A Forgotten Friend Ticci Toby...

By VCReading1098

142K 3.4K 2.4K

Cover By: mrsagustd93 Y/N L/N-Age 19 She had a friend from her past disappear. People say he's dead. Others s... More

Eyeless Jack ⨂ Reader
The Nightmare
Kill them...
Silent Death
Slender Mansion
News Channel
The Incident
A Spark Of A Memory
Y/N's Contract and Plan
Hello Brother...
The Murder Of Jack L/N
"We're Family!"
The Song/Origin Of Character
Hoodie and Y/N's Job/ Drinking Time
Fanart 2
Killing The Cop
Fanart 3
Fanart 4 And 5
The New Pasta
A few questions
The Fight
Fanart Contest (CLOSED)
Youtube Channel!
Remember A Bully
"I'm here for you."
Ok So...
Regarding anyone who emailed me fanart
Wattys 2019
Character Q&A
4th Of July (Special)
New Partner/Jealous Toby
Contests Winners
Fanart 6
New Book!
Part 2 Out!


1.9K 39 21
By VCReading1098

Things To Know:
Y/N- Your Name
L/N- Last Name
N/N- Nick Name
E/C- Eye Color
H/C- Hair Color
F/C- Favorite Color
S/F/C- Second Favorite Color
-Y/N's POV-
Today was the day I'll get some of my stuff back. I know my apartment was sold from the matter of the 9 months I have been here.
I decided to find my brother and ask him if he put my stuff anywhere.
As I walked towards the front door to the forest I was stopped by E.J and Toby.
"Hey Y/N where are you going?" E.J asked me and I looked at his mask.
"Oh nothing. Just gonna go out on a mission." I said as I lied to them.
"We can co-come with you if you want." Toby said. I just looked at the both of them puzzled.
"Come one Y/N let me get some kidneys." He said and I sighed.
"Sorry but no. I need to keep them alive and torment them. Sorry." I said as I left them without anymore questions. Now just to get out of this forest and find Liam...

I went to the house my brother had and knocked on the door.
Please let it be him and not his girlfriend...
The door opened and I saw the eyes of my brother and I slightly sighed in relief.
If his girlfriend saw me she would freak out and call the cops. And I'm sure Liam would freak if he saw his sister killing his girlfriend.
"Y/N? What are you doing here?" He asked and I smiled nervously.
"Hey bro. So I have a quick question for you." He said and he sighed.
"What is it?" He said.
"Well. I was wondering if you or Ryan or Helen have my belongings before I went to that asylum. And if you don't do you know where it is?" I said to him.
"Oh yea we got your stuff. We didn't know where to put them so we put it back at our old house." He said.
I nodded my head and I heard a voice from the background.
"Babe? Who's that at the door?" I heard the voice of his girlfriend say.
He panicked a little and yelled back.
"It's...uh... the mailman?" He yelled back.
He turned around to me again.
"You might want to go quickly. Just go to the house and your stuff will be in boxes in you and Jacks old room." He said and I nodded and gave him a hug.
"Thanks. See ya." I said as I let go of him.
"Y/N. The stench of blood and death is all over you. And now me." He said and I laughed.
"Whatever see ya." I said and ran for it as I put my hood up running to our old house.

As I saw the two story house in front of me I looked at the bedroom window that belonged to me.
I saw the vines that lined up near the window.
I remember always sneaking in and my It of that window.
I always went to Toby's house at night so we can stay up.
I started doing that at 12 years old.
I went over to the vines and started climbing up them. Once I made it up I went to see if the window was open.
It wasn't...
I sighed and moved my hand back and smashed the window in one go. I went in and looked at the familiar bedding.
I look at my brothers side and sighed.
I wish I had explosives so I can explode this fucking room...
I noticed the boxes that were neatly stacked together and went over to them I dumped the stuff out of the two boxes and see if there was anything I really wanted.
I picked up the stuff I wanted and put them in the box. I came across these photo albums and I grew curious. I don't think I had these with me. I put them in the box and I think I got all I needed.
"Y/N?" I heard a familiar voice say as I turned towards the doorway and saw my mother with a knife in hand.
I just stared at her with full eyes.
"Hey mom." I said to her not caring.
She only started being in my life again when I was Fourteen. Even the. She got wasted on the weekends to the point where she couldn't remember how to move and vomited all over herself without moving.
It was disgusting.
"What are you doing here?! Leave now you...you-
"Murderer? Killer? Psychopath? Oh please I like being called those things so it doesn't affect me. You know this room is practically what made me become the way I am. Well more of the other person who stayed in here." I said as I glared back at the bed of Jack.
"Leave now or I'll call the cops!" She said and I immediately was in her face with a knife pointed towards her.
"Heh I'll like to see you try. I'll be gone by then
and you'll be dead the same way Jack died!" I said to her.
"Yo-Your the one who killed him... you MONSTER!" She said as she tried hitting me with her knife but I kicked her in the stomach and she went and hit the wall.
I crouched down to her.
"Maybe ask my siblings why I did it. They'll probably tell you..."
I said as I got up.
"Oh and maybe quit the alcohol. I know that you can destroy your life with it." K said as I went over and grabbed the box of my stuff and went back out the window.
Now just to use the same trail to Toby's house then enter the nearby woods and I'll be at the mansion soon...

I made it to my room and I took out my stuff I started looking theough the photo albums and none of the pictures where glued. They where in little folders and I took them out. The first one I saw was a picture of me and Jack when we were young. About 4 before anything happened. I saw a red marker and grabbed it and drew over the faces of me and my brother me with the operator symbol over it and jack with his eyes crossed out and his mouth turned into a frown. I did this to every photo.
While I was doing this the box fell making a loud thud and making all the photos I crossed out spread all around the floor. I ignored it.
I heard a knock on the door a few minutes later and and I shouted come in and I saw Toby enter. I got up from my bed to do stuff and I saw Toby pick up a picture I saw it wasn't crossed out and I took it out of his hand.
It was a picture of my siblings.

"Oh guess I missed one. I remember this photo... I mean I took it." I took the red marker and crossed out Jacks face.

I threw the picture back on the floor and walked away.
"Y-Y/N. Where did you get all th-these?" Toby said as he look up at me from a picture he was looking at.
"Oh well I knew my house wa gonna be sold so I knew my siblings must have moved my stuff. I found Liam and asked him and he told me that they put it in our old house. That's why I was gone all day." I explained to him.
"And I found all these pictures I forgot I had! Oh here you can have these." I said as I went over to the bed and grabbed a folder that said '9-16' on it then gave it to him. He looked back up at me with an eyebrow raised.
"Wh-What is this?"
"These are pictures of me, and you when younger. I figured you might of wanted to see these or something so I didn't do anything to them. Might help you remember some stuff." I said and He nodded his head.
"Can you please leave now? I'm gonna go look through more of this stuff. Ask me anything if you need my help." I said as i ushered him towards the door and once he got out I closed the door and I locked it.
I went back to doing more stuff for the rest of the night putting the pictures away in my desk drawer.

Art By: thisimyusername27
All art goes to her. Once again thank you Mariana.
Note: don't say anything bad about her art. Or say Jack is hot.
She'll respond to any comments.
She's like the observer. She watching all of you.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(Just a joke)

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