.

We walked up to the counter. There was a man sitting with his legs up on the desk, I think he was sleeping. Next to him was a women, smacking gum and reading a book, looking as if she had much better thing's to be doing than working there.

The women gave us a room key. All she said to us was the price then went back to reading, I couldn't help but role my eyes.

Me and Mark made our way to the room door. He opened it and I immediately went over and laid down in the bed.

I curled up into the silky white Linen sheets. My eyes turned heavy and sleep started to consume my tired body, but there was a slight movement from next to me. I felt a hand on my arm and a light shake was pressured to my body.

"Let me sleep." I huffed, face down in a pillow. "Okay, I'll sleep on the floor then." Mark responded. I could hear the amusement in his voice, which in a way got on my nerve.

"Oh-" I smiled sheepishly, not realizing I was in the direct middle of the bed, giving him no room, "-sorry." I moved over slightly, leaving him space. "Thank's." The bed sunk in next to me.

I felt his arms wrap around me. With a content and tired sigh, I curled up into him, falling deep into a state of long awaited sleep.

Next day

I woke mid-day, still wanting to sleep but we had to check out in thirty minute's so I couldn't. With a glance to the side, I could see Mark was still asleep. 

Part of me wanted to let him sleep, I know he hasn't gotten much but we had to get out.

"Hey?" I started shaking his arm. "Wake-up, we gotta go soon." I whispered. He opened his eyes and looked at me with a 'did you have to wake me' look. 

"What?" He groaned, rolling over. "Come on Mark, you're usually the one to wake-up early and all. We have to leave." I sighed. I got up out of bed, hoping the movement would wake him more.

Luckily, it did. Mark looked over at the clock and rolled out of bed as well. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" He watched me wide eyed as I gathered our thing's. "I was kind of sleeping, don't know about you." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh yeah." He started to help me get our stuff together. Thank god, it didn't take long for us to leave. We returned the key and left.

"So, your plans are?" I looked over at Mark expectantly as we walked down the side-walk. "My plans are to find a small, cheap apartment around here." He answered. 

"Any place in mind." I questioned. "Yeah, not far from here either." His eyes shot over to me, a smile spread across his face. I could feel a grin conquer my own.

We walked a ways down the road, making a turn every once in awhile. I mean, hey, we're getting exercise. That's good, right?

Mark turned into this small complex. It was three stories, over-looked the city and the out-side looked semi-decent. So it couldn't be that bad, hopefully.

I followed Mark inside the main, office looking place. There were a few people sitting down in chair's in there, a counter and a t.v. 

Mark grabbed my hand and pulled me with him to the counter. "I called in a few day's ago, about renting a place here?" He gave the women there a questioning look.

"Oh, hello. Last-name please?" She smiled at us kindly. "Free." Mark answered. She pulled out a note-pad thing with a few name's written down on it. Her eyes traveled over it before looking back up at us.

"Mark?" She questioned. He nodded. "Okay, give me a second, I'll be back with someone who'll show you around and give you paper's." The lady got up and took off somewhere.

I looked over to Mark. "So, you planned this out as well?" I couldn't help but smirk slightly. "Maybe..." He let the word draw out. 

"Wow." I laughed, leaning into his arm. He wrapped that arm around me, bringing me into his side. It took us both a minute to realize there was a man standing right behind us.

"Hello there." He smiled and extended his hand to Mark. Mark shook it and gave the man a friendly look. 

"I'm David." The guy presented. "Mark." Mark introduced himself. "And who would you be?" David looked at me. "Lissa." I gave a small wave. 

"Beautiful, you guys can follow me." He waved us in his direction. We followed him into, what I'd expect to be, his office. 

He sat down behind the desk. Me and Mark sat down in two chairs in-front of it. "To keep this quick and simple. Here's a key to room 103, here's the paper-work for you to fill out-" David pushed us a stack a papers, "-If ya'll decide to stay, I need these back by three o'clock tomorrow afternoon." He finished explaining.

Mark took the papers and we were on our way. I followed Mark up a flight of stairs before making a turn down a hall. I looked on the right side and he looked along the left side for a door that said '103.'

"Found it!" I pulled on Mark's hand once spotting the number. He laughed at my eagerness while pulling out the key. 

He slowly pushed the door open. We walked inside, my first reaction was to say 'eh, no.' But then I realized all I was looking at was the living-room and kitchen, there's still more.

I walked through the place, it had two bedrooms, one bathroom, a small hallway that connected to living-room and the living-room, dinning room and kitchen were basically one big room. Connected to the dinning-room was a balcony.

Mark opened the sliding door to the balcony. We walked out, the view was amazing, looked over the city and you could see where the sun set and came up in the background. 

"So how'd you like it?" Mark asked me, gently touching my arm. I looked up and over at him with a small grin. "It's really nice, I like it." I responded.

"Good, then it's official. This is our place in L.A." He gave me a wide smile. I rolled my eyes playfully and hugged him. He lifted me up off my feet, taking me by surprise and carried me back inside.

He sat me back down in a chair at the dinning-room table. Mark pulled out a chair and sat down beside me, proceeding by letting the paperwork drop onto the wooden table.

"Well, help me fill this stuff out then." He handed me a pin. "Okay, well then..." I took a few papers and started writing the stuff I knew how to answer down. 

Time flew by, very, very slowly. But it went, that's for sure. We were soon done and looking around at the new place to stay.

"Is there a hospital around here?" I asked randomly. "Uh... Yeah?" Mark looked at me, slightly alarmed. "Why?" 

"You know I've had these stitches in me awhile, I need them taken out." I lift my shirt, showing my almost heeled cut. "Damn, I've forgotten about those. I guess it would be a good idea to have them taken out." He nodded, making his way to the door.

I followed him around the street, we didn't have a car so by foot is apparently how we were going to get to places.

We reached a small medical place. I walked inside, as usual the person at the counter wasn't the friendliest but what can you ask for? They gave me a ten minute wait before taking me back. Also as usual, I had to fill out personal information.

"Lis?" Mark questioned. "What?" I asked. "Isn't today the sixth of July?" His eyebrows raised slightly. "Yes, I think." It was then I was struck with realization.

"You'll be a legal adult tomorrow." He pointed at me. "Oh my god, I didn't even realize that. I'll be eighteen tomorrow." I shook my head with a laugh.

It wasn't long before they came out and called me back. I slowly got up, Mark followed close behind me as I returned the papers.

Part of me became real nervous as I walked into the room. I don't know exactly what they're going to do, I mean, I know they are taking stitches out but still.

The doctor came into the room with a nurse and scissor like things. The nurse told me to take my shirt and shorts off so they could get to all the stitches easily.

I reluctantly stripped of the clothes and laid down on the table as I was instructed. Mark came over and stood next to me while the doctor made the first few cuts to the stitches.

Every once in a while I'd feel a slight tug on my bra where Mark's hand would catch it cause he was messing with my hair. I could see his smirk out of the corner of my eyes when he did that. My heart sped up slightly when he did that, why did I have to like him? And why does he have to mess with me while a doctor was pulling stitches out of me? Last but not least, why is my life so strange?

The time passed quickly, before I knew it, all the stitches were out of me and the doctor was pouring stuff over the scar to rid of any infection.

The nurse was nice enough to give me a mirror so I could see the scars before her and the doctor left the room. 

Mark helped me up off the table. I blush covered my face at the fact I stood half naked in-front of him. 

His eyes traveled over me ac-couple times. I could see the hesitation as his gaze shifted over the side of me that just had stitches pulled from the skin. With a sigh, l glanced down. Bellow my left breast was the scar from many years ago, reaching all the way from under my breast the opposite side off my waist. It's faded but ugly.

There was three new scars going down my right side. The first one I could faintly see because it was on my back, the second one being on my hip the mid thigh and the last one reaching from my lower back the my abdomen. They were all fairly bad, almost disgusting looking, actually not almost, they were.

I let out a long, disappointed sigh after looking the scars over and threw my clothes back on. I looked up and gave Mark a sad glance.

"Ready to leave?" He asked softly, I nodded. By the pitiful look he gave me, I knew he knew why my mood dropped. I was glad he didn't push anything for a conversation, the whole walk back was just silence and I appreciated it.

The sun soon sunk into the horizon, which was visible on the balcony. Exhaustion soon took over me, after yawning a couple million times, I finally fell asleep in the kitchen chair.

In the drowsiness of sleep, I could feel Mark lift me from the chair. I was soon surrounded by the cool feel of sheets, I slowly came out of the light rest to feel someone else lay down in bed with me. 

I blinked open my eyes up at Mark's blond figure. His eyes traveled down to where I lay, awake. He smiled. "Go back to sleep, darling." He kissed my forehead, laying back next to me.

I nodded, hugging his form and falling back into sleep, for some reason the only two thoughts going through my head being that this was the first night at a new home in L.A and this was the last time I'd fall asleep as a teenager. Odd...



Okay, it took me forever to update and this isn't even a long chapter. Sorry for that, I've just been really busy, got a new phone, traveled some and I got a cool job at this antique place in the record section so I've been doing that, also there's been a few more things. The stupid band I'm in has been getting more gigs at these odd places so that's been taking up my time. All in all, just know I'm still extremely committed to this story, I'll try my best to update with in the next two days but all next week I can't then school starts back and I'll have that hell to deal with again. But I'll update as much as I can, I've even planned out the next few chapters so I could get them written easier. Also, nothing in this chapter was true, other than Mark Free did move into L.A at some point, don't know when exactly but I know he did.
If you see any grammar mistakes, or any way I could improve on writing and improve on this story please tell me. I'm really wanting to make this better, more interesting and all, so please tell me how if you can. Also, again, thank you so much for reading this if you have.
Vote, Comment, Follow, all that stuff and sorry for the short chapter, hopefully more updates soon!!!

Edit: Soooo... I've re-read some of this and it's very, very cheesy. I mean, I still want to update it and make it better, but I fairly positive no one reads this. But I might any ways. It's like one of those things you still want to continue, but the embarrassment is so over whelming. I'll just see where it goes from here. Also, I might start a one-shot book, seems like fun, although I'm not sure how well I'll be at it...

Okumaya devam et

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