Tom Holland Imagines

By peterprkerr

238K 3.5K 350

The work here is mine and under no circumstance does anyone have permission to repost to any platform, distri... More

Rules (requests, part 2s, etc.)
Prompt List
Free Fall
Sleepovers - Headcanon
Lipstick Stains
Clingy - Headcanon
Shy Smiles
Clubbing - Headcanon
Sick Days - Headcanon
Give Me A Week
De-stress - Headcanon
Not Quite A Morning Person
Musical - Headcanon
I'm Worried About You
Silent Treatment - Headcanon
These Days
Writing Inspiration - Headcanon
Comic Book Meetings
Hyping Up Tom - Headcanon
You Are In Love
Roasting Each Other - Headcanon
Refuge In A Storm
Mistakes Happen, Right?
What're Friends For?
Break Up In A Small Town
Have A Heart
Bottle Of Red, Case Of Blues
Anything For You
Coming Home
In Front Of You
Ghost Of You
Chasing Lonely (18+)
Bad Timing
Lonely Holiday
The Wild Hunt
Roses (18+)
Birthday Boy (18+)
Teddy Grahams & Coffee
Feel Something prt. 1
Yard Decorations
One Of The Good Ones (18+)
The Moment I Knew
Just Friends?

Maybe Someday

3.4K 53 6
By peterprkerr

Pairing: Surfer!Tom Holland x Reader

Warnings: Fluff, angst, a little bit of blood

Summary: He said "maybe someday." When is "someday"?

A/n: This is for a writing challenge on Tumblr so there's definitely a 500 Days Of Summer quote in here

You watched on, your legs hanging on either side of your board, lightly swaying in the water as Tom road out another wave. Tom's sight was set in front of him, watching both ahead of him and catching glimpses of the front of his board and the water beneath him. A pretty and peaceful smile graces his face, showing this is the happiest place in the world to him.

"You're staring." Harrison mocks, flicking some water up to as he's sat on his own board beside you.

"Isn't that like....our job?" You quip with a light laugh. "We watch and criticize him."

Harrison laughs softly, watching Tom put his arms up in satisfaction before falling away from his board and into the water. "Guess so, yeah."

"I'ma give him a four." You state watching as Tom resurfaces, his hand coming up first before his head, shaking the water from his hair.

"What?" Harrison questions, almost offended. "Worth at least a seven."

"Are we watching the same person? And you have to go hard on him. He competes tomorrow." You point out, looking between Tom and Harrison.

"Four's a little rough." Harrison tilts his head slightly, one eye softly narrowing.

"Tough love." You laugh, turning your head towards Harrison who's shaking his head, but a smile pulls at his lips.

It's become a routine, a tradition of sorts. The day before Tom competes, the three of you go to the water and spend a solid portion of the day surfing so long as the weather and water permits it. This means Tom can get that extra day in with you and Harrison judging him. He trusts the two of you not to go easy on him. And sure, it'll be different just as every competition is since it's unpredictable but the practice on the water and having to be judged by his stance and maneuvers and the waves he catches, everything. It's good preparation.

Tom paddles over to the two of you, sitting up on his board once he reaches the side of you. "Well?"

"Four." You deadpan.

"Four!?" Tom's face scrunches and he gestures a hand out, water flinging from his fingertips. "What do you mean four?"

"Four." You state but a smirk pulls at your lips. "You can do better."

Tom narrows his eyes at you before looking to Harrison for anything other than a four. Tom isn't the sore loser type but he knows full and well the wave he caught was not worth a four. Harrison glances between the two of you and truthfully, Harrison wasn't paying all the much attention. So, who's he to judge but he knows whatever he missed wasn't just a four.

"Sorry, mate." Harrison looks to you. "I'd say seven."

"Thank you!" Tom yells, looking back to you. "Fuckin' four."

"You asked!" You defend.

"You're just being mean today." Tom states but he's gaining a sly grin.

"Tom." You hold out a hand to him. "You don't you touch me."

Tom's grin grows before he pushes you off your board, you just missing Harrison. Your head goes underwater only to come right back up and you glare at the now laughing brunette with crinkled eyes.

"Uncalled for." You mutter, putting your arms on your board, looking up to him.

"Just like your score." Tom teases.

"Give me a hand, would you?" You stick out a hand and Tom knows you're just going to pull him back in.

"Nah, I'm good." Tom shakes his head. Your face falls, your eyes slitting at him while your legs kick softly under you. "Well, I've another wave to catch." Tom smirks, winking at you before he starts turning himself around and heading back from where he came.

Harrison offers a hand to you and you grip his hand. "You two have a weird way of flirting." Harrison says and you pause to glare at him before yanking him into the water with you.

Harrison splashes you and you splash him back, the both of you groaning and laughing with every bit of water that hits your faces. But, the splashing only lasts a few seconds when the two of you hear the crash of a wave and see Tom fall right into the water. You both grab onto your boards, kicking the water beneath you and watching for him to resurface, your heart in your stomach as seconds pass. And then he resurfaces, air coming into your lungs once more. Tom shakes his head, water flinging from the ends of his hair before he gets back onto his board, and gets ready for the next wave, unbothered by his wipe out.

Harrison looks over his shoulder and sends you a half-cocked grin before getting onto his board, you following right after onto your own.

"Is it flirting if we have no intentions on getting together?" You pick up where the conversation left off, your attention on Harrison who shakes his head.

"Dunno," Harrison shrugs, his rash guard just barely crinkling over his shoulder with the movement. "You both still on that?"

You tilt your head and look back to the open water where Tom is waiting and watching. "Yeah..."

"How do you do it?" Harrison asks, not moving his stare from you. "You shouldn't wait for him. You're better than that."

"Nah," You chuckle, ignoring the first part of his question.

You're not really sure how you do it so how are you supposed to answer that? It's not easy sometimes. Sometimes it hurts to see Tom's smile so bright and happy, a lightness in his dark eyes with every boyish laugh that leaves his lips. Wanting him, being in love with him, but not being able to do anything about it hurts and it's not easy.

"I'm not." You let out a half-hearted sigh with the shrug of one shoulder. "I know when Tom says maybe someday, that means never. He'll never be ready, not when sponsors keep wanting him. It's his life, ya know?"

Harrison nods. "Yeah, just make sure you're happy, alright? You like him and he likes you're right." Harrison pauses, his eyes on the water.

"I know." The smile decorating your face is sad, completely opposite it was just a few minutes prior.

"I mean," Harrison starts again. "He wants to be with you, ya know? He'll be ready eventually but as your friend, don't want you waiting around for him." Harrison says, looking back to you.

You nod softly. "I know." You repeat, voice quiet. "Tom wouldn't have told me that if he didn't believe there was a someday." You look back to the water, looking at Tom, blue rash guard covering his torso.

Maybe someday.

There was a bonfire being had on the beach. Music, food, non-alcoholic drinks, night surfing, a party right on the beach so of course, you, Tom, and Harrison were happy to go with a few other friends and Tom's brothers. You'd always attended the beach bonfires as long as you've been able to and this time was no different. At first anyway.

The three of you had headed out to the waters for awhile, catching a few waves here and there until you decided to come in for food. Harrison had gone off with Tom's brothers and you and Tom ended up by the fire, Tom's arm wrapped around your shoulder to keep you close and warm as you two were drying off. You shared s'mores and Tom's cheeks tinted red while your cheeks ached from smiling.

It really wasn't anything unusual, you both knew somewhere in the pits of your stomachs that there was something budding there. It was stolen glances across bar tables and the way you seemed to grow closer physically. Him falling asleep on your chest during movie nights while you ran your hand through his hair and his arm usually wrapped around your waist or shoulder, your head leaned on his shoulder. Somewhere along the way of being friends, that line started to blur. Not enough to do anything more than fall asleep on each other or hold each other's hand on occasion, something you did every now and then with Harrison. It was just something, somewhere, you both felt this budding and this night was like little roses of feelings were finally blossoming.

And it was like things were really gonna come out this one night and were going to become something. Something was going to happen between the two of you as you were fully dry, you were in Tom's hoodie and the two of you had ventured along the shoreline, away from everyone else. Silence had fallen between the two of you and one minute you're side-by-side and the next you're facing each other with foreheads touching and lips brushing together. It was something, but then Tom pulled away.

His eyes were sad and he promised there was something there and you promised the same things, questioning what the problem was. And it was surfing. He needed to focus on it, gaining sponsors and traveling. This is his dream. He can't do a relationship and risk putting his focus on you rather than the thing he's been striving for for most of his life and he swore he'd never give you anything less than a relationship that's equal.

Tom told you deserved better than someone who couldn't give you 100%. And you understood because you know surfing is his life and you'd never make him choose between the two. He's been open about not wanting relationships so he can focus on his career and his passion, of course, it wouldn't be different with you. You understood even though it hurt. But, then Tom pressed his forehead back to yours, eyes meeting yours and he whispered "maybe someday" and the two of you lingered there in the shadow of what could be and what might be someday.

Now, it's been a few months and every once in awhile, you and Tom find yourselves lost in a moment where he's not focused on surfing and you're not wrapped up in your own life and there's this single moment where "maybe someday" might actually be a day and not some false hope. But. that moment fades. Every time it fades leaving a sour taste in your mouth and Tom's. Someday might as well mean never but that doesn't mean your feelings have changed or Tom's. Just bad timing.

Your mind is pulled from your thoughts as you and Harrison see Tom stand up on his board, riding out another wave, this time the snaps of his board are harder, his stance is steady, and he's completely unwavered. The same glee-filled smile covers his face as he falls back into the water, arms out to his sides and all you and Harrison can do is shake your heads with proud smiles, cheering from your distance away from him

"Still giving him a four?" Harrison asks, still clapping as he looks to you

"Maybe I'll give him a seven." You quip, making Harrison laugh.

The day comes to a close and it's time to head home. Harrison had work and he had left hours prior, leaving just you and Tom. And now he's the one taking you home, you sitting passenger and him driving with you one hand lightly gripping the steering wheel towards the stop and the other hand holding it towards the bottom.

Tom's music plays quietly with the short drive to your own home but you catch his fingers and thumb tapping against the wheel not to the beat of the music. His tapping is rapid but quietly, nervous. His eyes are trained on the road, brows just barely knitted together while his mouth is pressed into a straight line. Without even saying anything, it's blatantly obvious he's nervous for the competition tomorrow.

He plays confident and overall he is. Tom knows he's good, he wouldn't be where he is if he weren't but that doesn't mean he doesn't get nervous for competitions. It's still his life. It's still his career. There are still other sponsors he'd like to have. Surfing isn't safe, either. There's that chance something could go wrong out in the waters. It happens. But, he has to push away all of those nerves the second his foot touches the water. Those nerves will weigh him down and his legs will grow shaky and he'll never even be able to stand on his board, let alone ride out a wave.

You lean over and tap the hand at the top of the steering wheel, gaining Tom's attention. He only glances at you for a split second with brows raised to show he was listening but you don't say anything. You open tap his hand again and open yours, him seeing the gesture from his peripheral vision and the most tender smile pulls at the corners of his lips.

Tom removes his hand from the steering wheel, readjusting the hand at the bottom to have a better grip and he slots his fingers between yours, resting your arms on the center console. You thumb rubs the back of his hand and the gesture alone is enough to get his nerves to calm.

He glances back at you once more with soft and gentle eyes before looking back to the road and your hair is tangled from the salt water. And he swears up and down you're the most beautiful person he's ever seen and there's always something about you, about how you just know what to do when he's nervous, that can calm him down no matter what. You don't need to say anything and he's glad you don't, you just know. You know and you hold his and you just are you. That's enough and he's so crazy in love with you.

When you get your house, Tom walks you to the door and without even thinking, your fingers are interlocked with his every step fo the way. The streets are quiet and the only lights around are the streetlamps and your overhead door light, the moon barely peeking out from a few clouds. Tom's got that boyish smile that makes your heart melt while he pulls you in for a goodbye hug and no one ever said platonic hugs last a certain amount of time before they turn into something else, but maybe they should. Because the hug is long and tight, and your eyes are closed while your head is buried in his shoulder, him smelling like boyish cologne and summer waters. And he's taking in the way you smell like your shampoo and salt water, your body warm against his from the summer night and long day spent in the sun.

"You're gonna be amazing tomorrow." You lift your head but don't pull away as your hushed words leave your lips.

Tom has a tender smile as he looks to you, his brows barely knitted together as he nods softly. "Hope so." His tone matches yours and ever since Harrison left, you've been stealing glances with a soft smirks and loving eyes, skipping hearts and heated cheeks.

Tom rests his forehead against yours, his hands falling to your hips and your eyes close at the same time. And it's like this. Sometimes, it's just like this. You'll have a night or day together and then it's like nothing really matters. It's just not worth it, to wait for the right time because maybe there's no such thing as the "right" time when it comes to being with someone you love.

You want nothing more than pull him in and kiss him and Tom would be dammed if he didn't want to pick you up and tell you how much he loves you with pretty reds and purples across your body. And just for a split second, you both think maybe you'll say 'fuck it' and just do it because your lips brush and it's this indescribable rush that almost knocks the wind out of the two of you but it's just that one second. That one second before you feel Tom's lips move.


"Someday." You finish his statement and your eyes open, his following right after and there's so much heartbreak and sadness in both of your eyes it's hard to tell which one of you is hurting for who. Do you hurt for him or yourself? Does he hurt for you or himself?

Right person, wrong time.

"I'm sorry." Tom says but he makes no effort in pulling away from you, as if he's hoping if he doesn't pull away, he won't have to.

Maybe his mind willl change, something will just change. It'll be easy. Or maybe you'll cut him off and you'll say anything that'll get him to just try this Maybe, there's a subconscious part of Tom that wants you to ask him to try because maybe, just maybe, he'd try to love you the way you deserve and live his dream at the same time.

"'S just somethin' I've to do right now." Tom whispers, his breath barely fanning over your lips.

"I know." You force the corners of your mouth into a sad smile because you know.

And you this 'maybe someday' routine better than you know anything. You set yourself up for this. You're not waiting for him, but you're not making any efforts to move on from him because maybe, this pain in your chest during moments like these seem worth it. It's something. Maybe it's the best you'll ever get with Tom even if you wish it weren't. But you can't ask him to pick between you and his dream.

"I do...." Tom pauses pulling his forehead from yours to better match your gaze. "I do love you, you know? Really." Tom says and this time his lips are partially pursed and his brows are pulled together in signs of regret.

"I know you do." You say back and you're both so quiet it's like if either you speak louder, you'll both start saying everything you should be saying.

Not this someday shit the two of you are aching to get rid off but just can't seem to. It's Tom's career, it's his passion, his life, his dream. But, he's looking at you and he knows that you're the only one that gets his heart beating like any other day on the open waters. Why can't he have two dreams? What's he so scared of?

"And I love you, too." You whisper, biting on your lip to try and maintain the calmed exterior despite your heart and bones setting a fire to your blood.

He just wants both dreams so bad but is that fair? Is this fair? Is anything ever fair? He chooses both, you and surfing and one of them has to get shoved to waistline sometimes. Tom has trained and literally put blood and sweat and tears into surfing, he can't give up now but he craves your touch with every second he's with you, every sound of your ringtone on his phone, every cornered grin you give. But, he can't give you everything, at least he doesn't think he can, and you deserve so much better. But this? This isn't much better. Foreheads together and lips brushing with lingering and bleeding hearts, begging and pleading to just be together. Even for a night. It's torture but you both keep putting yourselves through it.

Tom's hand come up to your face and it's the saddest smile you've ever seen decorate his face. "Someday."

You lean into his touch and nod softly. "Yeah."

That's all you can manage to say, anything else would just be too much. A line would be crossed and you cannot let him know how much it hurts to look at his perfect brown eyes and brown hair that's an absolute fluffed out mess without his usual hair gel. If you tell him, maybe he'll pick you and you know you're not the dream he's been striving for for years. If it's meant to be, it'll be.

Right person, wrong time.

"Goodnight, Tom." You place your hands over his and remove them from your face, turning to face your door. "I'll see you tomorrow. Make sure you sleep well, yeah?"

Tom nods carefully, running a hand through his hair, a chill running down his spine with the loss of warmth from you. "Got it."

You open the door and send Tom one last sad but soft smile before entering your small home, closing the door behind you. Tom stares the door and he hates the weight in his chest but he shakes his head and walks to his car.

This is how it is for right now. If you're meant to be, you'll be when it's right. And as for you, you're leaned against your door in the same state of mind. You want him and he wants you but you both want him to have his dream. It hurts and it sucks and it's heartbreaking but sometimes, that's just how it is.

So, you push off from the door and you head further into your home, going to your room and getting things ready for the surf competition tomorrow. And Tom is off to his shared place with Harrison, preparing to get what he needs ready for the competition and clear his mind, forget this moment happened. Again.


The sun beats against your skin, not a cloud in the sky above you while surfers wait for one final wave before the horn is blown to call the end of their heat. You're quite deep into the crowd, just off to the side of the bleachers, almost barely able to see but it's enough for your entertainment while you wait for Tom and Harrison as they're checking Tom in and getting him ready to head to water after this heat is over.

The events of the previous night have all put completely washed away as they usually do. It happens, you shower and mope for the night, and wake up the next day pretending like it doesn't hurt to see him for the first five minutes of the day and then it's okay again. You know the routine like the back of your hand and it's only been a few months.

"How's it lookin' out there?" Tom pulls your attention, his board under his arm, black rash guard covering his torso and Harrison walking beside him.

Your lips pull into an uncontrollable smile as you turn to face where his voice comes from. "Looks like you'll be having a good time today." You jerk your head towards the water where the three of you have time to see a surfer enter the barrel of a wave.

"Sick." Tom says, a half-cocked grin coming to his face before the horn blows from above the three of you.

"You're on." You look back to Tom and he gives you a nervous smile that soon turns into one of confidence and determination. "Good luck." You extend an arm and Tom quickly pulls you into a half hug.

"Be ready to celebrate after." Tom winks at you as he pulls away.

"You gotta win first." You quip while he starts walking.

"I count on it!" Tom says, looking back at you with a scrunched nose and cocky smirk.

Your heart fills with adoration as you watch Tom walk off to where he's supposed to be and your veins pump with bits of nerves and excitement. It's always a little nervewracking watching him in the waters. Accidents happen but above anything, it's always exciting. This is the thing he loves more than anything in the world and as his friend, all you want is him happy.

When he's out in the ocean, competing or not, it's like it's just him and the water. That's it. Him and the waves become one and it's like it's the one place on the entire planet he just be without a care in the world. You could watch him surf all day every day. And today isn't any different.

You and Harrison make your way as close to the shoreline as you can get to make sure you'll both be able to see Tom. The two of you take your seats on the sand, starting a quiet conversation about the night prior and how Tom seemed to be pretty nervous but he followed his usual routine and seemed to be fairly normal. Harrison might worry a little bit more than you do about Tom's safety out there, even if he won't actually admit it.

Before either of you know it, Tom's heat is taking to the water, paddling out to the waters and the group are ready and waiting for waves to come. Your eyes stay glued on Tom, as do Harrison's. And soon enough, a wave starts rolling in and the surfers start paddling with it. You and Harrison visibly suck in a breath as Tom and one other person seem to be the two who are gonna be really fighting over it. Luckily, it's Tom who gets to his feet, claiming that wave.

He rides it and snaps his board quickly before the wave starts to barrel and Tom follows it out. His hand brushes against the water as he follows it through and exits from the opposite end, snapping his board a few more times and committing to a few maneuvers before he's completely riding the wave out. And you and Harrison can exhale as Tom's score is said from above earning him an eight.

This continues on for the next fifteen minutes, leaving just about ten minutes left. Tom's caught two other waves while others have caught a few as well. You and Harrison don't pay attention to anyone's score besides Tom's and he's the only surfer the two of you set your full focus on, your conversation always stopping the second Tom gets to his feet. It's not an intentional thing either of you, it just happens. And it happens again just asTom is getting up to catch his fourth wave but unlike the others that earned him decent scores, this wave starts to break and one second Tom is on his board and next he's gone, fallen from his board and pulled underwater.

You and Harrison suck in a breath and you both just watch. He's wiped out before. It happens regularly. It's normal. But that doesn't make either of you less concerned when it does happen, especially when it looks like he's fallen hard. And especially when you both don't see him resurface after a few seconds. And really, especially when you see the rescue jet ski going for him.

"Do you see him?" Harrison asks, leaning closer to you but his eyes stay glued on the water.

Tom can feel the strap around his ankle pulling him as the wave crashes down onto him. All he can see is reflections of blue before it goes dark with white foamed water. It rolls over him continuously. His lungs burn as he fights to try and get any form of surface only for something hard to smack his head, making him yell out in pain beneath the wave, water flooding his mouth. His heart is thundering against his ribs and his arms are tired, legs still kicking and finally, he finds the surface as the waves start to calm and when he finally reaches the surface, a hand is already coming down to help him.

"No." You say quietly, your eyes on the water, watching and waiting, chewing the inside of your cheek until finally, you see the man on the jet ski grab Tom's hand.

The man pulls him onto the float behind the jetski, Tom holding onto the float and his board as they start bringing him into shore. The closer they get, the more you and Harrison get a look at Tom and see a bit of blood from his head. You're both on your feet at the same time without another word, immediately running over to where the medical tent would be.

It's all a bit in slow motion as you and Harrison move to find Tom. If he can hold on to be pulled back to shore, you know he has to be okay but that's never happened before. He's needed help before but his board wasn't broke and he wasn't bleeding. He got back up. He didn't place that time but he got back up. Tom isn't one to just come in unless he needs to. The fact he needed to, that's what's got you worried.

"Tom? Mate, you alright?" Harrison asks in a rush as you both reach Tom who's seated in a medical tent, a paramedic already working on him and his rash guard clutched in his hand on his lap.

"Yeah, yeah, alright." Tom reassures, his voice a little shaky as he glances between you and Harrison.

"You're bleeding." You state, brows knitted together in worry.

"'S alright." Tom says and you can see the disappointment across his face.

"It's a small cut, he'll be okay." The paramedic glances to you and Harrison, giving you both a bit of reassurance.

You and Harrison stand back and let the paramedic finish cleaning up the small cut that didn't even need stitches and wait for her to clear him to go but Tom's eyes drift between you and the sand beneath his feet. He knows without the actual words he's lost and it's a shot to the ego, sure but he really thought he could do it. Sometimes, wipeouts just happen. The wave broke and there was nothing he could do but hope he resurfaces and doesn't get caught in the wave. But, it's a little more than that.

He looks at you and there's so much worry across your face and maybe that's what hurts the most. It's really nothing. He'll go home and his body will be a bit sore from being a little thrashed around but other than that, he's fine. But, he didn't have to see it. He didn't have to wait for a sign that he was coming up for air. Of course, him witnessing a bunch of water pulling him under wasn't exactly the most comforting sight either but at least he knew he would be able to pull himself up eventually. You and Harrison just had to watch on and hope for the best.

He's lost the competition, lost the hope of any more sponsors wanting him today, and he's scared the hell out of you and Harrison. To say it's a bad day would be an understatement.

When Tom is given the clear, he walks over to you and immediately pulls you into a hug, his soaked rash guard getting part of the back of your shirt wet but you can't be bothered as you wrap your arms around Tom, his skin warm against your face as you bury your face in his shoulder. . You take in the scent that's somehow still him despite the strong scent of the ocean water still dripping off of him. And maybe, it's okay that you're a little in love with him today because he needs it.

You, Tom, and Harrison wait to find out who won before heading home, Tom wanting to congratulate who placed before leaving. He might be a bit heartbroken he didn't even place this time, but he respects his competition. But, once he's done congratulating them, the three of you head to Tom and Harrison's house. Tom asking you if you could stay for the night to which you didn't even hesitate to agree to stay. Tom just doesn't want to be alone and by alone, he means he just wants to be with you.

Harrison went off to his own room while you and Tom took Tom's room, Tom showering while you switched into clothes he loaned you. And before you know it, Tom's back in his room with sun-kissed skin, a small cut on his head, and damp but clean hair.

"Feeling better?" You ask, making room for him on his bed.

"A bit." Tom says, moving to lay beside you.

You roll on your side to face him. "You sure? Looked like it hurt pretty bad." Your fingers trace along the muscles of his bicep peaking out from under his t-shirt.

"Alright," He chuckles softly. "'M a little sore, yeah."

"I'm sorry." You give him a sad smile, scooting a little closer to him. "Sorry you lost, too."

"'S alright." Tom mumbles quietly, him moving a little closer to you while he extends his hand and his fingers dance slowly across your hip. "Always next one, sponsors from before still want me."

"Bright sides." A genuine smile comes to your face and it sends an uncontrollable warmth through Tom's body.

Tom closes the distance between the two of you, his forehead resting against yours and he can feel you exhale, as if this is something you've been waiting for. Tom's hand pulls at your hip, and your lips are brushing together just as they did the night before and it's been eating at him since last night and even more so when he saw that look at your face while he was in the medical tent.

Why does he have to choose? Is it right to even bring it up? Is that fair to you? He's always been worried that maybe you'd also be a distraction because he wants to give you the world as it is but if you crossed that line to something more, he will give you the world. But, he wiped out today. He lost today. And it didn't have anything to do with where his head was. So, why can't he have both dreams?

Tom leans forward and he's so close to kissing to you because fuck it. You love him and he loves you. He wants you more than he wants anything else and he wants both dreams. He just hopes you want him, too. Really, truly want him. But, you pull away.


"Is today someday?" Tom cuts you off and your eyes open while your head shakes, pulling away to get a better look at his face.

"W-what?" You ask, searching his face for answers.

"I'm in love you and I want you if you'll have me. I want surfin', too but y/n, I want you." Tom's brows are pulling together and there's a new kind of nervous expression, one that's just scared of your response.

"How long does someday last?" You ask softly.

He says he wants you today but is that because he lost? Is that because he'll have two months of casual rest before he starts up again? You want him more than anything but you don't want him temporarily. If you're gonna do this, it's gotta be real. It can't be half-assed. It needs to be something stable and real and serious. Permanent. All or nothing.

"What d'ya mean?" Tom asks and the tremble in his voice tells you how scared he is to hear your answer.

You suck in a shaky breath, your fingers no longer tracing the muscle of his arm. "I need to know that you're not gonna wake up in the morning and feel differently."

Tom's hand moves from your hip to your cheek. "I won't." His voice is just above a whisper. "I promise, I want you every day I wake up. 'S not gonna change, never." Tom's eyes scan your face for any sign of what you might say.

"I don't want you to regret it." You mumble, always knowing that surfing comes first.

"I won't, I could never regret you." There's a break in his voice with his words. "Sometimes, 'm not gonna be able to put all of myself into it, okay? But 'm gonna try everyday 'cause you're worth it and 'm sorry for not realizing it sooner, that I could love you and surf." Tom sucks in a breath as his thumb brushes over your cheek. "Everyday just gets harder not to be with you. I came up today and I thought of you first not the competition."

It's true. While thrashing around in the water, his mind was on nothing else but finding air but the second he got it, the second he got onto the float, you popped into his mind. It wasn't about the competition. It was you.

Fuck, do you want him.

"You tell me when I gotta pick up the slack, okay?" There's a kind but tender smile pulling at your lips and you've always been willing to pick up what he can't give you during competition season but you didn't think he'd want it. It's why you stayed quiet all this time and maybe you shouldn't have

"Deal." Tom says without question.

And you don't need to say anything else. Your hands come up to his face and you pull his lips to yours, finally being able to kiss him. Tom deepens the kiss, his hand going to your back as you arch your back, pressing yourself flush against him. And he tastes like peppermint from his toothpaste and it's like everything that's lead the two of you here makes sense. Someday wasn't just another word, or excuse, it was a promise.

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