Not Two But Three

By goldxnoir

146K 2.9K 265

Heartbroken Lily has a drunken one night stand with Corbin Madison one of Fremont's "classy" football players... More

New Beginnings
A Night To Remember
You Ask Too Many Questions
Brooke Ainsley
Here's To Fridays Part 1
Here's To Fridays Part 2
I'm Not Looking For A Fairytale Ending
When Reality Comes In
Doctor's Visit
World Comes Crashing Down Part 1
Lucie's Secret
What Are You Doing Here?
I Am
What Have I Done?
We Need To Talk
You're Strong

World Comes Crashing Down Part 2

5.4K 132 15
By goldxnoir

I awake to the sound of my phone buzzing. I knew I should have turned off the ringer, but after yesterday's events doing well anything has felt... bland. I mean one of your closest friends being angry at you and irrationally deciding your whole friendship is over, what could possibly be wrong with that?

I unplug my phone and check the time, "what the hell?" 

"What?"  Lucie moans rolling over to face me then rubbing her eyes .

"Nothing. Go back to sleep." I tell her, best not to keep wake her.

"Okay." She yawns snuggling back up pulling the blanket up.

Who texts someone at 5:16 in the morning? Like they do realize it's well 5:16 in the morning at some people need their beauty sleep. I rise from my bed and walk to the couch. I enter my password into my phone and open my messages.

Unknown number:

Meet me under the football bleachers in 10 minutes

Come alone

Confused I proceed to text back: who is this?

Unknown number:


I can't help form a smile on my face. Maybe the universe is on my side after all. My baby... our baby will have a family. My expectations aren't high, don't get me wrong I don't expect him to be the world's greatest father like I know what that would be like. But being friends with him couldn't hurt right? So this whole parenting thing won't be awkward.


I quickly change into an oversized grey hoodie and pair it with some black leggings. I grab my keys and quietly sneak out the door, trying my best not to wake Lucie.

My stomach rumbled for food as I was walking to the football field. Deciding I was still little early for meeting Corbin, I made a quick pit stop at the dining hall. Thank the lord they are open this early. It was like entering a ghost town, literally no one was there minus the workers there. I go up to the cereals grab myself a bowl and oh my gosh they have cocoa pebbles. I mean don't get me wrong, I always new they served them here but I woke up early enough to get them. 

After finishing my delicious bowl of cereal, I really want more but time was ticking. I'll come back after.

Arriving under the bleachers I look around and see no sight of Corbin. I sit down on the grass leaning my back against one of the metal beams, and scroll through my phone. But I'm quickly interrupted, "there you are"

"Here I am"

"You're late" he accuses me

"I'm late?" I say annoyed, he nods his head yes. 

I check my phone it's 5:25 I'm one minute early. Who does he think he is I'm on time. Hormones Lily. Let's not forget he's still Corbin Madison.

"You're now let's talk quick, before practice starts." He pulls me to a more hidden spot.

I jerk my arm away and push the little strands on hair covering my face away. "Okay what do you want to talk about?"

"How are you doing?" he mumbles looking around on the floor.

"Just fine. Now what do you really want to talk about?" I say bluntly. My stomach is begging for more food and I grow impatient tapping my foot on the ground each time feeling the grass brush against my ankle.

"Look..." he prolongs the silence before being cut off by the coach.

"Madison on the field now, we got a game to practice for!" he shouts, while the rest of the football team stares whistling and howling at us.

"Just a minute coach." I coach murmurs something under his breath before walking away.

"I don't have much time but I've decided to stay away from the baby's life"

It takes me a good couple of seconds to process what he had just said. It never mattered to me if he just rejected me, but to also to reject the baby, his baby. Would you look at that my baby isn't even born yet, and it will already has the same type of life as me... a fatherless life. 

I'm speechless and the words I want to come out about how furious I am just can't seem to form. He looks at my face, I assume he hopes I won't cry. But right about now crawling into a corner bawling my eyes out seems to be just right.

"Look are you even sure this is my baby?"

"Of course it is." Now he was speechless.

"Madison get your ass out here now" the coach shouts waving him over.

"Look I have to go, but if you need money for whatever you decided I can give it to you. But I'm just not ready to give up my dream." He turns around and walks away putting on his helmet. I stare until all I see in the small silhouette of his figure.


Part 2 is finally up!! Once again sorry for not updating sooner. I don't know when I'll update again but let's hope it's soon. Also I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. (if you celebrate it)

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Not Two But Three has reached over two thousand reads and over 50 votes this is insane, thank you guys so much!

~J 💋

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