Shattered Singer

By queenschreavee

111K 1.2K 673

Completed: What if America didn't find out about her father passing until the morning? What if Maxon didn't h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 3

5.5K 55 38
By queenschreavee

America POV:
It's been almost 2 months since I left the place. Almost 2 months since I lost Maxon for good. I've starved before. I've been freezing in my own house wearing layers of clothes. I've seen May be sad because we couldn't get presents on Christmas. I saw Aspen's brother get whipped. I've seen so many horrible things throughout my lifetime. And been through so many awful things. But these last 2 months have been the worst times of my life. It's been bad. Really bad.
Celeste has helped me as much as she can. I tell my family I'm fine. May calls everyday and I try and sound as happy as possible. But I'm not. I started drinking but it's not like I'm an addict. I only drink sometimes. So it's not that bad. I cry all the time though. I also eat a lot less then ever have. I hate myself a little more everyday.
I'm on my way to the palace again. Tomorrow is Maxon's wedding with Kriss. All the selected were invited to stay 3 days. The day before the wedding, today. The wedding day and the day after. Then we all leave the morning after all that. I wasn't going to come. But Celeste didn't want to leave me alone and I didn't want to stay alone either. Natalie lives in the same apartment complex as us, so Celeste, Natalie, and I are all going together. We've also become close.
I only have one plan. Just one thing I need to do. Avoid Maxon. It shouldn't be that hard I just need to stay out of the way, and stop doing stupid things.
I continue to think on how stupid I am and doze of to sleep like that. Just like I do every night, at this point it's a habitat.
I wake up to Celeste lightly shaking my shoulder. "Ames, wake up, we're hereee,"
I start blinking my eyes and force myself up. "I'm up" I say as if I never fell asleep. Earning soft giggles from Natalie and Celeste. I look out the window and see the palace getting closer. Until we finally stop in front of the great doors.
Outside wait Prince Maxon and Kriss. Prince Maxon wears a calm smile, and Kriss is practically bouncing on her feet.
Celeste gets off, then Natalie, and then I get off. I look up at Kriss and Prince Maxon and he seems happily surprised. We walk up to them and I avoid looking at Prince Maxon.
"Hello ladies, welcome back and thanks for coming." Maxon says clearly rehearsed.
"Yes thank you so much for coming and celebrating our love with us." Kriss says smiling so wide it must hurt. I cringed at her words, but tried my hardest to not show it. So I put on a small respectful smile.
"You will all be staying in your old rooms, with the same maids." When Prince Maxon said that I couldn't help myself, I looked up at him with a huge smile. I remembered that I'm trying to avoid him and looked at Kriss instead.
"Come on in," She said then looped her arm through his and walked inside, as we followed.

Maxon POV:
I still didn't know if America was coming for the wedding. Tiny, Ashley, Oliva, Briel, Tallulah, and Zoe have already arrived. Marlee lives and works here as a maid so she didn't need to travel. I'm standing with Kriss outside the great doors. One of the limos we send for the girls began pulling in. I was nervous not knowing if America would be in it or not. Or if she was coming at all. The limo stopped right in-front of us. The driver stepped out and opened the door. Celeste and Natalie stepped out, followed by America.
Damn. She was even more beautiful than the last time I saw her. She was wearing no makeup. Her face looked so soft and her eyelashes have a natural curl. I'd never seen her without makeup, or any of the selected for that matter aside from Kriss of course. She was gorgeous I could even see a few freckles on her. Her hair was in a ponytail, she wore a white top with straps, light jeans that were ripped, and white converse.

I smiled and made eye contact with all the girls. Except for America. She wouldn't look at me. I'm not too sure if it's that she's mad at me, or thinks I'm mad at her, or she's embarrassed. I'm just hopeful she'll look at me later.
"Hello ladies, welcome back and thanks for coming." It sounded a little rehearsed. Well it was I thought to myself. I've been saying that to everyone.
"Yes thank you so much for coming and celebrating our love with us." When Kriss said that America made a weird face but immediately coved it up with a small smile.
"You will all be staying in your old rooms, with the same maids." As soon as I said that America looked up at me with the biggest smile. Her eyes seemed to sparkle. Her beautiful icy, ocean blue eyes. I felt like I could get lost in her eyes, it was like a spell. But she turned away fast and looked at Kriss instead of me like she'd broken a rule.
"Come on in," Kriss said and looped her arm through mine and we all walked inside.

America's POV:
A few hours later....
After we walked inside we were taken to our rooms and dressed like the ladies I guess we ought to be. I was is a pretty light blue dress. Which hugged my curves.
I went out to the hallway and was met with Marlee, Natalie and Celeste. Marlee was in a pink dress, Natalie was in a light yellow dress, and Celeste was in a red dress.

It felt like we were in the selection again, even though it was the opposite.
"Are you getting these days off Marlee!?" Celeste asked super excited.
"Yes Maxon told me that he talked to the king, and it wasn't easy but I was pardoned for the 'affair' I had with Carter during the selection. So I don't have to hide and I'll be a lady again." Marlee explained with a huge smile. "That's great Marlee!!" We all said back. We made our way downstairs to the gardens to have tea before dinner. At this point it's almost 5pm and we'll have dinner at 6pm.
We were escorted into a part of the garden I'd never seen before. Damn the palace was really huge. There was a large circle table for us all to sit in. There were 36 sits. Only 33 of the selected were able to come, add Kriss, Amberly and Prince Maxon. I sat down with Marlee, Natalie and Celeste in the only sets left. To my bad luck they were right across from Kriss and Prince Maxon. Thankfully Amberley was only a few sets to my left.
Tea was torture. All of my focus was going into not looking up at Prince Maxon. I only spoke up when I was directed talked too, and even then I kept my answers brief. I wanted to talk to Amberly but I didn't really get the chance to. After 30 minuets of Kriss asking us a million questions, we all headed back to our rooms so we could get ready for dinner. I didn't look at Prince Maxon once even though that's all I wanted to do. It gave me hope I could ovoid him while I'm here. Although the actual wedding will literally be hell. I already know it.
I went upstairs and Mary put me in a full length gown. After I was dressed, Ann did my hair while Mary did my makeup. Lucy wasn't there at all. Ann and Mary said they were covering her shift for a bit. I'm assuming she's out with Aspen. I'm happy that they can be together. At least someone out of that stupid love triangle got their happily ever after. Maybe Prince Maxon did too. I wouldn't know. I don't talk to him and haven't looked at him. He probably is happy. Happier then he'd ever be with me. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard a knock at the door. I shook my head and went to open it. I hesitated a bit to open it though. What if it was Prince Maxon behind the door. What would I do then. I opened the door and there stood Celeste in a purple gown. Of course. Why would the Prince even think to talk to me. Me. The bitch the cheated on him and broke his heart.
"Are you ready to go?" She asked "Yeah, let's go"

We walked out of my room. As soon as we stepped out we stopped. Queen Amberly was coming our way. We curtsied and she smiled. "Good afternoon ladies, do you I can speak to lady America before we go to dinner?" Celeste looked at me and I nodded.
"Okay, I'll see you ladies there." Celeste said as she curtsied and headed down stairs.
"Follow me," Queen Amberly said and walked into my room. I walked in right after. She sat on my bed and motioned for me to follow. I sat down and fanned my dress. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I wasn't sure why though. I looked up at her and she smiled. That calmed my nerves.
"Look America I know your nervous, but you don't need to be,"
"Okay, I honestly don't know why I'm nervous." I said giving her a smile.
"I just want to talk about what happened between you and my son ,"
She must have seen my smile shake and heart drop because she spoke up quick.
"I know that we can't do much now, I'm just looking for clarity, for myself and most importantly you."
"Okay, what are you confused about?"
"Well, honestly I just want your side,"
"My side?" I asked really confused.
"Yes your side, Max already told me his, and your whole story." She explained.
"Oh okay, what do you mean by whole story?"
There was no way she knew everything. Like when we snuck out and I got shot. I doubt he told her the night we fought because I saw him with Celeste. The night I tried to seduce him. The two nights we did it. When I cleaned his back in the safe room. But maybe the rest.
"All of it."
"Oh" I still don't think he told her all of it and she could tell.
"Really Ames, I even know about the two nights you got carried away"
"What two nights!?" I said completely mortified.
"The nights when you has sex."
Oh. My. God. She knew. I felt my face heating up. My cheeks burned. I knew my eyes were popping out of my head and my face matched my hair.
"Um well, that was all, um look I didn't-we didn't, umm, we were safe, we umm,"
"America, look I'm not mad, well not that mad." She had a small grin.
"Yes really, but it is my job to give you a hard time, and ask all the questions"
"Umm, all the questions?"
"Did you use protection? What kind of protection? Do you think your pregnant? What drove you to go there?"
I was taken aback a little.
"Um yes we did use protecti—" I was cut off  "What kind?" I felt my cheeks heat up even more.
"Both times?"
"Yes, umm well no"
Her eyes got huge.
"Umm, well you see, the first time we did, but the second time we just forgot"
"How do you just forget!?"
"I don't know I guess we got carried away."
"Well I can't change that now, have you made sure your not pregnant?"
"Your son isn't that good." Oh god. Did I really just say that. To his mother!!
Amberly just laughed.
"So your saying he was good?" She raised her eyebrows and tried to hide her grin.
"That's not what we are talking about"
"I see, your saying he was great and you loved it" She burst out laughing and my face was getting hotter and hotter. Mostly because, yes he was great. But I wasn't admitting it, especially to his mother.
"Need I remind you we were talking about pregnancy not how good your son is or isn't in bed." She just giggled again.
"Well I did think I was pregnant, I was throwing up, my appetite was gone, I was really emotional, I felt like I was going to faint every five seconds, but then I took the test and it was negative."
"Did you go to a doctor, I had all those symptoms when I was pregnant with Max."
"Yes, last week, .......Can I confess something I haven't told anyone?"
"Of course dear,"
"Well when I thought I was pregnant at first I was upset, I didn't think I was ready to be a mother, I'm not even 18 yet. Then the more I thought about having a baby, I grew more to the idea. Especially with Maxon being the father. At one point I wanted to be pregnant, I'd always have a little piece of him. But now that I know I'm not pregnant I realize how stupid that was." I let out a light huff/laugh and looked down. I felt tears coming up.
Amberly put a hand on my shoulder.
"Look, it wasn't stupid, you two love each other, besides a baby is a blessing."
"Yes I know, thanks for the support."
"Anytime, now, what's your side of the story?"
"Aren't we going to be late for dinner?"
"Doesn't matter, I'm Queen and as long as your with me your fine,"
So I told her. Everything. My side of our story. My story with Aspen. And why I didn't tell Maxon about Aspen. It felt great to let it all out without interruptions. She listened she really did.

Maxon POV:
I was getting ready to go to dinner and I couldn't stop thinking about America. She hasn't talked to me. She hasn't even looked at me!! I want her to look at me so I can tug my ear. I want to talk to her I need to. I want to tell her that I'm sorry. I should of listened to her. I talked to Officer Leger and he explained it to me.
America looked so beautiful during tea it took all I could to not stare at her the whole time. Although I aloud myself 6 second glances. The dress she was wearing showed off her curves well. I decided to go to her room before dinner and try to talk to her.
As I was walking to her room I saw Celeste going down the stairwell. I didn't need another black eye. I waited until she left so I could walk to her room.
As I got closer to her room I realized she was talking to someone. Then I realized it was my mother! I got closer to the door so I could hear what they were saying. I made sure they couldn't see me though. I got a glimpse of what America was wearing and damn. This girl gets prettier by the minute.
I began to listen to what they were saying.
"—but it is my job to give you a hard time, and ask all the questions"
"Umm, all the questions?"
"Did you use protection? What kind of protection? Do you think your pregnant? What drove you to go there?"
I was a little confused. Why was mom asking America all these questions about when we did it, but didn't ask me any,
"Um yes we did use protecti—" She was cut off  "What kind?" I turned my head a little and saw Americas' cheeks flushing red, and I realized mine were heating up too.
"Both times?"
"Yes, umm well no"
"No?!" Moms' voice got really high.
"Umm, well you see, the first time we did, but the second time we just forgot"
That's when I realized we didn't use protection.
"How do you just forget!?"
"I don't know I guess we got carried away."
"Well I can't change that now, have you made sure your not pregnant?"
"Your son isn't that good." What?! Isn't that good. Was she saying I was good but not enough to get her pregnant? I couldn't help but grin at what I was hearing. Mom just laughed.
"So your saying he was good?"
"That's not what we are talking about" I could hear the embarrassment in her voice.
"I see, your saying he was great and you loved it" Mom burst out laughing My face was burning now and Americas' face was redder than her hair. I wanted to know the answer, we didn't really talk about if we were good or not. From my part I can say America was.
"Need I remind you we were talking about pregnancy not how good your son is or isn't in bed." Mom giggled again.
"Well I did think I was pregnant,— " What!? America though she was pregnant and didn't tell me!!?— "I was throwing up, my appetite was gone, I was really emotional, I felt like I was going to faint every five seconds, but then I took the test and it was negative."
"Did you go to a doctor, I had all those symptoms when I was pregnant with Max."
"Yes, last week, .......Can I confess something I haven't told anyone?"
"Of course dear," Oh. Oh. Oh! So mom can call her 'dear' and it's okay but when I do it I get yelled at!?
"Well when I thought I was pregnant at first I was upset, I didn't think I was ready to be a mother, I'm not even 18 yet. Then the more I thought about having a baby, I grew more to the idea. Especially with Maxon being the father."
That warmed my heart, she still loves me.
"At one point I wanted to be pregnant, I'd always have a little piece of him. But now that I know I'm not pregnant I realize how stupid that was." She let out a light huff/laugh. I could tell she wanted to cry and I wanted to go hug her. Mom put a hand on her shoulder.
"Look, it wasn't stupid, you two love each other, besides a baby is a blessing."
"Yes I know, thanks for the support."
"Anytime, now, what's your side of the story?" Ohh, so that's what they were going to talk about, not America and I having sex. Makes more sense.
"Aren't we going to be late for dinner?"
I checked my watch and it was 5 till' 6pm. If I was late I'd be in trouble. I turned a walked away, once I was out of earshot I burst into a run.
I made I to dinner with 3 minuets to spare. "Good afternoon ladies" I said with a nod. A chorus of 'majesty' and 'highness' fell over me. I patted father in the back, kissed Kriss on her cheek and sat down next to her. Food was immediately brought to me and I decided to eat without talking to anyone. I started counting the minutes America and Mom were gone.
After 18 minuets they walked in and took there sets. I finally got a full look at America's gown. She looked radiant. Her eyes were a little red. Not much though you had to really look at her to see it. It was more like the ghost of red left. It told me she had cried. Hopefully that wasn't a regular thing for her.

America POV:
After our talk, Amberly and I made our way to dinner. I could literally feel Prince Maxon looking at me. I ate as fast as posible and left. I excused Ann, Mary and Lucy immediately. Stripped me face and hair from any products. Took off the gown and threw on a navy blue night gown. After all of today's events I wanted to drink. I settled for crying myself to sleep instead. Terrified of the day ahead of me.

A/N ~Well that was a long chapter! Let me know what you think of the chapter and what you think will happen next, do you like the longer chapters and multiple POV's? Let me know, it took long to upload because I was living my life and writing in-between, hope you liked it, have a happy 4th of July and if you don't celebrate have a good day anyway,
Xoxo ~Mrs Schreave 💋
Ps~ 3473 words!!

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