Chapter 36: Strange Start to a New Year

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New Years night

Mark actually left early today, around four in the morning, he had an early flight and woke me up around three to take him. Apparently, the band had a promotional New Year's thing they had to do tonight, that explains Mark leaving.

It was currently Eleven forty-two at night. I was watching some countdown of the best music video's on the t.v. All in all I was pretty bored and about ready to go to sleep but I wanted to stay up long enough for the end of 1984 and beginning of 1985. It's hard to believe that this decade was a couple minute's away from being halfway over.

The time went by quickly and before I knew it, the t.v was playing the last video and fireworks were going on outside. My feet were folded up under me as I sat on the couch.

The phone soon started to ring, I quickly answered it. "Hello." I answered. "Hey." A voice said through the phone, I heard music and voices in the back ground, making it hard to identify. "Who's this?" I asked.

"Oh, it's no one important, just the blond boy you live." The voice laughed. "Oh, hey Mark. Didn't realize you were going to call." I laughed, it's true, I didn't expect him to call.

"Yeah, I didn't realize I was gonna call either. But King Kobra just finished performing. Now another band is up performing to welcome the new year, so I rushed all around the place to find a phone to talk with you for the last couple minute's of this year and the beginning of next year." Mark explained.

I nodded even though I knew he obviously couldn't see me. "Well, at least I don't feel as lonely." I joked. I heard Mark laughing in the background. "Your not that lonely, trust me, Johnny's girlfriend just found out that he was with other girls, and she left him. He is now trying to make up to her and she's packing her bag. So, you don't have it that bad in the lonely compartment."

There was a long silence before something else was said. "How are you holding up?" He asked, I assumed he was talking about what happened yesterday.

"I'm fine, but my throat kind of hurt's." I answered. It was true, my throat has hurt ever sense he tried to choke me. "Oh, sh*t Lissa. I forgot about that. If I knew he was gonna try to kill you, I wouldn't have answered the phone." Mark lowered his voice.

"Kill me, I think that's a little bit of an exaggeration." I hummed. "Not really. I don't know why he wanted to try that but he did. It hurt's to realize that I might of not even noticed my own friend being choked to death in my house." He had a down-full tone to his voice.

"Mark, it's not your fault." I muttered, annoyed that he keeps acting like he could of stopped that. "But Lissa, it wouldn't of happen if I didn't leave, he wouldn't of touched you or if he had, he wouldn't of for as long as he did." Mark always said that, he take's the blame. 

"It's still not your fault. I knew my brother had anger issues and I kept my mouth open until he was over the edge. My fault, not your's, not his, mine." I tried to get my point across. "Don't blame yourself." He wont let this drop will he.

"What is going on now, there?" I asked, changing the subject. "I can't really see anything because I'm in a back room with the phone so I'm assuming everyone is starting to gather together." He stopped talking, the noise in the background was quieter than it was when he first called.

"What are people doing around you?" Mark questioned. "Well the people next door are having a party and the music is way to loud and other than that, everyone seems to be setting off fireworks, it's annoying. I can't get no sleep." I complained, it took less then a second to say that.

"If you had a choice you would sleep twenty-four seven." He laughed from over the phone. "True." I replied. Sleep is my favorite way to spend time.

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