Hall of Fame

By darling_bluebird

1.6K 96 52

A girl. A football team. Some ice cream. The occasional hospital. Some emotions. Loud people. Crazy family. R... More

Launch Note
Chap. 1
Chap. 2
Chap. 4
Chap. 5
Chap. 6
Chap. 7
Chap. 8
Chap. 9
Chap. 10
Chap. 11
Chap. 12
Chap. 13
Chap. 14
Chap. 15
Chap. 16
Chap. 17
Chap. 18
Chap. 19
Chap. 20
Chap. 21
Chap. 22
Chap. 23
Chap. 24
Chap. 25
Author's Note
Chap. 26
Chap. 27
Chap. 29

Chap. 3

91 5 5
By darling_bluebird

Dedidicated to @fallzswimmer for being an inspiration, talented author, and such a sweet person. Good luck with the wedding Ali! I wish you the best in everything!

Chapter 3

It took a little while for me to calm down and stop crying. And by a little while, I mean three hours. My mom came in to check on us once,and immediately teared up at the sight of me crying, and I tried to stop crying, for her, but I couldn't. The tears, they wouldn't stop coming. Xander went and talked to my mom. I don't know what he said, but it calmed her down. He's kind of a miracle worker with my mom.

After I stopped crying we just talked for awhile, about anything and everything. Then, while we were playing chess on my laptop, it popped up that I had an incoming skype video chat request from my Uncle Sam. I totally forgot about skyping tonight. Thank god we decided to play chess, if not I would've missed it.

“Uncle Sam!” Xander and I simultaneously shouted when his face appeared on screen.

“Andy! Xander!” He responded. He was dirty, and I could hear muffle talking somewhere behind his web cam, but he was still my Uncle Sam and if I tried hard enough, I could pretend he was here.

“How are you?” Xander asked.

“I'm okay. How's the team?”

“We're doing okay as well.”

“Would you stop being so humble?” I scolded Xander, even though it's a good thing, sometimes it's alright to brag. “They're undefeated.” I informed him.

“Great job! You keeping them in line Andy?”

“I'm practically the head coach.” We all started laughing. That's what I miss most about my uncle, the uncontrollable laughing, and all the time he's spent hanging out with us.

“I'm sure. Look at you guys, practically all grown up. You're juniors already. Xander's captain of the team, and Andy's gonna be our little homecoming princess.”

“No I'm not. I'm not even putting my name on the list.”

“You're not?” Xander asked me, as if that was the craziest thing ever.

“No. I wouldn't even win. It's pointless.”

“That is a load of bull. You could win princess both times this year and queen both times next year. And it's not like you have to worry about picking an escort.”

“I don't know guys.”

“We'll talk about it later. So how are things over there?”

We talked to Uncle Sam for a while, he said things are going well for him, he's stationed in Greenland. After we hung up, I sighed “I miss him”

“I know you do.” Xander told me, he pulled me in for another hug. “Its 1 am.”



“I'm not ready for sleep.”

“You've had a tough day. How bout I pop in a movie?”

“Sounds wonderful.”

“Okay.” He stood up and walked over to my movie collection. “50 First Dates?”

“Again? Well, I guess. I do love that movie.”

“I know. That's why I suggested it.”

“Don't lie to me. You love that movie.”

“Yea well.”

I woke up the next morning to my phone beeping loudly. I reached over and grabbed it, then turned my alarm off. I looked beside to find Xander, slowly waking up. It wasn't unusual for him to fall asleep over here, or for me to fall asleep over there. Our parents were fine with it, they knew we wouldn't like, do anything stupid.

“We missed the movie.” He told me in his morning voice with his eyes still closed.

“Nah. I caught a good half of it.”

“But not the whole thing.”

“Is this conversation going to end in you convincing me to watch it again?”

“Yup.” He replied, popping the 'p'.

“Get up weirdo. We have to get ready for church. Your dad will be here in about an hour.”

“Okay. I'm going.” After making sure he actually got up, I walked into my closet. I have a walk-in closet, and it's my baby. It used to be the upstairs bathroom, but I convinced mom to break the bathroom in half and turn half of it, along with the coat closet next door to my room into a big closet, and keep the other half of the bathroom a bathroom. Sure, it meant the bathroom was smaller, but I could live with that. What to wear? I finally decided on a blue dress, jean jacket, and cowboy boots. Then, remembering the conversation I had with Xander at mini golf, I curled my long dark brown hair and decided on also putting a waterfall braid down the side. I added some silver jewelry. Then I picked out a pair of Xander's extra clothes that he keeps at my house. I got a nice pair of dress pants and a shirt to match my dress. We've been matching for church every Sunday since forever. At first, our moms did it because they thought it was cute, but as you can probably already tell, the two of us have this weird obsession with keeping traditions going. It's kinda our thing I guess. After giving Xander his clothes and telling him to hurry, I went downstairs and made four servings of toast, one for me, one for mom, and two for Xander. After eating mine I ran back up to the bathroom to brush my teeth and put on make-up.

I try not to wear too much make-up, I prefer a natural style, but mascara and lip gloss have never hurt anything. Once I finish, I go downstairs to see mom and Xander, eating their breakfast, and decided to wait in the living room before grabbing a water bottle. Xander's parents arrive a few minutes later and we all head off. That's another thing, after dad died and Uncle Sam was stationed overseas, Shawn decided to take it upon himself to pick us up for church ever Sunday.

“Andy, Xander, what color do you guys like?” Lindy, Xander's mom asked us.

“Red” I said, at the same time Xander said “Blue”

We looked at each other and smiled “PURPLE!” We both yelled simultaneously.

“Aw. Good choice. Purple will make such a good wedding color.”

“What?” I questioned as I choked on my water.

“Mom. What wedding?”

“Listen, we just thought it would be nice to start preparing for you two's wedding early.”

“You and who?” I decided to ask after her words sunk in.

“Oh me of course.” My mom told me as though I could've guessed that, and in reality, I could've. Our mothers have been planning our wedding for years.

“Ladies, let's not pressure the kids. Remember, they tend to do exactly the opposite of what we say. I want them to be together just as much as you do, but let it happen naturally, we all know it will.” Shawn announced to the group.

Xander leans over and whispers to me, “I guess we're just everybody's OTP.”

“We must be perfect to each other.” I whisper back

“Too bad you only like blonde guys.” Xander replies, still whispering.

I just laugh.

Hello beautiful people! Technically, it is not Thursday, but I will not be home much tomorrow and I'm extremmely imaptient. I love you all so much. Thank you all for supporting my story! Seriously, when I looked at wattpad today, and saw I had comments, reads, and votes. I giggled, screamed, and did a happy dance. Yes, a happy dance. My reason for writing a story isn't about the numbers though, it's about gaining a family, and providing a family. Whenever I'm going through a rough time, I open up Wattpad, and I read, and I interact and that's how I deal with it. With the help of my Wattpad family. And that's what I want for all my beautiful readers. I want you to feel like you're a part of something, like you're accepted, like you belong, and I want you to know that you're important. You don't have to comment or vote for me to see you, for anyone to see you, just reading the story, you're already connected to the rest of us. And that connection is important. It means I already love you. So, if you're enjoying this story, or you want to give me a suggestion, or you have a casting idea, or you're bored, or you want someone to talk to, or you just want say something, anything, go ahead and say it. Comment to let me know what you're feeling. I hope you all like our story. Not my story, OUR story.

Goodnight everyone, and keep smiling. :D

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