Heaven On Earth

Von LGLministry101

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It seems like just yesterday I was saved. Not knowing what to do next or where I should go. Little by littl... Mehr

The Author's Short Word
About the Author
1. Inspiration - Letting Go and Letting God - My Testimony
2. Inspiration - Letting Go and Letting God - My Testimony, Part 2
3. A Taste of What is to Come - My First Vision
5. Heavenly Animals & Heavenly Places
6. You Are My Cinderella
7. Miracles
8. Gratitude
9. Are You Ready?
10. God Has A Plan
11. Comfort For My People
12. Be Saved
13. Forgiveness and Repentance
14. Conversion
15. Protection
16. Prayer
17. Spending Time with Jesus
18. How Do I Seek God?
19. The Holy Sacrament
20. The Blessed Virgin Mary

4. The Wedding, The Feast & Honeymoon

55 3 2
Von LGLministry101


In Heaven everything is pure and innocent.  No sexual or impure meaning should be taken from this story. Please read with a pure heart and mind.

    I was listening to music one night and thinking about Heaven when I heard my lion Nala and my tigress Pixy roaring for me.   I called out to them in response and suddenly found myself in Heaven by my favorite spot.  In that very moment, my animals leaped upon me showering me with big lion and tiger kisses.  "Aww, I missed you guys too" I said.  My cat, dog, bunnies, chickens, and the rest of my animals surrounded me in a circle, all of them greeting me at the same time while I was lying on the grass.

    In the distance I saw two white horses coming toward us.  On those horses sat Lord Jesus and my husband.  I got up from where I was lying as they both stopped the horses right in front of me and got off.  I gave them both a big hug in welcome.  Soon after, I saw that my adopted mom and Papa were also there, glowing with pure light.  They looked ever so peaceful. Everything seemed so perfect and peaceful.   It felt like it was a holy day in the Heavenlies!  Even though I know every day in Heaven feels holy for some reason there was something about that day that felt more special.  It was a special day and I was about to find out why.

    The scene changed and I was being dressed into wedding garments, being prepared for the big wedding day. I was dressed into clothing that words cannot describe. When my preparations were completed, a beautiful golden carriage pulled up to take me to the main chapel. It was so big that seven people could fit in it at a time with enough room for everyone to stretch out, relax and enjoy the ride. When I got in, I saw my husband, Mom, Aunt Carol, Papa, and my (spiritual) brother Benjamin. The chauffer-angel was at the front seat and he chirruped the four horses to move at a leisurely gait. We all had our wedding garments on, yet each of them was incredibly unique and one of a kind. Not one of us were dressed the same and we all looked uniquely different. 

    As we passed the beautiful scenery of nature down the golden pathway, we saw in the distance the Lord's church and all His people. A huge cross was on top of the steeple and in the bell tower a big golden bell hung. The church itself was white and golden in colour... with two big way doors. Trees and bushes surrounded both sides of the church with flowers growing everywhere and a big water fountain in the middle of the pathway. Around the church was beautiful! Surrounded there was a golden fence with golden gates. As we approached, the golden gates flew open and our carriage entered. We then disembarked and went into the church.  

   The inside was beyond amazing. You could really tell that the angels put in a lot of work and love to create this. There were amazing designs and decorations everywhere! The room were filled with light. It was white in colour with a big altar down the aisle and a throne just behind it where God the Father would sit.  

   Everyone had their own assigned seats with their names on them written in gold. I was thankful that my seat was beside my husband and we both sat down.  

   Everyone went up one by one, to be given their rewards, crowns and to unite with the Lord in spiritual marriage.  

   It was finally my turn. Papa (my spiritual dad) walked me down the aisle and gave me to Jesus thus fulfilling his promise to me to do just that. 

   I want to clarify something before you ask. No, my husband nor I was jealous for the other when we were given to Jesus. Jealousy does not exist in Heaven. We were extremely happy for each other.  

   There I was at the altar fully united with the Lord Jesus! I was given a big bright golden crown and other gifts. These I received and went back down to my place and sat. Then my husband went, being escorted by our spiritual Mom where he was united with the Lord Jesus. My heart filled with happiness for him! I was then called back up and received gifts together with my husband. He was given a crown with three crowns levitating in the middle of it and our children were given halos. We then went back to our seats and sat until the rest of the ceremony was concluded.  

   After the ceremony we and all of Heaven were gathered in the grand hall for the wedding feast. There were angels, children of all ages, women, men, saints, prophets from the bible and the most joyous sights of them all: Mother Mary and the Holy Trinity!

   The grand hall was decorated in magnificent designs and colours. There were tables and chairs for kids and adults with a special table for God the Father, Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. In front of everyone was a long line of tables with pure white tablecloths. On the tablecloths was a whole buffet of food – of all cultures and of all kinds! There was also a substitute meat that tasted just like meat, but it was not. In the middle of all the food tables was a grand twelve-layer cake decorated with white icing. There were also sweets, fruits and chocolate to name a few. There were even things on the table for our animals to eat with us! Everyone could have any amount that they wanted and still have more to eat.

   There was no assigned seating at the feast. Everyone could sit where they wanted or go join one group or another. It was like one huge party full of family and friends where you could mingle and play and eat to your heart's content. The food never ran out. You could serve yourself, but you also could serve others. However, everyone was busy serving the others to even think about serving themselves, because someone else had already done it! Angels served the kids and cared for them at their tables. Other angels were even feeding others. It was finally my turn and I remember grabbing one plate of food and while I was heading back found I was carrying two! I had decided to try a lot of desserts and some food from different cultures. Nothing got mixed or spoiled on the plate and it tasted way better than anything that you have ever tasted on Earth.    

   After we were done eating the cake was shared with everyone. There was enough for everyone there and for every animal to have a piece! If you wished to have another slice of it another one would regenerate right on your plate. I ate about three huge slices before I was full.

   It was then time to head over to the other side of the grand hall where dancing, games and fun had been prepared. The wooden floors were polished to perfection. The decorations made the room feel peaceful and cozy to be in. Soon everyone was occupying their time with activities involving the kids and dancing. You could see both men and women dancing with their own Jesus on the dance floor. After all there is not really a gender in Heaven, you are just considered an angel and the Lord Jesus is Omnipresent! Even God the Father was dancing with His children. I saw it with my own eyes! God the Father came down from His throne and was spending some quality time with His children! I remember going outside to play with the animals and found I had grown wings. I flew up into the air and took a nice glide around the area. The feast went on for a whole day with the feeling of evening surrounding the time, though there is no night in Heaven.   

   After the wedding feast we were told that we were going to a one-year honeymoon with our Lord Jesus! When everything was set up, everyone left with their own Jesus. We bonded spiritually with our Lord Jesus in love and pure holy intimacy during this time. We got to know Him personally for who He was with no interruptions, and He got to know us for who we were inside and out. Yes, He already knows our heart and desires, but nothing pleases Him more than sitting down and letting us express ourselves to Him, and vice versa. 

   Let me share a little secret with you; remember all those times you desired something good in your heart? All the times you would sit and think about what Heaven would be like? What would be there? What animals you would like and the type of house you would like to live in? Well God placed those thoughts and desires in your heart so He can fulfill them when you get there! Another secret is that He never disappoints, and you can NEVER outdo the Lord Jesus! All your good works done on Earth, no matter how little, are considered a huge deal in Heaven and you will be rewarded greatly for it.

   On my personal honeymoon with Him, He took me on so many adventures and tours! I remember flying into space and standing next to planets watching them orbit. We went on adventures through the forest, savannah's, lakes, beaches and more than I could count! Heaven is HUGE and it will probably take an eternity to fully explore it in my opinion because God never stopped creating after the seventh day! He creates every single day according to Heaven's time, and sometimes He lets me create with Him. There is a great difference between Earth time and Heaven time, it is not the same.  

I realized while getting to know the Lord Jesus for that one year that He is everything that you could ever want or need. The love of God is the main source of all Heaven. After the honeymoon I met my husband and found that our love for one another and connection between each other was deeper than we had ever had before. Yet our connection and relationship with Jesus was greater than our connection with each other! So, we sat all day talking about the wonderful things that happened on our honeymoons. 

This is where my vision ended.


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