California dream

By _ignorantlove_

126K 3.1K 3K

When y/n arrives in Hawkins she instantly hates the new town she is going to live in but when she meets a out... More

The arrival
Meeting MadMax
Trick or treat,freak
Will the wise
Dig Dug
The spy
The mind Flayer
The Gate
Suzie, do you copy?
Mall Rats
The case of the missing lifeguard
The Sauna Test
The Flayed
E Pluribus Unum
The bite
The battle of star court version 1
The battle of star court version 2
The battle of star court version 3
The Battle Of Star Court version 4
The hellfire club
Vecans curse

The pollywog

6.5K 171 75
By _ignorantlove_

Chapter 4

"Y/n...hey y/n!" I hear Mike yell from behind me as I'm walking down the hall. I got to school early today so I could watch max skateboard out the back of the school. I stop and turn to see him running down the hall. I walk towards him and he stops in front of me "Okay so the party and i made a decision and we want you to be in our party. With Will,Dustin,Lucas, Eleven and I"
"Awesome...Wait Eleven?"
"Yeah Ele...oh shit"
"Who's eleven"
"I'll tell you but you can't tell anyone else okay. Not even your mum" I look down at his words "not your dad. Or Max. Or anyone just don't tell anyone"
"I won't. Fingers crossed" I cross my fingers and look at him genuinely
"Okay.Come" he pulls me into a closet and tells me the whole story. I look at him with wide eyes "you believe me right?" Mike says still whispering
"Yeah, I mean it seems kinda crazy but the was very original. I believe it. I mean in a town like this a-all that doesn't seem so crazy. It could definitely happen" I say still taking everything in
"Thanks y/n. I was scared you were going to think I was insane"
"Never" I pat his shoulder "now I have to go watch a pretty red head skateboard so if you'd excuse me" I say opening the closet door and walking out leaving mike behind me
"Wait y/n!"
"What's up Mike Mike?" I say Turing to him once more
"You can be our...our buster"
"Okay so what are you than mike?"
"I'm our Paladin, Wills our Cleric, Dustin's our Bard, Lucas is our Ranger and Eleven is our Mage"
"H-how about max?"
"I don't want her in our group. Not right now. We have enough people in it" but truely I knew what mike was thinking. He thought a certain red head was Annoying and untrustworthy. I wipe the small amount of blood dripping from my nose and give him a fake smile walking towards the back of the school to watch the pretty girl skate

*time skip*

I look over at max who's looking towards will. When he looks at her she looks away quickly like she wasn't looking. Maybe the Red head liked the boy from the upside down. Maybe I didn't have a chance. I put my head down and try not to think about it until a certain curly haired boy bursts through the door, talking a fast apology over and over to Mr Clarke before taking his seat and turning towards the three other boys mumbling a few words before looking up at Max and I mouthing the words AV club, lunch. I watch as max leans forward in her seat Eager to what the boy is trying to say. Mr Clarke catches Dustin and tells him to join the class. He takes out his book before turning around again. Whispering another sentence. Mac holds a thumb up to show she understands pressing her lips together in a thin line/ smile. I giggle which makes max chuckle when she looks at me.

*time skip*

Dustin pops open his trap that was made to go alone with his Halloween costume. We all lean in close to see a small slug looking creature roaming in the small
Space. I raise my eyebrows in disbelief.
"His mane is d'Artahnan" Dustin states smiling down at the creature. After picking him up "cute right?" He asks like it's some sort of puppy or kitten I zone out looking at the creature until max snaps me back into reality "no,no" she says shaking her head before Dustin hands the small 'Pollywog' to her "oh, my god, he's slimy!" She exclaims passing the unwanted creature to me. I lift him up close to my face. Examining him closely before I look up at Will who looks horrified. And than it happens again. I'm snapped into what is most likely wills mind. Wills throwing something up into a sink, it looks like dart. But smaller than dart and I'm in the upside down. There's white dust floating around everywhere and I can hear something that sounds like dart. The bell rings knocking me out of my trance. I shake my head slightly hating the headache. I groan and go to lean down to grab my bag but I fall over onto the ground. I lay there for a few seconds before mike and Lucas grab both my arms and help me up. I fell myself falling forward again but Max is quick enough to catch me in her arms. I try to stand and look at the red heads face which I happen to be extremely close to. I clear my throat and pull away speed walking out of the room and to class.

We're in the class about to show Mr Clarke Dustin's discovering ( well more like max, lucas and Dustin are going to show him while I sit at the back of the classroom trying to think of what's going on) when mike bursts in with will and says it was a prank "we need to go right now" He yells
"Right now. Right now!" He screams. I stand immediately and run towards my friends

Dustin,Mike,Will,Lucas and I are in the AV club while Max is locked outside. I go to open the door but mike stops me and tells me not to right now. Max bangs and yells on the other side of the door "guys, come on. Can I come in yet?" She asks
"No!" Mike yells back

Next thing I know dart in rattling the trap trying to get out. When Dustin finally lets him out he jumps and runs towards the now open door. I jump the table and chase the small thing down the hallways but it's to fast. I've already lost it. The others catch up and ask me where it went
"If I bloody knew don't you think I would be chasing it still. You son of a bitches!" I yell frustrated. I sigh and run a hand through my hair "I'm sorry" I mumble before walking down one of the hallways of the school looking for dart. I continue walking and searching until I'm in the hall I start walking towards the boys locker room when I see the door swing open and shut. For a second I pray there's no one in there. I open the door and walk behind some lockers. I grab a broom just in case holding it up. "what the hell are you going?" She says when I jump around the corner after yelling
"What are you doing?" I say back "why are you in here?"
"I'm looking for dart" she shrugs
"This is the boys room" I say
"You're a girl too!" She accuses
I groan and walk towards the door and back into the wall
"Why does make hate me so much"
"He doesn't hate you. How could he hate you, He doesn't even know you"
"He doesn't want me to be in the party"
"Correct" I state continuing to walk
"Why not?
"Because he thinks you're annoying. He also says that we don't need another party member"
"We. So you're in the party"
She sighs and runs a hand threw her red hair
"I'm our Buster, Mike's our Paladin, Wills our Cleric, Dustin's our bard, Lucas is our Ranger and El's our mage" I state
"El. Who's El?"
Shit shit shit
" one"
"Someone or no one?" She raises her eyebrows
"Mike told me She was in the party a long time ago. S-she moved away" I lie
"She was a mage?"
I start to walk away again
"Well,What could she do? Like, magic tricks or something?" She gets on her skateboard and starts to ride next to me as I walk. She cuts in front of me "I could be your zoomer" she states
"T-that's not even a real thing" I try to get her to drop this whole party thing
"It could be" she fights back nodding. She gets on her skateboard again and starts to ride around me "see zoomer" she continues to ride around me
"Mind-blowing" I say sarcastically
"Come on you know you're impressed"
"I don't see any tricks. Your just going around in circles" I say as mike walks in and smiles watching us from afar, I may or may not have told mike about my likings towards Maxine after he told me about El. He walks closer until he's beside me
"If it's so easy you try it y/n"
"No" I state
"Why not?"
"I don't know how"
"I guess I'll have to teach you sometime hey?" She says winking at me "but first you have to admit this is kind of impressive"
"I think if I spent like all day I could do that" mike chimes in
"I could too" I say defensively
"I would give you a million bucks if you two could both do it"
"Okay you're making me dizzy please just stop" Mike states
"I'll stop when I join your party" Max spits back
"Come on just stop" he complains smiling while I just stare at max
"It's a simple questions. Am I in or out?" She asks still going around in circles
Max looks at me smiling as she continues to ride around. Next thing I know Max's skateboard goes flying and she's on the floor "Max!" I yell running over to her "are you okay?" I ask helping her up
"Yeah, Yeah" she says holding her stomach "I think so"
When she up mike comes over and puts a hand on her shoulder. I look st his hand and than at him and max. Maybe they like each other maybe that's why mike doesn't want her in the party. I sigh and leave the hall leaving mike and max behind me

After a while of just walking around the school I go outside onto the field to see will standing in the middle of it "Will?!" I yell trying to catch his attention but he's out of it. Looking up towards the sky. I run over to him and wave a hand in his face. No response. I panic and start to call his names, shaking him slightly anything to get him to snap out of it. That's until I'm in his head again and what I see shocks me

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