Linked (James Graham/Reece Bi...

By perksofsteph

112K 2.7K 543

"The distance didn't bother me. The fact it started online didn't bother me. But the fame did." More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter Two

5.9K 127 11
By perksofsteph

James Graham and I had been texting each other for days. We had exchanged phone numbers last week and we were skyping each other tonight. James was cute but he loved to tease me sometimes. It had been a while since I'd smiled as much as I had done over the past few days.

As soon as I got back from work on Friday evening I headed straight into my bedroom and made myself comfortable on the bed. Anna and Faye were still at work so I had at least half an hour before they returned and intruded on my Skype call with James. I turned my laptop on and allowed it to load while I sent James a text asking if he was ready and he quickly replied with a yes.

I waited for Skype to load up before searching for James' Skype and tapping the call icon. I had butterflies as it rang. 'Butterflies' isn't a great description of what was going on inside me at that moment. It seemed too much of a pleasant word for this feeling. This was a fist-tightening feeling. The Skype call stopped ringing and James appeared on my laptop screen with the cutest smile on his face. "Hello," I spoke with a big smile. "Your dimples are adorable," he told me, making me blush. "Thank you," I almost squeaked.

James and I spoke for just over half an hour before I heard Anna and Faye get home. After about five minutes of muffled talking and giggling, Faye opened my bedroom door. "I brought home KFC," she told me, glancing at my laptop screen and grinning. "Is this the infamous James Graham?" she asked. My eyes widened and she walked over to me, showing her face on camera. "Hi James," she said, waving at him. He chuckled and returned the wave. I glared at her before playfully slapping her arm. Faye stuck her tongue out at me before she left the room and I rolled my eyes. "KFC? Sounds good," James commented. "It does. I'll just go and grab some. Back in a second," I told him before standing up and exiting the room.

When I returned James was on the phone to someone. He smiled as he saw me and held up his index finger, indicating he wouldn't be long. I tucked into my food, eating as slowly as I could eat KFC. I hoped I didn't look as unattractive as I normally did when eating. James soon finished his call and we got back to talking.

James and I were on Skype until the early hours of Saturday morning with very few interruptions from Anna, Faye and James' family. I ended up falling asleep while on Skype to him.

When I woke up, the Skype call had ended but my laptop was still switched on. It was 11am. I checked the few messages I had. One was from James saying goodnight. I smiled before getting up from my bed and looking in the mirror. My makeup was all over the place, as was my hair.

After much effort I had recomposed myself and headed into the kitchen. "Details," Anna demanded as I sat down at the breakfast bar, yawning. "There isn't much to tell," I replied. "You two were talking all night. I know there is a lot to tell," she pointed out as she made me a cup of tea. I smiled and said, "He's a tease." She put the cup of tea in front of me and grinned. "He's cute," she commented.

Anna kept prying for details but I didn't want to share everything. I wanted to stay in bed all day. "Guys! The X Factor is on tonight," Faye shouted as she ran into the kitchen. "Yes! I love Saturday nights," I replied, grinning.

The three of us spent the day watching movies as Faye excitedly counted down the seconds, minutes and hours until the X Factor came on. "Are you going to Skype James tonight?" Faye asked me and I shrugged. "I might," I replied, taking my phone out of my pocket. I sent James a text saying good afternoon before locking it to keep Anna and Faye out.

After Mean Girls I went into the kitchen and grabbed three cans of Sprite and a big bag of Doritos. I carried the crisps in my teeth and the cans in my hands. "Jasmine, hurry up! It's starting," Faye shouted. I rushed back into the living room and handed out the Sprite before sitting down.

As the X Factor started we all commented on each performance and talked about the judges decisions. I had to do a double take when a seventeen year old guy came on the screen. "My name's James Graham," he said. I blinked a couple of times and looked at Faye and Anna wide-eyed before returning my gaze to the television screen. My heart fluttered when he started to sing.

When he had finished his performance I took my phone out of my pocket and tapped the call icon on James' contact before putting it to my ear. As it rang I left the room so the girls were out of earshot. "Hello," James spoke as he answered the phone. I could hear the smile in his voice. "You didn't tell me you had auditioned for the X Factor," I said and he chuckled. "I don't want to get your hopes up in case I don't do very well," he told me. "James, you were amazing. They'd be stupid not to keep you on," I replied.

I spoke to James for a little while longer before returning to watch the Xtra Factor with Anna and Faye. I adored Sarah-Jane Crawford. She was gorgeous, hilarious and lovely to everyone. What more could you want from a girl?

"As much as I love you both, I'm going to have to leave you. I'm off to bed," I told Anna and Faye as the Xtra Factor finished. "Is that to sleep or to call James?" Anna asked. I tapped my nose and winked before leaving the room and heading into my bedroom.

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